Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1352685-DAWN
by ag
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1352685
Incomplete first chapter, set in Greece, Earth. Mythical creatures teleported to our world
No, no, no, this cannot be happening!!! Andreus tells himself as his face is engulfed with fear in his bed hearing people scream in terror. It is night time and the sun has been gone for five hours after seven. Andreus knows his duties as a warrior of Greece, "Never show your enemies the fear you hold inside" that is what
his captain said every morning at bootcamp. Fires are raging outside as he sees through the cracks of his wooden door sitting on his bed. He gulps as there is fighting to be done or suffer the consequences of being banished from all Greek cities. The question of who is attacking us and why has already crossed his mind while fear invades his heart. Andreus wrestles out of his wool blankets trying at the same time to keep quiet grabbing his equipment and armor strapping it all on him. As he starts to put on his steel boots a loud crack can be heard just ahead of him, looking up he sees the door shattered to pieces. His heart stops right at that momment knowing there is no way of escaping quietly. Some parts of it flying straight towards his bed and others falling to the ground instantly.

An odd looking creature steps into where the doors stood momments ago, pointy ears, human shaped head, short hair, and a few centimeters taller, bumping his head into the ceiling. The momment this creature bumps his head Andreus charges not remembering one boot is on while the other foot being completely bare. This does not bode well as he slips to the floor sliding straight to the feet of this unknown creature. An abrupt pause of noise coming from his house, and a burst of laughter from the creature thinking what fools these humans must be. "OH GREAT, Now I'll be the laughing stock of the century and I don't even have my sword with me" Andreus thinks to himself. "You must be the silliest of humans I have encountered" still trying to not laugh at the human before him. "I do not wish to fight humans who cannot fight, and..." The creature gets jolted by a bolt of electricity sent his way hurling him into the wall behind the bed.

Andreus looks up to see a female mage smiling at him almost laughing herself as if she saw the whole act. Still too stunned to move even while nothing has happened to him, he lays his head on the ground in the disbelief of being rediculed like that. "OKAY!, NOW can we start fighting like real soldiers and not like buffoons?" Andreus thinks to himself not lifting his head up yet. "COME now, just thank me later and nothing will be told" says the mage who just saved her, he lifts his head up to acknowledge what he said. A split second later he sees a dark figure in the shadows as his face turns into fear again. The dark figure goes straight for her, as he tries to warn her, seeing her seized by it and then seeing them disappear in a flash. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET UP!!!" says a voice as he feels his head go dizzy and his eyes blurred trying get back focus feeling a sharp pain in his head. Sounds come closer and closer to him becoming more audible by the momment, he tries to get up but fails miserably feeling paralyzed all over.

A man stands next to him and decides to sit next to Andreus,"I took care of the Elf in front of you, and there had better be an explanation to what happened in your house, or else!". "Didn't you see that a female mage actually killed the so called Elf you call it?", "....." . Andreus's eyes start to focus and he can start to see clearly picking his head up "Well? Did you or did you not see what happened??" He looks up and sees that it is a captain while he gulps again. "No, I did not see that as I sent my spear into his armor sending him into your bedroom wall. One more word out of you about female wizards who have never existed in the whole history of Greece, and you will never set foot on Greek soil again!. You will report to me this morning at dawn, and you will be treated with the harshest punishment possible", knowing if I had said anything more, I would have been whipped right there.

The small town of Diena was under attack by Elves sending fire arrows directly into houses scattered around town trying to create chaos, as Andreus found out by picking himself up and talking to soldiers who had been to the front lines. No other night has ever been as embarrassing as this one, he could not sleep all night walking from street to street dazed and confused. He finally falls asleep unknowingly on the steps of the same captain who had threatened him not to talk about women mages ever again. As he sleeps, he feels a hard thump on the back of his head waking up to "GET UP! UP! UP!" eyes open up to see the skies clear and dark blue telling him dawn is coming very soon. Andreus wonders for a few seconds where the captain is swearing it was his voice he heard just now, it's a guard about fifteen meters in front of him motioning him to come. The whole night before the image of the woman magician appeared in his dreams, wondering what happened to her knowing it felt real that he saw her.

Andreus starts to get up yawning and stretching, and walking towards the guard and the Imperial palace about thirty meters in front of him. As he walks forth still tired, he watches and remembers what his former captain describe the palace."This majestic building has been home and office to many of the most brilliant tacticians in Greece for as long as fifteen years. There are three towers to each side of the palace stating that Greece is never left unprotected, with a golden Eagle at the top of each flying towards the sky.

These towers are made of marble with the color and texture of skin to show any god our pride in being nothing but humans." Andreus also rememebers his former captain Lucious say that the insides were made of the strongest stone found only in the Arcaysh mountains to the north. Lucious explained the reason for building the towers like this was to say to any gods that we are strong inside as
well as on the outside. These towers are to thank the gods for making us strong and malleable inside. The towers are the highest buildings in all Greece stretching eight meters taller. Once they reached the gold coated steel gates, the guard there opens the gates and motioning Andreus to move towards
a long narrow one story structure to his right.

He enters the building and abruptly sees somewhere between fifteen to twenty people, men and women with their army uniforms on. The moment he sets foot into the room, a high pitched roar of laughter comes out of almost total silence. The whole time since waking up from the screams of terror till now, his clothes have not changed with one boot on and the other off. His Pijama pants on with a steel vest surrounding his chest and no helmet. Andreus covers his legs as quickly as possible with a long towel he sees hanging on a wall to the right of him, only to make people laugh even harder sending them to their knees. Some of them have so much pain in their stomachs that they cry because of all the laughter begging Andreus to stop making them laugh
© Copyright 2007 ag (nightjog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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