Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1350959-Thoughts-become-things-but-not-vie-versa
by zimba
Rated: E · Thesis · Educational · #1350959
thoughts always are things but
hapter 9
Thoughts become things but not vice versa.

Thoughts become things but all things are not brought by thoughts.

It is true that thoughts eventually become the reality but nobody can maintain that everything that comes to pass in life is due to one’s thoughts.
There is no meaning in thinking like this. There are natural disasters like tempests, hurricanes, earthquakes, famines, volcanic eruptions, floods, pestilences, epidemics and plaques which occur as per the inherent physical and chemical laws of this planet and nature.
Thoughts cannot produce them. The forces involved are colossal, beyond even the imagination of anyone.

 Yes, conscious, energized and persistent thoughts always become reality.

Whatever one visualizes for long does happen. The energy will influence nature and attract forces, people circumstances that will help in the transformation. The brain vibrations will interact with the universal energy and the invisible thing becomes tangible.
But it is erroneous to say that ‘things are thoughts.’

But suppose you believe that you will have a long and a healthy life for long. Can a natural calamity interfere with that energized thought of yours?

In all probability you will be spared. Your brain is in absolute harmony with the universal brain and the deep rooted beliefs of yours will be honored.

But how?
If for instance will you escape an earth-quake that hits your area?
Most probably, yes. Certainly you will, if you have faith or if your thoughts have become a conviction. Then your subconscious mind is in communion with the universal mind. Your brain would be seeking ways to save you. It would have already been warned of the impending danger. Your subconscious mind would ask you beforehand to go to another place on business or on a sightseeing trip or on some other pretext.
If the quake happens in the night it would awake you early and command you to take shelter.
Or at the worst, you would be among the survivors.
Your long-cherished desires will be honored.

If you desperately want a long and healthy life and if you have a number of goals to be achieved is it possible that you die in a plane crash?


You cannot avert the crash. The forces involved –gravity of the earth and the weight of the aircraft—are too big for your thought energy to stop or control. If you happened to be in the aircraft there would be little chance for your survival. If the engine failed in midair gravity will certainly pull it down. Your thought energy is infinitesimally small before the force of gravity. When that happens everyone dies. But if there is a survivor it would be you!
In all probability you would not book in that flight. You might go earlier or later.

You subconscious mind will ensure your survival.
Chances to get protected from a contagious disease, a sort of immunity against all sorts of accidents and illnesses can all be ensured with the right thoughts, desires and the right expectations.
The subconscious mind will make you more cautious in driving.

You will not drive after drinking and you will be very careful in night driving and overtaking.
You will control your speed so that there is no chance for a major accident at all.

When you go through the road you will tread the foot path or walk away from the carriageway so that no vehicle even braces you.

Your subconscious mind will see to it that your eyes and ears are always open and alert to ensure your safety.

If you desire and expect health and longevity with all your mind and with all your heart there is almost nil chance of running into an accident or succumbing to a disease. The body will develop the necessary immunity.

Haven’t you heard that expectations are self fulfilling?

Those who think about the various kinds of illnesses and worry about the same are the ones who get sick often. Your predominant and long entertained thoughts become real all the time.
Those who cherish lofty goals and pursue achievement in their chosen fields are always concerned about actuating the same and they have no time to be worried about sickness or disease. And normally, they are healthier and they tend to keep themselves younger.
Your Guardian Angel
With lofty goals, right thoughts and attitudes you get the protection of a sort of ‘guardian angel.’ As mentioned, your body immunity becomes much higher than normal enabling you to ward off all sorts of contagious diseases. It will not lead you to situations where you will be infected with the HIV, Hepatitis B or any such deadly viruses.
Your subconscious mind creates an invisible ring of protection around you all the time.
Everything in nature follows the laws of the Universe

Bigger forces overpower the smaller ones. Who can stop the earth spinning around the sun? It has been doing it for over 4000 million years. It has to continue its revolution and its rotation around its own axis so far as the overpowering sun is there. The sun of course is revolving around the galactic nucleus It cannot stop this either.
Everything on this earth---plants, animals and humans ----are produced by an infinitesimal portion of the sun’s energy coming to this earth. What then can these ‘poor’ creatures do to prevent natural calamities which are powered by such a massive object, such a colossal world of energy?

An individual’s total energy is infinitesimal compared to the cosmic energy. It can accomplish very small things only.
Your success in life is a very small thing. Hence the little thought energy of yours is enough to manifest it. When massive thought energy is produced-as in the case when a whole nation thinks in unison much bigger objectives can be achieved. It can thwart a foreign aggression. A new spurt of progress can be realized as the Japanese did after the Second World War.

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