Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1325738-The-Great-Granaldo
by c8i.j
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1325738
This is a short story that i wrote for an english class.
The Great Ganaldo was a famous Scottish magican. He was what people would call a, classic act. He used the same tricks that continued to amaze everyone. Including myself. He got his name from a famous Italian magican called Granaldinio. In fact most of his tricks were based on Granaldinio's works.
I have been to many of Granaldo's performances, and not once did he fail to baffle me. I saw him from when he first started out, to his very last show. You see Granaldo was only in the business for about four years, and it was in his last year that everything started to go wrong.
In his last year ( although at the time I did not know it was his last year), I set out to discover the amazing tricks of ' The Great Granaldo,' but you see, there were many people like me who wanted to figure them out, and when you repeat your tricks over, and over again, people do start to figure them out. What really made me want to figure out his tricks. More than others you could say, was one particular performance I took my nephew to, because like me, he was a magic fanatic. As usual Granaldo came out on stage, looking like he could rule the world. As usual he started with his trick where he has the bird in the cage, then he crushes the cage with such force that there is no way that the bird could survive, but then you see the bird just sitting on his hand, before he takes off into the audience. It still gets me everytime. But it was different this time. When the bird flew over the audience, my nephew started crying.Granaldo saw him crying. He came down from the stage, knelt down before him, and said."And what would be the problem here. Did my trick not satisfy you."
My nephew responded with, " but the bird."
"Aye" Granaldo said, as he held up his hand to receive the bird. "Aye, but this bird ain't any old bird, this is a dove, and you know what they say about the dove. As pure as a dove. This bird can get through anything."
I smiled, but my nephew said, " But what about his brother."
Granaldo looked up at me, with a stern look in his face. Then breaking into a forced smile, he ruffled my nephews hair and said," Why aren't you a clever little lad." Then he walked back up onto the stage and continued his performance. At the end of the show as I was leaving I felt a hand on my shoulder. Before I could turn around I heard a whisper saying "Don't let the boy tell the world my trick."
I was in shock. All I ever believed had gone. I no longer found the 'magic' of Granaldo as amazing as I did before. After that I decided to set out to find how his other tricks were done. I found the perfect opportunity to do so when I saw an advertisment for an assitent of The Great Granaldo. It was hard for me to get the job because he recognized me immediently as 'The girl with THAT boy.' After a couple of weeks of persuasian he finally let me have it. I worked for him months and months learning how he did all his tricks, the more I learnt though the more disapointed I got. I soon found out that all of his tricks were just illusions, none of them were real magic. I had to find out why he didn't use real magic.
One night, after a very succesful performance, I approached him in his room. I asked why he didn't use real magic and he resonded with.
"Because, there is no such thing as real magic."
"But there is." I insisted.
"Do you have proof of that." he shouted.
"Yes." Then there was a long pause.
"Yes?" He said after awhile.
"Yes."... Then I spent the next hour explaining about how I had seen real magic. All of a sudden he got up. Took a step towards me, and said." Teach me...I want to learn for tomorrows nights show."
I insisted that it was not possible to learn magic that easily, and that it was too dangerous to try, but he would not take no for an answer.
So I set to work, teaching him the only trick I knew. It was a disappearing act. A real disappearing act. Not just an illusion. One that was done with a complete stranger. But it was powerful. So powerful,that if the slightest thing went wrong, it could end up being catasphoric.
I soon regretted teaching him the trick, for because of it he became more powerful than any other magican. Even Granaldinio. The following night the act was going very well, almost too well, he was completly flawless. That is until, a man in the audience sneezed and blew his concentration. Not only did the boy, who was the volunteer disappear but Granaldo shuddered for a second and suddenly burst into millions of dust particels. I was responsible for the disappearence of an innocent boy and the killing of ' The Great Granaldo.' Which is why I am here today, writing this statement for the police. But they will never hold me, for I created that trick, and I can make myself disappear, and reappear anywhere I want.
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