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Created for the Angry Rant Contest. Beware of Language |
Created for "Invalid Item" ![]() Agree with me? Like what I said? Then vote for me damn it! Be considerate. USE FORUM POST NUMBER: {post:1615470} "Invalid Item" ![]() There are some people on this site that I would like to see publicly ridiculed and then permanently banned. Those type of jackasses fall into one of the following categories. 1. The nitpickers. --I hate people that do nothing but watch scroll all fucking day just to nitpick over everything they believe to be non-ASR. Granted, the mods are supposed to do this. But not every damn person in there is a mod. So, unless the post is EXTREMELY non-ASR, don't fucking stick your nose into it. --Also falling into this category are people who feel the need to correct people in scroll and chat who misspell words. If you understand what the person is saying, then don't bother to correct them. At least not publicly. If they make the same mistake several times, SEND THEM A PRIVATE MESSAGE! There is no reason to call out every error. 2. The asshole raters/reviewers. --I get that not everybody on this site is going to be able to churn out Hemingway or Shakespeare. Hell, there are some great pieces here that are nothing like either of them. But if you are going to rate/review someone, do it on the merits of the writing and not whether YOU like their style. This is ESPECIALLY true when dealing with poetry. So what if you think a poem about pink, fluffy clouds is sickeningly sweet?! Rate it for its flow, its use of rhyme if there is one, or NOT AT ALL. Browsers have this wonderful feature called the "back" button. USE IT. Just because you read something doesn't mean you have to rate it! --Also included in this category is ANYONE who would dare INSULT an author by telling them their work is pure trash and should be thrown away. As well as anyone who would use ONE PERSON'S review to TRASH another person's writing. 3. The "I Am God" people. --WDC isn't Mensa. This isn't a competition for who is more/most intelligent. And no one gives a shit how damn smart you are if you 'prove' it while looking down your fucking nose at us. Leave your know-it-all attitude at the door. If you can't bear to be separated from it, then stay outside with it. I don't care HOW many times you have been published, that does NOT make you the King of all that is written. I don't care how many degrees you have, or how many years you have been working within the publishing industry, either. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you can damn well THINK that everyone around you is an ignoramous. But keep it to yourself. |