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An indepth analysis of the Mythlogical fables in Hinduism |
THE GREAT INDIAN FARCE India constitutes 17 % of the world’s population with an estimated 1300 million population. Out of these nearly 75 % (which is around 850 Million) belong to Hindu or Para-Hindu faiths, which are actually offshoots of the same Vedic culture. It is a great eye-opener, that in spite of a substantial level of education, almost the entire Hindu population has no clear idea, about the facts related to their origin. Even the highly educated and so called intellectuals of this community, when asked about their origins and history, only turn to the religious epics of Ramayana, Mahabharata or the Vedas and Upanishads. If asked to date them, they are so vague, that it almost seems to be like a joke. Some say Millions, some Hundred Millions and some Thousand Millions of years!! One often wonders do these “Intellectual” people really know how many zeros are there in a “Thousand Million” !?! Such persons just cannot digest the fact that recorded and authenticated human history cannot be dated beyond about 15000 years. Uptill now no scientific or archeological evidence is present which shows the existence of any kind of human culture, society or civilization beyond the 15000 to 20000 years frame. Tell this to any devout Hindu and he is sure to scoff at your “ignorance” ! Well researched facts gathered by archaeologists and anthropologists, indicate that Hindu culture originated from the Aryans. The Aryans were mainly inhabitants of Central Europe and they migrated to India only in about 1500 BC. Before the Aryans came to India the Indus Valley civilization already existed in Mohenjodaro and Harappa. The Aryans brought with them their traditions and religious beliefs, and there was a further amalgamation with the existing beliefs prevalent in India at that time. Around that time only one of the four Vedas i.e. the Rig Veda (Songs of Knowledge) was in existence, and that to partially. Many of the hymns may have been composed while the Aryans were still in central Asia, but most of them have been composed after settlement in India. The Rig Veda is a collection of hymns to the forces of nature and the mythological deities associated with them. The people because they came to India via the route of the Indus River (or “Sindhu” river) finally got their identity as Hindus. The rest of the three Vedas were written much later and the last i.e. the “Artha Veda” is estimated to be written around 800 BC. The two Hindu epics “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata” which are clearly based upon the events and locations in the Indian Sub-continent cannot be dated more than 2500 to 3000 years back in history. As a matter of fact, even the most ancient scrip known till date cannot be dated beyond 5000 to 6000 years. Can it be possible that such glaring disparities are not known to the highly educated and scientifically trained Hindus ? It is just that Hindus simply block out their reasoning when it comes to facts related to their religion. They do not have the courage to face the facts that their religion is merely a collection of Myths and Fables, created by the miniscule section of the educated class of that time (primarily the Brahmins) to maintain a hierarchy and order in the society. They primarily had their own benefits and interests in mind in creating these myths and the elaborate traditions, which ultimately fleeced the general populance and benefited the Brahmin or educated class. Although, the fact cannot be denied that a lot of these Fables have some moral or educative teaching in them, primarily targeted at the uneducated section of the society. Probably this was the best method to teach such people at that time. But still that does not justify claiming it as divine revelation, and also, now most of these things have lost their original significance with the advent of education and numerous developments in the society. Also the characters like Rama or Krishna could be real persons of royal lineage, and as is very common in India, over a period of time many such persons acquire the status of Demigods. A lot of imaginary fables are made around these characters, which are purely the output of the fertile imagination and creativity of the Bards and Storytellers. Any educated Hindu when he looks at the scientifically researched facts, to his horror, he immediately finds his entire religious faith vanishing in a cloud of myths. He cannot accept this, but neither can he deny the facts, so the best alternative for him is to say that modern culture is trying to corrupt the ancient culture and faith of the Indian sages, and that not enough data is available to reach the conclusion that classical Hinduism is purely a collection of imaginary deities and characters. This is known as the “Ostrich Mentality” by which you disagree to accept or even believe proven facts and continue to live in an unreal world. |