Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1311715-False-Comfort
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1311715
Just another complaint. This one about insurance.
  I was watching the news the other day and they were talking about all the flooding going on here in America. The reporters were discussing the numerous homes that had been distroyed by the water damage and multiple mud slides that had occured. Then I heard the most astounding thing. A lady was talking about the damage that had been done to her home and how it was a complete loss. She said that she was informed by her insurance company that they don't cover mud slides. This was completely unnerving to me. Can someone please tell me why we carry home owners insurance if it's not going to cover the problems we endure. Is that not why we pay for it? Why do we have to purchase three or four types of insurance seperately to completely cover our homes? Home owners insurance should cover the whole damn thing, no matter what happens to it!

  My husband and I carry full coverage insurance on both our cars. I recently found out that If we got in a wreck and were hospitalized, due to the accident, our medical bills would not be covered. I am really confused by this. I have to purchase additional insurance from my auto insurance company as well.

  Medical insurance is another issue I now have. One would think that if you have medical insurance that it would cover all medical conditions right. Wrong. If you want to be covered for cancer, guess what? You pay additional for it. Why must we purchase additional coverage to insure we are full protected. Medical is medical, regardless of what the condition may be. Lets also throw into loop that dental and eye are also an additional coverage. Why wouldn't this also fall under medical? I mean, If my son fell and crammed his front teeth into his gums, is this not considered medical. If I don't carry dental I guess that means he is SOL.

  It's all about greed. Everyone is out to soak up as much of our money as they possible can. If they thought they could sell pnuemonia insurance, I'm sure they would try it. Look what happened with water. Someone put it in a bottle and we're gullable enough to pay .99 to sometimes even $2.00 a bottle for it. You gotta love our freedom.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1311715-False-Comfort