Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1300777-Clouds-Theory
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1300777
Daine and Numair fic. Short, but good...I think
Theses are characters from the Immortals quartet by Tamora Pierce.  It might not make sense to you if you haven't read, but if you could comment I'd be more than happy!

This= animals and daine communicating

Daine was sitting on a log with Numair studying the anatomy of amphibians.  Cloud stood next to Daine, stamping her foot impatiently.

I want to run. Protested the horse

Then run, Cloud.  We’ll be right here when you come back.

I wanted to run with you, but if you don’t want to…I’ll be back.  Cloud said and ran into the woods.  Daine thought nothing of it.  She knew her horse would come back.  Daine turned back around saw that Numair’s face had been replaced with that of Orzone’s.  Daine screamed.  She got up and shapeshifted into a  bird. 

Daine was flying and soaring when she looked down and saw Cloud.  She dove toward her horse.  When she got to the ground she saw Cloud was dead.  Above her corpse stood her grandda.

“You shoulda killed that horse long ago!” her grandda screamed.

“Cloud!” Daine yelled shifting back into a human “Cloud!”


“Daine!  Daine, you’re safe.  It’s all right, magelet.  Cloud is fine.  Ssshhhhhh.”

Daine grasped Numair hand with her own shaking one and leaned into his chest.  Numair held her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. She hadn't had a bad dream in a while, but this was one of the worst.

Soon Daine was calm, but she didn’t wan to leave Numair’s sweet embrace.  His chest rose and fell with a steady rhythm.  Daine took her hand away from his and twirled one his chest hairs with her index finger.

“It take it that you’re OK?” asked Numair.

“I’m always OK when I’m with you, Numy.”

“Uhhhh, Not that again.  Powerful mages should not have pet names.”  He said, sitting on her bed and putting Daine on his lap.

“ Most powerful mages don’t have God-born women to give them pet names.”  Daine said. Easing her lips over his.  Numair kissed her back sweetly.

“You have no idea what you do to me, Magelet.”  He told Daine, lips dangerously close to hers.

Daine giggled flippantly and closed the gap between her lips and his with a kiss.  He returned the kiss again, but this time she leaned into it.  They kissed with passion for a while before Numair broke the kiss, gasping for air.

“Numy, why’d you stop?”  daine whined draping her arms over his shoulders.

“Daine, do you really want this?”  Numair asked, pulling back to look her in the eyes.

“Numair, I’ve always wanted this and don’t fight with me about age again because-“

Daine was cut short when Numair closed his lips over hers, snatching the words from her mouth.  Daine leaned against Numair with all of her might, forcing him to fall backwards onto her bed.  Now she was on top of him.  He kissed her more passionately than ever before.  Daine was startled out of the kiss.  She saw the worry in his eyes, and kissed him back with even more fervor than he.

In the end Daine and Numair fell asleep in each other’s arms.

When morning came Daine left to go talk with Cloud.

When she got to the stables Daine found her horse was eating hay and enjoying her own presence.

Oh, Horselords what are you so happy about? Asked Cloud, though she thought she already knew.

Cloud, Numair is such a great kisser.  I never thought that I would find a man because the only thing I was always told no respectable man would marry Sarra’s daughter, but now I have one of seven or eight black robe mages in the world, Cloud.  Daine told her horse.

If you came to tell me about what you did last night with the stork man I do not want to her it.

“Cloud, I didn’t do that!” Daine shouted at her horse.  “How could you think such a thing?  If I did do well…that…what would you do a bout it?”

“Do what?” asked Onua who had now walked into the stables.

“Nothing, Onua.  I’m sorry, Cloud just… well never mind.” Daine said.

“Why don’t you tell me over breakfast?” the Onua asked.

Daine smiled at her friend and agreed.  Cloud watched them walk to the mess hall.  She loves the Stork-man. Was what Cloud thought, and Cloud was, as always, right.
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