Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1287993-With-the-Trees-She-Swayed
Rated: E · Sample · Environment · #1287993
Exerpt from character book. Its not much, but mearly what I was feeling at the time.
With the Trees She Swayed

    Rebecca layed back in the soft grass and closed her eyes. She let her feet sprawl out from under her and laid on her side.
    Opening her eyes, she plucked at piece of grass next to her. It was strange, just lying here. She wanted nothing at that moment... she wanted to feel nothing... and think nothing. Rebecca only heard the sounds of the birds chirping.
    She turned on her back again and stared up. The trees were swaying, peacefully, above her. Rebecca almost felt herself swaying with them... moving with the ground. She wished that perhaps... she could be a part of the ground... to move, and sway... and change with the earth whenever she wished.
    Rebecca wondered how she looked, lying there. Surley it must seem odd, a 15-year-old girl, in a soft patch of grass of the forest, her bare feet peeking out of her long, white skirt.
    There was a slight pickup of the wind now... it wasnt much. A gentle breeze against her soft face.
    Drifting off to sleep, Rebecca wispered to herself, "I wish... I could... stay here forever.."

And she almost did.
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