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Warning: language and ignorance. |
sciwriter1: I'm a brit guesswho heya, nion gothic_vash: your so lucky man likenion: hey sciwriter1: yo like guesswho i'd kill to move there gothic_vash: i know sciwriter1: y gothic_vash: actually i wanna go to russia or finland... but still gothic_vash: because gothic_vash: the US sucks guesswho usa is the shittyest place on the face of the fucking earth sciwriter1: thought u'd like that goth lol gothic_vash: no gothic_vash: who gothic_vash: i dont like America gothic_vash: but.. gothic_vash: id rather be here gothic_vash: than iraq guesswho id rather be in iraq. sciwriter1: fuck iraq gothic_vash: ... guesswho i went to iraq for a while gothic_vash: .... gothic_vash: uh huh wolffe joined the room. gothic_vash: but yea guesswho only a little bit. gothic_vash: i dont like america wolffe left the room. (Going to The Lobby) sciwriter1: not at 12 u didnt u fucking bullshitter gothic_vash: i wish i was in a socialist country guesswho but my neighborhood sux. gothic_vash: like Canada gothic_vash: or Finland and Sweeden guesswho before the war, though. so i don't know what i'm talking about sciwriter1: hey Canada belongs to the UK gothic_vash: dude gothic_vash: no they dont sciwriter1: yes they fuckin do guesswho hell no... gothic_vash: England let them go back in the 1800s man guesswho man, u old... gothic_vash: Canada has a seperate government gothic_vash: and there own queen likenion: Canada is seperate sciwriter1: still part of the fuckin british commonwealth guesswho queen? gothic_vash: yes gothic_vash: Canada has a queen sciwriter1: yeah queen elizabeth likenion: Canada is a country independent from Britain sciwriter1: bollocks gothic_vash: just becuz there part of that hole commonwealth doesnt mean thye brit gothic_vash: and no.. its not the Queen of England sci sciwriter1: oh yes it does gothic_vash: there have there own queen gothic_vash: NO IT DOESNT gothic_vash: it just fuckin means u can travel freely among them gothic_vash: no passport sciwriter1: y u think its called the fuckin britsh commonwealth gothic_vash: you dumb fuck.. learn god damn government guesswho ..lol sciwriter1: fuck u gothic_vash: because it refers to nations formerly under the empire u dumb ass sciwriter1: bollocks gothic_vash: fuck dude.. its called history... and government sciwriter1: anyway us brits practically owned the fuckin world anyway gothic_vash: no the hell they don;t guesswho heeeeell no gothic_vash: if anyone owns the world sciwriter1: lets face it gothic_vash: its America gothic_vash: i dont like it gothic_vash: but seriously sciwriter1: dont tell me u fuckin yanks guesswho no fuckin way do brits own anything gothic_vash: America has military bases in over 180 fuckin countries sciwriter1: ur fuckin deluded likenion: hhahahhaa gothic_vash: I fuckin hate this country likenion: this is so funny sciwriter1: and they always turn up fuckin late guesswho ain't it? gothic_vash: but britaindoesnt have sit gothic_vash: ojay gothic_vash: okay* gothic_vash: tell me gothic_vash: if britain owns the world guesswho i like to fight with people about shit.. gothic_vash: wy was tony blair up bushes ass guesswho like tihs... gothic_vash: huh? gothic_vash: WHY DID BUSH OWN HIS ASS gothic_vash: point made gothic_vash: fuck u gothic_vash: btw.. thank god blair is gone sciwriter1: so y is it everytime u yanks get into trouble its us fuckin brits that have to come help out gothic_vash: because.. we own ur ass gothic_vash: and we want you to die gothic_vash: before us sciwriter1: like fuck gothic_vash: who bailed ur ass out in WW2 gothic_vash: and ww1 guesswho gets popcorn and watches You entered The Lobby. Room topic is: The main chat room of chat.. blazing_dragon left the room. (Logged out) wolffe: at the hospital now..watching my wife and child sleep in harmony. schronizing sapphire_black: bye dragon You entered The Adult Room. Room topic is: An 18+ rated chatroom room.. gothic_vash: because were not fuckin retarded helpin some pussy ass country named france sciwriter1: y yanks always drag ur asses into a war then end up shooting ur fuckin allies guesswho rotflol kimmi16 joined the room. guesswho run, kimmi gothic_vash: because america sucks guesswho run fast gothic_vash: thats why kimmi16: huh? kimmi16: hi guys kimmi16 went away. sciwriter1: the italian run fast guesswho run. they're fighting. guesswho they'll kill you. guesswho still likes to watch kimmi16: why are they fighting? gothic_vash: America is an oppressive, empire forming, imperialistic fuckin shit whole gothic_vash: but no way in hell guesswho about who owns the world gothic_vash: Does britain own the world sciwriter1: who is it that when there's fuckin trouble in the world has to send their fuckin troops in likenion: hahahhaha guesswho its fucking retarted, but amusing kimmi16: oh, America owns it all the way gothic_vash: see likenion: that was so hilarious and stupid sciwriter1: ur fuckin crazy gothic_vash: even Kimmi agrees you dueche guesswho EVEN kimmi. sciwriter1: kimmi is a twat likenion: it's so easy to see that both countries suck big time gothic_vash: you have a bad misconception on the Western World sciwriter1: like bollocks kimmi16: hey, I didn't deserve that... gothic_vash: America owns the world guesswho i said to run.. gothic_vash: head of the western powers sciwriter1: like fuck guesswho i warned you... gothic_vash: live with it kimmi16: I didn't say America was better, they just own it sciwriter1: never u yankie sucker gothic_vash: thats my point kimmi guesswho lol, dont try to be sensable guesswho kim kimmi16: America actually really sucks sciwriter1: use owns fuck all gothic_vash: yea gothic_vash: it does guesswho the world sux guesswho its life gothic_vash: i wanna take over russia sciwriter1: so just how many fuckin wars has the us of fuckin a won? gothic_vash: and rule the world guesswho gl kimmi16: to much politics now gothic_vash: umm gothic_vash: more than they lost guesswho a lot sciwriter1: fuckin none gothic_vash: lmao guesswho loser kimmi16: yeah we have gothic_vash: ur retarded guesswho lol sciwriter1: name one gothic_vash: we won ww1 for u guesswho al of them gothic_vash: ww2 for you guesswho *all kimmi16: it's called the American revolution duh! gothic_vash: the Revolutionary war sciwriter1: ur fucking in the head gothic_vash: when we kicked ur brit ass sciwriter1: we gave u ur fuckin freedom kimmi16: exactly! guesswho we kicked it right off kimmi16: no you didn't gothic_vash: technically the civil war o.o kimmi16: we beat your asses sciwriter1: like sure u did gothic_vash: yea gothic_vash: thats why we are America gothic_vash: not guesswho fuck you english people and your fucking tea... gothic_vash: British Colony kimmi16: if we didn't beat you, you'd be here now sciwriter1: uk has faught nearly every country in this fuckin world and we're still the top likenion: America is an artificial country gothic_vash: uk... the top kimmi16: and we'd still be new england gothic_vash: with out america sciwriter1: who fuck ur stinking fuckin coffee gothic_vash: the entire western world would fall gothic_vash: i mean gothic_vash: okay sciwriter1: bollocks guesswho fuck you, bastard. gothic_vash: this is how powerful america is gothic_vash: we staged 9/11 sciwriter1: up ur ass tit gothic_vash: blew up our own shit gothic_vash: and we still gothic_vash: got you gothic_vash: to follow us into a senseless war gothic_vash: for WMDs that dont exist gothic_vash: now... explain how UK isnt owned by america gothic_vash: explain why Tony Blair was owned by Bush gothic_vash: explain sciwriter1: we have the fuckin WMD's we just didn't fuckin tell u yanks guesswho is having loads of fun likenion: oh don't start with Buish gothic_vash: see likenion: America showed how much it sucks gothic_vash: i dont like bush sciwriter1: thats fuckin y blair isnt in power any more stupid guesswho Bush'll be the fucking downfall of us kimmi16: Bush sucks likenion: for reelcting that idioit again gothic_vash: okay... Sci sciwriter1: yeah see gothic_vash: im sorry for your retardedness sciwriter1: dont be gothic_vash: im sorry you never learned the western world kimmi16: America sucks but we still rule! sciwriter1: retarded is better than american gothic_vash: im sorry the BBC has ur ass brainwashes guesswho Anyone else find this as funny as I do? gothic_vash: i do... kimmi16: me likenion: me me me likenion: hilarious sciwriter1: its fuckin fun likenion: hahahhahaa gothic_vash: ur just pissed guesswho anyone else laughing out loud for real? gothic_vash: with ur tea sci gothic_vash: me gothic_vash: :P sciwriter1: have u lot fuckin noticed kimmi16: yep guesswho go stick your dick in a bag of tea, sci likenion: me sciwriter1: 1 brit aginst 4 fuckin useless fuckin yanks sciwriter1: as fuckin usual kimmi16: I'M NO YANKIE gothic_vash: yes... likenion: oh come on sci gothic_vash: i have no citizenship likenion: we all know that Britts are arrogant likenion: pricks gothic_vash: lol kimmi16: get is right sciwriter1: fuck off like likenion: 1 against 4 likenion: tooo unrealistic sciwriter1: as usual gothic_vash: ... likenion: get real both of you gothic_vash: hmmm sciwriter1: and the brit still comes off on fuckin top[ guesswho a usa person'd just say "boo" to a brit..and the brit would run for their fucking life gothic_vash: tyea gothic_vash: you wish sci likenion: this is stupid both the Us and Uk are powers in the world likenion: get over it likenion: sheesh gothic_vash: USA and China are the powers like guesswho it's not stupid. its hilarious sciwriter1: who ur talkin out ur fuckin ass agin guesswho entertainment kimmi16: hmmm... American revolution= Great Britain against how many colonists and we one that one too gothic_vash: Brit and Russia are the secondary powers hannah20102228 joined the room. hannah20102228: hello kimmi16: hi hannah gothic_vash: hi hannah sciwriter1: china would sipt u out and fuckin throw u in the gutter sciwriter1: spit gothic_vash: i hope china does gothic_vash: acutally hannah20102228: who? guesswho China's better. kimmi16: no, we'd just nuke them gothic_vash: im tired of america gothic_vash: like i said guesswho Nah gothic_vash: i wanna be in Canada gothic_vash: or Finland guesswho No Canada, though guesswho I wanna be Sweeden sciwriter1: they breed way to fuckin much then come over here and invade our fuckin cjip shops guesswho Or however the fuck you spell it gothic_vash: not my fault sci sciwriter1: finland fuckin useless bunch they r gothic_vash: sci.. gothic_vash: u are an arrogant ass hannah20102228: gosh sci... kimmi16 goes to Switzerland gothic_vash: plz remind me if i rule the world gothic_vash: to nuke u first gothic_vash: fuck guesswho k guesswho i will gothic_vash: no wonder hitler bombed britain sciwriter1: never gona happen buddy u fuckin yanks dont have the balls gothic_vash: who said i was gonna be american guesswho and you do? sciwriter1: and he fuckin lost kimmi16 is glad she's no stupid yankee gothic_vash: and dont say we dont have the balls gothic_vash: we are the only fuckers in the world sciwriter1: so what the fuck r u kimmie gothic_vash: to set off a atomic weapon in war gothic_vash: not as a test gothic_vash: IN FUCKIN WAR guesswho lol guesswho yeah sciwriter1: yeah only coz the fuckin jap were beatin ur ass all over the place gothic_vash: all we need is some fuck up to press the button hannah20102228: wow, "fuck"'s bouncing around everywhere gothic_vash: uh huh kimmi16: Yeah, like we need to do to Iraq gothic_vash: suuure guesswho ... You entered The Lobby. Room topic is: The main chat room of chat.. You entered The Adult Room. Room topic is: An 18+ rated chatroom room.. likenion: well it is the adult room sciwriter1: should have fuck iraq up long ago but oh no u yanks didnt want to do it gothic_vash: germany was fuckin u ass up before we helped guesswho damn.. likenion: so fuck is all around gothic_vash: we detroyted japan by ourselves likenion: hilarious hannah20102228: sci, whereare you from? gothic_vash: hesa a brit sciwriter1: ur fuckin losing the plot goth guesswho guam helped. but they're a territory... guesswho so... gothic_vash: who think they rule the world shadowcat joined the room. guesswho Shadow. guesswho Run. gothic_vash: no sci.. im not.. ur being a dueche and arguieing senslessy guesswho WHile you can kimmi16: britain has hated America since we kicked their asses out of our country shadowcat: from what? likenion: OMG I am gonna explode from laughing sciwriter1: 6 fukcin gothic_vash: u say Brit owns the world guesswho ME too, like gothic_vash: what the fuck gothic_vash: the brit down own shit hannah20102228: lol neon, me too gothic_vash: they dont even own the car jaguar no more guesswho It's a fucking conspiricy... gothic_vash: guess who jaguar is owned by gothic_vash: Ford gothic_vash: guess what they arm gothic_vash: YANKEE sciwriter1: yeah a fuckin yank conspricy guesswho oh, fuck off with the yanks gothic_vash: you have no point sciwriter1: ur all fuckin over weight gothic_vash: America owns the world.. they suck gothic_vash: but they own the world likenion: why don't they realize that the world is owned by the illegal criminal organisations without which no country can sustain itself gothic_vash: get over it kimmi16: without conspiracy the world would suck! gothic_vash: ill help you kill america in like 10 yrs guesswho i'd gladly blow up usa sciwriter1 left the room. (Logged out) guesswho lol guesswho laughs kimmi16: thank you god guesswho that was fun. shadowcat: um, this is an odd conversation kimmi16: he left hannah20102228: haha guesswho that was SO fun. gothic_vash: it was hannah20102228: hahahaha guesswho shadow, you missed it. kimmi16 aggrees gothic_vash: woooo gothic_vash: i had great fun guesswho is on the floor laughing gothic_vash: so hannah20102228: wow...that was something all right kimmi16: we won again lol likenion: hahhahaa gothic_vash: who wants to move to sweeden with me? guesswho Me. gothic_vash: oh yea likenion: so fucking hilarious kimmi16: I'll go hannah20102228 is crying from laughing gothic_vash: another victory for america shadowcat: i know the national anthem . . . sciwriter1 joined the room. guesswho Shotgun guesswho Shit kimmi16: damn... gothic_vash: lets go to sweeden sciwriter1: cant get rid of me that easily guesswho shotgun. kimmi16: counted the chicks before they hatched guesswho i get front seat shadowcat: what's going on in here, anyway/ gothic_vash: we still won sciwriter1: up it kimmi16: I get middle guesswho we're arguing about who owns the world sciwriter1: with a red hot poker guesswho it's hilarious guesswho nion's having a blast... sciwriter1: everyone knows the UK is numero uno gothic_vash: lol gothic_vash: ... kimmi16 dies from laughter. gothic_vash: does anyone here no that? guesswho HAHAHA, loser gothic_vash: besides the brit? likenion: I own the world hannah20102228 crakcs up again likenion: hahhahahhaha shadowcat: dear lord, this chicken is disgusting hannah20102228: lol neon guesswho lmao sciwriter1: yeah sure u do u just dont want to admit it coz ur all deluded kimmi16 shoots neon and takes over. guesswho lmFao gothic_vash: deluded eh? gothic_vash: at least we dont have no fuckin BBC guesswho lets bomb someone, so that they'll bomb us back gothic_vash: thats the most deluded shit ive ever seen shadowcat: now there's nothing wrong with the BBC guesswho great fun. gothic_vash: yea there is kimmi16: ...brb. time out! kimmi16 came back. gothic_vash: the BBC sucks guesswho presidents do it when they're bored katrinia17 joined the room. shadowcat: it's just different gothic_vash: hmmm katrinia17: hello? guesswho Kat sciwriter1: all yank TV is shit shadowcat: hey kat hannah20102228: hey kat katrinia17: hey! katrinia17: hey! gothic_vash: lets go stat shit with fuckin Mexico katrinia17: hey! shadowcat: maybe not ALL gothic_vash: start* guesswho lol, who was here since the beginning of this argument? guesswho me... sciwriter1: lets face it u need ours over there gothic_vash: i was guesswho and goth... guesswho and... sci. guesswho that's it. likenion: hey kat gothic_vash: no.. we dont sci shadowcat: but the "popular" shows are pretty bad katrinia17: hello! guesswho and nion, kinda sciwriter1: simon cowell likenion: you are gonna love this kimmi16 went away. katrinia17: hummm guesswho Kat you missed the best part katrinia17: I got a good review! kimmi16: OMG i said time out lol guesswho it's dying down now shadowcat: yay! katrinia17: did i? guesswho yea gothic_vash: yes.. guesswho we were laughing like fuck katrinia17: darn i'm always missing the good stuff! katrinia17: :(( gothic_vash: its okay sciwriter1: yeah its dyiong down coz I've fuckin won hannah20102228: don't worry gothic_vash: you wish shadowcat: it looks serious to me guesswho ill save the convo for you |