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this is a christmas play |
THE COMING OF A KING Scene one: Stage setting: two men coming out of the synagogue talking. Narrator: (starts before scene begins) Since the dawn of mankind all of creation has yearned for redemption. Could it be that the time had finally arrived? Joseph and Jonathan enter the stage from the synagogue. Jonathan: Rabbi Samuel sure does believe the time is right for the Messiah to come. Joseph: Yea, he does but it has been hundreds of years since we have heard anything from God. Do you really believe God is going to ever send us a Messiah? Jonathan: Yes, Joseph I do. The Prophets have foretold of the Messiah and that he will come from the line of David. (pauses and looks at Joseph) hey wait a minute aren’t you from the line of David? Joseph: Yea, so what. What does that have to do with anything? Jonathan: YOU COULD BE THE FATHER OF THE MESSIAH! Joseph: Yea right. (the two walk out and the lights go down) The over head comes on with Galatians 4: 4-5 come on the screen and the music begins. 4. But when the fullness of the time has come, God sent forth his some, born of a woman, born under the law, 5. to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. O COME O COME EMMANUEL BEGINS TO PLAY. DANCERS BEGIN Scene two : CHRIST COMES TO THE WORLD: Stage setting: the inn keepers are in the center of the stage. A stable is just behind the innkeepers in the center of the stage. Narrator: The angel of the lord has appeared to both Mary and Joseph. They both have realized the awesome responsibility of what they have been called to do. They are now making their way to the small town of Bethlehem to make their census. The music begins as Mary and Joseph make their way toward the innkeepers at Bethlehem Inn. Mary, Joseph and the innkeepers act out the beginning of the song. About mid way of the 1st Chorus Mary and Joseph walk toward stables. Mary sits down on a chair in the stable, Joseph fades into the back ground. Mary begins her drama with the angel. Scene Three: Stage setting: Mary has just had Jesus, she and Joseph are sitting in the stable holding the baby. Joseph reaches out to Mary and takes baby Jesus from Mary’s arms and begins to cradle and rock with him. Joseph reaches over and strokes Mary’s face with tenderness. Narration: Now that Jesus has been born Joseph is struggling with realization of what God has called him to. Joseph: Oh Mary, he is so beautiful, and so small, who am I to give the son of God what he needs? Mary: (reaches over and touches Joseph’s hand) Joseph, don’t you remember what the angel of the Lord said to you? God would not have chosen you if he didn’t already know what kind of man you were. He knew you were the one to help raise his son here on this earth the one he would call daddy. The lights fade on Mary as Joseph stands with the baby and walks away from Mary. JOSEPHS SONG BEGINS TO PLAY. Scene four: Stage Setting: the Shepard’s the three kings the angels and the manger scene. Narrator: The Christ child has been born. The Shepard’s and the three kings have been visited by an angel and are making their way to Bethlehem. The angel of the Lord who has stood watch over the new born baby is in awe of the beauty of this new born King. O HOLY NIGHT BEGINS, the Shepard’s and the kings begin making their way toward the center of the stage with an angel following behind them. The Angel that stood watch over baby Jesus comes down from the rafters and begins to dance as the song progresses to the end the other angels join her. At the end of O holy night, the Shepard’s and the kings stand behind Mary and Joseph. Scene five: Stage setting: every body is on stage around the manger. Joseph is holding baby Jesus and holding Mary’s hand. Narrator: NO LIGHTS! NO FANFARE! NO RED CARPET! NO PAPARAZZI! THE KING OF ALL GLORY HAD BEEN BORN! WHERE WAS THE ROYAL WELCOME? WHERE WERE THE ROYAL GUESTS? INSTEAD OF A PALACE…A STABLE INSTEAD OF FANFARE… A MEAGER WELCOME INSTEAD OF A KING AND QUEEN FOR PARENTS… A CARPENTER AND A VIRGIN TEENAGER GOD COULD NOT HUMBEL HIMSELF ANYMORE THAN HE DID! AND ALL OF IT WAS TO SHOW HOW MUCH HE LOVED US! (PAUSE) WHAT A STRANGE WAY TO SAVE THE WORLD! A STRANGE WAY TO SAVE THE WORLD BEGINS. Someone silently acts out the song. The manger scene is still. The spot light is placed on each individual through out the song. Song ends everyone leaves the stage. The Pastor comes on stage. Scene six: all dancers, mimes and signers come back on stage to perform THE ANGELS MEDLEY. They performers will change clothes. |