Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1286645-The-End-of-the-World
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1286645
It is just some strange dream I had. Isn't it great we don't get whatever we want?
The End of the World
It was one of those dark gloomy days that Imogen loved.  Leaves blew all over the place and she could smell the electricity building up in those dark mysterious clouds above her.  At the moment now, she was walking along the school’s beaten path to the baseball field to play dorm sports. It wasn’t mandatory to play but she liked to do it anyway; her friends didn’t.  “Please! Let’s just go to dinner, dorm sports is so lame and boring,” Hannah moaned. “It’s probably all already over anyway.”
“Guys... I don’t want to miss sports! It is our last day of kickball before soccer... ugh.” Imogen said. But as usual, nobody listened to her. They never did. She stared at the pavement dotted with chewing gum stains and gave a sigh. A slight breeze tousled her black hair and her dark eyes were filled with annoyance.
Imogen had gone to summer school to make friends. She had made some pretty nice ones but now to them, she felt that at times, she didn’t exist. Whenever she was talking, nobody listened. Now, she was waving a hand in front of Anna’s eyes but Anna ignored her and continued to walk onwards, her hair catching stray leaves.
“Come on Hannah!” Ella giggled. “You can just cheer for us! Besides, dorm sports will be over in just a few minutes.”
“Exactly, that is why we should just go up for dinner.”
“Let’s just go Hannah,” Anna said. “I want to play kickball.”
“Yea, I agree,” Imogen remarked but as usual nobody listened.  “Come on! It is all the way at the field! If we don’t hurry, we are going to be late.”
“I get it!” Hannah said. “Let’s just walk really slowly.” She began shifting her leg just a little bit forward. Imogen felt all of them were extremely stupid girls but wasn’t everybody like that?
Finally, they reached the field but nobody was there. “Thanks a lot you guys,” a girl from their dorm said. “Nobody came so now, they game is cancelled!”
“WHAT?” Anna said angrily. “That is soooo not fair. Nobody told us it would be here.”
“I did,” Imogen said helpfully. “I was also saying how we were going to be late.” Anna ignored her. 
“I mean, really, shouldn’t the councillors tell us that it was going to be here?” Anna continued.
“I told you that but as usual, everybody is ignoring me! If you had just listened, we would have been here on time. It is just your fault for me missing the game! It is you who were all moaning about wanting to go to dinner and messing about walking slowly. It took us twenty minutes to get here when we could have gotten here in five. I am so pissed at all of you. If you had just listened... but noooo nobody knows what I am saying!”
“I was listening,” Rica said. “You were just saying you are mad because you missed the game.” Then, Rica turned to talk to Hannah. They both laughed and talked about more silly things.
My God, nobody is listening to me. I hate them. I hate them all. It is time to move on. Imogen started walking faster than her friends’ sloth-like pace before turning around glaring at them. I could just kill you all. It isn’t because I missed the game but nobody ever talks to me or listens. Lightning flashed in the distance and the temperature just got colder. The build of electricity made long hair stand on end.
“You guys are all pissing me off.”
“What is your problem?”
“You are. All of you are idiots.”
“Geez, Imogen, what is your problem dude?”
That was it. As if they did not know what she really hated. An earthquake rumbled and the ground shivered beneath their feet. Rocks clattered and jumped on the pavement making little pattering sounds; cracks began appearing and the smell of burning filled the air. There were trees smoking from the fire and the clouds darkened but no rain came.
Imogen reached down into the Earth’s core and squeezed.
“OH MY GOD! WHAT IS HAPPENING?” a friend of Imogen’s screamed with fright and began to cry. Imogen laughed cruelly taking delight in her fear.
“I am so damn sick and tired of you guys ignoring me so I am going to end this world. Everybody here hates me. They look at me weird and laugh and stare,” Imogen opened her palms and showed the Earth on it. She squeezed it tightly and cracks began to form on the Earth. Huge cracks also formed on the field and road. Cars swerved into them and were consumed by bright hot flames licking at their fuselage.
“And you Ella remember the story I wanted to write? The one you pretended to want to write with me-
“The one about the World Destroyer? Imogen! I did want to write it with you,” Ella cried. “Please, don’t do this! You aren’t a World Destroyer, you are our friend.”
Imogen grinned. “My name isn’t really Imogen and I am a World Destroyer as well as Creator. I created this world oh so many years ago and decided it was interesting enough for me so I entered it fifteen years ago. I grew up here and I realized it is so damn boring partly because of you stupid people. My master is right. I will create a new world. One in which I will control the lives of people. I should have listened to him and just controlled all your lives so you won’t just ignore me. Instead, I didn’t listen to him and gave you free will. Look what happens.”
“You are going to die here with us!” Anna screamed at her in defiance.
“Dear Anna, I’m not really here.” Imogen’s image got distorted and was blown away like a wisp of smoke.
Be careful with what you say... I can make your death extremely painful. Every one of Imogen’s friends heard her and was silent. Five seconds later, the world exploded and a new one was formed.

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