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How did the creation come into being? Is there any purpose? |
The Creator created out of nothing The sun, the moon and the stars infinite In vain, He created not a thing To all He assigned a purpose definite Be it birds, animals or fishes Or plants, trees or bushes Of the Almighty they sing glory But Alas! The state of man is so sorry Animals he domesticated Through mountains he paved In aero planes he flew Upon the Moon he laid his step To him is the universe at feet But Alas! Fails he to recognize his creator Purpose of his existence he understands not In search of mundane affairs his life drags For a life of seventy odd years And for worldly things he competes Gold, silver, money he hoards in coffers But Alas! To the Creator he goes pauper Submission to His Will is the purpose In scriptures this is prescribed And as living models came the Prophets In revelations of Him this is described To worship Him is His will No father He has nor mother No son, no daughter, no intercessor Worship Him alone Approach Him direct by heart Seek His forgiveness for He is merciful To Him, no sin is too big to forgive He requires not blood to forgive Seek His forgiveness for He is merciful Think not someone’s sacrifice wipes your sins He is The Most Just, punishes not the innocent With you are your sins if you seek not forgiveness Paradise he grants to those who ask him direct |