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♫Hi - this is my Lyrical folder. Being a writer, I dabble into almost anything . . . songwriting just another challenge for myself. I have played guitar ever since a child, having learned to play Beatle songs so I could sing along with my albums. This is my feeble attempt, and inspired by the late John Lennon. So, I don't know how much this folder will grow. I will leave Songwriting up to the experts like my friends here on WDC below. I will stick to my forte of Poetry. I just wanted to see what I could come up with by testing the waters.
To read real Songwriters on this site, please jog over to my good friends and Songwriters,
AJ Evans 

Both are extremely multi-talented and totally mind-blowing amazing. AJ Evans, my friend who drew the illustration cover for my second book, "Tortured Light," has a unique sound all his own with an unmistakeable husky, sexy voice. He records his own CD's out of his basement. He's like a one-man Show. Lena, on the other hand, well, to put it simply, she's not only beautiful, she sounds like an Angel singing from the Heavens, a voice soft and delicate like a feather. A trip down their lyrical lane and I promise you will not be disappointed. You might just walk away with a new hum in your heart and an extra skip in your Soul.♫