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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Action/Adventure · #1352396
dragons and heroes
The Dragon Riders Begin

                Once long ago a war between dragons and elves was started It all started when a dragon killed a young elf.The young elf was killed because he was hunting in the dragons hunting grounds.The dragons hate other races hunting in their grounds because they also keep their eggs and raise baby dragons in the grounds.The elf leaders didn't care,theysaid the dragon could have gavethe elf a warning and then escorted him of the grounds.The dragons were and still are renown for their short tempers.This is why the female dragon killedthe elf when it got to close to her nest.The elves declared war and started mass producingelven blades and armor.The beginning of this war would lead to the creation of the dragon riders.

                        Chapter 1-stolen egg

                        For centuries the war between the dragons and elves has never faltered and is still as bloody and feruocius as ever.Then a young elf named Achilles was born.Little did he know, he would grow up to steal a dragon egg to raise and stop the war.Now,50 yaers later[young for a elf],Achilles just started fighting the dragons and knew the fighting must stop if both races are to survive.He decide to go to the dragon breeding grounds.He went to the nest were the the elf who started this war was killed.Lucky for him the female dragon who killed the first elf was away hunting.He stole a diamond dragon egg and went to the highest mountain to raise it.As achilles and his dragon grew,Achilles learned more magic and created a spell so his dragon could thought speak to him.Their bond and freindship grew stronger.He named the dragon Shruithorn.

                    Chapter2-The Challenge

                    Soon they were ready to take on the leaders of both races and stop this war.First Achilles wnet to the elf,Kaiba,who was the greatest blacksmith to ever live.Achilles told him he wanted a sword made of diamond.Kaiba said,"i don't have any diamonds.""I do,"said Achilles,and he pulled out a bag full of diamonds and gave Kaiba a mold for the sword he wanted and told him he wanted an emerald in the pommel.A week later the sword was done.Kaiba had made it exactly how he wanted it.Achilles took his magnifacint  blade and stored some energy in the emerald.Next they traveld to Basingsai to get the dwarfs to make Shruithorn a set of steel plated armor.Once the armor was on Shruithorn,Achilles put his armor on and strapped Croc'atoc,his sword,to his belt, they then left for the smelly mountains where the fighting was.When they flew over the mountains the fighting stops as dragons and elves alike stare in utter disbelief as a elf rides a dragon.When they landed the two leaders approached Achilles and Shruithorn.The dragon leader roared at Shruithorn and Shruithorn raored back.Bromus,the elf king,beckoned Achilles to join him in his tent.When they got in the tent Bromus said,"Achilles what are are you doing?you can't be riding a dragon,this will just make the dragons angrier.""Me and Shriuthornhave an idea on how to stop the war.To keep the peace and deliver messages between the races we decided to create the dragon riders.I will put a spell on dragon eggs the dragons give us and every elf child will touch the eggs.If an egg hatches to a particular elf that elf will name it and train as a rider.To end the war we will fight you andThornikan,the dragon king and if we win the war is stopped and the riders are created.""Do you think two young children can beat us?!""Bromus,i have created spells you have never heard of or know what they do.I am more powerful than any elf spellcaster that ever lived.""Really?,lets find out then.No magic nothing but a fight with blades,if you have one.""Oh,i had youre smith,Kaiba creat me a sword,you'll see it soon.""Achilles,you and Shruithorn have exactly one hour toget ready."An hour later Achilles and Shruithorn were standing in the designated feild and Achilles had his armor andhis dragon scale sheild equipped.He also had Croc'atoc in its diamond sheath glittering on his waist.Just then Bromus nad Thornikan walked over.
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