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Will Carter get on Draper's bad side in the midst of an investigation. |
It was 2AM on the night of Friday,February the 13th.Sleep escaped Tess Carter. Brakes screamed interrupting the constant pelting of hail crashing against the windowsill. She witnessed the last moments of a blurred figure caving an indent onto the top of a car. In the darkness, she could not make out the color and model. Her heart was pounding through her flimsy pajama top. Her palms were damp as she realized what just happened. Nobody emerged from the driver’s side. Even though there were no lights or signs of activity going on opposite the apartment block at Oak Park White Inn, Carter sensed there was criminal activity going on. She had a knack for scoping out mysteries. She would stay up late at night to watch the True Crime Investigation mysteries. Nine times out of ten she would guess who the perp was. That’s why she took up journalism. Any crime that happened in the vicinity- she was there. As she clutched the receiver she was shaking so much even to remember the number to head office. ‘Boss, have I got a column for you. I know it’s early hours , but I just knew you’d be still awake. ‘Is that you Carter... what the blazes is so important that you have to call at this time?’ ‘Sorry boss,I think I just witnessed a murder, across from my apartment. I’ve got to get over there to get a lead on the scoop. I’m not certain whether the victim was male or female...it was all a blur. ‘Stop rambling Carter, just get down there in a hurry,’ yelled Renolds. She was still shaking as she made her way down the flight of stairs and out into the dark rain drenched street. The Chicago City’s media was already out in droves.Someone must have seen or heard something. There in front of the run down apartment block at Oak Park White Inn was the manager in his maroon pyjamas and robe. A bald little man sporting a Hercule Poirot moustache. She heard in the distance –sirens, flashing blue and red lights, as the sirens veered closer. Three patrol cars, Ambulance, Crime Scene Investigators and the M.E from the Morgue in tow. Detective Draper was there on the scene. He was the head of all homicide cases. He didn’t like Carter being on his beat at all the crime scenes,he reckoned she got in the way of vital evidence. Carter needed to make clear to homicide Detective Paul Draper that this time she witnessed the final moments of a possible murder-but she was stopped dead in her tracks! The grueling scene was almost more than she could grasp! The possible murder victim's neck had a knife protruding out of it It was more then probable now that she...yes she the victim had been murdered. It shook her up as she witnessed a similar event back in the dead of night in the summer of 59. She was 12 and saw her Daddy standing over the corpse of her Mother, with a blade protruding out of her neck. Her Mother cooked, cleaned and raised his children- her brother Simon 13 and herself. She put up with his infidelitys and his drinking-she didn’t deserve her fate. That’s another reason she became a Journalist to write about the horrific events and the reason behind the crime. ‘Detective Draper, I need to speak with you about this case if I can grab five minutes of your time?’ she asked Well if it isn’t the thorn in my side. Well spit it out...I haven’t got all night.’ said Draper. ‘Hello to you to. Any way I came to witness the final moments of the victim falling to her death, after I heard the screech of brakes. I must point out I didn’t see any thing else, just that’, she said. ‘Well I guess that’s not much to go on,but I guess it will do for now. If there’s any thing else that triggers your memory, feel free to bother me with your queries. ‘Sniggered Draper. ‘I’m glad I could offer you my help .I wouldn’t have seen nothing if I hadn’t heard the screech of brakes,’ she sniggered back. Carter had her compact tape recorder secured inside of her sewn in stiched pocket of her dark brown trench coat.’ No amount of digging the dirt on this case out of Detective Paul Draper was going to get me any where. I’ll have to do my own digging.’ She spoke loud enough into her compact tape recorder. Just soft enough so Draper couldn’t detect what she was up to. ‘The two victims, a female-possibly in her mid to late 20’s, short blond bobbed hair with a…looks like to me, like a single edged blade protruding out of her neck. I don’t pretend to be an expert on the gory details but that’s what it looks like to me, The second victim was a male. The driver of the car was slumped down over the steering wheel. It was harder to get a clearer assumption on him. Maybe early to mid 20’s, wearing a double breasted pin stripped suit. May be on his way home from a night club – what a way to go .Moving up closer .I could tell the car (if my memory serves me right) it was a 1977 MGB Roadster-red in color. A convertible with the black roof up, a right off now.’ The investigation at the crime scene on the street was nearing to a close. Along near the yellow crime scene tape, the forensic team was bagging and tagging evidence; both victims were placed in body bags Zipped up and carted of to the morgue for an autopsy. She decided to make a few enquiries of her own,before Detective Draper catches on to her At the Oak Park White Inn apartment block she decided to do some door knocking to see if any one seen or heard anything. It was 4.AM.She decided to ring head office. ‘Boss, its Carter.I’ve rang to say I’m on the case. I’m ready to door knock the neighbors at the crime scene at Oak Park White Inn. You better get Parker down here to take snapshots, before they clear the crime scene ‘Did you forget to take your pill Carter?’ ‘By Boss I’ve got to go. Hope Parker’s on his way as we speak.’ With note pad in hand – I stumbled up the ten flights of stairs, the lift was out of service .I didn’t know what to expect, searching over my shoulder at every turn of the stairwell Any where, lurking in the dark corners, could be or might be the physco- who done this sadistic crime. The door was red at apartment 197 The perfect color for crime. She was just about to knock, when she noticed the red door was already ajar.She put one foot forward inside the foul smelling room. A smell that was thick in the air, a pungent aroma. she’d smelt before. It seemed bleach had been used to cover up the blood stain, which marred the beige carpet. It must have been a failed attempt at trying to cover up the fact that a crime had been committed. She started to feel fear. She heard noises coming from an adjoining room.Her knees went weak .She was just about to open the door, when she was disturbed. ‘Who gave you the go ahead to be up here ‘demanded Draper ‘Don’t do that, I nearly had kittens.’ she whispered harshly, She put her finger to her lips and whispered,’I think there might be someone in the thisr room. I can hear noises and its freaking me out.’ ‘Doesn’t tell me why your doing here, but you’ll keep.’ The forensic team was one step behind Draper already examining evidence and dusting for prints. Draper drew his 38 caliber out of his leather holster.With that he kicked the door into the room and yelled ‘Police-freeze with your hands up.’ In the shadows of the cold room, feeling like some one had just walked over Carters grave. A sound was heard. ‘Someone over here with a torch,’ demanded Draper. Sitting in the corner, rocking back and forward was a large child. A youth...maybe 15 years of age. With straggly brown matted hair hanging across his eyes. She moved closer, but Draper placed his strong hand on her shoulder to stop her. ‘Look his got blood on his shirt,’ said Draper. Carter grabbed the torch and noticed the shirt that must have been once white, was stained with blood ‘Can you tell us your name boy, and any information you can tell us on the victim who fell to her death would be good, Draper cursed at the boy. ‘You can’t ask him questions like that,’ she said. I’ve got to ask questions like that, he has got blood on his shirt,’ said Draper. The boy was silent. Staring a blank look. A some what spaced out look. Draper received a call on his cell from the lab. ‘Draper here.' 'It's Sparkey, sorry Draper- but we’ll have to rid the evidence that was collected from outside on the road at the crime scene. You’ll just have to rely on the evidence actually from where the crime took place.’ ‘The rain, I’ve should have known that certain evidence could be washed away, heck no.;’ cried Draper. ‘Spot on ‘said Sparkey ‘That’s not what I was aiming for so early into this case.’ Said Draper, hanging up. ‘Is there a problem,’ she asked He didn’t answer; he just started yelling at the forensic team. ‘Are you lot finished out there yet? ‘Settle down Draper, give them some credit,’ she commented It’s time to move in on here. I don’t want any stone left unturned. Hope I’ve made myself crystal clear.’; Grabbing up the boy, Draper snarled., ‘If your not going to tell me your name, maybe a trip down the station might trigger your memory, I’m also interested to know how you got that blood on your shirt. The boy started screaming, after Draper hand cuffed him and started reading him his rights. ‘Draper I’m no Doctor- but I think he might be autistic. My Aunt's son behaves the same way-like his in his own little world, and his also autistic;’ she said. ‘Well we won’t know that until we have him examined by the proper medico. Autistic or not, I still need to know about the blood on his shirt, and whether he witnessed any thing,’ said Draper. With that Draper took the boy kicking and screaming down the ten flights of stairs. It took Carter to calm the boy down As she had, had experience helping her Aunt out with her autistic son!They finally got him strapped into the patrol car parked along side the Oak Park White Inn. ‘See you down there Draper,’ she said. ‘Your not needed down at the station.’ said Draper abruptly. The boy started screaming again as she watched the blue and red lights flashing as the patrol car skidded off down the narrow wet road. Dawn had broken and she needed to head back to head office to report her findings That boy had her curious, could he have committed such a crime on that defenseless female victim or was someone else out there, that we don’t know about. It could be anybody, a nutter, or known to the victim. It was 7AM by the time Carter got back to head office. Parker had done his job- like she requested, that’s something she guessed. Doing his camera work in the background without being noticed was Parkers forte. ‘Carter what took you so long?’ demanded Renolds in a deep gruff voice; she’d heard so many times before. ‘Good morning to you to Boss, I’ve got my own leads boss. There’s a teenage boy, possiblbly in his mid teens being questioned in relation to a murder case. He also might be autistic.’ ‘That’s great Carter, but remember you’re a journalist and not a member of the police force,’ said Renolds. She decided to get herself busy and type up her column. She needed sleep as well. Lots of coffee was on the menu. As she was finishing her column, her cell rang. ‘Draper here, I wouldn’t ask you this, but get down here on the double.’ ‘Well what’s so important that it can’t wait?’ she asked ‘You have to get your self down to the stationt, the boy won’t stop screaming. As his not talking-we're having trouble tracking down anyone. His also has scratch marks under the chin and neck area. No one’s come forward to view the victim’s corpse. She’s a Jane Doe case. Its like she fell from the face of the earth,’ said Draper. ‘What about the second victim from the smashed up MGB Roadster,’ she asked. ‘Yes- the Grandmother, Mrs Harley is down at the viewing room now. I hear she’s in a bad way. She had brought him up since he was two years old, after his folks were killed in a tragic car accident. Last of all- his name was Robert Harley, he was only 24. On his way back from a night club and he worked at the local bank,’ said Draper. ‘Got all the details, I’ll be right there.’ Carter said. ‘I’m only telling you this because I need your help,’ said Draper. She jotted some notes down, before she headed down to the station. She wasn’t sure what was expected of her, but she was ready for anything. They had managed to get the blood stained shirt off the boy. No name or relevant information yet. The shirt was transported to the crime lab.Carter consoled the boy as calmly as she could. Draper was on his cell. ‘It’s Boyle, the autopsy results are in. There were wounds consistent with a single edged blade and multiple wounds on her upper arms, back of her head and the final blow to her neck Defensive wounds to her palms and scrapings under her finger nails proved she put up a good fight. So the suspect will have a minimal amount of scratch marks over him. The victim’s possible age, between mid to late 20’s, height 5 feet 4 inches and time of death...possibly 2AM’ Draper said, ‘I need to go out... some one will be here soon to assess the boy. Can you keep him quiet until Miss Kendal arrives! Do you think you can manage that?’ ‘I always wondered why you mostly work alone. Not having a permanent partner and all. And now I know,’ she said. With that he strolled out into the patrol car park with out an utter. Carter decided to do some more digging into the case after the Psych Doctor, Miss Kendal arrived to assess the boy. He recoiled at first and then relented towards Miss Kendal. Carter left her to it. She headed off to the crime lab to question Sparky about the blood stained shirt. Sparky wouldn’t budge on given her any results. He said he could lose his job. She crept, undetected, letting herself into a side door. The blood results were kept there. She proceeded to do her own investigation. Her findings were as Draper suspected. The Jane Doe’s DNA was all over the boys blood stained shirt. Nausea over came her when realization had set in about discovering that they, the boy and Jane Doe had the same blood type. Why would any one kill their Mother .He seems to have problems, but to kill ones own Mother. Carter had to warn Miss Kendal that she could be in danger if she asked him the wrong questions. Carter rang Draper to set the scenario. ‘I already know, but how did you find out?’ asked Draper, in an abrupt tone. ‘Never mind that now, you’ve got to get down to the station. I’ve left the boy with Miss Kendal.’ ‘Yes,the station just rang, the boys got Miss Kendal cornered with the chair from the assessment room. We’ve also found his Great Aunt who took him in when his Mother Carol couldn’t cope, because of his autism. She’s inconsolable-she claimed, she told David about his Mother and he had become enraged. She thought he had gone to his hiding place down a trap door under the wooden floorboards. But he had escaped down the fire escape to track down his Mother He had found a photo of her with an address scribbled on the back of it. By the time Carter arrived, Draper had already had the boy hauled off in handcuffs. Carter looked back at Draper in wonder. |