Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1322026-Preparing-the-way
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Religious · #1322026
Bi-Weekly Devotional
Thou shalt prepare thee a way, and divide the coasts of thy land, which the LORD thy God giveth thee to inherit, into three parts, that every slayer may flee thither. Deu 19:3 

Even as I think about the children preparing to go back to school on tomorrow, I get overjoyed.  God is so gracious to us as a chosen people.  He prepares the way for us to walk into those things that were predestined for us.  Therefore, in his whole big plan of life, he prepares us for those things that he is calling us to regardless of how big or how small.  In the preparation stage, we often have to do things that we really don?t want to do or that we would rather not do, but we can be assured that all of those things are a part of his plan.

The children in school has to do things in order to go from grade to grade.  The things that they have to do include:  reading, studying, doing homework, going to school, obeying the teachers, obeying the school rules, getting along with their peers and other extra curricular activities to help the student to become well rounded.  All of those things that are required of them has to be done and prepares the student to graduate, get a diploma and later in life to get a good job and some to go off to college.  Well, the same is required of us, in a spiritual aspect.

In order to inherit the blessings of the Lord, we have to allow the Lord to prepare us for what is to come later in life.  Often times, many never get to that place that God really wants to take them to because they choose not to allow God to it for them.  When God prepares you for that next phase of life, he is going to make sure your foundation is strong enough that when the wind blow you want buckle under, he?s going to make sure you have a true relationship with him while not denying his power/ability/and willingness to bless us, he wants to know that we love him and take priority in the things that he ask us to, and that our walk with him is genuine.  Sometimes, as God is preparing the way for you, you have to go down roads and deal with issues that you may not understand but by and by God will make the way clear, and he will show you how to handle them.  As he?s preparing you, he?s also equipping you for the journey, assignment and end result.

So, while you are being prepared for what?s to come in life, ask God to help you to be content with where you are in life, what you have in life, and what you are doing.  And as you learn to be content you?ll be able to thank God with a spirit of truth that he?s a God that does not lie and who does not leave us stranded, but who always have a perfect plan for us.  Thinking about that perfect plan gives so much excitement, because we know that we too are students of the kingdom and each day is a continuous stride which takes us closer towards our risen Savior, walking in accordance with his word, his will and his plan for our lives.

Be encouraged in knowing that all that you are going through, have been through and is experiencing has just been preparing you for your next blessing.  Halleujah!

But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
Luk 12:48 
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