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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #1351052
Magic has suddenly become contraband! All magic users must hide or flee.
First of all, I would like to admit that I have never done a "campfire" before. However, I have done a type of role-playing (without all of those silly rules and dice and things) that is extremely similar to this. If this is a little different from the sort of campfire most people are accustomed to, I apologize.

Please pay attention to my rules. Thank you!

1. Each contributing writer will choose one character to control. Please do not control any other person's character. When you write, you write from the point of view of your character. I do not necessarily need a character intro.

2. Please write at least one paragraph for each addition to the story.

3. Please use proper grammar. I understand typos and spelling mistakes, but I can't stand it when people mess up "there" "they're" and "their."

4. I do not want more than 4 people involved in this story. (I think there's some way to control that.... Darn computers.... If only I could figure out all of these buttons....)

5. I love romance, but I don't like anything graphic. Please don't be icky.

Rabek was a kingdom governed by an old king who has, until recent years, been well respected and kind. Unfortunately, a few years previously, drought and famine began sweeping across the kingdom. Terrible disease and unnaturally destructive weather ravaged the country, leaving families in pieces and cities in shambles. In desperation, the king appointed a man named Iragno as his new adviser. Iragno blamed the magic users of the kingdom for these calamities, and formed the dreaded Bright Riders to rid the country of magic. Despite their cheery name, the Bright Riders favored torture and violent methods when dealing with any magical beings. The Riders would sweep into a village, extract magical beings from their homes amidst of both cheers and shouts of fury, then whisk them away. Nobody knew where they went, but since the famine and disease had abated after the Riders had been formed, most people didn't mind. Or if they did mind, they were afraid to speak.

Years passed, and the king grew older and acquired a harsh cough. He was seen less and less, while Iragno began to take on more and more responsibilities. Rabek became a country of fear and suspicion, despite the facade of prosperity.

My character will be Caerowyn. (You don't necessarily need an intro like this.)

Caerowyn was the youngest accredited sorceress in three hundred years, and at the age of eighteen, she was ready to prove her magnificence to the world. Unfortunately, because of Iragno, she has been forced to practice her art in secret. It has not been easy for the people of Rabek to refuse magic, and Caerowyn has managed to find employers among surreptitious nobles looking for revenge upon their fellows. She has been pretending to be a young seamstress's assistant, but in reality, she is both nurturing an illegal magic exchange and aiding a sort of underground railroad for magic users who need to leave the kingdom.

The story shall open at night in Caerowyn's tailor shop.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1351052-The-Kingdom-of-Rabek