Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1358647-Wildfire
by brass
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1358647
A short poem about my lady Wildfire,and some of my feelings.

She came to me like a Texas sunrise,golden yellow in an Azure sky,slowly cresting,cresting the horizon of my heart,warming my entire being.
As she stands before me I realize the sun of yellow is her hair,the Azure sky
her Blue eyes,the warmth of the sun her heart, encapulating mine.
A new day now has dawned,a fresh start two hearts beat now as one.Tho miles
apart the two are entwined joined as the sun is to day,the moon is to night two together,
one needing the other,essential to the needs of each.
One never being without the other,nurturing,protecting.Always there in mind and spirit,miles apart but never yet never separated.A cool breeze blows by what is this,this scent,it is she.
It is her essence,reminding me I am here,always with you.I am in your heart,your mind,
your soul,I will never leave,you can feel me, see me, I'm never far,always and forever I'll
not be far.
She is my shining star guiding me to a place a valley,a valley so magical you but need your thoughts and you are there,all you  need all you desire is there,,one road in one road out,a
place that knows not,but love, without it you may not enter,nor may you leave without it truly in your heart.
A match made by chance,perhaps a match by design nay I say,by fate,aye,by fate,
for all things are pre destined,as is the Sun rising ,and the Moon,as is the setting sun,and
moon.The rain to nurture the earth below,the warmth of the sun to keep it a glow,the changing seasons,to refresh it all,yes it is fate.
Like A Texas sunrise she came into my life Wildfire.


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