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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Adult · #1295164
A metaphor poem while musing on my granny and uncle's death and the saying ashes to ashes.
Medicinal Pull

Feel the cold pull of the needle
drawing out the blood, forcing medicine in
making drowsy and beckoning to medicinal dreaming

The numb pull of stitches
mending the patient's broken body
and holding the hurt all together

Scissors and needles
stem the flow of blood
while pulled down into a medicated sleep

Stitches and skin
try to mend the broken hearts
repairing all the poison-pilled-ill souls

push and pull all the binding tighter
keep the scars and wounds together
hype up the medication for sick-medicinal dreams

broke the glass, it went up in smoke
playing the healing physician (physician heal thyself)
its just scissors and needles, stitches and skin;

Its the medicinal pull of living and dying.

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