Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/131837-Ask-and-Answer
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Article · Opinion · #131837
Answer your question, then it's your turn to ask.
There is no story plot here. There are no imagined characters. This is just us talking to each other, expressing our opinions.

I originally got the idea from TheMilkman and "The Interview", but his went a different route than I had in mind.

Here are the rules:

1. Answer the question that the person before you has asked you. If you don't feel you can answer that particular question, then skip your turn and let the next person take a shot at it. Don't put things in quotes like you're telling a story... this is just talking, that's it.

2. When you have answered the question as you see fit, you must now ask a question for the next invitee. These questions can be absolutely anything you want to know. And since you really have no idea who you're asking, these are just general questions.

There's quite an assortment of people here, so this should be interesting. Have fun!! *Smile*
Since it's my campfire, I don't have to initially answer a question. *Smile* So here's the first question:

If you to had to choose between your sense of taste and your sense of hearing, which would you choose to keep and why?
Given the choice, I would choose to keep my
sense of hearing simply because of my love of
music and the sounds of nature. I would miss
the sense of taste, but I think I could get used
to doing without it much easier than losing my
sense of hearing.

My question to the next campfire partner is:
What is your most embarrassing moment and
Ok, here goes! It happened when I was about 13 and I went swimming. My aunt took my sister and I to a lake and there was a really cute guy there. Well I was wearing a tube top, cause I wasn't planning on going swimming. I went under water and when I came up my tube top was around my waist! Let me tell you, I flew out of the water and couldn't look at the guy for the rest of the day! Talk about embarrassing!

My question is: What is your favorite saying and why?
My greatest fear is FAILING

Why this is my greatest fear is because no one wants to be known for their failures. I may not ended up being a household name when I go to meet my maker but I want to leave my mark somewhere. With my writing and my wood working I know there will be a piece of me left behind for someone to know I existed.

The next question is... How much time do you spend right here, in Stories.Com?
A Non-Existent User
Answer: I would write about the things I always write about, I think. They are the things that always compel me, or speak to me, demanding that I write about them. Or maybe not, 'cause I wouldn't have the daily inspirations around me. I might turn to writing uninspiring and wretched poetry about the sea, the sand and the frolicking seals. Oh my, wait, they aren't frolicking...

Question: Have you ever wanted to give up writing? If so, why did you want to quit? What made you decide to persevere?
Yes and no. No, in that writing to me is only another form of communication like body language and speaking. Since I don’t see myself as a writer, just someone that likes to communicate, giving up writing to me would be like ceasing to speak. That’s where the yes part comes in. There’s a ten year old inside of me that first responds to criticism as a ten year old would. You know, …Fine! I’ll just run away and end up blind or deaf from my horrible experiences and when I come back, they’ll be sorry! or I’ll just never speak another word ever again! But we all know that 10 year olds simply can’t shut up, so the adult in me just smiles and pats the kid in me on the head and keeps writing, talking and communicating. I suppose if I am ever officially considered a writer, perhaps then I might consider quitting writing as one would a job if I feel the pressure of the skill weigh too heavily, but I doubt I could ever go through with it. Probably because it would be the world that would see me as a writer, I would still see myself as someone who is just trying to communicate, and as long as I live, I will always be trying, and hopefully succeeding to communicate.

So, here’s my question: What is the single most important message you hope to communicate when considering all of your writing, both that which is written and that which you hope to write?
Writing question? Bah! Well ok... The most important message I hope to communicate is both how cool stories.com is and how it works.

On a lighter topic, what would you get if you crossed a kangeroo, a cat, a flea,
and a trout together?
I just want to be remembered. I have no preference, really, and people make up their own minds on how they see you. I know that I like myself and who I've grown into and that's all that matters to me.

And when I'm gone, I'm gone. Why should I care what anyone thinks of me then? *Smile*

What's the longest amount of time you've gone without sleep? How old were you and why?
I’d have to guess it would be about 30 hours.
I’m having to guess because it was when I
was in a car accident and broke my back. It
seemed much longer but I’m sure it wasn’t. I
am a creature of habit and must have my
sleep. I don’t function well without a full eight
hours at night.

my question: If you could be any animal (other
than human) what would you be and why?
Hmm, this is a toughy. I would have to say Rome
during the Renaissance period. Why? Just think about it, all of the great art and literature that was created at the time. You could watch as Michealangelo painted the Sistine Chapel, or Da Vinci when he painted the Mona Lisa. That would be so cool!

Now I have to come up with a question:
If you could give a message to the youth of
today, what would it be and why?
Well I don't want to be judged by my beauty...only me and my mirror will know how much better looking I get everyday.

You are judged to be kind by your actions.

I would want people to say that I was smart. In my opinion that is the one quality you can't lable a person unless you know something about him/her. The other two qualities that are something to be observed. For example, if you are kind by donating to your favorite charity anonymously only you know it.
There are plenty of ways to be smart and passing it on. You could write a "How-To" book, discover a cure for cancer or win a million dollars and still have all three of your lifelines on that game show.

Ok my question:
If you could be #1 on the most viewed author list or have a portfolio full of five star ratings what would you want and why?
A Non-Existent User
Well, most of my stuff is already 5 stars(hehehe...just had to be conceited for a moment), so I guess I'd take most viewed. No, really I'd want the 5 stars because I want every single thing I write to be of the best quality. Recognition isn't as important as the quality and content of my work. Ugh, I can't make up my mind.

Okay, would you rather write deep, life-changing novels that never get published but are widely loved by all on this website, or write highly entertaining, highly paying novels that are bestsellers?
A: I wont lie and say that I wouldn’t love to write a best seller, but I haven’t yet and I don’t feel that my work is any more meaningful or meaningless by not being widely renowned. So, I’ll take what I get with a wink and a smile.

Q: What is your favorite piece of work on stories.com and why? (providing an opportunity for a bit shameless self promoting)

The Most Honest, Real and Untainted award. Hmmm; I'm sad to say that nobody springs to mind immediatly. In full irony and sarcasm I could elect the Australian prime minister, Mr John Howard...he deserves recognition for his incompetance...
No seriously now, the Most Honest, Real and Untainted award should go to my friend Christian Sentenac. He is the most unaffected person I know. He calls a spade a spade (and a cliche a cliche), doesn't give a hoot about what others think of him, and always tells his version of the truth (his vision of things is bizarre, but he encourages debate and/ or argument). He is untainted by his various experiences, untainted by what he sees as a decadent society, and especially untainted by fashions of all kinds. I nominate him, but knowing Christian, he'll refuse the nomination and rush off to Indonesia, or Pinang....
Question: What would be in your Room 101? Or, if you haven't read 1984, what are you most terrified of?
My room 101? Oy. I don't know. I mean I don't think I have any huge phobias, but I am a control freak. So I guess it would have to do with something like that. Ummm but I'll leave that up to your imagination. I guess I just don't want to think about it too much. I'd be too scared *Wink*

A question a question hmmmmmmmm

Well dollface, my question to you is this: What is that one thing you didn't learn as a child that you wish you did?
A Non-Existent User
Well, Lord a-mighty! I'm finally up on this here campfire. Let's see...The one thing I wish I had learnt as a wee one was that high school didn't matter. I put up with so much torment and humiliation, and just sucked it up because I was terrified of ruining my "permanent record" or my "future." Looking back I realize that high school was about the biggest load of BS I have ever had the luck to encounter, and had I known then what I know now I would have told every single one (okay, almost every single one) of those people: "Screw you guys, I'm going home."

Okay. Now I shall pose this question: "What do you like best about ME?" Errrrr....no, that's not it. Okay here's the real question. It's actaully two questions but I don't care.

"Is there an afterlife? and what makes you believe so?"
"Is there an afterlife? And what makes you believe so?"

Wow, umm I have to say I am one of those people that has to see it to believe it and as of right now I am not dead. Spirits, Ghosts and the afterlife, I believe to be made up by people unable to let go of life and love ones. I'm sorry but as of this point in my life I believe once your dead your dead nothing more.

With all the modern things now a-days do you believe that a young couple starting out has any chance of lasting a lifetime together? And why or why not?
Most definitely. It should be up to the person whether they want to live or not. Why should it be someone else's decision to say whether he should be kept on machines or lay there like a vegetable.

So, yes, it is justified at times.

Name one thing that you can do that you are proud of being able to do.
i am most proud of being allowed the freedom
to be myself, an individual. *Smile*

my question for the next member:
what soothes your soul when absolutely
nothing else will?
Without a doubt, air conditioning! For one thing, I love it when it's hot outside. Also, it doesn't get that hot (100 degrees) where I live. Give up the internet? Are you crazy? I am so addicted to this site!

Ok my turn to ask a question:
What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in life and why?
Well, I suppose my home here in Sydney, Australia is where I'd consider my home to be...I love Sydney, and I love the bushland that surrounds my place and the nearness of the ocean. Paris is my second home, though; I lived there for six years and try to return to visit my family and friends there at least every other year, though finances don't always allow this! I am equally 'chez moi' in either city, which is great. There are other places too where I feel a sense of homecoming when I visit.....Tasmania, the Blue Mountains, Byron Bay.....
Question time: describe the perfect pair of shoes!
Uh oh this is a DANGEROUS question. We'll obviously the perfect pair of shoes is comfortable. That is a must, if they cause you pain you're not happy and if you're not happy they can't be perfect. But then comes the more complicated part- how do they look? And also you've got funny factors like weather to take into account. Well you've got to decide heel or no heel, basic black or brown or some other more fun color, open toe or closed, sandal or shoe, boot or shoe or sneaker etc etc. As you can see men who claim they make it through life with no more than two pairs of shoes are just insane. There are too many factors in life that define the perfect shoe for each occasion. And now that I've been more than verbose on this amazingly dull topic(no offense Cappy) I suppose I should ask a question...

If you could take just one picture of anything and any person or animal etc just one before you shot off into space to die alone(sad I know) what would that picture be and why?
A Non-Existent User
Okay, I will have to take the second question. Unfortunately it is about soul mates, which I know little about. I think having a soulmate is a little too intimate in my opinion. Personally, there are a lot of things that only I know about myself, and these (like military secrets and mob connections) are revealed to absolutely no one. This is mainly because I don't think there is anyone on the planet who would understand these secrets of mine.

As for the sex of a soulmate, it depends. Some people might consider their best friend (of the same sex) as a soulmate, others might consider someone who they are married to. I think it matters not at all what the person's sex is, and the extent of your relationship with that person. The heart cares little for human rationale.

More than one? That'd be pushing it. I haven't found a single person who I could be intimate with, and now you want "multiple soul mates"? Jeez...

The Question of the Day: Why do human beings separate and define themselves by things like race, religion, politics, geography, etc?
Why do human beings separate and define themselves by things like race, religion, politics, geography?

In my opinion I would have to say that humans have a need to feel superior to one another therefor use what ever means possible to do so. Like in saying my countries better they feel a personal power. It is like an animalistic response to another animal entering his domain.
We don't fight violently for leadership "most of the time" but we still fight, with politics, religion and so forth, to become the leader (to be better then others).

question:You have a chance to change history what ONE event would you change?
I would become asexual and try to repopulate the world. Imagine this with me...A couple Billion The Milkmans running around.

If you knew that you only had a week to live what would you want to accomplish in that time span?
A Non-Existent User
That question is a bit ambigious, Brain! I guess the best thing (to date) that happened to me (I hope that's what you're asking) was meeting my husband and getting married. Our wedding was beautiful, but it's more than that. Our whole relationship has been precious and life-altering. Being loved by him is the best thing I've ever known.

Okay, my question:
Are you in favor of or opposed to human cloning? Explain your position:
A: Ouch! That could take pages and pages and by the time I’m done, I would have the contents of a complete dissertation… Now how can I answer such a question with out earning the reputation of being a complete filibusterer? Lets suffice it to say that any scientific advancement is in the interest of humanity ONLY when the interest of humanity is the first consideration. There you have it, an entire philosophy of ethics course in one sentence.

Q: What was the strangest dream (I mean the night time fast asleep kind) that you have ever had?
Mistaken?, you didn't leave me a question to answer, so I shall provide my own:

Q.Why did you choose Cappucine as a user-name?

A. Well, I used to live on the Boulevarde des Cappucines, and that was a blissful time in my life. Secondly, capucine is the French word for nastursium, and I have tons growing in my garden; I like using their peppery leaves in salads. Thirdly I love coffee, though strong and black, not capped with froth and chocolate (so no cappuccino for Cappucine). Lastly, I am a clandestine Cappucine monk.
One of the above reasons is not true. Can you guess which one?

And no, Cherub (if you're up next again), that's not your question. Your question is: Would you like to live in a different country and if so, which one, and why?
Hmm well I think I'd like to try living in a diffrent country for at least a little while. A few of the countries I'd like to go to are Italy, Great Britain, South Africa, and China. I think each of these places have some really unique opportunities to offer. I would actually like to study in Italy, especially the art there(just wow) and since I've just been deemed "competent" in Italian by my school I guess I'd do okay if I went. I would love to hike across Great Britain, expecially Scotland. I'd love to do internship/volunteer work in South Africa(I have since 8th grade) and I'd like to do medical missions in China. But I guess I'm a homebody, America will always be my home. It's where my family is, and despite the wonderful experiences I would gain in other countries home is with my family. Is that enough sap for you guys? *Smile*

So my next question is what would you NOT do for a million dollars?
Jackie Chan. I think he would be very interesting to talk to. I would like to know about all the languages and martial arts he has learned over the years.


Who would be the last person you would want to talk to before you past away and what would you say?

© Copyright 2001 The StoryWitchress, yesnomaybe, peanut, The Milkman, Kit Tunstall, NL*, The ScaryMaster, Cappucine, GoCartCherub- St Louis U, xx-xx, Stormy Lady, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/131837-Ask-and-Answer