Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1336377-numero-deux
by molly
Rated: 18+ · Serial · Biographical · #1336377
text blog for today.. along with todays horoscope courtesy of facebook

"Someone you usually get along with will begin to seriously bug you this week. It's not you, it's them. Give them some space & they'll be back to normal."

hey ive been dead all day major hangover. just got myself ready and over to my mates for the rugby. how was the move. u living there yet?

me : didnt end up moving. postponed now until the solicitors get the paper work sorted. Useless! How things with Mel ?

T:good up to now, but early stages, got to see how it goes . hope it will take off but who knows. go out with surgeon guy, - as long as he doesnt want to operate on you

Me: i know we had a bit of text banter earlier but his text wasnt really a texty back message.

T: just take a chance and text him for a date. you aint got nothing to lose!

Me: i know but it might be awkward at work, hes mates with my reg.

T: Hmmm not sure if he is higher up, tricky. Sleeping your way to the top tut tut. gonna watch the rugby might ring you later!

Me: thanx!

Me: No this is abit forward maybe, but enojyed chatting with you the other night and had fun. So if you ever fancy grabbing a coffee or a cheeky beer give me a shout. If not no doubt ill see you on the next surgical expedition.! and if your good i may even let you try my hat!

S: thanks fro all your help today hun

Me: no problem. i text him but no reply!

S: well hes not worth it! your too good for him xxx

Me: Yes thats what i think 2 haha

D: are you sick of my child yet?

Me: No im in my room! haha

H: being forward is fine, however im deciding what to do with another girl so if i were you id stay clear. Had fun and im sure ill see yall again

Me: Ooh the plot thickens. Im intrigued! haha good luck *Smile*

H : Yeah im in a bit of a dilemma and probably shouldnt have had as much fun. Sometimes bad is good!

Me: I like dilemmas they keep life interesing *Smile* but have caution mr, bad is generally only good for the short term.. tragic but true. Take fudge cake for example, tastes like a little bit of heaven but you just no its going to get you in the ass!

H: Exactly!

Me: Boo! Now u have me interested. I want to know your dilemma. Dont worry yourself too mcuh, i m not a psycho stalker.. ahum.. and im sooo over you already!

H: The age old nice girl interested, guy loseing interest trying to work it out. But after thursday feel that if that can happen should call it a day.

M: Oooh been there n dont envy your mr. But u know you should probably wait until after christmas!

M: Tom, surgeon boy has a girlfriend

T: no reply. maybe hes a sleep
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1336377-numero-deux