Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1322075-A-World-Forgotten---Eileen
Rated: E · Short Story · Young Adult · #1322075
Follow two sisters as they find out they are not of this world. (Chapter 2)

"Wow, I can't believe we're finally going to ride the famous "Poltergeist" thrill coaster!" Eileen exclaimed as she cranked her neck to watch as the roller coaster rushed over their heads carrying several screaming people, her long brown hair whipped around her small, petite shoulders as she tried to catch a glimpse of it as it raced out of sight.

"Relax, girl you're gonna get your chance. Chill!" Her friend Brooke reassured her as she finished her Lemon Shake and tossed the cup into the trash can.

"Gee, where is everyone? I thought we were all supposed to meet here at ten o'clock?" Eileen questioned as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and brushed away some stray pieces from her face. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small pearl compact. As she opened it, she held it up to check out her make up. Afterwards, she returned the compact to her purse, Eileen looked up and noticed that Brooke was staring at her.

"What?" She asked.

No matter what anyone tried to do, Eileen always managed to be the center of attention. She was a very outspoken, aggressive young lady that somehow always managed to get whatever she wanted, even guys. She was very self-conscious about the way she looked and what she wore no matter what the occasion.

"Why are you always checking out your make up and fixing your hair? You look fine!" Brooke answered as she noticed a small group in the distance making their way towards them.

"You just never know when you're going to meet someone new." She replied, tilting her head to the side and raising her eyebrows. "I want to make sure I look good!" She suddenly felt hands grab both of her shoulders from behind. Startled, she twirled around to find Erin, Leslie, Ryan, and Matt standing in front of her.

"Hey Brooke, Hi Eileen. I hope we're not too late? My dad insisted that we stop for breakfast first." Leslie explained. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" She continued as she imitated her dad's voice and movements.

"That's fine, dear. You're here now so let's go ride some rides!" Eileen said as she reached out and grabbed Leslie's arm and together headed towards the rides. The rest of the group followed close behind.

The day went by quickly as the friends went from one ride to another. First, they rode the "Poltergeist", the twisting, spiraling thrill roller coaster that Eileen had waited for so long to ride. Then, it was on to "The Rattler" which is your classic wooden-style roller coaster. Last, but certainly not least, was the "Superman Krypton Coaster". This particular coaster is the largest steel and floorless coaster in the southwest.

"Let's go get something to eat. I'm starved!" Ryan announced suddenly. He stretched his long, spagetti-like arm out and pointed towards the concession stand that sold pizza.

"Ryan, you're always hungry!" Erin replied as she playfully bumped her shoulder into his as the group made their way over to the pizza stand. They decided to get two large pepperoni pizza's with extra cheese and Cokes all around. Once they got the pizza's and drinks, the friends moved towards a table by the railing overlooking a small manmade waterfall. They sat down and started to chow down on the delicious, hot food and discussed what they should do next.

"It's getting late, and I'm supposed to meet Jason later on tonight for a movie. Although he hasn't called me back yet to tell me what time." Eileen stated as she finished up the last of her Coke. She sifted through her purse and pulled out her pearl compact again after sitting her cup back on the table. Then she reached back in her purse a second time to retrieve her "Bronze Shimmer" lipstick. After taking the plastic cover off she held up her compact and touched the lipstick to her lips carefully tracing first her upper and then her lower lip leaving behind a bronze shine on them.

"Yeah, it's already close to five o'clock," Brooke pointed out as she began to slowly get up out of her chair.

The rest of the group also began to get up and out of their chairs. Leslie and Matt gathered up the empty pizza boxes and headed over to the garbage can to drop them off. As they rejoined the group, they started to make their way down the causeway towards the entrance to the park. Along the way they decided to waste some time till Leslie's dad got there and play some games. At about 4:55pm, the group passed through the gate and headed out towards the parking lot and where Leslie saw her dad's dark, green Durango waiting by the curb. Her dad waved his arm and motioned for them to hurry up.

Also watching them from behind a large Oak tree was a tall, dark figure. It seemed to crouch down as the group passed by so as not to be noticed. Then, it reappeared to watch as the friends parted ways and then seemed to fade out of sight.

"Bye Eileen, bye Brooke. Call me!" Leslie yelled back as she, Erin, Matt, and Ryan hurried to where her father was patiently waiting for them.

"We better get going too, girl. I promised my mom that I would help her get ready for the garage sale this weekend." Brooke added in agreement.

The two friends began the long walk together the rest of the way down the sidewalk towards the parking lot arm in arm. They talked about the days' events. The rides, the shows, the water parks. Eileen raved over and over again about how awesome the "Poltergeist" coaster was with all its twists and turns and spiraling downward drops. Brooke wasn't too thrill with "The Rattler". The turns were too jerky, the safety bars didn't hold her in tight enough and she felt like she was going to fall out of the car when going down the hills. she explained to Eileen.

"There she is!" Eileen suddenly blurted out as she pointed ahead at the bright red Cavalier ahead of them. The girls hurried over to the car as Eileen used her remote to unlock the doors. They hopped in and shut the doors. As they backed out of the parking space and headed towards the exit out of the park, the girls grew silent, exhausted from the days events. The rest of the ride to Brookes' house was uneventful. Once in her driveway, she turned and said goodbye to Eileen and told her that she would call in the morning. Then she was gone.

A few minutes later Eileen was in her own driveway. She tossed her hair back over her shoulder as she reached in the back seat to grab her purse. She got out of the car and headed for the front door. As she quickly opened the door and stepped into the foyer, she suddenly felt something hit the back of her head. She snapped her head around and focused her attention towards the top of the stairs.

"Mom. Teddy threw a towel at my head." Eileen yelled as she notice the bright yellow towel laying at her feet. She crossed the hallway and entered the living room. Her mom was sitting on the tan, oversized couch that sat against the wall at the opposite end of the room. She was working on her laptop while watching her favorite afternoon soap opera.

As Eileen approached her, she raised her head and reached up to remove the small, rose-colored glasses off her face. A tiny smile appeared on her face as she patted the spot next to her on the couch for her daughter to come and sit down.

"Hi, honey, how was Six Flags? Did you guys have a good time?" Her mom asked curiously as Eileen plopped down on the couch beside her.

"Oh it was so awesome. The "Poltergiest" literally took my breath away." She explained as her dark, brown eyes glowed as she remembered the events of the day. She continued telling her mom all the different rides her and her friends went on and the laser light show they watched, and also about the water slides they cooled off in before grabbing a bite to eat on the way home.

"It sounds like you have a really great time, Lee!" Her mom remarked. She looked down at the laptop that sat in front of her. The room seemed to grow ominously silent for the next several minutes. Eileen sat with her hands in her lap afraid to say a word as she watched her mom cautiously.

"Mom,,,,,,," she finally manages to mutter almost in a whisper. "You really need to do something about Timmy, he . . . . "

"Eileen . . ." Her mom interrupted as she lifted her head slowly and turned to face her daughter. She had a blank expression on her face, and there were tears wallowing up in her eyes.

"Mom, w-what's the matter? What's wrong?" She asked as she reached her now shaking hand out to lay on her mom's shoulder. Her mom took a slow, deep breath and then let out a long drawn out sigh as if contemplating what to say next.

After what seemed like ages, her mom finally shifted her body to face Eileen and took hold of both her hands into her own, and squeezed them gently. Then she began.

"Eileen. The company that your father works for is shutting down their plant here in San Antonio. As of next week he will no longer have a job there." Her mom explained as her face started to become red and flushed. "He is being transferred to another plant up North, which means that we will have to move. They have already made living arrangements for us so we don't have to try and find a place to live. I know this comes as a shock, hon, but we really don't have a choice." She added as she threw a forced smile in her daughters' direction.

Eileen reached her hand up and brushed back the hair out of her face as she starred at her mom in horror. She slowly leaned back against the soft, fluffy cushions and starred down at the floor trying to make sense of what her mom just told her. "We can't move. This is my home, all my friends are here." She thought to herself.

As if reading her mind, her mom pulled her daugher close and wrapped her long, strong arms around her. "I know this is going to be very hard on you, Lee. You grew up here and have a lot of very good friends that you are going to be leaving behind." She said as she reached up and craddled her daughers' head in her hands. The tears were now flowing freely down her reddened cheeks. "Look at the bright side, you'll make new friends, and still be able to stay in touch with Leslie,, and Brooke, and . . ."

Now it was Eileen's turn to interrupt her mom. "I don't want new friends. I want MY friends, and why do we have to move anyway? Why can't dad find a different job here in San Antonio or-or Houston? I don't want to leave my home!" She shouted out as she jumped up off the couch and ran blindly out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Once she reached the door, she threw it open and then slammed it behind her as the sound echoed through the house. Then the house grew deafening silent.
© Copyright 2007 Lady Tiger (ladytiger115 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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