Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1364709-THE-STORY
by brass
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1364709
A place of love,peace,self healing,

There is a valley, a very mystical valley, nestled in the mountains.A place with only one way in and out.This valley is the place of "The Crew".They come here to replenish their spirit,their love of each other,and life itself.It has magical qualities,it truly revives and renews the soul of those who enter.The valley itself consists of lush vegetation,trees,and flowers of all descriptions.A stream,naturally heated,containing many pooled areas that are healing spas,the stream itself drains into spring filled lake that is cold all year long except for where the stream enters it.For thirty feet all along the side of the stream,and entry into the lake the water and land is continually warm.stretching away from the warmth all else is natural.The lake crystal clear,full of life.The forest full of animal life and fawna.Throughout the valley are many trails each trail different in its own respect and to each member of
"The Crew"for you see the trails all end up at a spa along the stream,at each spa a mist rises to give privacy to all who enter.The trails as I said are unique in that they all conform to the desires of the couples walking them,it fufills their pleasures.If another couple should take the same trail all would be different it would be seen through their thoughts and minds.A place for healing,preserving their being,their souls,all their spiritual needs are fulfilled.The climate of the valley is determined by "The Crew" if it be snow they need,or a soft warming rain to walk in,or just a day filled with sun and warmth,that is what they have.The sky at night is for all crystal clear,the stars are ablaze,the moon is bright,and if need be they can also view the magnifcent,"Northern Lights" dancing in the sky with its many colors flashing across the sky.
            There is but one cabin on this expanse of land,maintained for "The Crew".Inside is a Great Room,with a fireplace large enough for a tall man to stand up in,a working and cooking fireplace,the floors all wooden save a rug in the middle.the ceiling of the great room has crystal glass sky lights,so at night as you sit in front of the fireplace you can view the beauty of the sky above,or the sun of day,within the "Great Room" on the back wall all is window save the seat below the window, that also goes the length of the wall for all or one to sit at.Outside the window a large deck that overlooks the lake and valley below extoling all the beauty of nature that God has provided.Different seasons different views,Spring brings the scent,and budding of new life,as all turns green and  nature explodes with color,the newborn babes of nature,flowers,deer,bear,eagles,animals of all kinds bare their young.Warm breezes blowing in stir up all that is alive,man and beast.Summer brings to full bloom,the trees with their outstretched branches all painted with leaves of green,the flowers the vibrant colors of the rainbow,are fully exposed and open drinking in the heat and life of the sun,as the bees go flower to flower ever spreading new life pollinating all they touch.Now Autumn,that brings a beauty all it's own as you look across the broad expanse of the valley,it is like looking at a painters palatte,colors so vibrant and bright they scream out at you,oranges,reds,yellows,of all shades,as bright as the sun above,all is going into it's sleeping mode,to protect and preserve themselves for future  generations,to- re awaken,in the spring of life.Winter,ah yes Winter many see it as bitter and cold,but in reality,it is the blanket that protects all below it.The snow is pure white,it sparkles like crystal as the sun dances across the sky,and reflects off the icy cold powder...looking out in the morning as the sun rises over the lake and valley,there is a mist, warmth meeting cold,, it is like a screen hiding the beauty of the valley til the sunrise is complete and all is clear and then it happens the true beauty of the undisturbed snow glistening like crystals almost blinding; a beauty to treasure none like you have ever seen before,all this is found but one one place, the valley,the "Crews" valley."Shanendoah".
Spread in front of the fireplace over sized pillows for all to rest upon,listening to the music of their choice each couple hears their own music without disturbance from the others,for you see this is magical no one hears the others music unless they choose to,a full wine cellar is available to all as well as a full bar.They never want for anything while in the valley all is provided,also in the cabin are designated rooms for each couple,a name and symbol above each door." The Rose"a rose,"The Hayloft",a barn,"Wendy",a blowpop,"Soulmates",a harley logo.There are other rooms,but these are the main ones.The main four all corner rooms,with a panoramic view of the valley,each room has a double corner window allowing for the view.A fireplace in each room,as well as it's own balcony to sit outside,private bath,crystal skylight,king size bed with down comforters,and many other ammenities,to soothe the soul.
    A large barn is also in the valley,it houses the horses belonging to the crew,as well as four Chestnut Draft horses,Clydesdales to be exact,to draw the sleigh through the winter snows,as they enjoy the many trails around the lake and through the valley,it can carry them swiftly or slowly whatever pace they choose,for it matters not,time is not an object of worry,time has no place here.As it is winter in the valley they have all decided to go for a sleigh ride,the sun is bright,the newly fallen snow is sparkling like diamonds as the rays of the sun grace the canvas of snow upon the ground.Misty and Bob,Becca and Steve,Judy and Bob,Julie and Bob,meet the crew; they all climb aboard to take a tour of their paradise.The ride will take them around the lake and through the many trails,the ride not for adventure but for peace of mind and soul.As the horses pull them through ,the snow being kicked up glistens bright,and goes along with the sound of the bells upon each horse,bringing to mind a scene from one of "Norman Rockwells" paintings.As the sleigh comes back closer to the cabin,it makes four stops that lead to different trails,one by one each couple disembarks to take the lovers walk on their chosen trail.Each trail holds something different and significant to each couple,be it a special view they would like,or an opening of the trail into a meadow,full of life,or the Northern Lights dancing across the sky,whatever it is they feel a need for it appears.As they get closer to the end of the trail all lead to the warm stream and a natural spa that is  away from all others,a mist rises above and around the spa caused by the meeting of warm air to cold,so as they disrobe and enter they are not visible to others,not a heavy mist just enough to obscure the view and allow privacy.A nice refreshing bit of warmth to rejuvinate the body,a glass or two of wine to warm the soul,for thirty feet around all is lush and green,with flowers of many colors,and lush green grass,allowing for them to sit and relax,upon exiting the spa.They sit and hold each other speaking words of love,kissing and carressing as all lovers do,rejuvinating their love one for the other.As sundown approaches they leave arm in arm returning to the cabin,for dinner,at a table fit for a king.After dinner some drinks in front of the fireplace,the sky is clear the stars are ever so bright,lighting the ground below,and if you watch the sky you are sure to see some falling stars,maybe even a meteorite shower.The day has been long and it is now time to retire.They say their goodnights,and go to their respective room.Misty and Bob,"The Rose",Becca and Steve,"Wendy",Judy and Bob,"The Hayloft",Julie and Bob,"Soulmates".In the morn they will arise to a new day maybe,Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter,but one thing it never will be is dull.A place for Love,a place for Lovers,peace and cotentment,is all that exists in " The Valley".

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