Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1334519-Loving-JJ
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1334519
This is one of the first stories I ever wrote.
Alittle about this story: It was hard for me to write because it's true. I was talking to this kid online. My mom was talking to his dad first, then me and him started talking. JJ and I talked everyday for 6 months.  We were finally going to meet, but JJ got killed in a car accident, back in 99. I was 15 and he was 13 at the time.              Loving JJ                            Written in July 05

Kathy and DJ talked every night on the computer.
Kathy: hi
DJ: hi
Kathy: so do you have any kids?
DJ: yes, I have 2, a son and a daughter, what about you?
Kathy: I have a son and a daughter also. My daughter is 15, and my son is away in college. He's 24.
Kathy: where do you live?
DJ: I live in Texas with my kids
DJ: what about you?
Kathy: I live in Florida with my daughter Kristy
DJ: Do you have a picture of her, I have a picture of JJ
Kathy: yes, I have a picture of her
DJ: here is a picture of JJ
Kathy: he's cute
Kathy: I'll send you the picture of Kristy
"Kristy come here, I'm talking to a friend of mine, and he sent me his son's picturre, come look" she told her daughter. "Coming mom" Kristy said walking into the living room where the computer was, and looking at JJ's picture.
"Wow, mom, he's cute" Kristy said staring at his picture. "Can I talk to him?" she asked her mom.
Kathy: DJ, does JJ want to talk to her, because she wants to talk to him
DJ: oh yeah, he does, he was standing right here when you snt her picture.
Kathy: okay, let's let them talk then, I'll talk to you later.
DJ: okay, bye
DJ got up so JJ could sit down, and talk to Kristy.
They both talked for hours about everything.
JJ: Hi
Kristy: Hi
Kristy: where do you live?
JJ: I live in Texas, what about you?
Kristy: I live in Florida
JJ: who do you live with?
Kristy: I live with my mom, my brother is away in college.
Kristy: who do you live with?
JJ: I live with my dad, and little sister
JJ: how old are you?
Kristy: I'm 15, how old are you?
JJ: I'm 13, but everyone says I look and act older
Kristy: I saw your picture, your cute
JJ: thanks, your beautiful
Kristy: so tell me about you?
JJ: I have a little sister, she's 8
Kristy: what's her name?
JJ: Jessica
JJ: what about you?
Kristy: I live with my mom. My parents are getting a divorce.
JJ: what grade are you in?
Kristy: I'm in 8th grade, what about you?
JJ: I'm in 6th grade.
"Kristy it's 10pm, time for bed, you have school tomorrow" Kathy told her daughter.
"Okay mom"
Kristy: I have to go to sleep now, but when I get up tomorrow, we'll talk again.
JJ: I'll be waiting for you, goodnight.
Kristy: goodnight.
Kristy signed offline, and got ready for bed that night.

Every morning Kristy got up at 7am, early enough to take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and talk to JJ before she left for school.
JJ: hey sweetie
Kristy: hey, how are you?
JJ: I'm okay, how about you?
Kristy: I'm okay, I just wanted to talk to you before I went to school.
JJ: yeah me to
Kristy: I couldn't stop thinking about you last night.
JJ: I was thinking about you a lot to.
"Kristy come on the bus is here!" her mom called. "Okay, mom, be right there"
Kristy: hey JJ I have to go to school now, but I get home around 3, I'll be online then, bye.
JJ: I have to go to school to, have a good day, bye.
Kristy signed offline, and ran to catch the bus.
Six months had pasted since JJ and Kristy first started talking.
JJ: hey babe
Kristy: I'm babe now?
JJ: yeah, do you mind me calling you that?
Kristy: No, I don't mind at all, how are you?
JJ: I'm doing better now that I'm talking to you, I've been thinking abou you all day.
Kristy: really, what have you been thinking about
JJ: I've been thinking about how pretty you are, and how I wish we could meet.
Kristy: aw, you're sweet
JJ: I'm telling you the truth.
JJ: even though we haven't met, I feel like I've known you forever. I like you
Kristy: I like you to
JJ: I wish I was there to hold you
Kristy: so do I
JJ: so tell me about your friends?
Kristy: I have a few friends, but one girl I've known since we were babies, 15 years. Our moms went to middle school together, and my mom used to babysit her. WE grew up together.
JJ: wow, 15 years is a long time
Kristy: yeah, it is
JJ: I've thought about what it would be like to finally meet you.
Kristy: really, me to

Kathy was talking to DJ on the computer one night.
DJ: JJ really likes Kristy, he hasn't stop talking about her, he wants to meet her really bad!
Kathy: she likes him a lot to
Kathy: maybe we can fly to see all of you, so we can meet to
DJ: sure you guys can, I have a daughter to, and since JJ has told her everything about Kristy, she wants to meet her to, her name is Jessica.
Kathy: okay, I won't tell Kristy though, I want it to be a surprise.
DJ: great, I'll talk to you later.
Kathy: okay, bye
Kathy signed offline, and made dinner.
  When Kristy got home the next day from school, she was happy because it was finally summer vacation. "Kristy come here" her mom said. "yeah mom, what's up?" Kristy said walking into the kitchen where her mom was. "Pack your bags for a month, we are going on a trip" Kathy told her daughter.
"Where are we going?" she asked her mom. "It's a surprise, we are leaving tonight" she told her daughter.
Kristy was confused, but she went into room, picked out clothes, and went into the bathroom, and took a shower. After  a nice, hot 20 minute shower, she got out, dried off her long brown hair, and started to pack.

When they got to the airport, she was still confused as to where they were going, but she didn't question her mom. They checked their bags in, ate lunch, and got on the plane.
"Welcome to Delta Flight 244, to Texas, It's going to be a 4 hour flight, so sit back, and relax" The Pilot told everyone on the plane.
"Why are we going to Texas, mom?" Kristy asked her mom again hoping that she would get an answer this time. "It's a surprise" Kathy told her daughter. "Okay" she said as she fell asleep.
"Welcome to Texas" The  Pilot said.
"We're here" she told her daughter
"Okay" Kristy said rubbing her eyes, and geting her bags, and walking off the plane. DJ waited at the airport  for them to arrive. Kristy didn't know who the man was standing in front of her, but since her mom seemed to know who he was, she figured it was okay to go with him. :Hi I'm DJ" he said holding his hand out for Kristy to shake it. "Hi, nice to meet you" she said shaking his hand.
They drove to his house, and Kristy still didn't really know who he was, until JJ walked outside.
She remembed him from the picture, her mom showed her. "JJ? is that you?" Kristy said walking up to him. "Yes, it's me, Kristy?" he asked her. "Yep" she said smiling. "My mom didn't tell me we were going to meet you guys!" she said hugging him. She ran over to her mom, and hugged her. "Were you surprised?" Kathy said smiling at her daughter. "Of course, I'm surprised, thank you, I love you" she said hugging her mom. "I love you to" Kathy said hugging her daughter.

"Come on, I'll show you the house" JJ said as he led Kristy into the house. "You can get unpacked now, or wait until later, it's up to you" JJ said looking at Kristy.
"I'll get unpacked later" she said. "Okay, well do you want to go swimming?" he asked her.

"Sure, let me go change, where is the bathroom?" she asked him holding her bathing suit. "It's over there by the kitchen" he said pointing to it. She came out of the bathroom, in her light blue bikinki. "You look great" JJ said looking at her. "Thanks" she said smiling, 

She didn't go in the water right away. "What's wrong sweetie?" JJ asked her when he saw her not in the pool. "It's a little cold" Kristy said moving her hair away from her face.

  "Okay, I'll carry you in" he told her. "Okay" she said. "You are more beautiful then your picture" he said looking into her blue eyes.
"Hey you two dinner is ready" DJ called in the patio.
After they all ate dinner, JJ and Kristy went into the living room to talk.

"So what is your real name?" Kristy asked JJ looked into his brown eyes. "My real name is Joshua Jacob, JJ for short" he said. They talked about everything that they hadn't already said on the computer. "I'm so happy to finally meet you!" she said as she hugged him. "I'm happy to, you have no idea how happy" he said smiling at her.

"Wow, it's 11pm already, we've been talking all night!" Kristy said looking at the clock on the wall. "Are you tried?" JJ asked her. "Alittle, I'm going to go take a shower first, then get ready for bed" she said getting up, and going into the bathroom. "Wait" he said as he pulled her down, and  he leaned in to kiss her.
"That was nice" she said as she got up again and went to take a shower.
"You can sleep on the couch, it's comfortable, I'll get everything ready for you out here, okay?" he asked her. "Sure, thanks, I'll be  out in 20 minutes" she said as she closed the bathroom door.

  Kristy tried to sleep, but she couldn't because she was thinking about how happy she was to finally meet him, so she decided to stay up, and watch T.V for a while until she got tired. "I'm thirsty, I'm going to see what there is to drink" she thought to herself as she walked in the kitchen, and looked in the fridge for something to drink. Just as she was closing the fridge to leave the kitchen, she heard someone sneak up behind her.

  "JJ you scared me!" Kristy screamed. "Shh, not so loud,I don't want to wake anyone up!" he whispered to her. "Oh yeah, sorry" she said whispering. "Won't you get in trouble?" she asked him. "I didn't mean to scare you before, but I just want to be out here with you" he said.

  "I won't get in trouble for being out here becuase my dad knows that I'm not going to do anything that I'm not ready for, and I'm sure your mom knows that about you" he told her. "Yeah your right" she said as she walked back into the living room, and sat on the couch.

"Do you guys have a CD player?" she asked. "Yeah, its over there in thecabinet" he said pointing by the T.V. " he told her as he watched her get up, and walk over the the CD player.
She put her Selena CD in, and she played the song Dreaming of You. " Come lie down with me?" she  asked him. "Sure" he said as he layed down on the couch.
"This is a pretty song" he said holding her. "Yeah, it is pretty, I used to listen to this, and dream about you holding me like this" she said smiling. "Now, it's true" he whispoered in her ear. "I know it is, and can't think of anywhere else I wanna be right now" she said as she kissed him.
"I love you" JJ said. "I love you to" she said as she layed in his arms.

Kathy and DJ woke up the next morning to find their kids on the couch wrapped in each other's arms. "You don't think anything happened, do you?" DJ asked Kathy. "No, I don't, they are to young for that" she told him. "Okay, good" DJ said sighing. "Lets go eat" Kathy said as she walked in the kitchen.

  Kristy and JJ woke up in each other's arms, they layed there for a while talking.
"My dad thinks because I'm 13, this is puppy love only, but I know what I feel, and I love you" JJ told his girlfriend. "I know what you mean, my mom thinks because I'm15, that I don't know what love is, but I do" Kristy told him.

Later that day Kathy and Kristy went out shopping. "Honey, my job is transferring me here to Texas" she told her daughter. "Really, when are we moving?" she asked her mom. "In 2 months" Kathy said. "Now, I can go back home, and pack everything while you stay here with JJ and DJ, if DJ says it's okay, do you want to do that?" Kathy asked Kristy. "Yes, I want to stay here with them" Kristy said.

They drove back to the house, and Kristy walked in with a huge smile on her face. "Whats going on? Why are you smiling so big?" JJ asked his girlfriend. "My mom is getting transferred to Texas in 2 months, and she also said if it's okay with your dad while she goes back home, and packs, I can stay here with you" Kristy said hugging her boyfriend. "Is that okay with you, DJ?" Kathy asked him. "Sure, it's okay with me" DJ said.
  "This is great, now we can be together all the time!" JJ told Kristy. "I know, it's great!" she said jumping into his arms, and hugging him.

It had now been 4 months since Kathy and Kristy moved to TExas because of Katy's job. Ever since they moved, she hasn't seen her daughter much, because she was at JJ and DJ's house almost everynight.

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