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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1358299
Sara a vampire was living a peaceful life untel a new kid moves into town.
A secret life
by Samantha Brawley

January 10, 2007 midnight

I won't ,I can't, live like this any more! I'm stuck here like a mortal. I live a life of lies. I'm going crazy. How can a vampire live a human. It is hard, but i refuse to be a monster. I'm writing this to let it out. If I hold it in any longer I will become a monster. My name is Sarra Anderson, but to the mortals how know me I'm Sarra Conway. I was born in Italy on the day of May 22, 1673. I was reborn ,or changed if you will, on July 30, 1691. The man how changed me, Alexander, did so out of lust. I despise him. Even to this day I hate what he did to me. he made me a monster.
I was the daughter of one of the richest men in Italy at the time. I have long coal black hair and green-gray eyes. Now my eyes are change color with my feelings. I was tall and lean.
When I say vampire you think of a blood-sucking night walker how will only die if you stab them in the heart with a wooden or silver stake, will melt if you splash them with holy water,a cross will burn them, or my personal favorite with burst in to flame when sunlight touches there skin. Well non of that is true. First, if I was stabbed in the heart with anything it would hurt like hell, but it wouldn't kill me. Next, holy water is like regular tap water to me and I wear a Cross every day. Finally, the sun has no effect on me. Hell, I don't even sun-burn. I can put and take memories from mortals and can change my appearances. With these to abilities I can put myself into a family and go to school. Be a normal person. To every one how sees me, I appear to be a blond with short hair and blue-green eyes, medium sized.
I live with the Conway family. Rachel Conway is a wonderful woman and a great mother. Charley Conway is a hard working father. Justen is 17 and there only son. Cassy is the younger at 14. I put my self in the family as a 15 year old so I'm in the middle.

January 10 mid-day

I'm in grave trouble. It had been only almost three weeks sense I have fed. I'm surrounded by a total of 20 people and the heaters are on. Just sitting in a crowded room with out feeding for so long is difficult but with the heaters on it makes it harder.
My sense of smell is five times stronger then blood hounds. Every one smells different. One more lushes then the other. The sent lingers more in the heat then in the cold.
I'm glad I'm in the wood shop. It is twice the size of all the other classrooms in the building, but we move around a lot which stares the fragrance. expat today we have book work cause of the loud mouths in the class. Then the stupids kept running there mouths and then would complain when Mr. Cooper would add another day to the book work. To my dis my, Erica got irritated and threatened any one how talked again. So we left of with five days of book work.
Something is horrible. I'm shaking. I seance something on coming and it will be here soon.


Thank the gods! I'm sitting in study hall which is held in the cafeteria. There is only 7 people here and i can sit at my own table. There is more space here and the door to the hallway is open so there is little to no fragrance.
I feel a dark Aurora near. An aurora is a field of energy around some one. The stronger the person the stronger the aurora. Only vampires, high powered physics, and vampire hunters can seance auroras. That is how vampire hunters came find us and we find them, but we can shield our auroras. This aurora is powerful. It is to far for me to tell what it is but I know it is aether an older vampire or a skilled vampire hunter. It makes me fear for Rachel and her family.

On the bus

I'm cursed! How can I not be a monster if I'm surrounded by people! We need to get another bus 'cause we are sitting three to a seat all the way to the back. I'm sitting next to a window not breathing. I don't have to breath because my blood doesn't need oxygen. It is easier for me to be around so many people if I'm not breathing. When i don't breath I can't smell t peoples fragrance.
The girl next to me is freaking out. She thinks I.m going to vomit on her or something. That's the least of her problems. I would open a window to sever the smell but people would complain. It was a total of seventeen degrees out side and everyone is shivering uncontrollably.
The cold wasn't bothering me at all. I lost my sense of the temperature when I was turned.My skin is always as cold as ice as people say. It didn't bother me all that much usual avoided people all together so I can't be questioned about it.
"Sara are you alright?" Cassy leaned over the seat trying to look concerned but I know she was just being nosy. Just trying to see what I was writing.
"I'm fine." I snapped glaring up at her.
"Fine! See if i ever care about you ever again"She snorted.
She through herself against the back of the seat. I heared Kayla,Cassy's woliby friend laugh. Cassy was a bitch when kayla was around. Kayla was always in truble and she would drag Cassy into it. Cassy is a really sweet girl. Always getting good grades and things like that.

January 11 early morning

After what happened yesterday I had to go hunting. Thank god Rachen went to sleep earlier then she usualy did. It made it easier to sneak out. I can make it from one end of the house to the other without being seen becouse of how fast i am, but opening a door was imposible. I would rip the door right off the hinges.
Because of the snow and the wind it was hard to track down the antilope in the field acrose from my house but the were easy to overcome when i did find them. I hate being a vampire it makes me feel like a monster. I think the only way for me not to be a monster is to pray on animals. I admit that I tasted human blood once. It was over two hundred years ago the last time I saw Alixander.
Like yesterday, I had been neglecting my feeding for several weeks. I know Alixander had been tracking me and now i was week from thirst. Alixander still to this day wants me to be his bride. He blacked his aurora so I couldn't sence him untle I got a serten distence from him.
Vampires can't sleep so I wonder the streats and allyways during the night. I had been caring for this stray kitten for about a week so I went there first. I didn't sence him untel I was in midle of the ally. I turned to run not wanting a confrontation with him wile i was in my weaked state but he was already right behined me.
"You're weak Sarro." He wispered into my ear as he imbraced me in an umbrakible hold. "how about joining me for dinner?"
"Go to hell,Alixander,and let me go." I hissed fighting his grasp but it was just a waist of energy. I was very weak and Alixander was a little less then a hundred years older then me. The older you are the stronger you are.
he chuckled then pressed his icy lips to my neck in the exact same place he had bitten me so many years earlier. I hissed and jurked my neck away from him. He cuckled again and started to carrie me out of the ally.
"Let me go Alixander or i swear I will slit your throught!" I grawled trying to reach for my blood blade I cared in me boot. A blood blade is a dagger that was forged out of the fangs of vampires. I had gotten mine from a hunter I killed several years ago. It is the only weapon that has any efect on use.
"Now,now, Sarro your no in the best of shape to be threatening me." he grawled back.
By now he had taking me to an empty streat and we were standing infround of a small house. It was a one or two bedroom house and there was two people there. One was a man how was in this midtwenties. The other was a woman also in her twenties and she was three of four months pregnent.
"Hm. This is perfect. One for each of us. You can have the pregnent woman. You need the extra energy." He purred in my ear.
I closed my eyes trying to ignore the ever growing thirst.
Alixander spun me around to meet me eyes. "Why do you fight it Sarro? Why do you fight who you are? What you are?" His eyes were full of confution and pitty. I had to look away.
" These are inosent people. They don't diserve this." I whispered.
Anlixander pulled me closer and took me in to the house. The woman scrame and ran into the bedroom. Alixander put me down and went after her. I started twords the door when I hurd crying. It was an infent no older then two years old sitting at the kitchen table. I was confused why couldn't i sence the child.
I started to walk tords her. I was stunned. I had no nolage of me seroundings untel I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I spun with a hiss to face the man holding a large peace of wood.
With out thinking I lunged throwing him into a large picture that was hanging in the wall. He fell to the floor with large peaces of glass imbeded into his back. The smell of blood was overwellming and I lost controle. I slowly walked over to him and moved his head to the side revealing his neck. As my fangs pearced his flesh he yelled in pain.
This blood was diferent then that of an animal. An animals blood was sweet this blood had a bitter-sweet tast. When he stopped strashing and screaming i pulled away knowing what i just had done.
"How does it tast?" He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me once more. I gasped in shock and tryed to pull away. his grasp only tightened. He pressed his lips to my neck again but this time I only stood there daised. Then his lips parted and he put his fangs lightly on my skin like he was going to bite me.
I jurked my head and then slamed it back into his. He hissed in pain then throw me in to a wall. Before i could recover he was there. He pinned my hands above my head and snaped his jaws by my face.
"Don't ever make the mistake of striking me again Sarro or I wont hold back." He growled then let me go.
He walked back into the bedroom. When he was out of sight I walked back over to the baby. She looked up at me with angery eyes. There wasno fear or shock just anger. I still couldn't sence her aurora.
"Shes a born elite hunter thats why you can't sence her presents." Alixaner said calm again."They will be here soon. We better go." That was when I senced a faint group of auroras no far maybe a mile or two away.
When we were away from the house I was able to escape from Alixander. I hade to leave the family I was staying with. I was ashamed. I was tricked into killig an infent's father right in fround of her.
I still wonder what happend to the babe. I think she was saved and rased by the elite hunters and probibly looking for revenge for her parents. The one thing that is diferent between a vampire hunter and an elite hunter was that elite hunters are emortal.
People are starting to get up so I can't write anymore. I'm glad its Saterday.

January 13

On Saterday afternoon I was out with my friend Lora, when the aurora got stronger. I shended mine even more thin I usualy keep it so how ever was here wouldn't hind me. As we walked along the street I saw a young man,how I had never sean before walk out of the Miny Mart across the street from us. In his left hand he caried a sheathed blood blade. He was a Vampire hunter.
I think he was just passing through and didn't sence me. Even so I kept my aurora shelded and caried my blood blade that I had srolen from a hunter several years ago.
I tried to keep my distance from everyone I know. If a vampire hunter found me with anyone he would kill them as well as try to kill me.
Yesterday I told Rachel that I was going to stay at Lora's at go to school from there, but I spent the night hunting and keeping my distence from the real world. about day break I headed back into town so I could go to school.
I didn't want to skip school and make Rachel worry. Know I'm home but the hunter hasn't left yet. I hope hes just resting. I don't want a confrentation with him.
Justen seems to know something is wrong but he didn't ask. He is keeping a close eye on me. I wish I coud tell him everything. He is the only person that I think I could truely trust but telling him would put him in danger.
Cassy is being a little more nosy then usual. She keeps trying to find my jurnal and trying to read it as I write. She can get so eritating sometimes. So I'm putting my jurnal up intell every one is sleeping so that know one can write without no one trying to read it.

January 15

Amanda another Softmore was telling her friends how she was going to jump Cassy. Aparently Cassy some how made her boyfrend break up with her. I know it was none of my biusness but I couldn't beleave Cas would do some that so I comfrounted Amanda. I was trying to have a calm comversation with her but she insested on being a bitch. I got eritated with her and I let my gard down. It was only for a secound but I know the hunter senced it. I'm not sure if he was able to trave it or not. It happened about two hours before study hall. If he was able to I don't think he will attack in the school. I might not not go home tonight just in case.

On to other very ode things. There is a know student. He didn't sit with every one elce in study hall insted he sat at the evey end of My table. He keeps glancing up from his book to look at me and every time I reterned his glanc he would quickly look down again.

He left about middle of class. I think he had to go get his locker fixed or some thing. When he reterned he didn't sit at the end of the table he sat right across from me.

"Hey. I saw you sitting alone amd it looks like you could use some company" He said with a grin. He had dark blue eyes with sandy blonde hair.

I retarned his friendly smile and said,"I like to be alone but I don't mind the company."

His smile faded and he cocked this head to the side." Most people say they don't mind being alone but like company. You compleatly reverst it."

I kept my smile but nerowed my eyes."What gave you the impretion that I was like most people?"

He laught. "I don't know. You look normal."

"How can I look normal? What is normal exactly?"I asked.

"I don't know. Thats an unfar queston. How can any one difine normal." He was still laughing.

I kept my eye narrow and tillted my head to the side. "Then why did you call me normal?"

He wouldn't answer that. He just sat there opening and closing is mouth dumstruck.

I laughed at his reaction and her turned bright red. "Don't worry. I'm like that to every one. You're pretty brave sitting over here. No one sits near me. Expetialy the now students."

"No, not brave, stupid. It seems like sense I sat over here it blows my chances of making know friends any where else." He said nodding twords the table of 6 glaring students.

"I don't thinks its to late, but if you're looking for normal thats not the place. Their the most abnormal people in the school." I said with a slight grin.

"If there abnormal what are you?" He teased.

I lost all hummar in my voice when I replied."I'm not human."

He stared at me cureusly until my smile returned. "Should I be scared?" He whispered leaning across the table.

"Very," I replied meeting him half way.

I put my hand on the table and laughed.

"What? What I do?" He asked leaning back and looking around.

"I'm already to spill my guts for you and I don't even know your name." I said resting my head on my arms. "What makes you so different."

"I make every one all warm and fuzzy inside and and they spill their guts when they first say 'Hi' but you're so mistereus."He chuckled.

"You don't make me all warm and fuzzy but I would like to know your name."

"Ladies first." He teased.

"Ya, you would have butter luck skinning a live cat. You first." I glared.

"So if I skin a live cat you'll give me your name."He razed his eyebrows at my responce, but there was somthing in this voice that made it sound like he would in joy skinning a cat.
"I'm telling you that if you give me your name I'll give you mine."
"That easy?" He said mockingly.
"Yes of course. You already know to much about me." I said.

"Well that will never work cause I wont give you my name until you give me yours." He wined.

"Well I guess that we will never know each others names." I had no intention on letting it go that easily.

"I guess not." I didn't think the was going to let it go eather. We talked about our sceduals. It turns out that we have P.E., English,and study hall together. I could figure out his name in P.E. tomorrow third block or English fifth block.

I figured that waiting would torcher me so after school I followed him to his locker. I stayed out of sight but I could hear every thing, but no one approched him or called out his name which fustrated me to no end.

For the rest of the day I wondered why he wouldn't give me his name. Was it my stuberness or was he hidding something? It was strange how I felt like I could tell him every thing about me and feel so at ease around him. Even with the danger I and every one around me was in. I know it was dangerous to talk to him. Not only for him but for me as well.

If a hunter found us together, he would be killed. A hunter doesn't care if you're human. If you were near a vampire you were just as bad as they were.

January 16 Evening

I'm getting really agitated! I came to P.E. late so I didn't hear his name then but he insisted on being my partner. All through the game of badmitten he would not give up on getting my name first. I fimaly got tired of it and hit him with the racket. He complained the rest of the our but I know, well i thought, I didn't hit him all that hard.

During lunch he invaded my table. The hole time he was trying to bribe with food to once again trying to get my name.

"If you anorexic I'm going to stuff a hole box a donuts done our throat." He said when I finally notested I wasn't eating.

"I'm not anorexic. For one, that does look all that apotozing and I'm not hungery." I asured him.

I could see in his eyes that I was going to get an interigation, but then the bell rang. Saved by the bell literaly.

I made sure to get to Englishh on time, but we had a sub and she had us check our names off a sheet. I scaned it , but I couldn't find a name I didn't reconize.

WWe were working on our easays on shakspare when I was passed a note. The way the note was folded was weird. It olooked like a midevil shild with a drowing of what looked like a seal with a brand in it.It looked like this: _____

Hey chicky

I will give you my phone # if you give me your name.


The boy with no name.

Why would I want your phone number? Just give me you name damn you. And don't call m chicky! I wrote back.

He didnt write any thing after that he just sat here doing his work not paying any attention to any one, and no one payed any mind to him eather. It was like no cared he existed. I wondeed why.

When the bell rang I realized I stared a him all hour and got nothing done. Fustrated I got up slowly and gathered my stuff. What was it about him. Why I'm I so interested in him."Hey, you look like you gust got told you hive detention or somthing like that." Lora said.

"Hey Lora, do you know that now kid?" I asked

"Um....Kind of " She said looking a little confused.

"Do you know his name?" I asked hopfully.

"Why do you want to know his dame? Do you like him?" She giggled.

"No! I just want to know his damn name." I glared

"Ok your story. Sorry I dont't know his name." SHe laughed

"Darn. Well I'll see you later." I sighed leaving the room.

"Ya see ya." She said as she left the room.

© Copyright 2007 Samantha Brawley (lost_wolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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