Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1288840-MY-Life
Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #1288840
Decisions and their affects on our lives.
Life is simple. You make choices and you dont look back. The only time it is ever acceptable to look back is when reminising on all the good times, or looking back on your mistakes and realizing that they were exactly that...mistakes...mistakes that you made and were smart enough to look back on them and not regret, but instead, realize where it is that you went wrong and realizing that it is never ever ever too late to fix those mistakes here and now in the present. That's just life. You make mistakes and you learn from them. It's called "living and learning". You see, the problem in our society today is the people in it, and the way that they limit themselves through their educations. Too many people get their high school diplomas and feel that they are ready to take on the world, and not just taking on the world, but they feel they can do it without anybody's help. Now ask yourself why. Why do it without anyone's help, when we all know that we can use alot of help, even in our day-to-day lives. I guess it is for that feeling of accomplishment. People in our society today like to feel good about themselves, and they take pride in single-person accomplishments. If one was to look back at older society's and civilizations, one would see how strange it was back them, at least that is how it would appear to us. In older society's people in communities would take pride in the community as a whole, and if one was struggling everyone in that community would help that one individual. Where has all the love and helping hands gone? If only it were still like that, but like I said, all we can do is look back on that and try to figure out how to make improvements and changes, and these changes must start from the inside out, beginning first and foremost in our individual daily lives. Now you ask, what changes need to be made in our society to make it better as a whole and I say, ask yourself the same question. Then and only then can we better our society, with all of us working as a whole to solve and fix our problems, instead of just ignoring them and letting blow way out of proportion and then it is eventually too late to do anything about it. We have to start making changes and we have to start today. Peace be with all of you and just remember, always keep your head up. When life gets tough, it can always get tougher, so be thankful that that is as bad as it is, and then work on making it better. Never think that things are gonna work out and that everything is going to be okay, because that is probably one of the biggest problems in our society, is that too many people think that way and that causes too much of what I like to call "not doing". People simply make themselves believe that everything is going to be fine but do absolutelly nothing about it they instill it in their minds that all is good when it is not. We need answers, and we need it now.     
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1288840-MY-Life