Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1352689-Story-I
Rated: GC · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1352689
This story follows the adventures of Josh Kingston, Dameon Taylors, and Ebben the Wise.

         Josh awoke with an audible sigh. It had been three years to the day that the Massacre at Venti Halls had happened, and the sights and sounds were still fresh on Josh’s memory. “Time for the memorial already? Shit.” He grumbled. He hastily got up and dresses in a nice clothing. He kept the Blade of Kings on is back and his twin daggers at his hips. “Never can be too prepared.” He heard a knock at his door, and saw Alexa at the doorway. She had her auburn hair pulled back into a ponytail, and was wearing a white shirt and skirt. She had her bow in her hand and the quiver slung over her back. Josh smiled and kissed her. “Ready?” She asked. “Unfortunately, yes.” Josh replied. They walked together to the main courtyard, where a large crowd had gathered around the monument dedicated to all those who had died at the Massacre. Among the thousands of names on the plaque, a few bit deeply. On that day, his father, James, and one of Josh’s closest allies, Andrew, had both lost their lives defending Josh and Alexa as they lay wounded. Josh and Alexa walked up onto the stage, where Mark greeted them. “Hey Josh. Hey Alexa.” He greeted cordially. “Hi Mark.” Alexa said enthusiastically. “Hey.” Josh grumbled. “Josh, you have to stop beating yourself up over what happened. There was nothing you could have done. The man in blue was too powerful for you. If your father couldn’t beat him, I doubt you could.” Mark ushered the two of them to a row of chairs where Jake was already seated. He too looked troubled. Alexa walked over to him and hugged him. “Hey Jake. How are you?” “Eh, today sucks. That’s all it can ever be.” He sounded very quiet and hoarse. Jake looked up at Josh, then immediately frowned. “You look like hell, Josh.” Jake smirked as he got to his feet. “And you look so much better, don’t you, Jake?” “Enough, you two. The memorial is about to start.” Alexa hushed.

         As Mark got up and began to read off a list of the people who had died, Josh began to feel nauseous. He kept gazing over out to the main gate, where he kept thinking he saw a shadow. A few minutes later, Alexa hit Josh, sending him back to reality. “Josh, its your turn to talk.” Josh got up and walked to the podium. He cleared his throat, and began to speak, but was interrupted by a load thud. The main gate burst open, and a large man quickly walked up to in front of the podium. Josh instantly recognized the man’s cold features. “You.” Josh growled. As Alexa got up to take out her bow, Josh glared at her. “No,” He commanded sternly, “let me handle this.” He drew the Sword of Kings and swung it through the podium. The man laughed and jumped back. “You, Mark is it?” His cold voice rung through the courtyard. “You might want to get the innocents out of here before my soldiers get here.” He shifted his attention to Josh. “In my culture, we find it proper to tell our name to someone we are about to kill, as a final courtesy. My name is Tiburon. I’d love to say pleased to meet you,  but it’s a little late for that.” He drew his long blue sword and pointed it at Josh. “Josh Kingston, prepare for your doom.” Josh jumped back next to Mark. “Get everyone out of here. He may be bluffing, but prepare the troops anyway.” “Alright, Josh. But be careful. Andrew and James didn’t sacrifice themselves just to have you die a few years later.” “I’m not planning on dying just yet.” Mark rushed Alexa and Jake away, and signaled for the people in the crowd to run. Josh pointed his sword at Tiburon and growled, “Tiburon, you’ve done too much to my friends and I for me to ever consider giving you mercy. Expect me to come at full force.” “That’s good. Otherwise, you wouldn’t survive more than a minute with me, much like your father.” Tiburon laughed and walked towards Josh, sword still pointing at him. Josh rushed at Tiburon and swung his sword at his thigh. Tiburon caught the sword and punched Josh in the face, sending him through the monument, destroying it. Blood was pouring from Josh’s face and head. He laughed and wiped it off. Josh got out of the rubble and ran at Tiburon. He blocked an attack from Tiburon, and slid the sword into his arm, slicing it off. Tiburon groaned, and pushed Josh back. “Fuck. That’s not good.” He raised his sword high above his head, and began to mutter something. His sword glowed blue for a second, and ice began to rain from the sky at Josh. “What the fuck is this?” Josh cried as he dodged a particularly large shard. “Ice? Since when could people do this?” “Fool. You underestimate Chad’s power.” Tiburon appeared in front of Josh with his sword above his head. He swung down, but was suddenly stopped by an outstretched arm. “Enough, Tiburon. Chad wants this one alive.” Came a dark voice. “Ebben?” Tiburon grunted in disbelief. “What are you doing here?” “I came here to bring you back. Along with this one.” The figure nodded towards Josh. Ebben was wearing a dark red robe, black gloves, and had a staff slung on his back. Josh jumped back and yelled, “Who the hell are you. And what makes you think I’ll go along with this.” “Oh, my apologies.” Ebben said softly. “I seem to have neglected to introduce myself. My name is Ebben. Ebben the Dark you may call me if you wish, but I prefer just Ebben if you will. I assume you will want to come with us because by going with us, you will ensure the safety of your friends and this land.” “You bastard. You’re going to use my friend’s safety against me?” “Ah, not at all. This is something entirely different.” Ebben snapped his fingers, and a deafening grunt echoed throughout the city. “Your friends are safe. All the creatures are now dead, ok. Now, come with us, or it will be too late.” “Or we could force you to come. Whichever you choose.” Growled Tiburon. Ebben groaned, picked up Tiburon’s arm, and stuffed it in his mouth. “Shush. Now, never mind him. He’s just pissed he lost his arm to you.. Now, please come with us. I really don’t like threats, but don’t make me force you to come, as Tiburon suggested. “ “Ugh, fine. I’ll go with you if it will help save my friends.” “Perfect.” Ebben waved his hand, and a bright blue rip in the air appeared. “Enter, Josh Kingston.” “Very well. But at the slightest hint something bad is about to happen, I will kill myself before allowing you to use me.” “Silly boy. Like I’d need you alive to use you for information. Now go.” Ebben pushed Tiburon through the portal, and ushered Josh towards it. “Now, my new ally, are you ready to abandon your friends and join with me?” “What the hell are you talking about?” Someone called out. “Huh?” Josh yelped as he turned around. Jake and Alexa stood there, with weapons out. “What was that he just said, Josh?” Jake seethed. “Abandoning us right when things are starting to look bad for us, huh? Well, guess what. No one wants you. Go along with your new allies and leave us to fight Chad alone. Just do us a favor. Come back in a casket or don’t come back at all.” Alexa looked on the verge of tears. “Josh,” she mumbled, “I thought you were our ally. I thought you promised to stay with us no matter what. I thought I loved you.” She notched an arrow in her bow and aimed at Josh. “Alexa, I…” Josh began, but was cut off with an arrow through the throat. Josh began to grunt in pain and fell to the ground unconscious. “Well, that’s lovely and all, but we have to go.” Ebben said, cautiously as he pushed Josh through the portal. “Well, it’s been fun, but alas, I must leave you.” Ebben walked through the portal and the portal disappeared into nothingness. “That fucking asshole.” Jake muttered as he swung his axe to where Josh had just laid. “We sacrifice ourselves to protect him and he goes off with the enemy. That little bitch. I can’t wait till I can get my hands on his filthy little neck. You shouldn’t have let him live, Alexa. He was nothing but a traitor from the start. Filth like that doesn’t deserve your mercy.” “SHUT UP!” Alexa screamed. “I don’t want to hear it. There has to be something we’re missing here. Josh isn’t the type of person who would just run off like that.” “Well, he lied then.” A new voice said. “Mark, how do you know?” Alexa inquired. “Because the king was just killed by the Sword of Kings. Only Josh can wield it. It had to have been him.” Mark answered bluntly. “We need to regroup our forces and prepare ourselves for this coming storm.”

         Josh and Ebben walked together to get to the other world. “Now, Josh, you may be wondering why I said what I said. It was to be sure that no one had any hard feelings about you leaving. I’m sure, however, that Alexa will be sad she shot you, but in time, that too will pass. I’m sorry you got shot through the throat, but, it was necessary for my plans to continue. I promise that nothing bad will happen to your friends now that your working for me, not because I used their health as an ultimatum, but because now that you’re on our side, your interests are our interests, so if you want to protect them, we will give it our all to protect them.” Ebben explained. “You make no sense to me.” Josh wheezed. “Well, no matter. We’re here. Oh, and expect everyone to be throwing a party for you. Its not every day we get a new person, so they are really excited.” “So who’s side are you on, anyway?” Josh asked. “Eh, neither side. Our alliances ebb and flow like the tide. But its general consensus that we like you guys better.” “That’s good I guess.” The two of them entered into a large room, where balloons and cake and other party miscellanea was thrown around. “WELCOME!” Came a large booming yell. Eleven people were standing in front of them. Josh, astounded by the warm welcome smiled meekly and waved. A woman wearing a gold bikini top and a long red skirt came up to Josh. She had long silver hair, and a mace on her back. “Hey,” She said, smiling, “We’ve heard and seen a lot about you. Pity what happened with you and your girlfriend though. I’m Idrian, and I was voted to show you around. Lets see. Major things include everyone’s name. We have Ebben, Tiburon, Chorl, Mai, Kraetoes, Maenoes, Tauroes, Flaeroes, Ptaeros, Ject, Gossamer, and myself. Well, that’s really it. We are pretty much a family, so don’t worry, we’re going to watch out for you. Now, time for the party.” Everyone partied merrily into the odd hours of the morning. Josh woke up to see Ebben sitting at the main table, drinking tea. “About time you woke up. You probably had a fun night.” Ebben said, gleefully. Josh attempted to remember the night before, but was unable to. “And why would you say that, Ebben?” He asked, wearily. “Well, for starters look next to you. I’m really surprised at you. Only a few hours after that whole ordeal with Alexa, and then that.” “Huh, what are you talking about?” Josh looked next to him, and saw Idrian lying there, shirtless. Josh jumped up, startled, and yelled, “What the hell?” “Who would have thought you like the older girls, Josh.” Ebben was standing next to Josh with his hand on his shoulder. Josh walked forward and put his head in his hands. “How the fuck did this happen. I love Alexa. I would never do this to her.” “Well, you did. So if I were you, I would go shower before everyone wakes up.” “Great idea. See you guys in a bit.” Josh ran off to the bath and began to shower.

         Meanwhile, Alexa sat on a wall, gazing at the stars. She was on her back, crying. “Josh,” she muttered, “why did you have to do that. You betrayed my father, you betrayed me, and you betrayed your friends. Who was that you went with. Tiburon was with him, and he’s the one who killed Andrew and your father, yet you’re so willing to join him. Why, Josh, why.” “I’ll tell you why, Alexa. He was trash. He was always wrong for you, and wrong for everyone. He is a pussy and doesn’t deserve your tears.” Jake was standing over her, with his hand stretched out. “Come on, Alexa, lets get you some tea.” Jake helped Alexa to her feet and hugged her. He brought her back to the great hall, and made her some tea. Mark was sitting at the king’s table, troubled. Jake walked up to him and whispered, “I’m worried about Alexa. She’s been crying ever since Josh left. She’s a wreck, and I’m worried about what she might do. She was crazy for Josh, and now, she is just losing it. I don’t know what to do.” “And to make matters worse,” Mark mumbled, “Chad is pissed. He realized Tiburon betrayed him, and he thinks he is here. So we are to prepare for the imminent attack. I fear Alexa shouldn’t fight in this fight, at least, until she has to.” “No!” Alexa yelled from across the room. “I am not just going to sit around and watch more people suffer. I am going to fight.” Alexa got up, and walked over to Mark and Jake. “Very well.” Mark sighed. “We will ready ourselves for this fight. Jake, tell the men they are to train.” “Yes, sir.” Jake ran off, out of the room. “Alexa,” Mark said, “as much as I would not want you to fight, the choice is ultimately up to you. So will you fight?” “Yes. For Josh.”

         “WHAT!” Josh cried. “Chad is going to attack the castle in three weeks?” “Unfortunately, that’s what my sis told me.” Idrian pouted as she relayed the message. Chad was to attack Mark in three weeks, after amassing a large enough force to overrun any opposition. “Well, we have to do something. My friends are in danger.” “Oh, don’t worry,” Ebben reassured, “they know, and we will help. Make it clear to Chad who’s side we are on. But until then, we shall train. Especially you, Josh. You will be in no condition to fight against them, depending on when we get there. So we need you to try your best and be willing to fight no matter what.” “Yes. For Alexa.”

         Chad tittered around his castle in a fury. “How dare he.  How dare he forsake the one who saved his life all those years ago, and join Ebben. That fool. Working with Ebben will just get him killed. I’ll be sure of it. And for Josh, nothing but pain will await you, brother. If only three weeks was less time. Ah, well. Time to amuse myself with the prisoners.”

         Three weeks passed as if it were nothing. Josh trained hard those three weeks, working to near death. Alexa did the same, training to get over her feelings for Josh, however, in an effort to be able to kill him if need be. Chad’s army had been sufficiently raised, and sent upon the capital lead by Jess. The morning of the attack, there was a solemn air around the soldiers. Alexa and Jake stood together, each with the resolve to handle anything. Alexa wore her mother’s old battle outfit, a red velvet tunic. Jake wore his usual red shirt and black pants, but wore the flag’s insignia around his neck. They stood ready with Mark, who wore grand marble colored armor. “This will be a bitch. Who knows when Josh and his friends will show up to attack us as well.” Mark seethed. He drew his blade and sat down, polishing it. Soon after, a fireball flew through the air, and landed next to Mark. ’Shit. Jess is leading them. I hate to say it, but I would rather have the sister. Neither of them are nice.” The doors burst open, and the creatures sped into the city, attacking the soldiers. After the creatures all entered the city, Jess walked in, and up to Mark, Alexa, and Jake. “Hello,” He said in his smooth voice, “lovely day isn’t it. I can’t wait to finish this up so I can go back to torturing  my prisoner. You may know him. Josh. The boy who left you all is now my prisoner. I thank you, Alexa, for wounding him. That allowed me to snatch him right up. He cried out your name all last night after I finished telling him about the attack, and what I am planning to do to you.” “You bastard!” Jake yelled as he charged Jess. Jess easily blocked and cut into Jake’s stomach. He doubled over in pain and smiled. “You think that I would really do such a stupid thing? Now, Alexa” Jake rolled to the side as a flurry of arrows shot at Jess. Jess got hit by a few of the arrows, then he smiled. “That’s the best you can do? Now for a taste of my power.” He pulled his arm back and shot a large red fire beam at Alexa. Horrified, she put her arms up to take the hit that never came. Alexa opened her eyes to see a man holding the blast back with one hand. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants, with bandages wrapped around his hands and arms. “No!” A familiar voice rang out. The man pushed the attack to nothingness, then jumped back to Alexa. “Hey, Alexa,” he said, “no need to shoot me in the throat with arrows today, now is there?” “Josh!” Alexa cried out in astonishment. She hugged him then slapped him upside the head. “Why did you make me worry as much as I did?” “I’m sorry, Alexa.” He said quietly. Alexa went to kiss him, but Josh put his fingers up to stop her. “I’m sorry, Alexa. But, I have a new girlfriend. I thought you hated me, and she was there for me, so I’m going out with her now. I’m really sorry, but can we settle this after the battle?” “Fine. But watch out.” Alexa screamed as she tackled Josh out of the way of an attack. “Sorry I’m late, guys. I had a few things to wrap up. Jess, Ebben and Idrian both told me to give you their thoughts. And I feel like I should tell you that your sister is a good kisser and lover.” Josh began to smirk as Jess flew into a rage. “Never go near my sister ever again.” He drew his sword and rushed at Josh. Josh laughed and caught the sword before it hit his face. “Nuh uh uh.” He mocked. Josh brought his sword up through Jess’ sword arm, and into his back. He kicked him back a few feet and said, “Now for a taste of my power.” Josh pointed at Jess, and five holes appeared through his forehead. Jess dropped to the ground, dead.  “Well, that was a good warm-up, huh?” Josh joked as he turned around to see a sword pointing at his throat. “You fucking bastard. You left us to deal with these guys, only to try to reappear as a hero to us? I’m not taking it. So now, you get to fight me. And don’t worry, I will go easy on you.” Mark growled. He stabbed at Josh’s throat, who disappeared and reappeared five feet back. “I don’t want to fight you, Mark.” “Well too bad. You pissed me off.” Mark appeared in front of Josh with his sword above his head. He swung down, but Josh was able to easily catch it. “Perfect. He who comes in heaven’s name, strike down the evil one!” Mark chanted and a white blast shot out of his hand at Josh. It hit him in the stomach, and sent him to his knees. “Mark.” Josh gasped. “I swear, we are on your side.” Mark brought his sword up through Josh’s shoulder. “Doubt it. And as the de-facto king, I’m going to make sure you die!” Mark swung his sword down at Josh’s head, only to have it stopped by a long brown staff. “No.” A dark voice commanded. “Ebben!” Josh cried out in excitement. “Leave the boy alone, Mark.” Ebben growled. “Ebben? You’re the one who took Josh.” Mark said, astonished. He swung his sword up the side of the staff, cutting Ebben’s fingers off. “Fuck.” He cried out, pained. Josh got to his feet and chuckled. “See, Mark. If we were here to kill you, Ebben would have done it by now.” Mark sighed and put his sword away. “Ugh, as much I hate to admit it, you have me beaten, Ebben. I give.” “Well,” Ebben said, merrily, clapping his hands together, “that makes life easier.” Jake came up next to Mark and growled, “No. I’m still pissed at Josh. Allow me to fight him, Mark.” “Josh is fine with that, now aren’t you?” Ebben asked. “Yeah, I’m game, if Jake is ready to lose.” Jake stood straight up, and drew his axe. “All out, to the death, ok?” “If that’s what you really want, then very well.” Josh drew his sword and held it in front of him. Jake lunged at Josh, who moved to the side quickly and brought his sword down through Jake’s neck. The fight was over in a second. “JAKE!” Alexa screamed as she ran over to his prone body. She checked his pulse, but there was none. “You bastard. You killed Jake. He was your friend, Josh. You guys worked together for four years, and now you killed him. I hate you.” “Well,” Came a new voice from behind them, “that’s all fine and dandy, but I think you have a new problem.” The man was tall, had lightly tan skin, was wearing a white dress shirt and dark blue pants, and had a strange weapon in his hand, pointing at Josh. “What the hell is that?” Josh asked incredulously. “A new type of weapon, just recently developed.  It’s called a gun. Fun little weapon. Extremely hard to dodge, and quite powerful.” “And who are you?” “Me? My name is Zurich. I’m a world famous bounty hunter. Surprised you’ve never heard of me, really. Too bad, though. I’m here to kill you.” “Huh?” Josh said, mystified. “You heard me. Its time for you to die, Josh Kingston.” Zurich laughed and pulled the trigger. Josh tried to jump out of the way, but got shot in the leg. He fell to the ground, bleeding. “AH, shit.” He cried out, pained. Zurich put away the gun and walked toward Josh’s prone body. “Well, well. That was pitiful. You really should work on that.” He reached for Josh’s throat and grabbed him roughly by the neck. Zurich started to choke Josh, and as Josh groaned in pain, a sword came through Zurich’s arm, freeing Josh. Standing in front of Josh was a man with short silver hair, all black clothes, and a huge sword in his hands. Zurich fell back in pain and looked at his missing arm. He started to laugh as the arm came back. “Aw, so close. Now, who the hell do you think you are to interfere with my hunt?” “The name’s Ject. Ject Kage. Josh is an acquaintance of mine, and I can’t just sit back and let you kill him. Hey. Ebben, why don’t you get Josh out of here. He looks like he could use a bit of surgery. I’ll handle this guy.” “You sure?” Ebben asked, worried. “Absolutely.” Ject pushed back Zurich, getting between him and Josh.  “This should be interesting.” Zurich muttered.  He reached for his gun, but was met by a sharp stinging pain in his hand. Ject had his own gun out, aiming for Zurich’s hand. The gun was a dark black color, with a blood red “S” on it. “Meet Shizo. It’s a fun little gun. Gets stronger as I put more energy into it.” Zurich’s eyes widened as he looked over the gun. “You shouldn’t use things you don’t know anything about. Nor should you use something of that power so lightly.” Zurich pulled out his gun and jumped back. Ject laughed and melted into the shadow of a building. Zurich looked around wildly for him, and locked his eyes onto his shadow. He jumped back, just in time, to dodge a large black beam getting shot out of his shadow. “Helpful technique you’ve got there. Pity it’s so easily stopped.” Ject reappeared out of the shadow, aiming at Zurich. “You’re too cocky. I haven’t even shown a drop of my true power.” He drew his sword and lunged at Zurich. Zurich ducked and as Ject skidded by, he grabbed him and put his gun to Ject’s head. “Checkmate.” Zurich growled. “Yeah, you’re right.” Zurich felt a bit of pressure on his neck. He looked down and saw Shizo point blank on his neck. “Very well. Stalemate. I concede to you, Ject Kage. I know your true intentions, and I don’t think Chad will like them very much.” Zurich put away his gun and backed away. “If you need me, I will find you. Don’t worry.” Zurich waved his arm and disappeared. Ject punched the ground in anger, and created a huge crater. “Damn! He got  away.” He said bitterly. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “Well, I better get going.” He snapped his fingers, and a small circular portal appeared. Ject stepped through it, and disappeared. Alexa picked up Jake’s lifeless body and carried it over to Mark. “Mark,” she asked quietly, “is there anything you can do?” Mark put his hands on Alexa’s auburn hair and pulled it out of her face. “I’m sorry. He’s already dead. I am not so good as to bring someone back from the dead. There is only one person in this world who can, and I would not trust him to bring Jake back. Jake died like a warrior. Kind of. I’m sure wherever he is, he’s happy. Or at least justified. I’m so sorry.” Mark replied solemnly.

         Jake awoke, floating through a large gray world. He quickly felt all around his body, noticing no cuts on his throat or anywhere else. “What the hell!?” He cried out, shocked. “You can thank me for that.” Came a smooth voice. Jake looked up and saw a man, floating cross-legged. He was wearing a blue robe and black pants. He had a sword at his side and a strange necklace around his neck. He had short gray hair and had a scar across his cheek. “And you are?” Jake asked, worried. “Me? My name is Aaron. Aaron Williams. You may know me as another name, but that’s a different matter. The main thing that matters is that you are alive, and that I have to pass down some power to you. As long as you stay with me here, until a boy named Nathan Genth comes, at least. Then you will help me train him. After that, you are free to do whatever you wish to do. Ok?” “What?” “You will see in time, my boy. Until then, come with me. We aren’t safe in the Gray Fires.”

         Josh woke up, in a bed, bandaged up. He looked around and saw Idrian sleeping on a chair and Ebben sitting at the foot of his bed, drinking tea. “About time you woke up. You’ve been out for three days. Idrian has barely left your side the entire time. There’s trouble.” “What is it?” Josh asked, drearily. “You know how Chad is all evil and stuff?” “Yeah.” “Well, it turns out he’s even worse than we thought. That man who tried to kill you came to us yesterday. He told us about a machine that creates even scarier and stronger creatures. And he warned us about a weapon called Raedeon. And another weapon called Ether. He said the weapons are very powerful and should never be used. The locations are unknown as of now, but we sent Tiburon to find the weapons. He should be back shortly. We need you to get stronger, by the way. You are nothing compared to the strength of the people we should be fighting shortly. You handled Jess quite easily, but Izolda is even worse now. You have never met her before have you? She is Ject’s girlfriend, and used to be pretty wimpy. But after seeing how weak she was, she trained for three weeks with no breaks in between. Now, she rivals me in power. And she is scary strong. People who use blood should not be taken lightly. And thus, we need you to train. Chad is even stronger than me and Izolda. So, we need you to get stronger. Everyone else is working hard to get stronger, so I suppose you could do the same, correct?” “Yeah, Ebben. No problem. I’ll train and train and train and never seem to be strong enough, so I’ll train some more. Got it.” “Ugh, this is not the time for sarcasm. Our enemies encircle us as we speak.” Ebben looked down to the floor and frowned. “Be ready for the hammer to fall, Joshua Albert Kingston. For when it does, no one will be left unaffected.”

                                                 The end
© Copyright 2007 Jeremy Daniels (googins at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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