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by zimba
Rated: E · Thesis · Educational · #1351800
Your thoughts decide your health
Think your way to health

It has been observed that your health depends on your mental condition. When you are in the company of good persons and cheerful surroundings, your body functions much better. Unpleasant scenery or persons can make you sick and tired. A good state of mind can usher in health and a negative one will make you sick. Mental states will influence your nervous system and your vital organs. With a positive state of mind and a little bit of exercise and food control you can acquire radiant health.
It is known to one and all that mental disturbances like anxiety and tension can induce diabetes, asthma, bronchitis and even blood pressure. Acute depressions or simply grieving a dear one can induce cancers!
Thought transference and telepathy can influence the living beings. Brain waves can bring physical and mental stages. Your feelings and emotions can produce similar results.
Mind has a lot to do with one’s physical state.
By controlling your mind you can be healthy or sick.

How does it work?
Depressing and negative thoughts force your glands secrete poisons into your blood. It affects or retards the normal body functions like circulation, digestion and assimilation.

 Is your health dependent on the treatment you receive to cure your diseases?
 Is it dependent on the number of times you visit hospitals?

Doctors, hospitals and medicines can only help you get rid of symptoms of diseases. And, absence of disease is not health.
There are 3 stages in this:
 Diseases
 Absence of disease
 Supper Health

Generally people are worried about the first stage and are interested in the second one. Very few are even aware of the third stage and still less know that it is purely based on a personal initiative.
You can be mentally and physically fit only if you want to, only if you think and intensely desire it.
Medical examinations and tests
will reveal certain parameters like

blood pressure, sugar
and cholesterol levels in the blood,
the onslaught of cancer, AIDS,
or any other disease and the way
your heart, lungs, kidney, liver
or any other vital organ functions.

The doctors will advise you as to how
to get rid of adverse symptoms
and they prescribe medication to cure you.

But no doctor can make you healthy.
No medication can ensure your mental and physical well-being nor can it induce youthfulness and energy.
Your thoughts will decide whether you will be healthy or sick, young or old.
Of course, everyone will chronologically age, but advanced age need not debilitate you.

Hence, no one can conclude that poverty is the cause of all diseases nor that prosperity will ensure health. May be contagious diseases are less in the progressed nations but people there suffer from more deadly ones.
More of them desire healthy states and productive longevity. This intense longing, coupled with better food and exercise has made them a lot better physically and mentally than those of the poor nations.
Modern medicine is slowly accepting the reality of mind over matter.
Recognizing the power of mind to influence the functioning of the human body is a fundamental step in the long journey to health.
 Thoughts can cure you or make you sick.

 Belief is the essential requisite in any treatment.

 Your disease symptoms disappear only when you have faith in the physician who administers the medication.

 If the doctor you believe fully, give you simple sugar tablets for the relief of your pain, it will subside.

 Similar capsules if administered to cancer patients can even remove cancer symptoms. It is the mind which effects the cure and not the drug

 Belief is the essential requisite in any treatment.

 The doctor you believe in can cure you, but the same medicine from another doctor whom you do not know may not cure you.

Those who believe they will be healthy and live long do become healthy and they generally live long.
Those who worry about diseases all the time are almost always sick.
Hospital records all over the world show that those who visit hospitals (as out patients) continue to do so on a regular pattern. Those who do not come for treatment, almost never do.
A patient, if operated once,
Stands a bigger chance to get
Operated again. Metal expectations
Come to pass. If you believe you will be
Healthy all the time you will be. Those who
Think they will die at the same age their grandfather
Or aunt died will probably die at that age itself. Those who
Say oh, my days are over, their days are literally over. If anyone
Feels ‘everything is over in my life’ (as in the case of those
Who retire), death will come very fast.
Your belief and Thoughts are more important than anything else.

She was out of the hospital before two months! The signs of cancer were gone. Leela Menon was fully cured.
She is alive today, after 2 decades, doing a lot of good to the society.
Things happen according to your thoughts and expectations.
Feelings, emotions, and your state of mind
reflect your physical conditions. Whether you
Are sick or healthy very much depends on your mental state.
Mental impressions can create or remove diseases.
Negative and depressing emotions generate in the system depressing and harmful components which are extremely poisonous. Happy emotions make the glands secrete highly nutritional components. Poisonous elements can neutralize all the nutritive elements in your blood stream and can throw off the balance of the body chemistry. Thus by controlling your mental state, you can affect your body conditions negatively or positively
When you are sad or emotionally upset you start to breath short and shallow and sometimes it becomes difficult for even breathing. The function of your mind affects your lungs
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