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Satan celebrates his victory over Christ after Good Friday |
NOTES: This worship drama presents concepts about the death and resurrection of Christ and His victory over Satan. It may fit well in worship services where the topics of Easter, the resurrection and spiritual warfare are addressed. Some of the concepts have been drawn from the Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. THE STAGE HAS A CONFERENCE TABLE SURROUNDED BY FOUR CHAIRS. SATAN AND THE DEMONS IN THE PLAY ARE ALL WELL DRESSED IN STYLISH BLACK CLOTHING. SATAN ENTERS. SATAN Ah, the thrill of victory. I’ve been planning this for centuries. Especially over the last thirty years when God had the audacity to send His Son to earth - into my domain. Well, He’ll never try that foolish trick again! THREE DEMONS ENTER. ONE IS CARRYING A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE, AND ANOTHER HAS A TRAY WITH FOUR WINE GLASSES. AFTER SETTING THEM DOWN, ONE OF THE DEMONS BEGINS TO POUR A DRINK INTO EACH GLASS. ALL TAKE A SEAT AROUND THE TABLE. DEMON 1 Congratulations your Lowness - once again you have proven your unequaled stealth and cunning. DEMON 2 Yes Lord Satan, all of your servants here below are celebrating and praising your name. DEMON 3 Let us toast this momentous occasion. SATAN Yes, a toast. I’ve been saving this bottle for this very reason. (Holding up a glass) A toast to myself! To my great victory over God! A toast to the death of His Son! DEMON 1 To use God’s own creatures against Him. That was truly a masterstroke of genius. DEMON 2 At first I was disappointed when Herod didn’t kill Jesus as a child. Now I’m glad he didn’t. Jesus’ slow death on a Roman cross was so much more delightful! DEMON 3 I liked the way you lured Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The cheering crowd must have fooled Him into thinking that He actually was going to be accepted and believed. SATAN I’m quite proud of that part of the plan. To take that crowd of fools and turn them from a joyous throng into a blood-thirsty mob in just six days was fun. DEMON 1 Oh, but Judas! To seduce one of the twelve to our side. That was my favorite part. DEMON 2 Yes - to have one of His closest friends be the one to betray Him - what a delightful twist of the knife. DEMON 3 I thought I’d die laughing when the other eleven ran like frightened rabbits. Even big strong Peter, the manly fisherman. Intimidated by the questions of a servant girl. SATAN Yes my friends, we will be able to treasure these memories for a long time. DEMON 1 So many beautiful events, like the “religious leaders” working together with the hated Romans for the first time in Jewish history. And they didn’t even realize it was all part of your master plan. DEMON 2 And the way they were able to manipulate Pilate to do what we wanted. I was worried for a while though, he was trying awfully hard to let Jesus go. DEMON 3 But then the crowd had that wonderful response: “We have no king but Caesar - Crucify Him!” SATAN Yes, that is music to our ears isn’t it? But Jesus got exactly what God deserved. That’s what He gets for making these awful creatures in the first place. Taking an immortal spirit and putting it into an animal body. What a repulsive hybrid. And then trying to save them from me after I had won them in the Garden of Eden. DEMON 1 But why did God do this? Why go to all this effort and take this chance? Why didn’t God just leave them to us? SATAN That’s the one thing that angers me most - I simply cannot understand why God would do this. He keeps saying how much He loves these putrid humans, and how He wants to adopt them as His sons and daughters. Can you imagine anything more ridiculous? DEMON 1 But it doesn’t matter anymore. Now you’ve killed God’s Son, just as you killed the prophets before Him. Your victory is complete. SATAN Yes, my victory is complete and final! Three days in the tomb, He should just be starting to rot and stink about now. (Taking a long drink) DEMON 4 (Very agitated, runs onto the stage) Lord Satan, Lord Satan! I have terrible news! It’s missing and He’s gone! SATAN Calm down, get a hold of yourself. What’s missing and who’s gone? DEMON 4 The key to the gates of Hell. Someone’s taken it! DEMON 1 That’s impossible - no one has that power. DEMON 4 And Jesus is gone from the tomb - He’s risen from the dead! SATAN (All the demons fearfully look at Satan. He is silent for a moment, then he begins to pound on the table in anger.) Damn it, damn it, damn it!!! (Taking a deep breath to calm himself). I was afraid this might happen. We’ll need to initiate my backup plan. (Turning to Demon 4) Initiate Plan B - declare a Black Alert. DEMON 4 (Runs from the stage shouting) Black alert! Black alert! Everyone to battle stations! SATAN Attacking God directly didn’t work out as I’d intended. It appears that God has found a way to save these humans from themselves, and from me. We must now change the focus of our attack. DEMON 2 We attack God’s followers rather than God Himself? SATAN Exactly. Those humans are so proud and arrogant that we can fool them easily. Most will be too rebellious to believe what God has done for them. We must keep them firmly in their unbelief. Then we will turn our full power and fury against all who accept Jesus as their savior. DEMON 1 Yes Lord Satan, the attack will begin immediately. We will bring as many into your eternal home as possible. DEMON 2 This will cause God much pain - it’s the only way we have left to strike back at Him. DEMON 3 Let the battles begin! THE THREE DEMONS RISE, BOW AND LEAVE THE STAGE. SATAN (Sits quietly for a moment, then rises and looks up to heaven and shakes his fist). OK God - you may have won this round - but now I’m coming after your kids! (Satan angrily strides off the stage). |