Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1361543-Sacreds-Tome-part-one
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1361543
Kayl must learn to control his ancient magical powers.still a work in progress...
It was a day like any other, wandering through the woods. There was a slight chill in the air and a strange fog covered the forest floor. I decided to camp near a clearing, because I knew something was nearby. I didn’t want to be an easy target but if I needed to I could use the clearing for room to fight.

It was dusk by the time I had camp set up. Before I went into the tent something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. In the setting light I saw something silhouetted through the fog. For a moment I just stared, unblinking. I started for my dagger but I realized it wasn’t moving. After twenty minutes it still hadn’t moved. I decided to rest and go check it out in the morning.

I woke early in the afternoon. The strange fog still covered the forest floor. I reached for my dagger and strung it to my belt. Suddenly I was bolted awake and stared into the clearing. It was still there only this time it was different. The fog changed color from red to blue then green and purple as it swirled around the thing in the clearing. Then it moved, it took a step toward me. The fog all around me cleared as the creature took yet another step toward me.

I looked down and saw nothing. No fog, no grass not even earth. The trees around me darkened as the ground devoured them. Then I felt a tremor and slowly, knowingly, I turned toward the clearing. It was standing mere feet away from me and as I stared into its eyes, I realized it had begun…..

I awoke slowly at first but then I remembered what had happened. My eyes opened wide as I reached for my dagger, but it wasn’t there. I looked around to get my bearings. I was in a room with several beds lined up against the wall. “How are you?” came a voice from the corner. I quickly turned to see who this was. I saw a young girl sitting in a chair, she looked like a nurse. “Where am I?” I asked. “A small hospital near the edge of the forest” she replied, “I found you unconscious in a clearing. You can leave anytime you want, you aren’t hurt.”
“Thank you” I said as I got up. The nurse handed me my gear and I left.

I must find out if it really has begun. Ill have to travel south to the Tristar Islands, I know someone there who owes me a favor.

Three days into the trip I heard something. I tried to see what is was but I couldn’t see anything outside of the firelight. I stared into the darkness straining to see. I looked up and smiled, “hello old friend” I said to the hawk perched in one of the trees. The hawk flew down and began to transform into an elderly man wearing a black cloak and holding an ornately carved staff. “You shouldn’t use the term ‘old’ so lightly boy, you know very well you’re just as old as I am” said the old man with a grin. “Yes but I don’t look it” I replied with the same friendly grin.

We sat by the fire as I explained what had happened in the forest. “So it really has begun” said the elderly man. “So what did you need me for?” I asked. He pulled two swords from his belt and handed them to me. They were thin but very sharp. Each was about three feet long. “I must go” said the elder and he transformed into a hawk and flew off. I sheathed the swords and strapped them to my belt, then fell to sleep.

It was the fifth day of my journey and I had finally reached the port. Now all I have to do is get a boat. I went to the docks to see if there were any boats still available but they had already sailed off. They wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. I went to a good looking inn called the ‘Iron Dragon’; I must have walked into a party because I was bombarded with music, laughter and excitement. Suddenly all went silent, I looked around and it was as if time stood still. Then I saw it again, fog covered the floor and all went black……

When I woke I was blinded by the morning sun. I must have collapsed and fainted on the floor of the inn. As I sat up I looked around and saw many people sleeping where they sat, beer still in hand. I went to check out the docks and sure enough the whole dock was covered with people unloading cargo. I saw the captain bellowing orders to his crew. “Captain” I yelled as he turned my way, “can I purchase a ride to the Tristar islands?” I asked. “That depends on how much you’d be willin to pay, boy.” He replied in a calm but stern voice.
“Ill give you twenty gold”
“You got a deal” said the captain as he shook my hand and brought me aboard.

We had set sail about eight hours ago and the sun was beginning to set.
“So what business do you have at the isles?” asked the captain

“I have something to take care of” I replied

“I must warn you this ship has a bit of a reputation for attracting trouble, this won’t be a safe voyage”

“Soon nothing will be safe, it has awakened.”
The captains’ face went grim, “So it really has begun. The E-” He was cut off by the sudden lurch of the boat. A thick fog covered everything in a veil. This fog was different than the fog the creature brought. The moonlight was engulfed in the thick grey fog. I heard the captain yelling orders but then the boat lurched again as a huge wave crashed into its side. Something had jumped out of the water, something big. I heard the *crack* of the mast as it fell toward the water.

The beast had hit the mast as it jumped over the ship. “Ready the cannons” yelled the captain, but somehow I knew they wouldn’t work. I pulled out the two swords I had been given and realized there was something indented into each blade. I couldn’t tell what it meant, they were just lines. Then, suddenly the light from a lantern reflected off one blade and onto the other. I realized that each sword had part of each letter on it. I read aloud, “Tigado zon rachi lenk obok seg agar edes kor” (I summon the elemental power of Fire, Water, Air and earth)

Suddenly lightning lunged from the blades and struck the water. Huge pillars of rock sprung from the depths of the hissing ocean. The fog swirled away into several howling hurricanes. Fire rained from the skies creating a mist as the hurricanes devoured it. The four towering pillars of rock twisted together and launched into the sky. Water spun around the pillars and followed them into the clouds.

I was deafened by a terrible roar of power. Then something Massive tore through the blanket of clouds in the night’s sky. I stared in awe at what I was seeing. A huge black dragon floating in midair, its eyes burned a fiery red. Its claws were made of diamond. Its razor sharp teeth glowed with electricity, the scales near the end of its tail shined blue like the ocean.

The monster jumped from the water. I could see it clearly now. It was an enormous sea serpent, big enough to swallow the dragon whole.

The dragon dived down and bit the beast sending electricity through its body and lighting the sea around us with an eerie glow. The serpent swung around and bit the dragon. I heard a roar of pain, not from the dragon but from the serpent. Just as the serpent closed its great maw over the dragon the dragon had turned its entire body to diamond. The monster lunged again but the dragon pulled up a barrier of wind and knocked into back into the water.

The serpent leapt from the sea and pulled the dragon under. Suddenly everything began to shake violently like and earthquake. A whirlpool a half-mile wide appeared and a blast of wind shot from its center followed by fire, then huge bolts of lightning rose and lighted the night sky. The three blasts combined into one as a terrible screech reached my ears. The dragon flew from the water, looked at me, and then dissolved into the elements.
Everything was placid the next day. We were back on course and less than an hour away from the islands.

“Sorry for the trouble” I said to the captain.
“Nonsense boy, you saved us. If it weren’t for you we would be at the bottom of the ocean in a monsters belly,” came the captains cheerful reply, “here I want you to have this.” He handed me a medallion, “it’s a good luck charm, and I think you need it more than I do considerin you’re the only one who could stop the end.”
“What about you?” I asked.
“Well seeing as I might not be around much longer I’m going to go visit my wife. Now be off with ya, you have very important business to attend to.” I got off the ship and it immediately sailed off.

The Tristar islands are three islands in the shape of a triangle and connected by long bridges. They earned their name because once every 3,000 years a bright red star would be close enough to our planet to reflect off the water between the islands. Some astronomers say the star has been getting brighter and closer to us and may one day fall to earth. They think the trinity star is like a pendulum that keeps swinging until the string holding it up breaks. I know the truth; I know what it really is. It’s a clock counting down until the end of everything and the earth was zero.

I walked into town trying to figure out where my friend lives. The towns’ layout must have changed because I was lost after a few minutes. I smelled some food coming from a bakery nearby. I realized how hungry I was so I decided to stop by. I walked into the bakery and was surprised to see Zayber, my friend.

“Zayber, how are you,” I said

“Oh! Long time no see lad” he replied

He brought me some food and we went back to his place. I explained what had happened on the way there. “Well you’ve had quite an adventure haven’t you” chuckled Zayber.
Then his face turned grim, “so you think the clock will finally hit zero.”

“Yes, and there’s something else, I want you to have a look at this.” I handed him the red coin the captain had given me.

He took it and began examining it. “This is a medallion made from what some believe to be part of the Trinity Star. Only seven where ever made, but this one looks like it was made of a slightly different material.”

It was late and I decided to go to bed. I awoke to the excitement of the entire town. I realized today was the day the trinity star would be seen in the water. Everyone was getting ready for night to fall, when the trinity star would reflect brightest off the water. When I walked outside I got an ominous feeling, like something was nearby, but I didn’t know what. Then I remembered the feeling I got when I first saw it, the creature. Then I t hit me, the colors of the fog, first was red and the trinity star was red. Something was going to happen tonight and I needed to know what.

Before I could even take a few steps I heard people begin screaming about something in the water. I ran to the lake, and then I saw it. The creature was standing on the water between the islands. The fog swirled around it but this time it stayed red. The star started to reflect off the water and the fog went a darker red. Everyone looked up as the star gained size.
‘Oh no, its starting the clock is hitting zero’ I thought to myself. People screamed as a huge pillar of red light erupted from the creature. The light hit the star and started pulling it to earth. The creature gave a great and mighty cry that echoed throughout the world. Everyone ran as the star fell to earth.

I pulled out my swords and reflected them off the light of the trinity star. Suddenly both blades turned red and glowed so brightly I had to close my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was hold not two blades but one. There was a small round hole in the blade. Instinctively I pulled out the medallion and placed it into the hole. The blade I held was as red as the trinity star itself. Its blade was nearly as tall as me, yet it was as light as a feather. New scriptures where written in the side but I could only read one. I read it aloud, just one word, Trinity!

I held the mighty blade above my head as energy coursed through it. Then I charged at the monster with amazing agility. I ran on the water as if they where rock. I jumped into the air and rode the wind. The power of my elders had awoken within me.

“I command the elements!” I yelled. I raised the blade above my head once more and dived at the creature. Just as I swung the creature disappeared in a flash. Without stopping I lunged at the meteor speeding toward the town. With one mighty slash of my sword the elements combined into one and I cut through the enormous star. The red light within it engulfed me.

My head hurt when I came to. I sat up and looked around, huge boulders surrounded me. My blade had turned back into the two smaller ones. I sheathed them and climbed over one of the boulders. What I saw amazed me. An endless sea of trees and meadows, Huge Mountains in the distance and strange alien creatures everywhere. On thing is certain, I was not on earth anymore.

I began to climb down the small mountain I was on. As I descended many questions jumped through my mind. ‘Are these creatures friendly? What is this place called? How do I get home?’ when I reached the bottom I had to take a breather, as I was resting I felt a small tremor. I glanced around and saw a prehistoric looking creature with six legs and four arms walking toward me. My first thought was to reach for my blades but then I saw someone riding the creature like a horse.

“Hello, we have been expecting you. My name is Thaynort; I will guide you to the city.”

Thaynort looked like a human; the only noticeable difference was that he had solid blue eyes. He whistled and a smaller version f the creature he was riding ran up to me. I got up on the saddle and we rode off toward the city.

The city was awe-inspiring. There wasn’t one building lower than five stories. When we reached the middle of the city there were many people running about.

“Right this way” said Thaynort, pointing to a massive building jus ahead. We entered into a big room with large glass cases holding huge stone tablets. We walked into an elevator.
“We are going to see the council about the problem.”

“What problem?” I asked
“You’ll see” he replied

The doors opened to a group of people sitting around what looked like a table of sapphire, with a map sitting on it. As I entered the council looked up at me, and I sat in an empty chair. “You can help us end this war” said one of the council members, “we are fighting for our freedom, we are being attacked by the Binegar, and they are a monstrous race that wants to sell us into slavery. Will you help us?”

I couldn’t refuse so I agreed to help them. The next day they armed as many men as they could and we went to the city where the Binegar lived.

“I must go in and see if I can get them to make peace.” I said
“No! You must not go into their city, they will capture you.” Said Thaynort, a little too quickly.
“I still have to try”
“You’re making a grave mistake” whispered Thaynort as I turned toward the city gates. I entered the city and was met by a human not a monster. “What do you want here?”
Said the man.
“I am here to offer peace.”
“We are the last humans on this planet and refuse any treaty those Binegar have to offer.”

“You mean that those creatures are the Binegar?!” I realized I was played for a fool suddenly I heard the gates to the city crash open. Everyone ran as the real Binegar charged into the city. As more and more of them flooded over the walls of this human city, they began to transform into their true demonic forms. Their bodies were dark blue and grew scales instead of skin. Most had long black spines down their backs and arms. Others had long sharp claws in place of fingers. They were destroying the city. Anger rose within me. I pulled out both of my swords and called out the incantation. The planet shook as the dragon began to slowly rise from the ground.

The mighty beast gave a tremendous roar and great rock giants grew from the ground as well. The great rock elementals held back the seemingly infinite number of Binegar. The dragon stared at me as if thinking, then a bright blue flame shot from his mouth right at me. As the flames spiraled around me I could feel a strange power, and awesome power, rising within me. I closed my eyes and let the power take hold of me. The blue flames disappeared and I was holding a long golden halberd with a blade of sapphire.

Suddenly I was bombarded with the sounds of battle. Then I realized that the dragon had been protecting me while my transformation had taken place. I leapt onto the dragons back as it gave a growl of relief as it jumped into the sky. The Binegar started climbing the buildings to try and reach us. I stabbed and slashed as quickly as I could, but it was like battling the sea. I raised my lance, pointing it to the sky and a beam of light shot from it and pierced through the clouds; surrounding me and the dragon. One word popped into my head and I called out, with a powerful voice that didn’t even seem to be my own, “Kadaremiranto!” (Destroy). The entire planet began to tremble, the sky turned an ominous purple. Millions of massive ships could be seen in the sky, they were the ships of the invading Binegar.

The light surrounding me began to grow and the Binegar gave a great cry of pain. The light kept growing until it enveloped the entire planet. Then suddenly the light disappeared, taking the Binegar and their ships with it. My weapon, the dragon and the elementals dissolved into the ground and I stood there in amazement before fainting from exhaustion.

When I came to I was lying in a soft warm bed. I had a splitting headache and I tried to move but I couldn’t, my body ached. I lay there unable to move an in great pain. “Do not worry” said the man who had greeted me at the gate, “your in good hands, we were afraid we would lose you. You’ve been out for two whole days.”

“What happened?” I asked in a parched voice.
“Let me get you some food and water then we can talk” he brought me a tray of bread and soup along with a glass of water. I managed to move my arms to eat and realized they were covered with bruises, scratches and gashes that had been stitched up.

“Did anyone get hurt?” I asked
“No, and on top of that you destroyed an entire race of evil aliens with a single blow. I have never seen anything so spectacular. Oh, I almost forgot, my name is Draze.”

Author: I know you have been dieing to know his name. I have been avoiding so far. But I think it’s about time I tell you.

“My name is Kayl.”

Author: this is where the story really begins. So I will tell it to you from the viewpoint of an onlooker. Instead of Kayls point of view.


“His journey has begun, we cannot interfere.” Said a woman’s image in the water.
“But we must do something” said the elder
“No! For the last time this is his journey not ours. Now report back to HQ immediately.” The woman’s image vanished. The elder gave out a long sigh and began chanting a teleportation spell. The elder mumbled angrily to himself as he waited for the portal to open. When he teleported to HQ he was met by and old friend named Kain.

“Hello Ka-” the elder fell flat on his face.
“You should really concentrate more when you cast a spell.” Said Kain with a broad smile.
“They should move this damn table out of here,” said the elder.
“This is the third time this month that you have gotten your robes caught on that table” chuckled Kain.
“Yes, I’m beginning to think that table has a grudge against me. You know when I first came into this room I could have sword the thing growled at me.”
“Well that’s a very nice story Locke, but Lady Viyen would like to speak with you now” said Kain.
“Well, alright we shouldn’t keep her waiting”
Locke quickly walked to Lady Viyens’ office.
“Ah, Locke, so you’ve decided to join me today” said Viyen
“I’m sorry it just hit a little…traffic jam, getting here”
“Did you get your robes caught on the table again” Smirked Viyen.
“Well…..yes” said Locke, with embarrassment.
“I found something you might be interested in, it’s about Kayl.”

The conversation turned to a serious tone.
“I couldn’t tell you before because it would have been too risky, someone might have overheard”

“Did he make it to the other world okay?” asked Locke with a hint of worry in his voice
“Yes and he has already destroyed the Binegar,” she looked at the door and said, “If you want to listen to the conversation Kain you don’t have to be so discrete.” Said Viyen

Kain opened the door slowly with an embarrassed smile on his face. “I’m sorry Lady Viyen, it’s just that I’m worried about Kayl.”
“Well come on in and sit down, you should hear this too.”
After Kain closed the door Viyen cast a spell so no one else could listen in.
“I think I found a way for you to help Kayl, Locke. This is a fragment of the trinity star and it may be able to teleport you to the same world he is on.” She held up a glowing red stone.

“How do I fit in all this?” asked Kain.
Viyen smiled and said, “You will take Lockes’ place while he is gone”
“You’ve got to be kidding me, I have to do more work” whined Kain.
“Thank you so much Viyen” said Locke

They immediately went to the teleportation room. Just as Locke chanted the spell the table transformed and jumped at him. In a flash they were both gone.
As Locke and the table reappeared, Locke fell to the ground in front of the gates to the town Kayl was in.

“What th-” he stopped short as he hit the ground. He sat up in a daze but quickly came to reality. “Ah-ha I knew there was something strange about that table, so what are you really? Huh!”

The table suddenly transformed into a small creature that looked as if it was made of diamond.

“So you’re a morph! That explains it!”
The morph transformed into a human. “My name is Tybad and I prefer to be called a shape shifter”

“But why did you want to teleport here?” asked Locke
“Because I know that the future of all existence depends on Kayl.” Said Tybad
“Well there is no use sitting here then, lets go find him” said Locke

They got up and walked through the huge open gates and from the looks of it there was a huge festival going on.
“Look at all this food” said Locke
“I just realized how hungry I was” said Tybad staring at all the different pastries.
“So did I”
“Let’s chow down then, we can’t save the universe on an empty stomach.” Smiled Tybad.

The entire city was celebrating. All the shops where giving away free items, and the streets were bustling with happy people.

“Ah, Kayl there you are. We have been looking everywhere for you.” Said Locke with a smile
“Locke? How did you get here and who is this?” asked Kayl, very surprised.
They had found Kayl sharpening his hunting knife in a hospital bed.
“I used a shard from the Trinity Star to teleport here, and this is Tybad”

“Nice too meet you” greeted Tybad.

“You must have had quite a battle, the whole city is celebrating.” Said Locke as he pulled out a vile of some strange liquid. “Drink this, it will make you feel better”

Kayl took it and drank, “Ugh, it tastes awful.” Kayls injuries suddenly healed and it looked as if he never had them.
“Now come with me, we need to do some training” said Locke

After getting the OK from the doctor they set off deep into the woods.

“I have to tell you something,” began Locke, “you see, you are the last of an ancient race. They called themselves the Sacreds. Because of their awesome power they became known as the gods of the elements. Many went so far as to say the Sacreds created the elements themselves. The Sacreds themselves knew their reason for being. They knew what the future held and were preparing for it. They learned to summon elementals and command them. Not too long after there was a war between two groups of Sacreds. You see both sides summoned elementals of many different shapes and sizes. Many of which looked like mythical creatures. After many battles both sides tried to summon the ultimate elemental, but something went terribly wrong. By summoning so much power through there anger they pulled out part of the earths soul. When this happened the two groups banded together and sealed the creature they had created in the trinity star. Unfortunately they weren’t powerful enough to seal it away forever. They blessed one family to carry on their power from one generation to another. We think you are part of that family.”

“That’s amazing” was all Kayl could say.
“Yes and know you see how important it is to learn to control your power.” Said Locke

Over the next few weeks Kayl learned to control his powers.
“Okay you know how to control each element individually, now you must try to combine them. Focus the four elements into your sword, feel the elements swirling into one and swing towards that mountain” instructed Locke

Kayl closed his eyes and focused as the energy could be seen swirling around the mighty blade. He raised the sword above his head and swung with all his might. As soon as Kayls’ sword touched the ground a massive fault opened up as the planet shook. When the chasm kept growing Locke told Kayl to try to close it as quickly as possible.

Kayl focused and tried to pull the planets great maw closed but he was too weak. Suddenly deep within the hole red eyes pierced through the darkness like spears. An army of tall, pitch black creatures arose from the chasm, they had no forms at all, they just looked like living shadows.

“NO! This can’t be happening, we need more time!” yelled Locke in frustration. “Tybad, Kayl quickly through here.” He had opened a portal and they appeared on the mountain that Kayl had been on when he first came to this planet. Locke took a deep breath, “I was hoping we had longer to train but it seems I can’t delay it any longer. I guess I should show you instead of telling you.” Locke whispered a spell and a small trap door opened to reveal a staircase. The trio descended deeper and deeper into the mountain. Locke whispered another spell and with the snap of his fingers the torches on the walls lit up. Now they could see glyphs on the wall and each glyph glowed a different color.

“Amazing isn’t it” said Locke
“What is it?” asked Kayl
“They are the writings of your people. The Sacreds were known as the celestial race to beings on other planets. The people of earth know little about the stars so only people of magic knew about other planets, and even then few knew that life thrived on them. The writings on these walls tell the history of the Sacreds that lived on this planet.”

They entered a small boxlike room that was empty except for two statues guarding a strong metal door with a glyph on it. The walls were very smooth almost like black marble. As they walked closer the glyphs on the statues began to glow. The stone guards came to life and said “to enter you must answer our riddles.”
“That’s pretty cliché don’t you think.” Said Tybad.
“Yes, it is but we still have to do it, the seal on the door prevents us from entering without the guards approval.” Said Locke
“What is the first riddle?” asked Kayl

“I am guided by the soul, nothing can touch my burning flesh. Water cannot douse my flames and cold cannot freeze me”

“What could that mean?” asked Tybad annoyed.

“The spirit?” said Kayl

“Correct! You must answer two more riddles to pass. Never ending it flows. You cannot swim up it, none can change its course but many things do take it”

“Never ending it flows…” said Kayl to himself

“I’ve got it! Time!”

“Correct! One more riddle you must answer. This is often bright but sometimes dim; you can light it with no match, tinder, nor flame”

“Hmm, I think I have heard that before” said Kayl confusedly.
A sudden pain went through his body then he held his head as the searing pain collected. Flashes of memory flew through his mind, then darkness.

Kayl opened his eyes. At first he wasn’t sure if he really had opened them because it was so dark. Then something appeared in front of him. It was the great black dragon he had summoned before.

“Where is this?” he asked still confused

“This is nothing and everything, nowhere and everywhere, the source of all and the place of none.”

“But how did I get here?”

“All will be explained in time”

“Well, if you will tell me nothing else, then will you tell me your name?”

“My name is…or was known among your people. I am part of the earths soul. You see there is good and evil but there is also something in between. No one fight evil to destroy it and no one fights good to destroy it. The battle between the two is simply to keep balance. Good and evil are things created from nothing.”

“I am beginning to understand, but why am I here?”

“You are the last hope of everything and nothing”

Kayl opened his eyes to see Locke and Tybad standing over him.

“Are you okay?” asked Locke

“I’m fine” answered Kayl, “and I know the answer to the riddle, Hope”

“Correct, you may pass into the chamber of the Sacreds trials”

The stone guards stood aside and let them pass. Little did they know they were in for a big surprise.

As they entered they were amazed at what they saw. It was a huge room that looked like a dense jungle. Tropical trees were everywhere and a waterfall could be seen pouring from high in the air. Fruits and strange creatures scurried around everywhere. The door suddenly closed with a bang and snapped them out of their trance. Then a deep booming voice rose from the distance and said, “Come forth young sacred” Kayl took one step forward and vanished into thin air.

“What happened! Where’s Kayl!” exclaimed Tybad.
“Do not worry, Kayl must go through the Trials alone. While we wait we should get food and water,” Said Locke calmly.
© Copyright 2007 Ink Knight (arcaneknight22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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