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its a game played to understand human feelings. |
Andrew: I am so greatful to you for saving some time and meeting me. Well, I know that it is not easy for you to grab a second from your daily agenda. Thanks again. Mc Milan: Are we going to talk here? Isn't that place too noisy and crowdy? A: Yes, it is but there is a bar at the back of the club that is usually empty. People don't stay there as they feel to be isolated from the party fever. Let's go and try there. What would you like to have before we start talking? Anything to drink? Mc: Yes, beer would be fine? A: Can we have two large Fosters please? Bar attandant: sure. Mc: So how did you find me? A: To be honest it was not easy to find you. I walked around, knocked on number of doors, talked to people who knew you. Well, I even got to know your mum and your siblings and tried to contact you through them. Basicily I used all the tools and methods available to humans to find you. It was hard but I have no words to express how hard was to get you to the point of meeting me. Mc: You are right. I did not have an intention to talk to anyone for a long time. A: and now? I supposed you came here because you want to share your story with me, am I right? Mc: I went far too far to turn my back now. Take it easy, I am not leaving the bar...hmm, it tastes well ! I always get thirsty once I have a first sip of beer being not thirsty before, isn't that strange? A: People say that's the game marketers play with us. We react not the way our body naturally atcs or we expect the body to work. In next few moments we don't even realize how fast we get used to new behaviour and accept it. Where is the logic in that? Mc: There is nothing like logic in the world. What is logic for you might be totally foolish and thoughtless for others. These days there are so many factors that influance people's life to extent we lowly likely can fight it. People question the century old rules and religion principles trying to develop their own approach that is not wrong by definition however that all leads to the culture of individualizm. There is no 'us' anymore, there is no community, people don't see the collective parameter in today's world. Instead what we have is 'my world'. My world is the world of my very individual needs that I develop in the process of understanding myself. My needs are met these days everyday because the market forces reflected by demand and supply see me as the very individual. Buying a car, a cell phone or even my favourite football team T-shirt replica means I am served in very individual manner because the offer can be tailor made to meet my uniquely strange need. My surname can be printed out on the back of the T-shirt, I can apply my personal art design on the cell phone cover so there is no other phone in the world that looks the same or my car retailer matches my needs by building the car I dream of in the computer software linked with the manufacturer so the day after I place my order my car gets in the assamble phase. A: That's good. It works on our all benefit. Mc: well, yes, these are positive examples of 'my world' culture but unfortunately it has also its nasty face as people are focues just on themeselfs. Was it once you have heard or read in the paper that an elderly person living in the block of flats died all of the sudden and none of the neighbours noticed his absence until the moment his corpse started to stink that intensively that people undersood what might have happened to the elderly. Some of the neighbours saw the man first time as paramedics carried him out of the flat dead on a hand-barrow. A: You think people are that selfish that even if they knew that the elderly needed some help they would not give him a helping hand? Mc: I believe in humans and their positive nature. However, the way we grow from the starting point we arrive in the planet Earth is so complex and influanced by millions of factors that nevertheless there are thousands of books tackling the life stages from upbringing to death there is no formula or recepe we could apply to be fully sure about the final outcome. |