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Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #1299574
The Fire Within continued
what else could I do? Activities dreamed of but never dared to attempt? The time had arrived to find out.
Music is the single area of life where certainty of what I find beautiful has always existed. On my 25th birthday I decided to begin learning how to play the fiddle, a private aspiration always held near to my heart. During my intraductory lessons, a job was offered for manager of a bluegrass store and the bgand owning the establishment. Of course I eagerly accepted the proposition, and slowly I began to realize how much bluegrass music and instruments excited me. The newly found "true me" thrived on learning everything possible about this new world I had stumbled across. Participating in conversation with patronsk discussing likes and dislikes would inevitably come up from time to time. More and more I began to hear how unique I was; random interests and passions spanning a vast array of indiosyncrasies. In younger years, unique would have caused tremors of fear. Now hearing this word used to descrive me made my heart soar. Then I realized that everything I love, think, feel, or defend are amazing, because they are me. While I am certainly not defined by that which lights my soul fire, thay are what I hold dear and I embrace them. Embrace because pride is finally felt when I give my op8inion or put on a new shirt; not frear of being condemned a freak. The amount of soul searching will be different be everyone on the path to you; once the personality has been defined, one lesson must be held close forever: always be proud of who you are. If ther personality discovered isn't pleasing, change what is troubling. If you like what has been found, let pride and acceptance shine, and know you are awesome.
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