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Enemy's at first sight. Something else later?~part four |
You open your eyes just as the first rays of dawn light start to illuminate the sky. The first thing that you think of is how your going to have so much fun messing with Malfoy's head. You weren't exactly sure how you were going to pretend to be nice and make Malfoy fall for you, but you were smart and knew you would think of something. The plan was to just be as cool and flirty as possible without looking suspicious. You just hoped that it wouldn't be as bad as you thought it would be. Because if Malfoy said or did the wrong thing you could very easily snap and the whole plan would be ruined. *Just keep a cool head* you told yourself. *Don't let him get under your skin. Just tune him out and think of quidditch or something to distract yourself from hurting him*. You got dressed in your school robes and went down to breakfast. As your walking towards the Slytherin table you quickly scan the area to make sure Malfoy isn't there. *Thank god he isn't here yet. I don't know if I could have handled him this early in the morning*. And then as if the mere thought of him could make him appear, there he was, surrounded by his gang of friends. *Dammit all I wanted was a few minutes to wake up without being tortured before I even have breakfast*. You mentally brace yourself the best you could for what you knew was going to be Malfoy at his worst. You take a seat as far away as you could get from where Malfoy and his gang looked like they were headed. You put your school bag on the floor by your feet and pour yourself some coffee and porridge. Just as you are putting some marmalade on your toast Malfoy and his gang decide to come and sit by you. You sigh deeply. You were as ready for them as you would ever be. *Bring it on boys, I'm ready to take anything you can dish out. I hope so anyways*. "Hey Hendon, Draco told us about your little deal with him", said Blaise Zabani. "Yeah, why didn't you tell us you were willing to be so nice for such a small thing as a password?" Derik asked. "I would have been willing to give you the password if you would have just asked". "Ha ha, yeah that and something else too!" Pansy gave Derik a look that dared him to deny it. He surprised everyone by agreeing with her. "Yeah I would have given her a LOT more!!! If you catch my drift" he turned and gave you, what you assumed was supposed to be a sexy smile. Although it looked anything but sexy to you. "Ugh!!! Your a disgusting pig, even thinking about that, with you of all people, makes me want to throw up. I can Actually feel the vile in my throat." Derik just smiled at you. You wanted to slap it from his face. Hard!! "So, I'm curious as to why you would give in so easy to a deal that you know is going to suck, especially on your side of it?" asked Pansy with a curious look at you. You had been waiting for this question. You knew it would come even though you didn't like it. You didn't want them to be to curious about your motives for agreeing to such a deal. But there was no hope in avoiding this question, so even though this was a lame excuse it was all you had. "Well Parkinson if you must know, I was really tired and didn't really think it through all the way. Had I stopped and really thought it through I might not have mad the deal in the first place. I was tired and thought that it was only a week how bad could it be? But I didn't really think that through till this morning, but by then it was to late and I don't go back on my promises" you said this easily. The lies slipping from your tongue like soft, silky honey. You knew exactly what you were doing, even if you were tired you would never be stupid enough to make a deal like that and not have an ulterior motive. But they didn't need to know that. "So your actually going to be nice to us for a week?" asked Blaise. "Hell no!!!!" "But that's the deal!" said Blaise. "And I thought you never went back on your promises?" "I don't go back on my promises. But the deal was that I'm nice to Malfoy, I never said that I would be nice to any of you", you give him a cheeky, cocky little smile. "All of that doesn't matter. You said that you would be nice to me, no matter what!" Malfoy said with an mischievous glint in his eye. "Ha ha. I like how you say that likes its a death sentence!" *No, its probably a whole heck of a lot worse than any death sentence* you thought. Malfoy just gave a little laugh, and his eyes said that, that had been the plan the whole time. You grab your coffee and put it to your lips. You look around and realize that the great hall had filled with students. You hadn't noticed all the people because you were to busy putting up with Malfoy and the rest of them. Especially Blaise Zabani, with his rude and disgusting remarks. What was he thinking, we hate each other, why would he think those things about you? But then the image of Draco came to mind and you wanted to beat yourself for thinking about him like that. *Well maybe it does make a little bit of sense in a messed up kind of way. The things Zabani implied didn't really have anything to do with liking the persons character, just the physical attraction. Like the way I think about malfoy. I don't really like him as a person, but he's OK looking and that's why I was thinking about him* At least you hoped that's why you were thinking about him. You look and see that Professor Mcgonagall is handing out schedules and that she's on her way over to where you sit. As soon as she gets to where you sit you can not only see the changes in everyone, but you can almost feel the change in the air. Everyone all of the sudden starts being nice and stops giving you dirty looks and making rude comments. Not even Malfoy and his gang would dare pick fun at someone in front of a teacher. Especially in front of Professor Mcgonagall, she of all people would be the most likely to come down on you hard for something like that. "Here are your schedules," said Professor Mcgonagall, handing them out to all of you. "Also, if any of you would like to try out for your houses quidditch team, then I suggest you talk to your house quidditch captain and ask when they are holding the try outs." And with that she turned on her heel and walked away. You actually almost considered trying out. You loved quidditch, it was one of your favorite sports. But then you remembered that Malfoy was on the team and you knew he was good friends with the captain Urquhart so you didn't stand a chance of getting on the team. Not that you really wanted to be on a team that had Malfoy on it, but you loved that sport. *Oh well its not like its the end of the world or something* You thought *I guess I'll just have to get over it, I've lasted five years without being on the quidditch team it shouldn't start to bother me now. But then again the only reason I haven't been on the team all these years is because there was no positions open, not because the people on the team didn't like me* You give a big sigh and decide to let it go for now. You look down at your schedule to see what your first class is and see one of your favorite classes Care of Magical Creatures. If anyone knew that you liked that class you would get severely tormented for it, even the students in the other houses would laugh at you. Oh well you didn't really care what they thought. You especially liked Professor Hagrid who started teaching that Care of Magical Creature in your third year at Hogwarts. Professor Hagrid always showed your favorite kind of creatures. Mostly the more potentially dangerous or the ones that were harder to take care of. Always the most interesting kind. "Ugh, more classes with that oaf. Why they would even let that Thing teach is beyond me," Malfoy said looking down at his schedule. "I mean didn't anyone see what happened to me in our third year in one of his classes? And to have to put up with him this early in the morning. If he so much as looks at me funny I swear I'll make sure its the end of his career." You opened your mouth ready to lay into him, you happened to like Professor Hagrid a lot, but then you remembered that you were supposed be nice to him and even though it took all you had, you slowly closed your mouth and settled on a glare. You could tell that Malfoy had caught you trying to hold back a nasty remark, because he gave you this Hugh wicked grin and you could tell by the glint in his eyes that he was enjoying this just a little too much. *Just you wait Malfoy, soon I'm going to wipe that stupid grin right off your face* But you couldn't help but think, even for just a moment, how that grin was almost sexy. *Stop it. This is Malfoy. Thinking thoughts like that is not only just plain gross, but it could completely ruin the plan. I have to get revenge on Malfoy if its the last thing I do!!* "Well if you'll excuse me I think I accidentally left one of my books in my dorm room," you hadn't really left any book in your room, but you had to get away from Malfoy before that grin started to make you go soft. *Or has it already made me soft* you couldn't help but think. *No, definitely not. I'm still rock solid, I'm just a girl after all and can appreciate a very cute guy. It has nothing to do with making me soft* But you had to admit that it was easier to be solid when you weren't around Malfoy. *What was wrong with me all of the sudden. It wasn't like this last year. I never thought anything but bad of Malfoy, hmmmmm....... Oh I know! It must be hormones, that has to be it. I mean I didn't feel like this last year and now I'm thinking these things and feeling...well feeling almost kind of girly, for lack of a better word. I feel pretty and feminine all of a sudden* You felt so much better now that you convinced yourself that, hormones were the reason for all these weird feelings and such. Soon you found yourself in the dungeons. You hadn't even realized where your feet were taking you. You were right in front of the stone wall that was the entrance to the Slytherin common room. You say the password and go straight to your dorm room. Even though you hadn't left any of your books in your room, you had nothing better to do for the next half an hour before class started, then to sit here and maybe read. You would rather sit here and read then to be around Malfoy and his gang anyways. So you prop your pillows against the headboard, grab one of your books on famous quidditch matches and start to read for the next half hour. DRACO'S POV "Ha ha, yeah that and something else too!" said Pansy. "Yeah I would have given her a LOT more!!! If you catch my drift," that kid Derik said in such a cocky voice, that for a minute he reminded you of yourself. And just for a minute a big wave of irritation passed over you. At first you didn't know why you had felt irritated at him, but then you knew and you quickly tried to think of some other reason for it then that. There was just no way that you could possibly be even the slightest bit irritated because Derik had made a sexual remark about Hendon. That would mean that you would have to have real feelings for her and not just lust. Or maybe it was just that you wanted her first and there was no way in bloody hell that, that git Derik was going to have her before you. *Yeah that has to be it because there's no way I feel anything but lust for her. She's Glory Hendon for gods sake. She's friends with Huffelpuffs and likes every other class BUT potions, the class that we Slytherins are favored in. We do nothing but fight when we are around each other. She's half blood, which isn't that bad, I even have other half blood friends. But she lives with muggles and talks about muggle music and other muggle stuff. She's everything I hate in a person. So there's just no way I could actually like her. We have absolutely nothing in common* But when you heard her tell Derik off, you couldn't help but inwardly give her applause. "So, I'm curious as to why you would give in so easy to a deal that you know is going to suck, especially on your side of it?" Pansy asked. You didn't much like Hendon's answer to that question. It made you look and even worse feel, like an ass-hole. Did she have to make it sound as if she was half asleep when she agreed to the deal? Did she have to make it sound like you manipulated her into it while she couldn't think straight because she was too tired? You answered that for yourself. Yes of course she did! Why wouldn't she make you sound like a horses-ass, she hates you right? But for the life of you, you couldn't quit figure out why it bothered you, even the slightest bit. "So your actually going to be nice to us for a week?" Asked Blaise. "Hell no!!!!" "But that's the deal!" said Blaise. And I thought you never went back on your promises?" "I don't go back on my promises. But the deal was that I'm nice to Malfoy, I never said that I would be nice to any of you." "All of that doesn't matter. You said that you would be nice to me, no matter what!" You say, thinking that she was going to try and find some loop-hole in your deal. You give her a look that warns her not to try anything like that. "Ha ha. I like how you say that like it's a death sentence!" You just laugh. *Yeah I hope this is hell for you, and I'm going to love every minute of it* You inwardly smile at how evil you are. You always liked being bad, ever since you were a kid and had found out that being mean to people usually got you whatever you wanted. You look and see that Professor. Mcgonagall is headed in your direction with this years schedules. You automatically put on a face of innocents and change the way you sit just to make sure that McGonagall doesn't think your up to something or have any reason what-so-ever to punish you. You can see that everyone else thinks the same thing as you, because they all start to do the same things you did. "Here are your schedules," said Professor McGonagall, handing them out. "Also, if any of you would like to try out for your houses quidditch team, then I suggest you talk to your house quidditch captain and find out when they are holding the try outs." Then she turned on her heel and walked away. You look down at your schedule and see that you have Care of Magical Creature first this morning. You remembered that Hendon likes that Hagrid oaf and that, that was one of her favorite classes. "Ugh, more class with that oaf. Why they would even let that Thing teach is beyond me." You emphasis the word Thing. Knowing that it would get under her skin to hear you talk about one of her favorite teachers like that. "I mean didn't anyone see what happened to me in our third year in one of his classes? And to have to put up with him this early in the morning. If he so much as looks at me funny I swear I'll make sure it's the end of his career." You could see that she was trying to hold back, what you knew would be a very nasty comment, but thought better of it and instead got up and left saying that she left some book in her dorm room. You were glad that she was gone. It was a lot harder than one might think, to be so mean to her, while looking into such pretty eyes. "Hey Draco. I bet your just gonna love this deal you have with her. I mean if she had to be nice to me no matter what I did or said, I couldn't even imagine the things I would be doing!" Said Blaise. "Yeah I know. You would probably spend the whole time trying to come up with something really good to do and then when you finally thought of something, it would be to late." You say, acting like you didn't just insult him. When you first met your friends, you found out that you could say or do anything to them and they wouldn't so much as lift a finger in defense. So now it just sort of came naturally for you to insult them and call them names. "Oh but my Draky's not going to be like that are you?" Asked Pansy. "Your going to give that ugly slut real hell aren't you Draco? Make her pay for all the times we had to look at her ugly face and put up with her being around us all these years!" You didn't even bother pointing out that you and apparently most of the other guys here, didn't think she was ugly. And also that if he even considered giving her the time of day, that Pansy would be more than happy do be a slut for him. "I wonder how long she'll last or if she'll crack right away?" said Derik, looking at you as if you knew the answer to this. "Well she better last the whole week, because that's the deal." You say. "What will you do if she doesn't last the week?" Asked Crabb. "Hmmm...I'm not sure, but I'll make her pay for it if she does give in before the week is over." "Should we start to head for class now?" Spoke Goyle. You all just looked at him in amazement. "Are you sick?! Since when do you worry about being to class in time?" You ask. "Well Professor Snape talked to my parents about me being so far behind that I might have to stay back a year and I got yelled at 'cause my parents don't want there names in shame." "Well it's about time they did something about that. I thought that if you and Crabb got any dumber you'd have to just quit going to Hogwarts." Said Derik. "He's right though we should get to class. Wouldn't want to waste a minute of torturing Hendon now would we?" You got the idea that Pansy was going to like this the most out of all of you. |