Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1297973-Final-Embrace
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1297973
A short story I wrote last semester for my Creative Writing class.
He was walking on a mid-summer evening, holding her hand gently in his own. The sun, a beautiful blood-red and fireball-orange color, began its descent in the distant horizon, casting a luminescent light over the entire area. The cool, breezy air lightly swirled around, creating a comfortable feeling on an otherwise hot and sweaty night. The sounds of birds chirping and trees rustling reverberated loudly from the forest, as if nature was playing a perfectly composed peaceful and harmonic melody for this very evening. Everything seemed so perfect; Jim was alone with the girl of his dreams. On any other night, he would have been bubbling with joy being with Heather, who he loved more than anything in the world. Yet, what he was feeling was not excitement. Instead, that familiar nervous feeling was forming in the pit of his stomach, like when your parents tell you to come downstairs immediately to talk and you know they found out about something you did. Jim avoided telling her as long as he could. He knew he had to tell Heather the truth, even though it would be the most painful experience in his life.
Jim studied her every feature as they slowly strolled through the area. Heather’s long, flowing blond hair danced in the wind as the breeze lightly whipped throughout the night air. Her eyes shined like two majestic, ice-blue colored marbles as the setting sun’s rays of illumination became fainter and fainter. Her lips pursed into a sort of half-smile, an expression reserved exclusively when she was alone with him. He purposely let her lead as they walked, allowing himself to get a view of her perfect, hour-glass shaped body. She gracefully glided along like a model on a runway, hips swaying back and forth in rhythmic fashion. Never before had Jim taken notice how beautiful Heather appeared than at this very moment, her body totally bathed in the few remaining rays of light from a quickly fading sun.
Her physical beauty was not the only quality that Jim would miss. He also reminisced about her amazing personality. Never before had Jim met such a free-spirited soul as the one he was laying eyes on right now. In fact, it was this single quality that made Heather unique and special. Unlike all the other girls Jim had ever had a relationship with, Heather did not just consume all her time with painting her nails and worrying about keeping up with the latest fashion fad. She much rather enjoyed being with friends while having a few beers, although on many occasions it was more than just a few, or simply just hanging out with the guys. While she did have many more male than female friends, it was not because she slept around with everyone she knew. Being with the guys allowed her to be herself, without having to worry about following the norms that society deems appropriate for girls. Rarely had Jim ever seen Heather wear a dress, and the few times he did it was on account of a funeral or their senior prom. Rather, jeans and a t-shirt were a much better fashionable choice for Heather’s style. And there certainly was not anything “ladylike” about her language. Some of the words that would come out of her mouth would make even some boys blush to repeat. Yet, the thing Jim would miss most about Heather was the very thing that always made leaving her somewhat bearable. It was that hug of hers, a hug unlike any Jim ever felt before. Whenever he would have to leave her for the night, she would always wrap her arms around him and pull him close. Fully embraced against her body, Jim would become intoxicated by her heavenly scent. It was during these special hugs that he felt completely content; he could remain like this forever and be happy. Even now he could feel that hug that on so many previous nights he looked forward to receiving. Tears welled in his eyes; the irony setting in that tonight would be the final hug.
“Is that a tear in your eye,” Heather asked as she abruptly came to a halt.
“No, something is just in my eye and making it water,” lied Jim.
“Uh-huh, sure. You’re probably just crying because I beat your slow ass in that race we had on our way over to the park,” teased Heather.
Jim forced a sarcastic laugh, fighting back the tears that were ready to cascade down his face. He wanted desperately to tell her the truth, but could not bring himself to do it just yet. Nothing could compare to the overwhelming sorrow he was experiencing at this very moment; like a great pain that was burrowed deep within his very soul. The only thought racing through his mind was that of the utter contempt he felt toward his family. He hated how they never took his feelings into account, instead always making decisions based on what they wanted or how they thought he wanted them to. Whether it was the high school he attended, or even the friends he grew up with, his parents always completely disregarded his opinion on any subject. It was no different when it came to the subject of moving.
Jim had first learned of this terrible news just a couple weeks ago. While in his room, the loud tunes of Jimi Hendrix’s The Wind Cries Mary freely flowing throughout his head, he had heard that familiar faint knocking at his closed door. He knew it was dad; he had turned the music down and yelled, “Come in.” As soon as his parents had entered the room, he could sense something was not right. Those grave expressions painted on his parent’s faces had told the whole story. His dad had cleared his throat before speaking in a somber tone.
“Now Jim, you know your mother and I have been discussing possibly moving for awhile now. Well after we thought long and hard about this, we’ve come to the decision that we are going to move to Florida. We just thought that you should know that.”
         That was all he had said; didn’t even ask Jim how he felt about the whole situation. His mom had said nothing, just looked at him with those sympathetic eyes as if to say, “sorry but we have already made our decision.” They had walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. Jim had been left all alone, his brain trying to process everything that had just happened. He could faintly hear the lines “and the wind cries Mary” coming from his computer speakers over the dead silence that had filled his room. This had made him think of Heather, and how he would be the wind screaming for his Mary if he moved with his parents.
         The sun was almost completely settled when Jim and Heather finally approached the local little league baseball field. Heather ran ahead to the dugout, beckoning Jim to follow. He gladly obeyed, slowly walking down the steps as if he was entering into a sacred place of worship. He sat next to her on the bench located in the dugout, wrapping his arm around her. Heather nestled her head on his shoulder while they stared out into the vast openness of the baseball field.
         Sitting in here, while truly appreciating the baseball field for the first time, flooded Jim’s head with memories. This place meant so much to him that he could not believe this would be the final time he would ever sit on this very bench. Looking out into the field, he remembered all the moments Heather and him had shared here. He remembered how they had used to play endless amounts of softball games with the local neighborhood children when they were much younger. They had seemed almost inseparable from a very early age, almost always being on the same team together. The few rare times they weren’t, they would always help each out in the game by “accidentally” dropping the other’s hit ball or making an “error” on the throw. This had lead to all the other kids making a rule that Jim and Heather would never be on opposite teams. He remembered how this dugout was the perfect shady place where Heather, him, and other kids had come to simply escape from the rest of the world. Some nights Heather and Jim had come here to be alone and undisturbed, while other nights they had come to get drunk with their friends. Jim also remembered the first time they had had sex on this very bench. They had been making out, on a night very similar to this one, when Heather placed her hand on Jim’s thigh. One thing had lead to another, and pretty soon they were laying on the bench, naked in each others arms.
         Suddenly, Jim felt that same hand caressing his thigh.
         “Do you remember why this is our special bench,” Heather said in a low, seductive voice.
         Jim wanted to let her hand continue to crawl along his leg till it found its desired location. However, he knew he waited long enough to tell her about his family moving. He gently grabbed her hand, holding it close to him, and took a deep breath.
         “Look Heather, there’s something I have been meaning to tell you for awhile now. My parents told me a couple weeks ago that we are going to be moving soon.
         Jim watched as Heather’s eyes drooped, and tears began to stream down her face. He wiped away her tears.
         “I’m not going with them. I can’t. I’m sick of them.”
         “Where will you go then?”
         “I dunno. I’m just going to get in my car tonight, and keep driving till I find my place.” He paused, choking back tears for what he was about to say. “I’m sure going to miss you. We have a special relationship that never can be broken. I’ll never forget you.”
         Jim went to wrap his arms around Heather for one final hug before he left. She stopped him, a scheming expression forming on her face.
         “Let me come with you. We don’t have to say goodbye.”
         “But Heather, what about your family, your friends, your education? Are you really willing to leave that all behind?”
         “Fuck it. None of it will make me happy unless I’m with you.”
         Jim had never heard more beautiful words than the ones that were just uttered by Heather. His heart was beating faster than ever over the fact that Heather was coming with him. They hugged, wrapped up in each others arms. A wave of relief swept over Jim as he realized tonight would not be their final embrace.
© Copyright 2007 Sephirothviipsx (sephirothvii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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