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Rowan if a five year old witch. (This is geared towards pagan children) |
In a small cottage in the country there lived Nana, Rowan, and Esme the cat. In the nearby town Nana owned her own shop where she sold all kinds of neat things as far as Rowan was concerned. She sold candles, herbs, and books on magick.Rowan and Nana were witches. Now, the were not like witches in other stories that rode on broomsticks late at night, and tried to eat small children, but they were real witches. One pretty autumn day when orange and golden leaves blanketed the ground, Nana told Rowan that a very special day was coming up. Rowan asked her, "Well what day would that be?" Nana smiled and said, "I suppose you don't remember last year? When you dressed up as a princess?" Rowan thought really hard and said. "I think so." Nana hugged Rowan, "A year ago is a long time so it's okay. It is called by many names, some call it Halloween, and some call it the day of the dead," Rowan shivered with fright. "Oh, Rowan no need to be afraid, it is a happy time," Nana smiled. "But some call it what I do, Samhain." Rowan decided she liked the name Samhain for the special day. But she did not know what it was all about. Nana could tell that the little witch was a bit confused. She explained "Samhain marks the time when growing time is over for this turn of the Wheel and the Earth sleeps. This is the time when we say good-bye to those who have left this existence. Yet it is not a time of sadness. Because we know that they are not truly gone. It is when we celebrate the last harvest before winter comes." Nana took Rowan's hand and said, "It is time to go to town and get some things we need to celebrate." So hand in hand Nana and Rowan walked into town. Rowan noticed right away that things were very different. There were pumpkins with faces carved into them in front of houses and other buildings and ghosts hanging in trees. Things were definitely not as they normally were. They stopped into the market and bought 4 big pumpkins and some corn. While Nana was looking at some apples Rowan noticed that the market had a new section in it, Costumes! Rowan looked at all the masks and some very pretty princess costumes. "Why are there costumes here?" Rowan asked Nana. Nana smiled and said, "Some people dress up in scary costumes on Halloween and go trick or treating. It comes from when in the old days people used to dress up to keep the not so nice spirits away and leave treats out for the spirits of those they cared about." Rowan thought on it a moment. "I think I should like to have a costume then." Nana smiled and asked "What do you want to dress up as?" Rowan thought really hard, and frowned. "I don't know." She sighed. Nana said, "That's alright we'll think of something." Nana took Rowan's hand and they finished their shopping and went home. The afternoon was spent carving pumpkins and making caramel apples. Rowan really liked doing all these things. And she liked the way the pumpkins looked with candles inside them. Nana and Rowan also went to their altar where they said their prayers and gave gifts to the god and goddess. Nana and Rowan put pictures on the Altar of Grandpa and of some people that Rowan didn't know. Nana put candles by the pictures. "We will light them Samhain night and it will look very pretty don't you think?" Rowan nodded her head. "Nana what are you going to dress up as?" Nana smiled. "Do you think I need a costume too?" "Maybe even, a costume for Esme too." Rowan said looking at the sleeping cat in the corner. Esme looked up when she heard her name meowed as if to say "What do you want?" Rowan picked up Esme off the floor and took her into her bed room and sat her on the bed. "Well Esme," Rowan said to the cat. "We need to find you a costume for Samhain. What would you like to be?" The cat mewed at her and Rowan's eyes lit up. "She dug through her toy chest and found an old doll wearing a black pointed hat. She took the hat from the doll and placed it on Esme's head. "There you go." Rowan exclaimed. "But what about me?" The cat rolled about the bed trying to remove the hat when Rowan got another idea. She ran downstairs to where Nana sat sewing something. "Nana, can I be a kitty?" Rowan asked Nana softly. Nana looked up from her sewing machine and said, "I think it is an excellent idea. And I know exactly what to do." Nana assured Rowan and had her go out to play. Well Samhain finally came and Nana picked up Rowan from school like she did every day. Nana had a bag with her though. Nana and Rowan walked back to Nana's Shop. Nana pulled something out of the bag and gave it to Rowan. "My kitty costume!" Rowan exclaimed with delight. Nana told Rowan to go put it on in the back room. When Rowan came out she looked very much like a kitty with pointed ears and a tail. "Now every kitty needs whiskers." said Nana pulling out some paint. She painted Rowan's nose black and some long whiskers on Rowans cheeks. Rowan mewed at Nana. Nana grinned and said, "Now it is my turn!" Nana went in the back, and when she came back out Rowan was surprised. Nana was wearing a black dress and a black pointed hat. "I decided to be a storybook witch, what do you think is it scary?" Rowan laughed. "I suppose not." Nana giggled. Nana took Rowan out trick or treating after dinner. Rowan was a little nervous about it but Nana said it was easy. They went to Mrs. Perkins house first. Rowan knocked on the door Mrs. Perkins answered the door holding a bowl. Rowan quietly said, "Trick or Treat!" Mrs. Perkins smiled and said, "Well hello Rowan I love your kitty costume." She dropped some candy from the bowl into Rowan's bag. Rowan smiled and thanked Mrs. Perkins. It wasn't as hard as Rowan thought. After a while Rowan's bag got really heavy so she and Nana decided to go on home. When they got home Nana and Rowan went to their altar. This was the most important part of the day Nana had explained. Nana and Rowan placed their four pumpkins along the outside of their altar and then walked around them. Rowan pictured a bright circle surrounding them and protecting them just as Nana had taught her. Then Nana welcomed the guardians of nature the Earth Air Fire and Water guardians. Nana liked to call them quarters. With each one she placed a candle in each pumpkin. Then they welcomed the lord and lady to their special circle. Nana lit the candles on the altar and said it was time to welcome the ones who had gone before them. Nana called out the names of the people in the pictures and placed food down on the altar for them. Nana taught Rowan a special Samhain song. "We witches meet on Samhain night And sing by jack-o-lantern light We honor the Lord and lady and The ones who've gone to Summerland We get our treats so not to trick And give our wands a little flick We know that winter's on its way But warm days will be back so it's okay That's why our hearts are filled with glee Thank you all and blessed be" After the ritual Nana put out all the candles and said it was time for Rowan to go to bed. So Rowan took off her kitty ears and washed her face. She got into her pajamas. Then right before Nana was going to tuck her in she remembered something. She ran downstairs and found her back of candy. She took a fistful and placed it on the altar. She whispered "Happy Samhain." And then went to bed. |