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Chapter one of an Apocalyptic gothic horror novel I would like to write. |
Eyes of Wrath The Beginning of The End Chapter 1: Birth I felt the inside of my body twisting, churning, changing. I was not even conscious yet, but I could still feel the pain of these horrid sensations. My organs detached themselves, others grew stronger, some even grew anew and the whole time I was unconscious, almost as if I were dead, or in a dream like state. My whole being writhed and convulsed in agony. I tried to scream but nothing, nothing came. For I was not here yet, it felt as if I were distant, still drifting into the shell of my body. It was as if I was traveling through infinity, but was I coming or going? Was I leaving this world or coming back to it? Are these thoughts I have sentient thoughts or thoughts of an illusion of a false life? I had so many questions that I could not yet answer. It was almost as if I was two different beings, one leaving life and one that remembered and longed for it again and was finally given a chance to accept a one way ticket. We two beings crossed paths, intersecting one another and absorbing different traits with each other, sharing information. Until the being that was leaving told me it understood, it indicated that it wanted things this way. I asked it what it wanted, but it was too late, I was thrown from infinity. Everything was an indistinct wave of question that had no time to be answered. Finally I gazed upon the world with a blurry haze of confusion face up in the pouring, frigid rain and the dusk like twilight. The rain was coming down so hard, from the looming black storm clouds over head, that it had a slight sting to it when it hit my face. I could not open my eyes longer than a few seconds, before I had to roll over protecting my already degraded vision. I was amazingly disoriented and the whole world seemed to gyrate out of control, the dizziness overwhelmed me so completely that my arms could not support my body. I collapsed face first in the mud. I rolled over on my back again, this time keeping my eyes closed. I struggled to breathe. It was comparable to breathing through a piece of tin foil with holes cut in it. The air I breathed was incredibly clean and fresh... Like it had been purified through something. As I laid there I panted and panicked from the odd feeling of this strangulated breathing. I reached to my mouth and felt a plate shaped like a diamond over it, it went half way up the bridge of my nose. The metal continued downward tell it covered the bottom of my chin and along the bottom of my jaw bone and stopped there. I had no time to study it anymore, because along came the horrific sensations again, but this time I was awake to grace the anguish. I let loose a muffled wail and felt a vibration come rattling across my face. The vibration trailed across the bridge of my nose and mouth touching my chin. I sat up, but was quickly thrown backwards from the arching of my spine and the severe pain. I could hear it now, a very loud snapping, crackling sound. I wailed again, louder this time almost deafening my self. My back arched so hard I drilled my head into the soft mud deep enough to submerge my face in the water. SNAP, SNAP, SNAP! I screamed yet again. The clamor didn’t sound like bone, but had an odd synthetic accent to it. Three amazingly loud noises in rapid succession, straightened my spine. My spinal column felt different, different from what I don’t know. It was much thicker than before and it was almost as if there were less vertebrae. The pain and the rain stopped abruptly enough to look at my surroundings. I scanned my surroundings and all I saw was light fog, with rainy mud puddles and tumble weed like bushes. I was looking down a fairly steep slope, steep enough that if I fell I would keep going till something stopped me. I sat up in a small crater almost completely filled with water, but fell back yet again from exhaustion. Panting like a mad man, I started crawling using just my arms to get out of the five-foot symmetrical pit. I could not feel my legs and this didn’t help the fear rushing through my already troubled mind. The red-brown mud was very slick and clay like. Delirium still ran rampant in my head, forcing me to ponder what exactly was going on. I saw my hands and forearms while I was climbing out. They were not of flesh, but metal. An opaque gray black with just a hint of crimson to it. My forearms had three rows of inch and a half long, thin spikes. They were no more than a quarter inch thick and not further apart than an inch and a half. The middle row was on top of my arm and they weren’t rounded spikes, but edge facing my hand. I gasped at my hands . . . They were not hands at all, but more like claws. Each finger was arched up to the second knuckle away from the tip, even the thumb. The inner side of the arch was a sharp edge that came to a very sharp point, but the other side of the arch on top of my hand was smooth and rounded, but it edged inward when it faced my palm making the blade. The strike knuckles (the index and middle finger’s knuckles) were much larger than the other two and they had one small fat, short and round spike on them. The knuckles continued getting thinner when they reached the top of my hand and about one-third down the hand bone (if I had one) is when they were truncated into obscurity. I looked at my wrist and it seemed that my hand and arms were separated. I noticed that in between the plates that made up my hand and arm were tiny metallic strings . . . They were tendons! I looked at my elbow in natural response to the startling findings. It too was separate, but it rested on top of the forearm plate. It had one large blade, about four inches in length. It came off my elbow with a slight arch that continued to face my triceps. with an edge that faced my fore arm and another shorter perfectly round spike facing outward, it was only about two inches long and just as wide as it was in length. The rain did not cease for long and it came crashing down again, only this time even harder. It swarmed with such intensity that it through mud into the air and tore the branches right off of some of the smaller bushes. Like a gargantuan beast the storm made it’s presence known by the roaring thunder. The lighting that spawned the thunder completely erased the twilight for a brief second after each strike. Again I had to shield my eyes from it’s blinding onslaught. “What am I?” I gasped in horror as I said it, because another cycle of suffering readied its self to make an assault on my already weary body. I could feel my organs yet again squirming as if each one of them had an individual personality and they all wanted to escape my body. That is just what they did, Only not entirely intact. I heard a loud snap, like two pieces of steel breaking and sliding away from each other under extreme pressure. Right after the noise, out of my mouth came pink chunks and a dark red, almost black liquid that tasted like I had just licked a rail rode track. It pushed itself out with so much force the puddle actually sprayed several feet to each side in the fierce rain, which had picked up again. I vomited several times until the crater was over flowing down the slope with mud and pieces of my insides. When I was done with that I noticed my hair was hanging on either side of my face, it was a silver almost white and was very long, probably long enough to touch the middle of my back. I glanced to my right over my shoulder. The first thing I noticed were the spikes right in the middle of it. I checked my other side rapidly after that. They were the same. Both sides had a more traditional spike shape to them, like the spikes you’d find on a dog collar. There were three on each shoulder, one going straight up level with my temple. The other two more angled outward, but equal in length. They seemed to be used for ramming opponents and adding protection to my shoulder bones. I felt my upper chest area around my collar bone. My collar bone was covered by a large piece of metal that separated in the middle so it could bend either way. I dragged my claws across is and felt something sharp. I Had cut myself, it appeared that my neck was flesh and along with my face too, besides the plate that covered my mouth and nose. The shoulder plates covered the collar bone piece and was connected seamlessly as flesh. Some kind of shadow was in the distance. It was fairly large and had a somewhat maimed look to it. Finding the strength and forgetting about the rapidly fleeting pain, I struggled to my feet. When I stood up on the hill an intense feeling of vertigo came over me looking into the rain and murky fog. It was so intense that I fell backward smashing the clay beneath me. It appeared that I was much heavier than a man of equal size. When I fell backward, I couldn’t help but notice my knees. There was a point at the edge of my knee cap facing the top of my leg. It had a nasty tri-angular point about it. I looked down at my chest again, at this point only noticing that on my pectoral muscles rested two, thick and heavy plates. They covered and rapped around my rib cage. Looking at my stomach it looked almost like flesh that was painted silver. The dull imprints of my abs seemed to push through. The core of my stomach and mid section seemed to go under the chest plate and was connect without fault also. The top of my shins had an edge that was sharp enough to cut rope and my feet resembled boots. I lifted one of my feet and it was very heavy, almost like a sledge hammer was welded to the end of my leg. I rolled over again and started a half crawling, walking motion up the hill toward the mangled imprint in the haze. The rain had started to just sprinkle and lightened enough to see what was in the distance. It was some kind of automobile, possibly a small pick up truck. I was slipping and sliding, losing several feet at a time. I dug my claws into the mud and tried to get a grip. Slamming my feet into the ground in order to push myself up the steep incline, this was the technique that proved the most use full. I was only several yards away and I could see it very clearly now, the rain had all but stopped. It was a small red, and rusty pickup with the driver’s side wheel was facing me. It had crashed into a large jagged stone about equal in height with the hood. It seemed that there was a land slide here previously that uncovered the rock before hand. It appeared to be about ten feet long and was a very large elongated stone, that was resting almost level with the slope. These stones were not common among these hills. The drivers side window was cracked and the wind shield was completely shattered. The tire that faced me was snapped off exposing the sinking axle and destroyed front bumper. The hood was severely dented and the grill was no where to be found. The truck bed seemed to curl several feet up at the end, chains that attached the tail gate to the bed were dangling without purpose. The drivers side door hung open and I gazed in at the cab, as I was still crawling closer. The steering wheel rested directly over the seat, due to the fact that is was so incredibly smashed. Pulling myself up with the drivers door handle may not have been such a good idea, as soon as I grabbed it and tugged, it ripped right off. It startled me at first, that for a few seconds I looked at it in amazement. “Whoa,” I said without realizing it. I then tossed it over my shoulder and started to pull my self up using the edge of the window. I broke the glass as I reached for a sense of security on the window edge. The glass could not cut me what so ever, the larger pieces stuck in the mud as they fell. With my very limited strength I put my foot on the step and rested my shoulder on the door frame. I looked inside. My first instinct was to look at the glove compartment, it was closed. For some reason I felt a strong sense of urgency to get whatever rest inside the compartment. I could now stand at least somewhat, so I walked my way around to the passenger side, using the truck bed guide rails. The rear window was smashed too and from this angle the passenger window was the only one not broken. There was nothing in the bed and the tail gate was completely missing. I began to wander near the door when I noticed a pair of malicious eyes gazing at me. It was very frightening and even more so when I realized that those were my eyes staring back at me through the passenger side mirror. I held a very intense gaze with myself, my head hung down and the long silver hair was covering my shoulders and most of my face. I moved my hair away from my face using my claws, so I could get a good look at what ever I was. My face looked almost human besides the faceplate and eyes. I got even closer to the mirror tell I was face to face with it. I peered deep into my eyes... My soul. The whites of my eyes were greatly reduced and had turned a faint yellow. The outside ring of color was an vivid orange that slowly faded to a glowing crimson. The crimson rest on the outside of my peculiar pupils. They were like three diamond shapes that were stacked on top of one another and I could see the fattest part get wider when I changed the angle of my face. I had a medium to large sized nose that had a smooth bridge. My brow was somewhat exaggerated, with silver eye brows. The faceplate rest on a somewhat squared jaw line and my skin seemed to hide under it. I was done examining myself and continued to get inside the glove box. I tried just to open it gently using the latch, but no use. I just happened to look at the steering wheel again and saw the keys hanging out of the column. I slid them out and tried various keys and none of them seemed to work. I think the lock on the inside was broken. This made me somewhat angry, so I punched it. To my astonishment it was crushed with ease. I beheld a wonderful site just then, only a warrior or person in dire need would understand. Sitting in the compartment holstered with a black fanny pack next to it was a thirty eight special caliber revolver. I unbuttoned the holster and examined it closer. It was either brand new or had been taken very good care of. The slick black coating the protected the weapon from the elements wasn’t even wet, not that it mattered. Clasping the rubber grip, I popped the cylinder out to see if it was loaded and sure enough it had six life saving rounds in it. I slid one of them out. They were your common brass coated led round, also know as a full metal jacket. I holstered the gun and rested it on my lap. I examined the black leather holster closely and it looked a little worn, some of the black was wearing off and exposing the raw leather underneath. It was a little damp which wasn’t good for the leather. I then snatched the fanny pack. Sliding the tiny zipper open I looked inside and saw more rounds. I opened it up wider and examined them, they were the same type that was loaded in the revolver. I poured them out into my hand and dropped three on the floor. I counted eighteen total rounds in the fanny pack. I then stepped out of the car sideways to recover the bullets I had dropped on the floor. The gun and pack resting on the passenger side seat. I found them and felt something wrapped in plastic underneath the seat. After I retrieved the ammo I went back for what ever was under the seat with them. I had to reach a little farther under it. I could hear the fabric ripping as I move my arm to and fro. I slid a news paper out that was wrapped in a clear plastic from out from under the seat. I looked around my murky horizon just to make sure nothing was watching me. I looked at my entire surrounding and up the hill behind the truck The hill was missing bushes and several more feet across from me and the truck they started again. I turn my head behind me scanning the ground, it too was missing bushes behind me. It was apparent to me that there was an obvious land slide here. Before the truck got here, but other than this realization nothing was really amiss. It was very foggy and cold though, close to freezing. The fog was thicker now then before I had gotten to the truck I could only see about twenty feet away before everything was grayed out. The cold no longer bothered me as it did when I lay in the pit, I felt fine. The breath didn’t come out of the face mask, I just noticed that I didn’t exhale. I only inhaled, this I found fascinating. I wondered if I got out of breath, hopefully for a while I won’t find out. I grabbed the leather belt and holster and attempted to find a way to put it on my constructed body. Resting it on a plate that wrapped around my lower back and hips I found the tightest tab I could get. The holster still seemed to rest to the right side. I got the fanny pack and slid it on the left side of my belt this seemed to balance it a little better. The gun actually sat rather comfortably on my side. I was very anxious about this fog, it just seemed to cast a menacing gloom around the already midnight black background. I sat down in the passenger seat and held the news paper and just listened for a moment. I heard absolutely nothing, not even the rain. I leaned my head back against the seat and closed my eyes, just basking in the silence. It was amazing to have ears and feel as if your deaf. I lost time of how long I sat there like that, with the news paper in my hand resting it on top of my lap. My right hand grasping the rubber handle of the gun just tight enough to be able to whip it out in a moments notice. I opened my eyes again and it seemed much darker now, but the fog was very light I could see at least several hundred yards. It was pitch black for just a few seconds when I opened my eyes, I panicked for a couple of seconds, tell my eyes adjusted and could see again. My vision was strange I can tell that it is about as dark as it can get outside, yet I can see very far. I could also tell that the twilight had been erased as well, I didn’t see as if it were light I just saw things much clearer and they were more defined for me in the dark than in the twilight. I remembered the news paper and pulled the plastic off of it. Most of the paper was an inky mush but the top of the headline page was still readable. The head line read, “Earthquake Phenomenon Rocks World!” The story went on to read... “ Over the course of the last year scientists agree that the world has shown an almost three thousand percent increase in the occurrence and regularity of magnitude seven or greater, Earthquakes around the world. This is a drastic increase of almost thirty fold. Tens of millions have died from collapsing mountains, floods, tsunamis and millions more remain homeless. Entire economies have gone under, because of this catastrophe. Including many of the countries in South America, Indonesia and even parts of the United Kingdom, Russia, and China lay in ruin, because their money has dried up. Not that even having enough money would do anything. No one wants to work and the majority of people are staying home with their families to avoid the gang battles, looting and mass anarchy. “ ”The United States has not escaped unscathed, it had fourteen of it’s own seven or greater magnitude earthquakes this year and dozens of other smaller equally costly quakes. All troops have been called home to keep people inline on the streets and lose many more each day to Civil violence. Some parts of the planet have almost completely vanished, Florida is half under water and Indonesia barely exists anymore. This is truly a test for m...” The rest of the paper was completely ruined. It’s sad that this one paragraph is all I know about the world at this point. I know that there has been many earth quakes. I don’t know much at this point and this only adds more questions and confusion. “What now,” I asked myself, as I turned to look behind me up the hill. I could see much farther now and saw the slide marks of the truck and all the way to a slope that was about two car lengths tall. I looked even closer and when I squinted my eyes actually seemed to zoom in on the small cliff. I could see the yellow paint on some of the pieces of crumbled asphalt that rest below the cliff. It was obvious to me that whoever was driving this truck went right of that cliff onto the steep slope and crashed into this rock smashing the drivers side seat of the vehicle. They would have more than likely ejected themselves through the glass. I was shocked to find that the most probable trajectory was right were I crawled from the crater. “What the fuck?... How does that work?” I barely realized I had spoken, as I was looking at the crater. I couldn’t figure out if I was the one driving it or what. I thought that I would have to be. That is fairly simple logic, Isn’t it? I was trying to make since of the absolutely bizarre happening. I didn’t have long to think, the whole earth started to ripple in a tidal motion. “Figures. . .,” I uttered with disgust as I saw the earth to each side of me slowly sliding downward into the ghostly gloom. I looked at the stone in front of me, it started to spin clockwise and the only thing I could think of was how I could get out of this old cliche. I was definitely between a rock and a hard place, but what could I do about it? The whole mountain started sliding all at one time. I heard a grinding noise now, the stone began to creep down the incline. The left front side had sunk into the mud up to the head light and slowly the vehicle turned to face the up hill side. A loud bang was made as the right tire was ripped off the front of the disintegrating truck. The raised surface I gazed upon only a moment ago was gone, it was now part of this mountains dislodging lake of earth and stone. I had to think and fast, now I was drifting backwards. I made sure my pack and revolver were snug to my side and began to work my way out of the rear window, I struggled to fit myself through all my spikes were getting caught. I whispered through my teeth, “I have no time for this,” and with a growl I forced my self through the small gap. I heard the metal and material get shredded even over the thunder of the mountain. The misty mountain was like a acquaintance I had just met that wanted to kill me. I slammed into the truck bed with a loud crashing steely sound, I bounced after the clamor making the loud noise again. I sunk my claws into the truck bed’s sides. Bracing myself, my claws punched through the thin diamond metal and sides of the truck. I slid for what seemed like eternity, was actually only about five minutes. Something sharp hit the frame of the vehicle, throwing sparks and spinning is back into it’s original position. The windshield and headlights were now facing the bottom. I looked behind me through the cab of the truck and could see the elongated rock again. I also could see the bottom of the mountain and there was a huge canal that was about half full of rushing water. Either side of the canal had a tree line with decent sized two story tall trees, the opposite side the trees were three or four rows deep. The massive stone crashed through the concrete barricade and into the flow. The stone stood vertical and at just the right moment, the truck ended up on top of it, I was now looking at the trees up close and personal. The stone acted like a primitive fulcrum and I was literally catapulted diagonally from the truck bed. I flew over the water and into tons of large trees. Most of the branches didn’t bother me, but I took one right to the mid section and it sent me spinning, end over end. All I saw was a green swirling mess for a couple of seconds, it was then that I noticed I was screaming. The only thought I had at that point and time was that I was going to die. Then it was like my body was clapped between the hands of a giant and I was amerced in bubbles. I felt weightless, I then noticed that I was in water and started to think while swimming to the surface, how did I end up in the canal? I noticed a triangular pattern around the wall I was swimming next too. Then It came to me that I was in a pool, the water was very dirty though. My head surfaced just in time to see a tree crashing rapidly into the pool. I dove down and the tree smashed into the water taking up most of the room. The force of the tree displacing that much water launched me from the water just enough to land on the side of the pool. I could still hear the angry mountain, to exhausted to move I just held my breath. Almost simultaneously the rumble of the mountain stopped. I rolled on my back pushing my self up facing the massive pile of earth that had swallowed the tree line. The mound was a tall as the trees but had to travel up a small hill and that seemed to brace it from crushing me. I looked at the large pool next to me. The tree was snapped in two and was very tall, the top of the tree was completely submerged while the four feet diameter splintered trunk hung in the air. The tree weighed so much that it made the pool have a three foot gap from the rim. Something red caught my eye, on my opposing side. I looked down and saw the tail gate that belonged to the truck. Further to my right past the tail gate was a light brown wooden fence, on my left was the pool and beyond that some broken lawn chairs and some junipers. The yard was fairly small with the pool taking up most of it. Ahead was a huge pile of earth that had a taste for the larger breeds of foliage. The grass was swallowed by foot tall grass like weeds. I was starting to feel very dizzy again, like another black out was coming. “IGetting tired of this,” I growled and shook it off. I stood up facing the opposing direction of the mound. In front of me now was a mid sized, two story white house. On the left side was the same fence as before, but a squeaky metal hinged door hung open that led to the front yard. Through the opening in the fence I could see other houses nestled around this dead street end. There was a porch with a sliding glass door facing me. The sliding glass door had been fully opened and the sliding piece was broken. I peered at the second story, it had two windows with yellow curtains and that’s about it. I reached to my side to look for my gun. “Dammit,” I cursed. I wanted to yell, but was afraid of something hearing me. Could anyone hear me? I asked my self again, Was there anyone even left? It occurred to me that I had better not chance it, curiosity killed the cat. Both the fanny pack and the hand gun were gone, I panicked. What would I do with out a weapon? I looked wildly around the yard and saw nothing and then shot my head towards the trees again. Nothing was dangling from them, that I could see anyway. I took a dozen paces forward tell the place where the dirt met the grass lay at my feet. I scanned the them once more, then started to walk in between the splintered tree and the tree line. I searched this opposite side and hoped for a better view, but nothing caught my eye. I stomped angrily to the original spot I was in and sat down with my legs resting in the pool. I sat there for a few moments trying to collect myself when I noticed, that the dirt was starting to huddle together on the bottom of the pool. It was slowly drifting past the branches like sinking smoke. Then it passed something that caught my eye. It was the gun, instantly I dove into the water to retrieve it. I snapped the branch the belt had got tangled in and swam back up to the surface. I wrestled my way out of the not so full pool. When I got out, I felt like I had been reunited with a long lost friend. I took it from the holster and examined it to make sure it hadn’t suffered any damage. It worked just as good as when I first found it, I strapped it back to my waist. I dove back into the pool for a second time in hopes of finding the fanny pack, but no luck. I pulled myself back out of the pool. I was a little depressed I didn’t get it back, what I had was better then being without anything. “Six shots... I had better not miss,” I told myself. I decided that maybe I could find some ammo or perhaps another gun in the white house, so I started onward to the shattered glass door. At least there would be a safe room to just sit and collect myself a little and get a good view of the neighborhood. I was only little over a couple yards away and I snuck a peek inside. There was a large wooden cabinet to my left up against a stair case, with broken railing, that lead to the second story. The front door was closed and was in fairly good shape. The potted plant lie tipped over on the floor directly in front of the door and the wire stand it sat on rest in the same position. The kitchen lie directly to my right and the white counters were covered in dirty dishes that had sat there who knows how long. There was a cutting board that was tipped over next to the stove and all the knives had fallen onto the tile floor. A sealing fan separated the staircase, kitchen and living room from each other. I stepped over the metal slot the door fit into and crept quietly in the kitchen. All the doors and cupboards hang open and empty, I walked around to get a good look at the living room. The couch and love seat were made of a brown fabric and were shredded beyond belief. There was no Televison left in the house, only a dusty rotting stand where it once stood, a horrid smell cover the whole house. I could taste the sickly sweet and bitter smell. No picture frames hung on the walls, it appeared that this place had been ransacked. The white paint on the walls had faded to an almost cream color. The wall that separated the kitchen from the living made a long hall way that led to three different rooms. I heard a quiet howling noise, it startled me and I drew my gun without a moments hesitation. I heard it again, it was the wind blowing through the cracks in the front door. I stole a glance out side the sliding glass door and saw the branches that were still left, were being stripped away by the sudden breeze. I decided to leave the gun drawn, because something just didn’t seem right. I looked down the hallway the door at the end of the hall was just barely cracked open and some kind of stain rest on the door knob and frame. I crept close and did my best to keep perfectly silent. I kept to the left just a little bit, so I could search the bathroom on the right from a yard or so away. Where I looked the gun followed and I could see the end just shaking slightly due to the pressure of this situation. I still struggled to find why my heart was beating so fast. In the bathroom, shattered pieces of the mirror rest on the floor and the shower curtain had been ripped off and lied in the middle of the tub. The periodic wind sent shivers through my spine and I started to feel just a little sick. While I studied the bathroom I noticed a series of odd sounds. I studied them for a minute. Drip. . . Drip. . . Crunch. . . Drip. The dripping sounded like water hitting a hard floor. I first opened the door on my left before going into the one at the end of the hall. This room was almost completely empty, besides the curtain rack that lie on the floor below the window. I looked back down the hall way at the door and in the living room again, the coast was clear. I slowly stepped around the corner and looked in the closet. Nothing was there besides a child’s toy chest and a basket ball on the top shelf. I heard the crunching, slushing, dripping noise again. I stepped out of the room and back into the hall way. Holding the gun in my right hand, I stepped with my left side forward. I extended my left hand and before pushing the door open I examined the stains on the knob and frame. They both look like sets of human hands. One set grasping the knob, and another that looked like it was catching themself from falling. They were a dark, almost black, green with a brownish mix to it. I pushed the door with my left hand and it swung the same direction. It made I tiny creaking croak that was barely noticeable seemed to be like a gunshot in the silence. I heard just the, Drip. . Drip. . Flop! The flopping noise resembled a tub of jelly hitting the floor. That flop disturbed and startled me. I inspected the room there was a large king sized bed to the left with blankets on it still. Four cases of boxed juice rest on the floor next to the bed, one was open and half gone. There were also two large boxes of oatmeal stacked above them neatly on the night stand. There were clothes all over the floor, looked like most of them belonged to a female. A shambled closet rest to my right and a door rest beyond it next to a window, that was directly in front of me, that gave a view of the wooden fence outside. It looked like a spare bathroom, this led me to believe that there was a window in the bathroom blowing the wet shower curtain around and that this was the cause of the noise. In my dreams, I was just meagerly comforting myself. I snuck very slowly moving for the spare bathroom. I heard the buzz of flies now, not many, only just a few. When I peered with just my left eye around the corner I beheld a horrific site. Some thing green was hunched over on the blood soaked tile, taking it’s time gnawing at some female corpse. You could barely tell, what she was. It looked like the thing had been gnawing on her for a few days, there was barely a resemblance to a human. The head was completely featureless on the maggoty corpse. Only her right arm had been spared by the creatures hunger and in the hand of the corpse was a butcher knife. The green thing was perhaps human once too. As I pondered this I saw a piece of it’s scalp slide onto the floor. It’s eyeless skull peered at me with such an accusing gaze, “was it staring through me,” I asked myself. Almost as if it were confused at me, I held it’s gaze for what seemed forever. A piece of the poor soul it had been dining on fall out of it’s neck where the Adams apple should be. It’s tongue dangled around it’s chest like a tie and it made an shrill breathing noise and start to move. The creature was void of all flesh on it’s face and the rotten teeth shone. The legs had apparently rotted off the green creature it had been sitting there so long, it’s distorted and stretched stomach proved this theory to be true. I had enough of this being’s existence, I squeezed the trigger on the thirty eight three times. The first time catching it in the shoulder, erasing it, before it’s arm hit the floor the other two sunk in the neck and head. It’s arm fall on the floor and stuck there, the dark green ooze coloring the entire room. The bullet striking it in the neck severed it’s head and the third turned the skull to several large pieces. It’s mushy body rested up against the bath tub and made a disturbing splat. It turned into a pile without the will to hold the corpse together. I could see two of the three holes in the tub. I breathed out after knowing the creature was dead and watched smoke pour from the gun barrel. The smell of gun powder over powered the obvious smell of death. I could taste the air, my sense of smell and taste worked the same with the face plate. A terrifying thought charged through my head, the gun was very loud and I needed to find a safe spot to dig in for a while. Immediately up stairs came to mind. I had to search it though, at least there’s only one way to get up there. Three rounds left too then it’s fist to cuffs, “Not good,” I failed to say something to comfort myself. No matter how I looked at it, this too was an ugly spot. I still took my time walking out of the bed room and on my way amongst the clothes was a huge, foot long, monkey wrench. I knelt down, picked it up and fastened it too my belt, with the adjustable wheel. I thought that this item would help me keep a little distance between me and a target, after the revolver runs dry. I got to the intersection and knelt down behind the couch again. I stopped and listened closely, the wind made it’s presence known by knocking a thinner tree in the front yard down. Dirt was blowing in the house through some of the open windows and sliding glass door. The trees shook and trembled before the gusts. I looked one last time over my shoulder to the bedroom at the end of the hall, just to make sure one final time that it didn’t want to go for a round two. I made my way for the stairs and started to climb. Directly above the stairs was a shut window, that viewed the back yard and a wall. I stepped up the stairs with leery resolve. As soon as my head past the floor boards, I looked down the hall way. Three more rooms rest up here, two on the right side and another on the left. The hall way lead right above the staircase to a window on the second story. One of the rooms on the right was another bathroom, I came around the railing on the second floor, with gun still drawn. This bathroom looked much like the others, and the door on the left was closed. The other on the right was the one I decided to look at. The floor boards all, but shared the discontent with holding me. There creaking and moaning was highly annoying. This bed room was fairly empty too. an unkept bed, a book case that was tipped over in the middle of the floor, some yellow curtains. and a closet full of coat hangers made up this room. Turning my attention back to the closed door I approached it and opened it cautiously. There were several metal chars around a large, circular wooden table. The room had no bed, but did have a sleeping bag in one of the corners. I looked the hallway over one more time and walked inside the room looking behind the door. The chairs and sleeping bag were on the left side and too my right was mostly empty room besides a guitar case. Straight across from me was a door that led to a small deck outside. I could see through the two large windows at either side of the door that all the tiny ,three person, deck had was an even smaller, round barbecue. The rain was pouring and made me feel like there were hundreds of fingers just tapping on the windows. First thing I did when I thought it was safe was lock the door behind me and I grabbed a few chairs and barricaded it too. I locked the deck door and checked to make sure the barbecue was the only thing on it. I couldn’t even see the rest of the neighborhood through the horizontal rain and raging winds. Just the stripped trees waving back in forth in front of the side window. I slid down the wall next to the deck door and I could feel my pronounced spine scraping it. I holstered my gun and just sat for a moment, I found myself playing with the wrench. I stopped myself and stared at the door I had barracked, I realized that I should block the one leading to the deck too. All four of the chairs were used to give me a small sense of security. “The guitar case,” I mumbled. I scooted across the floor and looked at it thinking puzzled thoughts. I opened the latches and they seemed silent amongst the quiet turmoil outside. Lifting the lid to my surprise was no instrument of music, but an instrument that will insure my survival for just a little bit longer. A single shot twelve gauge shot gun. With thirteen triple and double aught buckshot shells, this set my mind almost at ease. As close as it’s came to it so far. I saw a small back pack with some faded cartoon character on it. “Nice, a mermaid backpack. Better then nothing, I guess. . .” I dumped the shells into it and through it over one side. The shotgun had a black, synthetic stock and a chrome, bull barrel. I then noticed that the shotgun also had a shoulder strap and that the but held four rounds in the slits on the butt. I placed four rounds in the slits, alternating between double and triple aught buck. I left it unloaded just in case of an accident. The thunder outside bellowed and screeched angrily, as if it were angry I lived today. I actually chuckled out loud at the thought of this and felt quite victorious. I got up and walked over to the sleeping bag. Sitting down and resting the pack right next to me, leaning my head against the wall behind me. It came on again, the dizzy I’m going to faint feeling. I thought not now, but it was too late. I Collapsed and all went black . . . |