Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1353831-Escapes-part-1
by animal
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1353831
the problems of a family who try to escape from their personal lives

Chapter 1
Dog Fights

To escape is to be purposely ignorant to the obvious needs.

The night was young as the cool evenings wind played with Kristen’s hair.  All was right in the world for her.  Her show was the biggest hit in the U.S. and everyone seemed to offer her more money rather than a fee.  She huddled in her long, light brown coat and hurried across the wet streets as its tail hovered over the ground.  She turned to look down a dreary alleyway to see a small girl hugging what seemed to be a lifeless body!  Tears drenched the girl’s flushed checks as she rocked the older one in her shivering arms. 
“Oh my,” Kristen said as she ran to the empty child and knelt down beside her.  Suddenly the child’s tears stopped.  Her eyes still looked sad, but now they seemed to almost be saying sorry.  Her change in emotion confused the good citizen into a halt as her eyebrows wrinkled up.  The dead body’s night green eyes popped open to a merciless stare.  A sharp pain was inflicted to the back of Kristen’s head.  As she fell to the ground, she saw them get up and quickly move around before everything went black.

She awoke to a small child with a damp rag petting her head.  The child had the sides of her straight, black hair pulled up as the rest fell upon her shoulders.  She wore an orange band-dana to cover the top of her head and on orange T-shirt with a blue jean vest over it.  She also had on a pair of blue jean pants that nicely fit around her delicate frame.  What most caught Kristen’s eye were her eyes.  They were true light blue around the pupil, but as they left the shade changed to dark.  Still the same color, but a little darker with the pain of the outside world.  She moved to place her own hand on the acing spot, but they would not obey.  They were tied tight behind her back as were her feet to the legs of a chair. 
“What? What’s going on?” she questioned softly.  Her actions grew as she realized the danger she was in. “Let me go! Get me out of here!” she screamed in worthless horror. 
“Calm down. Calm down,” a soft voice soothed.  “It okay, you’re alright.” Oh the room was so hot.  She could now feel the cold sweet escaping its host. 
“Where am I?”
“That, I can’t tell you, but I think you know some of our other,” she paused searching for a specific word before saying it, “guests.”  Kristen looked around the room.  There she saw here co-workers also tied up.  There was Michael, who was recklessly trying to set himself free, Alison, who had seemed to have given up the useless search and was now looking at Kristen as if she had survived death, and Tom, who was closely inspecting the house for any way out.  Kristen too looked around; they were in the living room of a simple house. 
In the front was a fireplace and to the back left side was the entrance into the kitchen.  To the right a stair case stretched up against the wall into the unseen up stairs directly above her. Directly in front of her was one of two large windows that lay on each side of the fire place.  Out side she saw nothing but cracked earth with a few tough shrugs before what seemed like an endless sea of desert before hitting a few rippling mountains in the back.  Behind her was the front door, no doubt because she heard it open as someone came in.
The near seventeen year old girl lazily, yet carefully, dropped her black bag on a near by chair.  Her black eye liner was heavily applied around her cold eyes, almost as a warning to every one that she was not to be messed with.  She was dressed in near all black.  Her pants loosely fit her, while her blood-stained T-shirt hung just a little bit from her hard, skinny body.  A few of her baby hairs escaped the black rubber band, and fell freely over her dark, green eyes. Unlike her sister, her eyes were dark all around and only mixed with a darker, almost unnoticeable brown toward the center.  Her shoulders were almost straight, but her arms lazily fell to her side in exhaustion.  She seemed to almost have no control over her worn out legs as she put her hand to one eye and seemed to try and wipe her pain away. 
“She woke up, Animal,” the younger girl beside Kristen said.  The teenager looked at her and remarked in a not so caring voice, “So?”  When there was no answer she tiredly dragged herself up the stairs and yelled back, “Don’t open the bag.”
“That’s Animal. Her real name, she doesn’t like anyone to know about so we call her what she basically is.” This remark was surprisingly friendly, like the rest of the child’s tone.
“And what’s your name?” Alison asked soon after.
“I’m Ginger,” the child said proudly as she stood up and puffed out her chest,” and I’ll be your cook till your visit has ended.”
“How did we get here?” Michael asked angrily.
“Where is here?” Kristen found herself asking as well.
“Those questions my friends are classified.” She cupped the back of her hand around her mouth and leaned over to Kristen, “Family rules.”
The elder sister came down with a black sharpie and drew an X on Kristen’s hand.  Ginger soon took the sharpie in a panic and drew a star on Alison’s just as a teenage boy came frantically running down the stairs.  His dirty blond hair was about and inch above his shoulders, and tucked behind both ears.  He was built like a wall, as a small bit of form escaped his red shirt.  Muscles bulged a bit from both arms and his legs were the same. He had inherited the green eyes, but they had a tint of blue in them and they weren’t nearly as dark as his shadowed sister’s, and remand the same color all the way threw.
“We got the girls,” Animal seemed to taunt.
“What!? No! That’s not fair!” he yelled.
“You know the rules,” Animal said in a sly voice that seemed to lurk out of her dark being, “First come first serve.”  The kid’s greenish-blue eyes grew small with anger. 
“Fine then, I’ll duel you for her.”
“No guys please.  They don’t need anymore abuse,” Ginger argued, but it was no use.  The two teenagers both whistled their own tone before two massive dogs appeared, one from upstairs and the other form the kitchen.  Both animals stiffened by their master’s side, a deep growl echoing from their throats.  The teenagers backed up to spread furniture out of the way.  Before long the living room was cleared.  The male kid grabbed the sharpie from Ginger’s hand and put a line on Michael’s hand.  As he was going to put one on Tom’s hand had Animal not stopped him.
“He’s Cat’s.”
“Ah, she ain’t never here anyways.”
“Doesn’t matter, dad says so.”
“Fine, the trade: If Dozer wins I get the girl.”
“And if Mutt wins, I get your prisoner.”  The Doberman next to Animal was wearing a black collar, while the Doberman next to her brother’s side was wearing a silver chain.  The boy’s Dozer was a sight to see.  His well-shaped body was larger than Animal’s dog, and hills of muscles rolled over the night black fur.  Animal’s Mutt was a little smaller than Dozer, but seemed way more confident.  He had the mysterious presence like his master and didn’t give more emotion than a few low growls toward his competitor.  Both dogs seemed a mix between a Doberman and a great Dane, clearly Dozer had more Dane while Mutt had more Doberman. 
“Please guys,” Ginger protested, “You don’t need to fight.”  Both fighters yelled, “Sick’m” as the two monsters lunged at each other.  The black figures yelled loud growls as they sank their teethe into their opponent’s flesh.  The white fangs hung open constantly until occupied, as their blood shot eyes grew darker in pain and anger.  The black shadows leaped around the room as if life depended on it sparing no kind mercy onto their victim, for a cruel punishment.
“Dick, stop!” Ginger pleaded, grabbing her older brother by the arm.
“Get off me,” he cried as he threw her down.  One of the dogs yelped in pain as it was thrown to the ground.  Mutt took the advantage and threw himself on his opponent to sink his teethe into the hurt dog’s throat for its life. 
“Stop,” Dick said quietly in a humiliating defeat.  Animal snapped with an evil smirk on her face.  The dog instantly jumped off Dozer and went out of breathe to his master’s side.  Animal smoothly walked over to her defeated enemy to hold out her hand.  Dick handed her the marker in shame before she glided over to Michael and made an opposite line across the one Dick had made earlier to form an X.  She walked away toward her brother’s back and whispered not so quietly in his ear as she handed the marker back and bumped his shoulder with her own,
“Don’t play with fire Dick, your gonna get burned.”  She walked over to her black bag, still sitting on the chair, and moved it over to a small indention of the wall under the stair case, and set it on the wet bar directly behind it. Dick looked at his bleeding dog; still lying on the floor licking his wounds, and walks over to it.  The dog seemed to breathe heavier and try to run from yet another beating as Dick’s foot hit hard on his side.

Chapter 2
The Parents

The next morning the hostages awoke to the smell of bacon and the clinking of test tubes in the corner where Animal was working hard on something.
“Breakfast is served,” Ginger announced, carrying a large plate stacked of pancakes and bacon.  “Animal, if Cat comes back tell her we need more bisquick.”
“Okay,” Animal mumbled, still into her work.  The small child set down the plate and grabbed a smaller one.  She then started cutting the syrup filled pancakes into little bites.  She walked over to Alison and started feeding her since Alison’s own hands were behind her back.  At first Alison was resistant, but when she found out this was the only way she agreed to it and ate uncomfortably.  When she was feeding the annoyed Michael, Dick came from down stairs.
“Hey Ginger, can you do that to me,” he teased as he walked, smirking into the kitchen.  Animal gave him a look that would sure make him shut up if he saw. 
“What are you working on?” Ginger asked, changing the subject so as to not cause another fight. 
“Something.”  About then an almost feeble woman walked down stairs.  Her face was pale white, which was ironic seeing all her children so dark. Like her skin, her eyes were a ghostly pale blue, filled with leftover fright.  The deathly, skinny, bone structure was definitely not hidden, as she moved to the kitchen. Heavy bags lay under her eyes and her monstrous clothes hung loosely from her white skin as she looked at her children on the way to breakfast.  Ginger tried to smile but Animal stayed on her work, ignoring her.  When the woman was gone Ginger implied, “Ya know Animal, one day you are going to have to react to her.”
“I’ll react to her when she reacts to anything.”  Animal muttered before a man came down stairs.  He was a big man with an unshaved face and a white shirt that was stained by more than one beverage.  His eyes were small, and unnoticeable, but the small glimpse he did give the world was a hated green.  Like his daughter, his eyes showed no mercy or love of any kind and seemed to lure the world away from him.  His hair was falling out and he seemed a little out of control with his walking.  Both girls never took their eyes off of him as he too walking into the kitchen.  They both quietly when back to their work.
“Whose’s that,” Tom asked.
“That was our father and mother.”
“If you want to call them that,” Animal mumbled below her breathes. 
“What is this junk,” they heard from inside the kitchen.  Ginger didn’t answer.  “There’s hardly enough in here to feed me!” Still no answer from Ginger. “I said what it this!” he screamed from the room.  He stomped out of the kitchen, holding one pancake crumbling in his clenched fist.  Ginger automatically jumped up.
“We didn’t have enough bisquick.”
“Looks like they’ve had enough to eat,” he yelled pointing at the scared hostages. 
“They are our guests.  We can’t abuse them.”  Animal stood up from her work as her father walked toward her sister. 
“They are not our guest Ginger; they are nothing more than my retirement money.  As for abusing them” a small pause was taken for a light laugh and a half smile, “I’ll show you abusing.”  His large hand raised and slapped his daughter across her face.  The impact made her fall to the ground, but the minute a kick to the side was in play, Animal had her sister off the ground and behind her.  She wore a brave face but a small spark of fear lay in her eyes.
“What? Do you want to fight me?” he laughed “Hu? Fine then.”  A brutal hit was given to Animal’s stomach as she grabbed her injured part and fell on her knees.  He grabbed her hair and lifted her to her feet; only to punch her in the face.  Blood leaked from her nose as he held a death grip on her neck and threw her into the half circled table in front of the couch.  There was no caution with his actions, for he was clearly drunk and had no control for gentleness.  Threw her long, loose bangs she looked at her mother in pleading hate.  Yet her mother just stood there.  Her face was even paler and her expressions held fear, but she just watched as the beatings continued. 
“No daddy! Stop!,” Ginger finally yelled as she threw herself on her older sister.  Out of breath, their “dad” walked back up the stairs, “Make me something different, Ginger.  And don’t feed it to the dogs first.”  Ginger sat up from her bleeding sister to look at her mother, who simply looked down at the floor then quickly scurried up stairs. 
“Me too,” Dick said, he had been smiling all along to see Animal’s defeat.  He walked close to them and kicked his hurting sister in the stomach.  Mutt came out then, barking and growling at the intruder.  Dick took one look at the dog and decided not to press his luck.  As he left, Ginger slumped to the wet bar and grabbed a first aid kit as Mutt liked the wounds of his fallen master.  For the rest of the morning she stayed by her sister’s side and cleaned her up.


“This is what happens,” Ginger said, almost talking to herself, “when parents let their kids raise them selves.  They have been given no boundaries, therefore never use them.  Relying solely on instincts, because that’s all they have to rely on.  No wisdom, no warnings passed on from generations.  They are completely in the dark and it scares them. No matter what they say, kids need guidance, protection,” she whipped a bleeding cut on the side on Animals bruised face with a cold wash rag as her only friend laid unconscious on the bare, hard ground, “love.”

Chapter 3
New Faces

The chemicals swooshed around as Animal pored one liquid into another. 
“What is she doing?” Tom whispered to Ginger as she fed him lunch. 
“I really don’t know what she does with the chemicals, but I do know she’s very good at weapons and technology.”  Just then the door burst open and in stepped two more teenagers.  One, a male, had true brown hair that was combed up lazily to the front as clumps rose up before their end.  Dark eyes lit up his face and his walk had a small bounce to it.  The second, a girl, had a golden blond hair that fell over her ears and a bit in her face.  Her blue eyes carried sorrow but her expressions only showed an arrogance to everyone around her.  Mutt, who was now at his masters side at all times, lowered his head and made a deep growl at the two.  The boy turned his head sideways to catch the face of the hard at work Animal.
“Man Animal, your ol’ man sure did a number on you.”
“Can it Donkey I’m working.”
“Where’s Dick?” the girl asked looking around, “And who is this,” she said in lustful voice, walking over to the tied Michael.
“He’s a little out of your legae,” Animal said, still not looking up from her work.
“O ya. Then who is he?”
“An actor.” 
“Hey guys,” Dick yelled from the balcony above, “Come on up.”  Donkey looked at Animal with a devious smile, “Ya sure you don’t wanna join us today.” 
“No,” Animal said plainly, still distracted by her work.  The two went up stairs and into Dick’s room (right above the left side of the house, next to a private bathroom).
“You should really stop that Dick, you’re gonna hurt someone someday,” Ginger warned.  The blind teenagers mocked the child on their way up.
“We can only hope,” Animal whispered below her breath.  Soon mating noises was heard from the room upstairs. 
“What’s that?” Alison said, pointing her head at the room.
“You’ll notice we all find our own escapes.  Escapes from the family, the house, the heat.  Dick finds his escape in pleasure, as well as his two “friends” up there.  Poor Fi Fi needs love, because of its lack at home she thinks she can gain it here.”
“Ok, I know why you call Animal and Dick their names, and I can guess why you call Donkey his, but why is she called Fi Fi?”
“That’s actually a name Animal came up with, most of them are, but if you think about it, Fi Fi is the name of a female dog.  Put two and one together and you’ll get the answer.”
“Oh,” Alison said sheepishly, “And what about Ginger?”
“Animal said I always added a little extra to the family.” Ginger cupped her hand over her mouth and whispered, “One of Animal’s favorite toppings is ginger.”  Animal was so engrossed in her work she didn’t here one word of the conversation in the living room.
“So I guess you and Animal are pretty close, hu?” Kristen added.
“Well, as close as people in this family get. Ya, I guess so.”  Every person in the room looked over at Animal who was still working away.
About an hour later Ginger had turned on the TV and we were all watching the news. 
“The four stars of the hit television show ‘Dawn of Day’, Michael Rankin, Kristen Kair, Tom Carper, and Alison Wilson, have all been kidnapped since late Tuesday night.  The story at eleven.  On later new, Jane Wes has yet again discovered a new cure, this time for birth defects.  This one proves to be more efficient and safer than our current products.  Just who is this mystery woman? Scientists at Learm Labs have yet to tell this hero’s identity or whereabouts to the public, but who ever she is, she sure has a lot of money hidden from any bank in the U.S. that we know of.” 
“Turn it off Ginger.”
“Turn what off?” Donkey asked as he and the others came down stairs.
“Jane Wes discovered another cure.”
“O really? For what?”
“Birth defects.”  Their father came out of his room and started walking down the stairs.
“Hey Animal, weren’t you working on something like that not too long ago.”
“Working on what?” her dad asked suspiciously.
“A birth defect medicine, Jane Wes discovered one early Thursday morning.  I heard about it on the news at my house last night.”  The father looked at his daughter with an angry eye.
“You’ve been turning in medicines Animal?”  There was no answer.  He walked over to the child, who had finally stopped her work but still hadn’t looked up.  “Hu!”  He grabbed her by the neck and swung her around the desk she was working at. “Hu!” he yelled louder.
“No sir,” Animal choked, “My medication had flaws and was put away from my studies.”
“Good, cause if I ever hear you’ve been hiding money from this family,” there was a pause as he thought of how to put his picture into words, “You’ll never feel a worse beating than that day.”  Animal was throne to the ground. 
It was then the hostages saw a new version of why Animal was called what she was.  Not only was Animal the predator of many in the house hold, but she was also the prey of some as well. 

Chapter 4
A Run Away Cat

Every hostage was laid out in the living room for a comfortable night sleep, while the hosts were all resting in their own rooms.  Kristen was awoken by the screeching of the front door.  ‘What was that? Who could it be? Everyone was already in bed. Weren’t they?’  The drop of a bag was heard behind the small brick wall that blocked the living room from the foyer.  Kristen watched closely as the stranger walked threw the living room, or was it a stranger?  There stood, Animal, only her clothes had changed.  Now she wore a dusty light brown jacket and about likewise colored pants.  Her dark eye shadow that had once darkened her appearance was now replaced with light bags.  In her hand she held a cage with about nine white mice in it.  She placed the cage on a chair and put her hand to her eye to whip away her sleepiness, then suddenly collapsed face first onto the carpeted floor, where she instantly welcomed a good night’s sleep.
The morning’s light shined threw the large windows as the new day engulfed the wanted heat that the night couldn’t bring.  Animal still laid on the floor, only with her head resting on her hands now.  The father came down stairs with an obvious hang over from the night before. 
“Animal, get off the floor,” he grunted.
“Sure thing dad,” she said, rolling over to get comfortable again.  But wait, her voice, it wasn’t the sly, smooth voice of Animal, nor did it hold its secrets.  Clearly she didn’t fear her father like Animal did, and her cuts and bruises where gone, replaced by new ones in different arias. 
“Cat!” Ginger yelled with excitement as she ran down the stairs. 
“Hey squirt,” Cat said as she rolled over and smiled at her sister.  “I need a fix.”  She lifted her shirt, showing the dried blood of a deep wound over some easily seen ribs.  Ginger gasped as she put her hand to her mouth.
“I’ll be right back.” She took off for the kitchen, into the laundry room, into the half bath, where the medicines were kept.  Animal, however, slowly walked down the stairs as she normally did. 
“Good to see ya sis,” Cat said, standing up with a smile, still holding her side.  Animal just looked at her with the exact same expression she always had, none at all.  The two twins took a minute and stared into their own faces, the only difference where their eyes.  Animal had a dark brown around the pupil while Cat had a light green color.  A moment of silence passed before Cat whispered, “I got it safe.”  Her voice was low enough so they could hardly hear the noise, much less the words, but Animal was satisfied and walked to her work at the wet bar and started packing her mixtures into the black bag, along with the papers of research she had.  About that time Ginger was back in the room with alcohol, band-aids, and any other thing you could imagine to fix skin.  As she doctored her sister she saw the malnutrition of her stomach.  Shaking her head she announced, “skinny as a snake and still won’t come home for a decent meal.” 
“I’m here now aren’t I? Who are they?”
“Well-,” the room was silent as their father walked threw it again, this time with a bottle of pills in his hand. 
“Hiya dad,” Cat greeted ignorantly.  Their father gave her the devil’s look and continued upstairs.  Animal gave her kid sister the same but she didn’t see it and looked back at Ginger for her answer.  When the door shut Ginger continued. “Well if you ask dad, they are his retirement.  But I like to think of them as guests.”
“So dad finally did the kidnapping thing, hu? I wondered when he’d get to that.  So who’s who?”
“Well, that’s Alison, Kristen, Michael, and Tom.”
“He’s yours,” Animal added.  Cat shook her head in approval for a minute before asking,” So what’s for breakfast?”
After a rather large meal, Ginger asked, “Cat, we’re out of bisquick, can you get some?”
“Ya, sure.”  The rest of the day was Cat explaining her countless adventures, climbing the monstrous mountains outside.  She talked about the people in the not-so-near-by-village and the animals she ran into and almost everything she had seen in complete detail.  Ginger listened in wonder as the stories continued, but Animal only checked over her research papers.
“Cat, you said last time that this time I would be able to go with you for a short trip.”  Cat took a quick glance at Animal who gave a questionable look at her sister.
“Well Ginger, I got to go run a few errands before I can take you.  But the trip should be real short and I’ll come pick you up right after.”
“Okay,” Ginger grinned.  That night Kristen was again woken up, but this time by whispers.
“Here’s the stuff.  Now I don’t want you to handle this carelessly, some chemicals in here might be dangerous.”
“I appreciate the concern but I’ve got it.”
“The papers explain, all you have to do is deliver it.”
“And Cat.  Be careful with Ginger when you return. Don’t take her on your hardest mountains or any thing dumb like that.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll only take her to the spring and back.  That should be enough for her.”  The door closed and Kristen shut her eyes quickly so not to look guilty to what she just heard.

Chapter 5
Animal Weapons

The house hold was awakened to clinking and clanking from Animals corner.  Lazily, Ginger rubbed her eye as she walked down the stairs.
“What are you doing Animal?”
“On what?”  Animal got up and held the rather large gun with both hands.  “It’s called the mirage gun.”  Ginger stepped back, obviously cautious to the piece of machinery.  “What does it do?”
“I’ll show you.”  Animal pointed the gun at a glass vase on a small table near the fireplace.  A light showed dimly in the back of the semi long tunnel of the gun.  It grew until it reached the front and burst out with a loud noise at the table.  The glass vase split into thousands of small pieces all over the ground.
“Animal!” Ginger screamed in horror as she witnessed the slaughter.  She turned back around at her sister who was simply smiling at her work.  “That was mom’s oldest vase and you just killed it!” 
“Are you sure?” Animal said in a calm, smart voice.  In question, Ginger looked back to the scene.  The vase stood untouched, still in the exact same spot without so much as a scratch on it. 
“But..,” Ginger stuttered.
“The light sends off a heat that plays with your mind, making you see exactly what you think you would see, like a mirage, and the sound helps too.”
“Have you used it on any animals?” 
“Well, I don’t know if it will work on animals.  There not too bright in the first place,  but there is a theory that if your brain really believes its dead you’ll die,” Ginger nodded, “We’ll I don’t know what they would die from, if that is, they die at all.”  Ginger nodded, still looking back at the fragile vase to make absolutely sure that it was unharmed while Animal went back to the wall.  She placed her hand on a spot of the wall before a red light appeared.  The light scanned down her hand and back up.  The wall opened up to an indention where there laid many other weapons of all different sizes and shapes on a wall of there own, most looking quiet torture-some.  She placed the new arrival near the middle of the mechanical wall as if it were an egg shell.  Animal gazed at here accomplishments as Ginger turned to the awed crowd behind them. 
“Animal also designs weapons with chemicals.”  The teenager turned the facet in the opposite direction and the wall closed back.  Ginger openly looked around, “Where’s Cat?” 
“She went to the store, but will be back tonight to take you to a very special place.  Speaking of leaving, I’m gonna take Mutt out for his morning duties.”  She whistled and her dog eagerly ran behind her as she left the house. 
“I think its time for your breakfast, don’t you?”  Ginger went into the kitchen to prepare the next meal as Dick came down the stairs.  His eye brow arched as he looked at the lovely Mss. Keurk.  Smoothly, he walk to her and leaned over for his kiss.  Kristen struggled, but she was tied and he had her chin held tight.  The frightened Ginger hurriedly went back into the living room.  “Are you mad!” she said as she pulled him off of Animal’s hostage.  “Animal will kill you.”
“That, my dear sister is why she is not going to find out,” he warned as he grabbed her throat with a tight grip.  Ginger struggled to breathe as her hands grabbed his wrists to inform him of her pain.  “Is she?!” he yelled.
“No,” she screamed, “Not from me.”  Satisfied, he let go and went back to his work on Kristen.  Ginger frantically looked around and saw the other two angry male hostages.  She ran and untied the cannons before they shot for the intruder.  They easily yanked him off their friend and pinned him on the ground, beating the blood out of him. 
By that time the noise had gathered the rest of the family into the living room, including Animal. 
“What’s going on in here!” the father yelled, “Who let the prisoners out!”  All the while Animal yanked both Michael and Tom off her brother, threw them in their chairs, and started tying them up.  Their father asked his question again in growing impatience.  Ginger looked at Animal as if she knew she was going to die a horrible death in that very second.  Animal’s eyes warmed just a little at her sister’s expression.  “I SAID WHO!” their father screamed once again as he walked closer into the living room, his merciless gaze on his terrified youngest daughter. 
“I did,” Animal said sternly as she stood up for more courage.  Her dad glared at her now.  She knew that glare, she always knew that glare, in her sleep, in her wake, it always haunted her mind.  She knew that glare all too well and knew its meaning all too often, but she would still refuse to see her only friend endure the punishment she held. 
The father looked at her, then at Ginger, then back at her before his heavy feet stomped over to his victim.  A hard hand bruised Animal’s cheek bone and she fell to the arm of a chair.  A hard grip landed on her shoulder as she was picked up for another punch on her face. 
“You idiot,” he scream, as he kicked her in the side, “Do you know what could’ve happened?” Her pony tail lifted the rest of her up as he grabbed her neck.  “They could have ran away and all our lives would be over.”  Her head was thrown to the corner of the half table, as blood ran into her eyes.  Dick stood up from his spot on the ground, whipping the blood from the corner of his mouth.  Threw blood stained eyes, Animal glared into her mother’s frighten ones.  She never looked at her mother for help, because she knew she would never get it, but if she had to go threw this pain, her mother would know the full extreme of it.  Mutt jumped in to protect his master but the big dog was easily knocked to the ground by the father’s hand.  The dog’s head hit Kristen’s arm of her chair and the mutt fell down unconscious.  The glare went back to his first prey.
“Stop it!” Ginger yelled, getting in the way of the whirl wind father and her weak sister.  “Please,” she said pleading softly, “stop.”  Her father’s breathing was heavy, as well as Animal’s.  In an angry rage he went back to his room followed by his quiet wife. 
Dick, once again seized the moment, and walked to the now tied up adults.  The back of his hand slapped both of them on the cheek.  He turned back to Kristen and took another kiss before kicking his sister’s dog and heading up stair. 
Ginger spent the night, once again doctoring her sister.
“How can Dick cause so much pain and still feel nothing? He’s acting exactly like father.”
“Live like father, die like father,” Animal said as her entire body fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 6
Revenge of an Animal

“So exactly what happened?”  Silence in the room lingered on. 
“Your brother harassed me,” Kristen finally broke out.  You could see the thought in Animal’s eyes.  “Dick!” she called out.  In a lazy mode her brother walked down the stairs.  As soon as his foot touched the ground a kick was delivered to his face. 
         This was the first time any of the prisoners saw Animal injure someone else.  They always knew she was no one to mess with but never saw why.  She grabbed the back of her brother’s shirt and swung him on the ground in the middle of the living room.  “You know the family rules.  You can’t touch my hostages and I can’t touch yours.”
“Look again Animal.  I can’t touch your hostages without permission, but if you have no proof I get away with it,” he said in a calm manner.  He had finally won a round with Animal, and it was clear on his face that he was proud of it.  But like the saying goes, pride before fall.  Animal glared at him with the hate of her father’s eyes.  Uneasily she walked over to her corner, opened a cumbered, and grabbed a metal pail.  She walked back over to Kristen and splashed green slime all over her. 
“This is called groof,” she said as she grabbed Kristen’s wrist with her hands.  “If anyone touches her,” she let go of her wrist to show black fingerprint marks where her hands use to be, “then I’ll know, and that will be my proof.”  Now Dick had thought in him.  “It comes off with normal water,” Animal answered his unspoken question, “but I don’t think you would try that seeing that it will wash off my finger prints along with it, and I’ll use that against you.”  Confidently Animal splashed the groof on Alison too and went back to her corner.  Dick still didn’t have the look of defeat in his eyes, as he called his friends over.
It had been seven long hours later when Animal came back in with Mutt at her side.  She had said she needed to talk to Cat and it couldn’t wait till she got home.  Kristen was sniffling silently.  Suspiciously she looked at Kristen’s wrist.  Her finger prints where still there.  The two guests that had come in earlier were now both gone and Dick was sleeping the exercise off.  In a finial thought Animal went over to Kristen and grabbed her other wrist.  When she let go, no black marks were made on her skin.  “Dick,” she said in a low voice.  She went over to the wall right in front of the stairs and touched a section of it.  She moved her eyes close to it and a blue light reached out to inspect.  Once the light vanished 16’ by 16’ of the wall opened up much like to one by Animal’s corner.  Just then Ginger turned the corner from the kitchen.
“Animal, what are you doing?” Ginger asked, a little fear in her voice.
“Dick’s broken one too many rules in this house,” she grabbed a rather large knife with a death grip in her hand, “and now he’s getting his consequences.”  Ginger looked at the tears falling from Kristen’s eyes.
“Please Animal,” Ginger begged, “don’t do anything permanent.”  Animal walked up the stairs and busted her brother’s door open.  For one hour Ginger sat against the wall, her eyes tearing, and for one hour the entire house heard Dick’s painful cries as he endured the revenge of an Animal.

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