Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1337686-The-Frog
Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #1337686
A frog takes over a person's house (it turns out to be just a dream)
One day on a weekend, when I was in 5th grade I was watching America's Funniest Home Videos, and I was laughing my head off. During a commercial I called my friend Angela and I asked if she could come over to watch them with me. She came right over. Angela is one of my best friends we do almost every thing together whether it's going to the mall, hanging out at a sleep over, or even jus watching TV.

So we were watching TV, the show was interrupted by an important announcement; they said there was a crazy frog breaking into people's houses to take over them. If you whiteness or, are the victim of an attack call this number: (555) 217-4360. You don't really believe all that do you? Angela asked me. No of curse not that's crazy talk do you believe it? I asked. No why would I believe it. She said.

So there we where watching TV. Minding our own business, then all of a sudden there was a loud crash and we looked up from the TV. And saw a green slimy frog that stood on two feet, had clothes on, and had an evil smile on It's face it also looked exactly like the frog on TV. We were both in shock. What is going on Angela yelled how is this happing. I stood up, ran to the phone, and started dialing 555- then all of a sudden the frog's sticky tongue came fling by. It stuck to the phone, and then flew back to him, and he swallowed it all in a matter of 5 seconds.

He ran towards Angela and grabbed her. I started running to save her but frog grabbed me to. You will leave and never come back. The frog said in his scratchy voice. No! I screamed this is my house you leave. Oh I see you want to play it the hard way he said. He held us tighter and started walking around. I could feel his warm smelly breath and his slimy skin (it was gross).

After looking around he found the bathroom. The frog took his tongue, licked the bottom of each of our feet, and put us down on the floor. We tried to move but our feet were stuck. He stood in front of us and started speaking in some lengthwise I've never herd before. Angela, can you understand a world he is saying? I asked her. No not at all she said.

All of a sudden it seemed like the frog got really big and so did the room. Then I realized we were getting smaller. The frog picked us up, started walking towards the toilet, and held us above it. So do you want to change your mind he asked? I didn't want to get flushed down the toilet but I didn't want to just hand over my house. I didn't really want to answer him so I tried to wiggle out of his hands (but that didn't work). So you don't want to change your mind said the frog that’s all I heard before he dropped us in the toilet. I heard Angela scream and I managed to get a gasp of air just before the water from the toilet and us, went into the pipes. I tried to swim back up but I couldn't. Angela grabbed my hand so we wouldn't get split up in the pipes. I couldn't hold my breath any longer; my head broke throw the surface of the water, then up came Angela.

We swam to the edge and climbed out of the water. What are we going to do said Angela, that crazy frog is going to take over your house and were going to be stuck here for I don't know how long. Just then we saw a small raft. Hey maybe they can save us I said trying to stay positive. As the raft went by we waved our hands in the air to get their attention. The raft stopped next to us and a mouse walked off of it. Hey how can I help you I'm Pete said the mouse. Can you take us back to my house I asked? Oh are you one of the victims of those frog attacks everyone has been talking about? Asked Pete. Unfortunately, yes said Angela. Ok then I know the exact place to take you said Pete clime up all aboard. On our way home Pete just kept on singing crazy songs. We stooped at a big circle door. Well this is your stop said Pete as he opened the door for us, good luck. Thanks we'll need it said Angela.

We jumped out of the sewer and onto the street. As we walked to my house we opened the door very slowly just in case the frog was still there. We realized he must have left after destroying my house because the place was a mess and he wasn't in the house anymore. There was food on the kitchen floor from the cabinets, the Coffee maker was on top of the TV that was upside-down, and there was everything else everywhere else. After that I woke up in my bed and realized it was all just a bed and crazy dream.

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