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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Philosophy · #1335924
If I cannot be called a "writer" with this one, I might as well cut my fingers.
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0, the magical number of Maths represents a dual philosophical debate (although generally ignored due to its emptiness and un-popular existence; I have never stumbled upon on an individual who has stated that his favourite colour/number is zero). The former is what it means as a mathematical meaning which; I personally despise, because the usage of that word implies that the sentence is logical enough and thus understandable by the majority and to the extreme scenario “everyone”, is the gate of counting entities.
However, the paradox in this case is that there is a confusing application in theory and practice.
In the case of theory, I doubt that someone would begin calculating something by having 0 as his/her initial point. The reason for this is that since zero implies nothing is there to be measured, the necessity of having it in the first place is pointless.
For example, if your mother questions you to check that your education is teaching, learning and enlightening you, you’ll start by listing numbers progressively and on a cumulative basis from 1.
Yet, if practise takes its turn and your teacher demands that you to count all the numbers which you have learnt so far, then your mind will list zero as the first number. Is it bizarre to make a statement that the thoughts are more profound than the speech in which they are reduced to and communicated via?
Or to be more precise, whatever one says has a logical manner, greater in scale than the sum of its thoughts. This is due to the logical structure of speech which can be seen as a progressive explanation of an idea in order of cumulative stages or a statement of fact bypassing the stages through which it was reached to deliver the outcome. What I am saying is that verbally zero cannot be a priority in calculations whereas on paper this issue is not present.

Another thought that has crossed my mind, is that I believe that 0 is not a number at all. How could it be since it has no value? Please show me an entity around you which you could point to and shout “this is zero”. Therefore, you are not able to indicate on earth or even in space a material or non-substance element could be calculated as zero. Yet, we can create the result/final number to be equalled to zero.
As you can see, the road on which I am heading is that zero is a re-creational number for the purpose of equality, it is the start and end of a process (completed what there was to be complete).
In reality, it is statically acceptable to have a temporary “equality” as the start and end of a process. The cause behind this, is that words, moments and thoughts could be altered due to the influence and complexity of the human mind, or, as we Greeks say, “in paper”, there is a specific issue with a specific answer and a specific purpose.

I guess, I am making an effort to distinguish the perception, or at least the one I see, between writing and speaking of the number 0. We shall move on into something more down to earth and verify, or that is what I hope, the title of this book and illustrate the life from my human eyes and the ones inside the mind.

Day, Month, Year

Maybe, by reading the above words, the mind of each and every one of you will be lead into mystery and wonder. Maybe for the others, it would be just another connection of letters and grammar. Yet, for this moment, my own mind is linked with the date of my birthday or more precisely the date I was born.
I was brought up to this world, and for the ones who are underage or haven’t paid attention to biology or “life” sexology (through the sayings of elders) it was the time I “escaped” from my mothers womb, I believe that the 01/08/87 is not just a coincidence. An event, which like any others, just happened to exist on that particular period of the year. Therefore, I see my existence and along with its numerical definition, as a justification to the human race. However, that would not have occurred if its majesty, Miss Luck, hadn’t interfered on this earth at all. Considering, the massive rain of blood that our, to an extent, “pure” eyes are sometimes forced to witness, (even though we are never utterly “equipped with the ideal mood for that”) that results of death and thus exorcism of the soul from the ground.
It is true that I feel extremely fortunate (the word jammy would be too much like slang) that I exist until now.  This is not an analysis to prove to my self nor the rest of the world, that what I call I, is a magnificent and essential figure for society. And the fact that my star sign is Leo, adds to the small pride I have for my whole birth-date. The individual authority, wisdom, and dominance that this animal seizes could not have escaped my attention. But, I am too far completed to neither achieve or “smell” how it would be like to have them even for a tiny second. And this is not another pseudo-side effect of the word modesty. 20 years have passed since that memorable moment and I motionless have not elapsed the semi eclipse of the purpose of what I am alive, why I breath and why I write. Call it a personal bet, social recognition or for-the-family cynical plan to get more “loving”, more accepted. The fact is, or should I say de facto, is that if that creates vanity, or proclaims for me to have, I will never sit by and admit that I am a common and dust-in-the-wind person like you and me. I apologize but in the following sentences, strong and aggressive language will be used. There is no you, there is only I. Give me a “first-class” reason on why I should not consider my self as something worthy on this cursed planet called earth? Tell why should I feel the obligation to be so low and proclaim my self as something entirely similar to you? If I live to be nothing more than a little mathematical balance; I am=Like you, then maybe, *coughs*, maybe I should kill either you or my self so in the end, we will only have one original and unique character. Ah, slightly we have an issue. If we carrying on identifying who has a comparable personality with who (that would take ages and plus the whole world; literally, would be in the same “whos-like” list) then I would have to “pour” blood right now. I insist, bullshit, I demand that you will never meant in a serious manner that you and me, are each like. Confidence is dragged so much, that I will make sure, second by second, to arise a new difference between us. End of story. Next subject.

Poverty, a state of mind or state of reality?

Student; debts, hunger, solitude, failure. At least for the ones that are in depth as I am. Oh my god, failure is a recognition of being a student? Fool, failure is what I have to worship to achieve success. I want to test my body, mind, higher logic. By being poor, or causing to exist in that condition, I allow “life” to rage its madness on me. Let it walk on my bed, smell the daily stains of the ground and air, wet it with its misery. Pardon my “immature and impolite” language. Time to clean the dust, and shoot your mother. Maybe in that manner, you could apparently receive in “volition”, the will of that dead corpse. The death of one, the wealth of the other. Classical old-school social motto. Nope, motto is a bit off-topic. I would say religious testimony of atheism. A comican sentence, I know. The purpose is to highlight that either being religions or atheist, still humans. Loving God, or (always makes me laugh) paying tribute to Satan. Still humans. Drunk or stoned. Again, still humans.

Now now, this is not a book-wise assistance of breath in parentage-killers blueprints. If it was, I am confident that I would be in jail right now. Most likely, inside that dirty old corner of a sinful prison cell. Neither, it is a halo antic for “elderly” argumentative individuals.

It is as if we are rats of our own lab. An ordinary try-out, would be to look your self close in the mirror. Initially, you scrutinize that materialization as if you are an outcast. Yet, as time moves on, your eyes concentrate deliberately on that specific fraction of the clonus-image. Magnificently, alas. You are an internal virus of your own impure and vulgar manifesto; Eye for an eye. Obscenity in ethics of Hygiene. 
The line of reasoning, is to reason the line. And by doing so, the line is askew.

If the mind is given birth to poverty in habitual “time and space”, the body will adapt to that socially-intolerant status quo and thus a mediocre parasite will demand for attention. It does not take a 100 monkeys to eat one banana, but since I consider you to be a non-species, that “freeloader” represents you. I move into oblivion to provide you with feedback on why you are homeless on your own home.

Poverty can link appearance with clothes. That is how we “rebels” distinguish so cynically and artistically the “white man with diamonds” from the so called lazy, irresponsible, fetid little man. Yet, that poor insect strives slowly and methodically into what I call as “digestion” of stupefaction and ignorance. Spoiled brats on the other hand, have no need to suck out “leftovers” of the mind. Money, fame, fit flesh, is equivalent to appraisal by the media and society as whole. Magazines of the century and fair-trade; democratic, newspapers holding hands as if one could not separate from each other, burst into tears as fashion and economically heavy GDP countries march into heaven of extreme sum of cash flow. Vatican, the Congress, Dead Ancient Greeks, you name it. All there is to celebrate, is the latest discoveries in science and its technological good-reasoning waste of resources. The drama, like an oxidized yet eternity enchanting titanium, accelerates its influence and shockingly, sarcasm, has more seasons on other planets in the sphere of alien prehistoric orientation. It will not be soon before chimpanzees take off in a nucleus active tree rocket.

Stop, rewind. The scene is poverty and not mumbo jumbo Darwinism. I would like you to respect the fact that in another section, Darwinism will be disproved and mortified. Just how I love to pick up holes in a wall. Patience my young ones.

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