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Rated: ASR · In & Out · Community · #1350091
Worldwide, there are people infuriated with the illiteracy in the Internet...
Honestly, the Internet nowadays are getting a little out of control. I mean, people can't seem to speak properly on the internet.

This is not about the Internet in general. It is a great invention that affects our lives daily, however, have you not noticed people who claim to be literate English-speaking people, yet do not even know how to spell some extremely basic words such as: "cool"?

Believe it or not, this number of "illiterate" people believe that they are the most intelligent geniuses on the face of the Earth.

It really maddens me how whenever I try to have a decent time looking something up on the internet, there are people speaking like this:

"Ah ya no speak Inglish, lawl! me soo kewl1"
(Translation, Oh boy)
"Ah, you do not speak English! Lol (Abbreviation for "Laugh Out Loud), I'm so cool!"

If you don't believe me, see it for yourself. This is not just ONE person, but a number of people. I'm not saying that everyone who goes on the Internet are absolute simpletons, yet a small minority are.

So, how's that we contribute a little bit to help these people get a little better with their language? (Remember, it's not just these nonsense words... there are a lot of inappropriate words being used on the internet... because they think it's "Kewl" (Cool).)

As you can see, most of these problems come from Abbreviations. I do not have anything major against them, it's just that people are creating some absurd abbreviations that do not even make sense.

Examples: (Note: some of these aren't even abbreviations)

Lawl: Abbreviation for Lol: Abbreviation for Laugh out Loud
Kewl: A very strange way to say "Cool", obviously the new "trendy" thing in Internet... balderdash
Lfmao (I can't exactly remember): What in the name of Jupiter is this?

I'm sure there are plenty more, but you can help resolve this problem by making some SIMPLE abbreviations that do make sense for these people.

Thank you!

: Mark Thoreau Author IconMail Icon
: 11-30-07 @ 1:45am
: bo: blanked out

: Steev the Friction Wizurd Author IconMail Icon
: 11-20-07 @ 8:48am
: titty abs: too intelligent to type youngster abbreviations

: TSC Author IconMail Icon
: 11-19-07 @ 5:24pm
: mos: Mom over shoulder

: Aurelius Author IconMail Icon
: 11-19-07 @ 3:24pm
: syl: see you later

: Mark Thoreau Author IconMail Icon
: 11-19-07 @ 3:22pm
: i-t: I'm tired

: Mark Thoreau Author IconMail Icon
: 11-19-07 @ 3:21pm
: dwl: dying with laughter

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1350091-To-the-Guillotine-with-Internet-Words