Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1362983-Slumber-Party-Murderer
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Young Adult · #1362983
I wrote this story quite a fer years ago about me and my friends...
Emily slowly trudged up the steep hill to her house. It was almost dark and the street lamps had started to come on. A cold winter wind blew as she pulled the sleeves of her aqua-blue jumper further down. She looked up at the darkening sky. The moon was a yellowish color. It cast an eerie glow over the areas where the streetlights didn’t reach. Pat. Pat. Pat. What’s that noise? Footsteps? My footsteps? She stopped but still heard the noise. She turned around quickly. No one was there. It’s just my imagination. But she still quickened her pace. She got to the side door of her house and pulled a loose strand of hair out of her face while looking for her keys in her purse. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. She heard the footsteps again and she knew for sure, it wasn’t her or an echo. She heard a door open and close quickly. Probably next-door she thought to herself. She finally found the keys. She opened the door and stepped inside. The house was dark. Emily was surprised at how she felt slightly scared of her own home. She figured it probably had something to do with her parents being away for the weekend. She found the light switch and flicked it on.

“Surprise!” Emily was so shocked at her friends there that she stumbled back into the doorframe.

Then Michelle Barrington spoke up. “We thought we should have a slumber party since your parents aren’t here so you’re not by yourself.”

Emily Weatherall looked at her friends with her soft brown eyes and said to them, “Thanks.” Then she saw Melissa Taylor. “How’d you get here so fast? I was just at your place.”

“I followed you and slipped through the front door while you were busy with the side one.”

Later she found herself talking to Alana Garad and Cathleen Bollard.

“I wonder where Kathlene has gotten to?” Cathleen said, “She said she was going outside to get some fresh air an hour ago.”

“Dunno lets go have a look.” Alana replied. The three of them went outside and saw Kathlene sitting against the railing. Emily took a step forward and heard a squishing noise. She screamed. Everyone came rushing out of the house. Melissa took one look at Kathlene, turned, fell to her knees and vomited at Rebecca Tapper’s feet. They all went back inside.

“What are we going to do?” Kayla O’Hare asked the group. Emily turned to look at her while everyone else stared at the carpet.

“Kayla what’s on your nightshirt?” Emily asked her.


“How’d it get there?”

“Nosebleed,” By then everyone was staring at her, “You don’t think? Oh my god. You’ve all lost it. I swear I didn’t do it.” Everyone just stared at her.

“Where’s the phone Em?” Katherine Leigh asked breaking the tension.

“On the bench.” She replied. Katherine walked over and picked up the receiver. Her face fell at what she heard.

“There’s no tone. There’s no damn tone. The phone is dead,” Katherine yelled out. Everyone started yelling.

“Stay calm,” Emily said taking charge. “Find a partner and stay with her for safety. OK. Now we need to see if there’s any clues around Kathlene. Mel you stay inside with your partner.”

Sara Milward spoke up, “I can’t go back out there.”

“OK. You swap with Micki and stay with Mel then.” The other eight went out.

“Look! In the bush,” Amy Monsma said pointing to a kitchen knife.

“Where was she cut?” Cathleen asked. No one moved to look so Emily swallowed, though it was hard to because her throat had gone cotton dry, she took a step forward and looked at Kathlene.

“Her throat. Someone cut her…” She didn’t finish the sentence because they heard a scream from inside where Melissa and Sara were. They ran inside. Katherine got to Melissa first.

“What’s the mat...” She stopped mid-sentence as she saw what Melissa was looking at. Sara was in the middle of the kitchen with a bright red puddle forming around her. The blood was spilling down from her neck and staining her white top.

“How’d it happen?” Emily asked her.

“I don’t know? I lent on the bench and knocked a cup off on the other side so I grabbed a tea towel and ducked down to clean it up. When I stood up again I started coming around to hang it up and I saw Sara like that.”

“What’s that on her head?” Rebecca asked pointing at Sara.

“I don’t know?” Emily stepped forward. “It looks like a moon. Everyone wait here I’ll go check Kathlene.” She went out but couldn’t see Kathlene’s face without going and lifting her head. So she tiptoed around the blood and lifted her head. She also had a moon on her head. She went to the door and called in, “Someone bring me a cloth or something.” Michelle handed one to her. She went over to the bush and picked up the knife. “Does anyone see the other knife?” She asked the others. They started looking.

“Here it is. It’s here by our things,” Alana called. Emily went and got it and took it to the table with the other one. It was slightly smaller than the first but just as sharp. She looked at the stain on the carpet. It was near Kayla’s stuff. Melissa looked to where Emily was looking.

“It was near your things.” She accused Kayla.

“I didn’t do it. I was outside.”

“Tie her to a chair.” Melissa yelled. So they did. Ring. Ring.

“My mobile! I forgot I had it.” Michelle said. They rang the police and went to Emily’s room to wait. They left Kayla tied to a chair in the lounge room.

A minute later they heard a scream mixed with sirens. They saw Alana standing over Kayla, whose chair had fallen backwards. The police burst in. Emily ran to untie Kayla.

“The chair saved me by falling.” She said before she fainted. The police grabbed Alana and as they dragged her away she yelled,

“Now you know why people call me LOONa.”
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