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Rated: E · Bulletin · Career · #1358064
A brief blog to break in my account and introduce myself.
A diary entry (or what i imagine a diary entry would look like if I so cared to keep one.)
Because I am failing to think up some witticism to launch me into this, I'll stop trying and simply begin. I'm Freya. I'm 16, 5"2 and a redhead. I am currently in the lower 6th form at an english boarding school, and it's exactly how it sounds: a collection of the richest and most spoilt children in England, as well as the offspring of many of the most influential families in Europe. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm studying English Literature, Classical Civilisation (Classics for those not commited enough to learn latin and greek), Politics and History. I have an academic scholarship, and have spent all my time at the school trying to show that I deserve it: so far unsuccessful but I'll keep you posted. I play 4 instruments which I have absolutely no talent for.
I can see myself in 6 or so years time as a journalist, doing all kinds of slumming-it jobs trying to get my own Carrie Bradshaw-esque column in a paper. I can also see myself having completely failed, probably living with my parents, pushing the boundaries of obesity and generally being a liability.
By far the biggest bane of my life is my inability to be invisible. Being cursed with red hair (the word ginger makes me fume) and a clichéd fiery temper, I can't be a face in the crowd. Whenever I go out I invariably do something stupid that is reported back to me for at least a week after. I hate being on my own, and I'm not even silent when I'm asleep - which I'm sure is very irritating - so I seem to make it impossible to nto be noticed. One day I'd like to be a face in the crowd.
I want to write because its the only thing I find effortless, its the only time i feel calm and relaxed and as if I'm truely concentrating. I like creative writing, and I never write poems: my inspiration lends me up to two lines, and then I'm on my own. I'd like to write a novel one day. Why then, you may be thinking, am I wasting my time writing a blog. I'm as clueless as you are on that one.
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