Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1303112-TPF-Lets-Dumb-Down-Things
by TPF
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #1303112
lucky gets embarassed and tries to change her lifestyle
The Pet Family in "Let's Dumb Down Things"

Warning may contain offensive vocabulary or
explicit content so DO NOT READ if you are easily offended

for more information about tpf visit www.freewebs.com/tpfr


Lucky closed her eyes and shook Junior's hand, even though it felt sticky and gross. At that moment she had realized she was giving up the life she once knew, but with the way she felt, she didnt care. Willy laughed and slapped Lucky on the back really hard, almost knocking the air out of her. "You're now a stupid so prepare to wear the same clothes several weeks in a row, no brushing your teeth, no showers and no saying anything smart, you're one of us now, a stupid so act like it" he said. Missy looked on as Lucky start walking with Willy and Junior, pretty soon the other stupids; Bee Bee, Fluffer, Spot, and Todd all showed up and together all of them headed to lunch. Missy was all alone, and she did not like it.

-"There you go just leaving me here all by myself, talking to myself", Missy mumbled. "I guess I better head to lunch too, don't know where I'm going to sit though, usually me and Lucky always sit together". Missy let out a sigh and began walking off to find a spot to sit alone.

Meanwhile, word got around about Lucky's embarassing moment in class, and alot of kids started harassing her. "Wheres your dunce cap?" one of them asked. "Yeah dont you need to stand in the corner for time out?, joked another. Lucky heard them but didn't seem to care in fact she replied back sounding like a complete idiot. "Uh I have to go to the bathroom", she snorted. The kids just stared and then went about their business. "Amature", Willy said with his mouth full of food as he chewed. - "I thought it was good for a start", Lucky said. Willy shook his head and continued scarfing down his food. "You have to sound stupid, not just the words but your voice", he told her. "Now try again". Lucky took a bite of her sandwich and noticed a group of popular girls coming towards her to poke fun, but before either of them could say a word Lucky opened her mouth, revealing her food and began talking. "Uhhh whats today? Is it my brithday is that why you're comin over?" The girls gave her a disgusted look and walked off. Willy smiled a little and kept eating. "Better", he said. "But you're still not there, yet".

Missy sat alone on a bench, picking pieces off her sandwich and throwing them on the ground. She let out a sigh and pulled out her compact mirror and began applying her makeup. She noticed people staring at her as if she looked like an idiot and it drove her mad. "Okay people", she exclaimed. "I'm sitting alone because my sister decided to join our idiot brothers idiot group of idiots, damned idiots!!!!". Everyone just ignored her yelling and acted like she wasnt even there. Missy grew angry and frustrated and threw her lunch on the ground. "I'm not eating, I can't" , she cried. "I'm all alone and I feel like crap!!!!"
Lunch soon ended and everyone began heading to class; Missy saw Lucky walking along with Willy and the stupids. She tried to call out to her sister but was ambushed by a crowd of students in a hurry. Missy fell down almost twisting her ankle. "Grrrrrrrrrrrr", she growled as she got back up and fixed her dress. "I'm okay, don't anyone ask!" As soon as she took her next step, she slipped on a banana peel and fell down again. This time she had enough and began pouting and pounding her fists on the ground.

Their next class was math and Lucky was usually good at it, but not Missy she stunk at math almost as bad as the others in her family. Missy noticed that Lucky didn't even sit in usual spot either, instead she took a seat in the very back with the rest of the idiots, leaving Missy to sit next to her other sister Alley who didn't even like her. Worst of all the teacher decided the class should do an activity involving math, and assigned buddies for them to work with. Of course Missy got stuck working with Alley, but neither of them felt like doing the work so they just sat there.
Missy looked behind her and saw Lucky with the stupids, writing down retarded answers. She sighed and slumped in her seat while fiddling with her pencil. Alley pulled out a piece of bubblegum from her pocket and popped it in her mouth and began chewing. Missy heard laughter and saw her sister and brothers appearing to have a good time with the activity, to her it was rather depressing because she and Lucky would always laugh together, but instead she was stuck with a sister that didn't even want to be related to her.

Alley blew a bubble and then popped it with her finger and began stretching the gum in and out of her mouth, Missy could tell she was boring her to death. Soon Alley got bored of playing with her gum and finally spoke. "You gonna write anything, or you gonna get us an F". Missy placed the tip of the pencil on the paper as if preparing to write, but once she looked down and read the question, she knew she didnt know the answer. "I don't know the answer", Missy said. Alley rolled her eyes and then kicked her feet up on Missy's desk. "We fail then", she remarked. Missy could tell Alley was angry with her, so she just wrote down what she believed to be the answers. Alley continued sitting while twirling and twisting the green streaks in her blonde hair and chewing the gum. There was silence, and then out of no where Fluffer let out a loud fart which disturbed the peace and stunk up the classroom. He just sat there grinning like an idiot while some laughed and others covered their noses. One of those who didn't cover their nose was Lucky, she decided it was better to laugh with the other idiots anyways. Missy was practicially gasping for air and Alley said the hell with it and walked out of the classroom. It wasn't long before the bell rang and it was time to go home, all the kids darted out the door not even paying attention to the homework the teacher was assigning.

Trying to get out of the school was a disaster because everyone wanted to be the first out the gates. Missy fought through the crowds and made it to her locker, and out of no where she remembered her combination and put her books and binder away. After that she walked out to the parking lot where Lucky's car was and she waited for her. She seemed to be waiting forever because ten minutes later Lucky came walking out the gate with Willy and the stupids laughing like a retard and waving the car keys in their faces. "I drive", she laughed. Missy shook her head, and felt like fainting, she was getting tired of her sisters new lifestyle. Lucky unlocked the car doors and everyone got in, and once she started the ignition she began driving like a moron. Horns were honking at her and others yelled, calling her names as she drove on the wrong side of the road and yelled stupid pjhrases out the car window. Missy knew this wasn't very safe and so she decided to talk to her sister. "Uh Lucky, I know you want to change your ways and be a stupid but dont you think you could be safe about it? I mean you dont plan on getting us all killed do you? Lucky laughed and started driving normal. "I was just having a little fun", she said. -"A little dangerous fun", Missy added.

When they got home, Lucky quickly pulled into the driveway and unlocked the doors. Everyone got out and began heading for the front door, and as soon as Lucky unlocked it, they all burst in. "Home Sweet Effing Home", Willy shouted.
Fluffer went straight to the room and grabbed his box of Puff Puff cereal. "Yummy!"
Junior headed to the room and lay down on his mattress getting ready to take a nap, and Spot, Bee Bee and Todd turned on their tv and began playing video games.
Lucky took off her sweater vest and threw it on the floor, and then she dove onto the couch and stretched out. "So good to be home", she said. Missy noticed her sister was acting normal and wondered if maybe she had come to her senses. She took a seat next to her and began to talk about news she had heard. "Did you know there was a shooting up on Dilton street?" Lucky didn't listen, instead she was fast asleep. "Forget it", Missy mumbled as she got up and headed for her room.

Lucky awoke to the sound of Alley walking through the front door with a bottle of vodka in her hand, then slamming it shut. Alley pulled the cork out and began drinking. Lucky usually got after her sister about drinking and told her she didnt allow it in their home, but she remembered she made a deal to change her ways and so she ignored her. All was quiet again till Church popped up and examined Lucky as if she was an ill patient. "You must be sick", Church exclaimed as he held a magnifying glass over her face. "Stop it", Lucky snapped as she tried to push him away. "Why are you so different sister of mine", he asked. Lucky shrugged and tried to fall back asleep. "You hung out with Willy and the stupids all day, that is not like you", Church said. Lucky opened one eye and looked her annoying brother. "I'm tired, need sleepy", she replied. Church sighed and walked off, he didnt feel like bothering his sister. "She needs help", he said to himself as he headed to his lab and room in the basement.

To Be Continued
© Copyright 2007 TPF (thepetfamily at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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