Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1305950-Biohazard-Outbreak---Resident-Evil
by Inky
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1305950
An unfinished fan fiction of Resident Evil Outbreak, an online zombie outbreak video game.

"W-what happened, yo?!"

"I'm...I'm so sorry!"

That damn waitress dropped another plate, that makes 3 in the past 4 hours.  Christ, only thing sadder than that is me being here to witness all of 'em. 

Foul smell and careless service, why bother? 

Huh, easy enough, the water hole still looks deep and inviting...
Who am I kidding, I've only held the damn thing to my lips for the last hour.  Never was a good drunk.
Chalk the music up to another run of bad taste, piece a' crap's been blaring the same mindless ditty all night givin' me a headache.
Aw, why complain?  This blue collar trash heap does hold a certain allure.  Reminds me of the old days.  Put your brain on standby, admit there's a god, and promptly give 'em the finger.  A place to let loose. 


Woah, coming into this place already full of juice.  Any idiot can tell where this is likely to lead. 

"Hey buddy, no hoppers.  Sorry but you'll have to leave."

No response, that guy looks dead on his feet.  This could get ugly and the barkeep strikes me as more of a pacifist than a man ready for trouble. 
I shouldn't get involved either way, there's a buzzed cop and an overweight security guard not two stools down.  I'm sure the blind indian and stoned biker will arrive shortly for backup. 

Anyway, I gotta take a piss.  He'll just have to mind his manners enough to let me pass. 

"Hey, you, in the red and black shirt"  What a scrawny little 'bouncer'.  Poor guy doesn't sound half as tough as he seems to think he does.


Jesus!  That "red and black shirt" is blood you idiot!  I have to step in here, Hewy and Louie seem completely oblivious as well.


"Hey Will, need any help?"  Now this is the fun part of being a cop, I get to rough up the ruffians and get nothing but thanks.

"No problem yet Mr. Ryman. 
you hear that buddy?  I spared you this officer over here, now take the charity and please leave"

What the hell, who's this gruff weirdo getting up?
Aw shit!  Looks like he might start a fight with the new guy!

"You!  Get back down!"  Dammit, the last thing we need is a vigilante! 

Time to earn my donuts.


"I wonder what all of that noise is about... a fight maybe?"  This bathroom sure does seal out the sound, can't hear much more than muffled chirps and shuffling feet.  Strange, then, that I assume something was wrong.  What made me feel uneasy?

Well, this IS a bar.  Perhaps my mother was right, a young woman shouldn't go out at night to such a dangerous part of the city.  Odd that a bar this far away from anything important is the hang out of choice for all sorts of individuals.

Still, the company could be worse.  With two law enforcement officials and a news reporter I doubt anything too serious will erupt.


Who does this cop think he is!?  Can't he see the goddamn blood soaked drunkard over there?! 

Er, hold on a moment.  No sense in causing a scene, this stranger suddenly turned into a situation that needs to be tread upon lightly.  This could easily turn into a problem too big for wordplay.

Best I can do for now is to just grit my teeth, this clown's dead set on ignoring friendly warnings.

"Hey, officer.  You might want to check on our little friend over here.  He seems to have gotten into a bit of a tussle earlier today, he may need medical atten___Shit!  Get offa me!"

What the hell?!!  This bastard just lunged outta nowhere!

"I said get -urgh!- OFF OF ME!!"

Shoving him away sent him careening into the counter, shattering glass like a snow storm.  For a second it looked like the guy was actually leaning in to bite me on the shoulder.  Through the deafening crash I faintly make out that cop barking orders.

"Everyone get back!"

I was expecting further action until I noticed what kept the guy.  Mobs of people could be seen rioting on the streets through the large window covering most of the eastern side of the building.  What's going on out there?

"Hey, buddy, the door!"  .  The barkeep ran for the door with a ring of what appeared to be 10+ keys.  Fumbling with the lock drew the attention of our current guest once more. 

Impossible!  A shard of glass as big as my hand is embedded in this fella's neck and he looks to be ignoring it completely!

The man stumbled about the floor for a few seconds before turning towards the source of the jingling noise.  Better act fast.

"Don't look away from me, pal!"  As I shouted to grab his attention my hands flew instinctively to my belt, housing my dented and worn pocket knife.  The blade is seasoned in the art of prying open all sorts of things to earn me a living, plumbing is a resourceful job after all, but today it's likely it'll be prying open something more messy than any pipe.
© Copyright 2007 Inky (lv99monk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1305950-Biohazard-Outbreak---Resident-Evil