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Rated: GC · Fiction · Emotional · #1301591
a sexy story of a love triangle.
Aiden Hunter was the star of the football team.He was gorgeous.He was tanned, and muscles rippled out from underneath the tight shirt he was wearing.And surprisingly enough, he wasn't her type.Aiden had an ego and wasn't to be trusted.To put it into friendly terms,he was a player.And Jenette wasn't about to let a player win her heart over.Her body,though,was another story entirely.Whenever she saw him,she felt a throbbing from in between her legs.The football field was deserted.All of the other players had gone home.Only Jenette and Aidan remained.Without speaking, he walked over to her.He took her hand and led her to a quiet secluded spot behind the bleachers.Their spot.While Aiden ran his hand up her thigh, Jenette felt the wonderful tingling sensation between her legs.She spread her legs apart and he began touching her.He slipped his hand into her bra, squeezed and played with her.She pulled her shirt off,allowing him a hot view of her bulging chest.He began to grow hard, she noticed with a sly smile.She slowly, seductively began to unhook her bra.He was rock hard now, she could tell. She enjoyed teasing him.He was smiling and sweating.Finally, the bra was off.He jumped atop her, kocking off onto the soft, grassy earth.He began to suck her swelling breasts.He sucked and bit and licked.She moaned with erotic pleasure.He began kissing her,kissing her neck,and the tingling grew and grew until she couldn't take it anymore.She slipped her jeans off, he played with her lacy panties.She slipped them off as well, and he began to kiss her in the most forbidden of places.She lay on the ground, and he moved on top of her.He slipped off his jeans, and she saw his throbbing erection.She eagerly took him in her mouth, sucked and swallowed as much as she could.Now was his turn to moan with pleasure.He was laying on top of her now, and when he entered her, she breathed deeply with pleasure.She rolled over and began to ride it.He was smiling now, and sweating profusely.She kept working until she was finally satisfied with a most pleasureable orgasm."Well baby, that sure as hell was nice," was all he could manage.She smiled still, and bent to collect her clothes."I'm sure I enjoyed more than you did," she said.She felt so free around Aidan, like she could unleash her very wildest side.But was it enough?The question had been disturbing her mind for a good week now.Aiden was a body.To her, he seemed to have to mind.No heart.No soul.Jenette wasn't sure she could live without his heart.All he could do was pleasure her.Jenette kissed his cheek, and slowly departed, waiting to hail a taxi and head home.

The next day Jenette was thinking about how Katelan Rayonn wasn't nessecarily beautiful.But she had a way with words.Beautiful words, Jenette admitted with envy, that could catch every guy's attention.The poetry Katelan wrote was exceptional.Katelan always wore her long, lightly colored brown hair down.It always hung perfectly straight and framed her face nicely.The face was plain, freckles dotted the cheeks and nose.The lips were thin.The eyes a most dull blue.But something about this plain girl excited the boys.It was probably her enormous d-cupped chest.Or maybe her nicely rounded ass.Jenette could only wonder why she was such a prize.Jenette had sparkling black eyes that glittered with pride.Jenette had short auburn hair taht she always kept up in a slightly messy bun.It suited her perfectly.Jenette's chest certainly wasn't small, though it paled in comparision to Katelan's.Jenette's ass, larger and slightly nicer than Katelan's, caused heads to turn when she walked in the room.Jenette's body was slimmer and fairly nicer than Katelan's.Jenette was the most unpopular girl in school.Though she would never say it out loud, she felt the other girls were jealous.None of them had the exotic beauty that Jentte possesed.

Jenette was thinking of Katelan more and more.Katelan was Aiden's girlfriend, and supposedly Jenttee's best friend.Should Jenette stop seeing Aiden?Katelan really cared for Aiden.But, as Jenette knew all too well, Katelan would stop seeing Aiden if the situation were reversed.Jenette hated Katelan for having everything Jentte didn't have and knowing it.Jenette was seating comfortably on the school bus, staring solemnly out the window.Jenette's thoughts were then interrupted, because Chandler had gotten on the bus.She always felt herself smiling in his presense.She thought back to the time they had first met.

A young boy, 11 or 12, stepped onto the bus.Jenette's whole face lit up into a smile.This boy was gorgeous.Jenette felt her heart beat faster.The boy had dark brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.She felt herself getting lost in them, and felt something deep in her chest she had never felt before.No, she didn't lust for this boy.She instead felt herself devolping strange feelings.He took a seat across from her.He didn't look at her once.He began studying every girl closly, smiling at few.The few he smiled at were beautiful, even more beautiful then Jenette could ever hope to be.Jenette felt herself ;osing confidence around this boy.She was so obviously not his type.His type has long, flowing hair and thin, beautiful bodies.Jenette's hair was short and messy.Her body wasn't thin like he liked.She was curvy.Her waist was narrow, but her hipped curved outward, and her thighs were large.She should feel dominace in his presence.She was older, and had large breasts.Instead, she felt her self esteem dropping.She smiled at him, and a magical thing happened.He smiled back, and asked her name.She eagerly told him her name was Jenette, and she discovered his was Chandler.Chandler.Such a beautiful name.She found herself thanking the wonderful parents that made him.She could only imagine what the father looked like.

Chandler yawned and sat down without a word to Jenette.Their relationship was like that.Hot and cold.Sometimes Jenette felt like he loved her at his convinience, and ignored her when he was dating someone new.When people asked if they were dating, they said no, but they knew that wasn't true."Special friends" was what Jenette considered them.Their needs were completely different.He was young, exploring girls for what seemed like the first time.Noticing breasts, and Jenette certainly had a nice pair, and falling in love.His current object of affection was named Andie.She was the most popular girl in their grade, and EVERYONE wanted her.Like Katelan, she wasn't beautiful, but she would everything away easily.And that's what boys wanted.Jenette loved Chandler for his personality.When his attention was turned to her, she felt warm, loved, and cared for.Unfortunately, Chandler wanted to touch Jenette and move on.He had touched her before, and Jenette felt a stronger sensation in her heart than the aching between her legs.So, this was love.Love.Something she felt sure Aiden couldn't possibly bring to her.They hardly even spoke.Jenette constantly thought about him in classes, wanting the final bell to ring so she could board the bus.So she could see Chandler.Sometimes, they would talk.He would make sexual jokes about the size of her breasts and she would laugh along while her heart fluttered.Or he would hold her hand and say he loved her.Once, she even lay her head on his shoulders and he rested his head upon her.That one moment alone was worth thousands she had shared with Aiden.She imagined the day she and Chandler would kiss.It would be beautiful, pure bliss.This morning, though, Chandler seemed to have Andie on his brain, which hurt her deeply.She couldn't look at his smile knowing it was directed toward Andie.Thank goodness Andie didn't ride this bus.Jenette didn't know what she would do.Chandler still wouldn't look at her.Jenette felt the cold.He didn't look her way.He didn't talk.Though the day was warm, Jenette felt she should have taken a jacket.

School was already off to a bad start.Jenette's anxiety was at it's worst.She wished he would yell at her.Show he cared.You don't scream at people you don't care for.Katelan was in a usual mood, snobby and sarcastic.It was all Jenette could do not to comeback with a the snappy remark of, "Aiden doesn't think I'm too slow or pathectic," and with that walk off with her dignity.But she knew she couldn't.She didn't want to hurt Aiden.And more importantly, she didn't want to lose his touch.He was important to her.She would have to see him again after school today.As she had expirienced many a time,orgasms were a great stress reliever.The day was dragging by.Jenette looked out the window, and suddenly wished she hadn't.It was recess for the younger grades.ANdie and Chandler walked side by side, holding hands.Occasionlly, Andie would smile or CHandler would laugh.They looked like a perfect couple.Only Jenette knew that they really weren't meant to be.Because Jenette knew she must have Chandler.She ached for his touch.She now knew she must do whatever it would take to get him.She must have his heart.She began planning ways to rid herself Andie when it occured to her.If Jenette gave herself away easier than Andie, Chandler would surely fall in love.All Jenette had to do was watch carefully at the place where Chandler got off the bus, and she would visit him tonight.And it would be a night they both would never forget.

Heels clicking on the sidewalk, Jenette made her way to Chandler's window.She had watched and waited outside earlier, concealed in bushes, to see where his bedroom was.His bedroom.Soon she would be in there, and she would be making his wildest dreams come true.Andie could never do that for him, because Andie wasn't in love with him.No one could possibly love him the way she did.She crept quietly, sticking to the sides of his house, and made her way to his window.She looked up, the lights were off.He must already be trying to fall asleep.It was only nine o'clock, he couldn't possibly be sleeping.No.Because that might just ruin everything.She picked a small stone she found lying on the ground, and tossed it at his window.The light flickered on.He looked down the frame, and rolled his eyes in disgust."Why the hell are you here?" he whispered. "I was trying to sleep."
"I'm here to make you happy," she said, and she began to smile."Just let me in, you'll like this."
"I'd better," he replied.He helped her into his window, and she dropped the long, black trench coat she was wearing.Her large breasts were spilling out of a powder blue lacy bra.Lace was her specialty.The thong matched the bra in color and was also trimmed with the expensive looking lace.She had carefully planned what she was going to say.She was going to speak of her need to feel his heart beating close to hers.She was going to tell him how she was better for him than Andie.She was going to talk about the nights she spent lying awake, wondering if he thought of her.But all she could manage to say was, "I love you." And those three words said it all.He looked at her skepticilly."Andie doesn't like you," he said. "SHe says your a whore and I shuoldn't talk to you.That's exactly what I was doing on the bus this morning.You shouldn't have come." Her heart felt like it had just been shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.But she had come too far for rejection.She sat on the bed."Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want to touch me right now," she said.He tried, but couldn't do it.He wasn't a liar.And even if he was, his bulging penis would have given him away.It wasn't very big.Acually, it was on the small side.But she knew when you loved someone size didn't matter.She told him to come sit next to her.He did, and she stroked his erected groin, causing it to stick out further."Come on, touch me" she said, and he did as he was told, slipping his eager hands into her bra.They weren't the trained, strong hands of Aiden.In fact, they were rather clumsy and awkward.That didn't matter.Her heart was soaring.He began squeezing, and she slipped the bra off.His face lit up in pleasure.He began squeezing more, and after a few minutes she laid down on the bed.She pulled his head down upon her chest, and he began happily sucking.By then, she didn't feel like she needed to guide him.His hands found their way under her panties all on their own.He slipped a finger inside of her, then two.He began rubbing her g-spot, though she doubted he realized it, and she moaned with pleasure.He spread his legs and climbed on top of her, kissing her.She only stopped him to help him remove his shorts, and finally they were both naked.He pussed her thighs apart, and his hot, wet tongue entered her.It tickled, and she sat up to kiss and caress his body.She took him in her mouth, he was wetter than anyone she had ever sucked.She began nibbling gently, and that caused his erection to further.She wanted him inside of her, she pulled him on top of her, spreading her legs wide.And just like that, they became one.He was on top, moving quickly, and she could tell he hd no expirience."Let me," she whispered, rolling him over and climbing on top."I love giving pleasure to my true love," and with that she began riding him.Moans of pleasure escaped his lips, he was wet, hard, and beginning to sweat.He found her mouth and began to kiss her, hard, his tongue nearly down her throat.She felt like she was spinning., and dizziness overcame her.But it wasn't an unpleasent dizziness, like the kind she got when she rode rollar coasters at fairs.This kind she was enjoying thoroughly.They had an orgasm, he was getting loud, so she kissed him harder to quiet him down. When the orgasm was over, she rolled over, and he embraced her in a warm hug."I love you," he whispered."More than Andie?" she asked."Of course, but Andie and I cannot break up, she'll know"
"But you have too! You love me!" she said, her eyes glinting fiercely.
"Andie and I are perfect, we can't be apart.I don't love her, but we make each other more popular."
"Popular?" she spat. She had never been more disgusted in her life.
"So your taking love over popularity?" she asked. A dangerous question.If he said yes, she knew she had to let go, and save her broken heart from further damage.But if he said no...
"I love you," was all he could manage.
"Then leave her, leave her. If you love me, she and the whole god damned world won't matter.Your all that matters to me, Chandler.I love you." With that, she climbed back out the window, heading home. As soon as she returned home, she buired her face in her pillow and cried herself to sleep.

The next morning on the bus, Chandler was talking and laughing with a few friends.Not even the slightest bit of his attention was wasted on Jenette.Jenette hated it when he did this.After they did some amazing together, he simply shut her out.Jenette moved jack a few seats so that she was sitting with Aiden, and she whispered to him. "Meet me at our secret place after practice." With a swift nod of his head, Aiden agreed and dismissed her.Sitting in her old seat across from Chandler, she noticed him smiling at her.She smiled back and he teased, "Oh Aiden, I think I'm in love."
"Don't even joke," she replied bitterly.How could he make mind-blowing love to her and then casually joke about her and other guys?He obviously didn't love her.Chandler looked happy, so he and Andie couldn't have serperated.How Jentte would have loved to crush Andie's skull with her bare hands.Andie is a whore, Jentte thought, that's why he wants her.But wasn't I a whore last night? Unless Andie was better.The thought sickened and repulsed her.Andie couldn't have been better.

The next night, Jenette slammed the phone down with distaste.He loves me?He doesn't even know what love is.Or maybe he does, and he only feels it for Andie.His friends were always teased him about how he couldn't stop talking about her.It obviously love.Jenette wished that she could be happy for him,She wished that she could maturely love him, and be happy for Andie and him.But she couldn't.Not when Andie disgusting lips were pressed so firmly to Chandler's.

"Jenette," came a sharp, irritating voice from the kitchen."Don't slam anything down in this god damned mother fucking house!"
The voice was Jenette's mother, and her voice alone made Jenette's skin crawl.Her mother walked into the room.The face, old and wrinkled, glared at Jenette with hate.The nose was in the air as it always was.Her hair, unbrushed and unwashed, was pulled into a knot at the back of her head.
"How many time do I have to fucking tell you not to slam things?I tell you over and over again, but you can't fucking listen!It's like you don't even understand English.Now, your grounded for a week.No phone, no computer, no life.Do you under fucking stand me?"
"Fucking" was the old hag's favorite word.
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