Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1349306-On-the-Way-Home
by madiP
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1349306
The story of the miami teen who finds the bag a convict.

As I ran I could feel the hot Miami sun beaming down on my face. Although it was only the third day of school I was overwhelmed with homework. A rush of wind came quick and hard on my face as I fell on it. I looked back to see what had caused my fall and saw a large brown bag that almost drew me in.
I knew that I should have just gone on my way but I didn’t, instead I got up and headed for it. I peeked inside and saw a name on the pocket. I know that a shocked look crossed my usually smiling face, seeing as the lady passing by asked if I was lost or hurt.
Max Lempson was the name. Now, to anyone else in the world this name meant nothing. But to anyone living in the state of Florida they knew this name far too well. I should have just left the bag, but I didn’t. Instead, I grabbed it and headed back towards home.
I walked this time, slowly and carefully. Almost like I was expecting something. I mean, so what I found the t bag of a convict. Okay, maybe not but I tried to have a calm, normal, everyday attitude when I finally arrived home.
My mother’s voice flowed through the house as she called my name. I quickly ran upstairs skipping some. I felt a strong sense of relief as I got into my room and leaned on the closed door. I dumped the contents of the bag onto my bed and started scrambling through it quickly with my hands.
I found mostly junk but there was one thing I was very interested in. There was a journal. Okay, by now I completely knew that this was an invasion of privacy. I had just opened the book when my mom called me down for dinner.
I shoved food in my mouth and just told my mom I had a lot of homework. Which was true, I just wasn’t rushing to do that. When I got back up to my room I continued to read the book, but I found something that was completely unexpected.
I screamed as I was reading but suddenly regretted it. I sat for a second looking down at the words on the page, but was soon startled with my mother at the door.
“Are you okay?” she asked . “Ya, just a bug,” I replied. “Okay lights out in ten.” I don’t think she completely believed me as there was a sense of that motherly concern hidden in her tone.
When I was sure my mom was asleep I climbed out the window. I headed towards Haley’s house. I head known her since 1st grade and we had been like sisters ever since. “Hey,” she said when she finally answered the door. She looked surprised to see me at this hour but then again who wouldn’t. I stepped inside and we quietly ran up two flights of stairs. When we were finally in the safety of her own room a showed her the page. Which stated that he had a murder planned, for tomorrow. This amused her greatly, the reason to me would remain a mystery.
She suggested something that frankly hadn’t crossed my mind until then, to go to the police. So, I grabbed the book and the bag and we headed for the local police station. Just as we were approaching the door I got the creeps. When we walked in a lot of cold glares met our eyes. I walked over to the desk with Haley following close behind.
A chubby man sat there drinking coffee. “What can I do for you ladies?” he asked. I showed him the notebook and explained what had happened. He called a few people then told me thank you and sent me on my way, but I still didn’t feel completely at ease.
As we walked home I was silent, yet in my head many questions were turning. When we finally got home I told Haley goodbye and creeped back into my 1st story window. Sitting at my desk trying to finish all my homework my eyes were drooping.
I finally decided to get in bed but when I did I couldn’t get a wink of sleep. I tossed and turned all night and finally get to sleep at 2:00 a.m. Four hours later I awoke to the piercing sound of my alarm. I scribbled some stuff on my homework and started getting ready.
When I got to school it seemed as though everybody was whispering about something. I quickly became self conscious and fearful hoping that rumors couldn’t spread that fast. I already wasn’t one of the most popular people at Central Miami High School. I had trouble focusing all day. When I got home I went upstairs and just laid on my bed.
Maybe I was just paranoid due to all that had happened. I guess I thought that by getting rid of the book I would be freed from the complications and fears. Yet, inside I knew that was only wishful thinking and would never happen. I picked up my book and started on my math even though I knew I didn’t have the energy or patience for that right now.
For the next week I dragged along. Somewhere inside I think I was hoping to hear some news of the Max. But I didn’t, actually my life seemed very boring and (to be frank) meaningless. I would wait by the phone and catch glimpses of the news but I never heard anything.
A month later I received a phone call asking If I would go to court as a witness. Of course, I didn’t witness anything so it seemed meaningless to me, but I agreed to go (not like a had a choice). Though, the very thought of being in the same room as a criminal gave me the chills. I couldn’t sleep for nights and I was absolutely clueless about what I would say.
The day finally arrived and I had to mutter up a lot of courage just to climb out of bed that morning. I dragged my feet as I shuffled through my closet looking for a skirt and blouse. I dreaded both of these things and even more what I mould have to walk in, heels. As I pulled the slightly too tight blouse over my head and strapped on the heels I tried to collect all of my thought and remember everything that had happen not to long ago.
When I was finally dressed and had my hair pulled back into a tight bun I went downstairs tot the kitchen and poured a bowl of cereal. I glanced over at the clock which read in bright red digits 8:33 a.m. The trial started at 9:30 a.m. and the courthouse where it was being held was 30 minutes away. I yelled to let my mom know that we should leave in 20 minutes and continued eating the cereal one mouthful at a time.
The car trip was far too suspenseful. As we pulled up and I climbed out of the car I began to feel overwhelmed. When I walked in and saw him sitting there I froze in my tracks. I was then instructed where to sit, but even then I felt as if my heart had stopped beating.
The judge walked in and we all rose and began. I was called to the stand first. Luckily I was only asked a few brief questions and I just answered honestly. It took all of my strength to keep from looking at Max. Yet even though I wasn’t looking at him I felt his strong ,cold eyes staring a hole into me. My fear grew as the minutes passed as did my anxiety. Although I tried to push it to the back of my head it kept coming back.
Max was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Of course, to me this seemed very rash for someone who had looked as if to kill me. Not like my opinion mattered, I just show up like the faithful sidekick. My mother tried to make me feel better by saying she thought I did well. Though everyone knows she has to say that.
When we got home I called Haley and told her all about the trial, but my mind was somewhere else. When I was done I turned on the television since it was Saturday and opened up my moms PEOPLE magazine. Which was odd for me, because I hate celebrity magazines.
Monday came far too quickly and the rest of the week dragged on. Then the next week followed in its path. Although I am distracted I think that for the first time since finding the bag I’m not scared, and I think that it’s going to be that way for a while.

© Copyright 2007 madiP (funkymnkychick at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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