Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1304864-best-foot-forward
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Emotional · #1304864
simply being at your best because thats what you're supposed to be
yo everybody wants to look fly.......so if you trying to do it right learn from the advice..........fella's timbo's, white t's and fitted's is not for every occasion........try a few button downs dress pants cuffed out see how ya feel in square toes walking the pavement........braids or waves a fade or rocking the baldy please......keep it combed keep it brushed keep it smooth at least........and keep it washed hydrated........because nobody likes flaking.........its not a good look neither is platinum in the unison with the blackest gums or teeth is just absent from your mouth piece.........ya breath might be kicking like a chinese flick here homey allow me.......let the tooth brush lap across ya teeth with tic tacs don't embarras ya self and have mami tell you to fall back.........she may not be beyonce but she ain't feeling that.......in fact lets stay on the face because the lumber jack act dudes think is hitting ain't even in play......need it trimmed up ya girl can't kiss you if she can't find ya lips cuz........irritation from all the shaving makes ya face liek your favorite song it bumps.......every minute everywhere you go........noticed by everybody you know.........yo bump stop is like a couple dollars at walgreens......i'm just cuz if you happy with the crator facial look rock by all means......but lets move on to the shoes and such......if your shoes don't make it look like your feet been ran over by a army of bikers its a plus.........if you can smell whats goign with your feet over your should its a bust.........and the soles coming off the bottom its a must........that new ones be purchased because i mean lord jesus........nobody wants to look like they been kicking curbs all day.........but if you can't get new ones keep the old ones clean always........shoes tell a story a story where you been where you are and where you possibly going.......you got them clean somebody else might get the hint the sense of it and say ya steps maybe worth following.......moving on though ash is a problem i see it on too many toes knees legs and elbows........i know baby oil or lotion never required you being a person of wealth so........enough said on that yo yo yo smell good's where you at........curve lucky you to stetson to suede of black......whatever you put on less is better too much no never.......couple dabs on the neck spray on the chest and yes you set success i know clever clever.........smell like it and smelling like you took a bath in it is complete opposites......i know that downfall all to well i'll admit..........anyway before i end this section let me say suits are not your enemy.......choose colors that match ya skin and personality make sure the combo's make sense please........oh i almost forgot a key dress your age whether you rep new school or back in the day.......keeping up witht he times is cool but dressing like you 15 when you 50 i mean what more can i say..............

Oh ladies a public service announcement..........if i had a dime for every dime i seen overdoing the weave scheme i'd need my own accountant........not saying its wrong to want your hair right.......but every once ina while do like the radio stations and give that beautiful hair you do have get some air time......and let your eye brows and eye lashes.......grow out cause ya own original look is what makes you classic.......and when we make eye contact i just want to look into contacts i don't my vision or yours impeded by a baby blue green or pretty brown eyed illusion..............i want you to see what i see while as we be in moment without any confusion.......and never use make up to make up what you are use it only as enhancement.......a social tool only yes dudes will say you're spellbound because you have them all under your enchantment.......no mama don't rock that blush just because.....be more kinder to the eye liner show your pretty face some love........your lips are luscious enough as is with or with out lipstick.........keep chapstick in ya waste though because nobody wants to go from kissing to stitch's.........next up keep off that silicone and fall back from the salene........foreign things in your body baby girl it just got one too man maybe's.........maybe they'll leak maybe you'll be fine.......maybe they'll poison ya bloodstream you'll lose your reason for have them implanted and then be forced to go on with life.......and no matter which way your waist line expands or implodes.......its brothers out there like me that got love for you so you know......dying to be thin and binging to get thick never was a good look to me..........i see something as beautiful either way the scale shifts look in that mirror see what i see........and i respect your curves respect your thickness respect your sexy so its cool baby you don't have to show me all the goods all the time..........to share secrets of yourself like that too often baby honestly its a crime............ya hips are the braces that help to preserve and then birth nations.........although intoxicating i don't want you or me to degrade it more than anything appreciate it.......even if you not virgin white innocent i don't want to rush and treat you like you not something worth waiting....for, abosrb what i'm telling you.........its not about disrespect its all about helping me and helping you.......moving on sweetheart keep yourself in the purest scent ocean clean.....that goes for what lies beneath.......the clothes head to toe skin to the soul inlcuding the pearl that lies between.......if you follow me i say it all out of love.........not to beat up......other than the afore mentioned let me just say be you......be a woman be my woman i can put on that pedastal since you deserve to be there and that yo u already knew........see now that didn't hurt a bit and now beauitful women be that be beautiful in other words just be you........

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