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A modern day story of life |
Prologue Can you still believe in love after it’s been taken from you? Will you believe anything will happen if you love someone so much? Have you ever loved someone and then watched as they found a happy life with someone else? What if you could see them again? Threw the ages time and fate brings you back together, will you finale tell them that you love them? This story isn’t about love, or pain, anguish or hardships. This story is about everything. Life, love, hardships, pain, anguish, death, light, delight, all the goods and evils in our world. Life Let me introduce you to the characters in this plot of mine. Meet Aaron, he’s one of the main characters that we know so far. He’s not sure what he wants and he wants to see what happens in the end. Then there’s Angel, he’s also one of the main characters, he’s been threw a lot to get to this place, but your going to find that out later. Angel is a person that walks to his own beat no matter how much you chance the beat he’s still in step to his own. Now Bryan, he’s a jock, and he’s one of the coolest people in the school. He’s been trying to score the same girl that Aaron has been after for a while. Brenda, she’s a clever girl that helps everyone out once in a while. She’s mostly a geek in the school. Brittany, She’s one of Joe’s best friends Cloie, she’s one of the most talented cheerleaders in the group of people that she hangs out with. Then she’s one of Aaron’s friends. She’s been there for him to give him advice on what to do and if he’s ok looking if he goes out on a date. She’s kinda like the big sister to everyone in Aaron’s click. Caleb, One of Aaron’s best friends, he’s here to keep the balance in the click Damion, he’s been here since the beginning, this is Aaron’s best friend. Aaron’s been hanging out with this loser since preschool. Damion’s advice on everything is not the smartest but still he thinks it will work. Emily, She’s the person Aaron can talk to if he’s thinking about something and doesn’t know what to do. Her advice is always respectable and she’s like a school councilor but she only dose it for her friends. Garrett, he’s a best friend of Aaron’s brother. He’s been here but only to be here. Then there’s Joe, Garrett’s best friend, he’s Aaron’s younger brother and he tries to help his older brother, almost all the time. Grace, She’s a quiet girl and she’s one of Aaron’s best friends and she deals with everyone’s problems, she thinks in her own mind and she’s one person to talk to because she tries to keep your spirits up. Kate, THE Girl, the one Aaron’s after, the one he wants to be his girlfriend. But again someone else is after her. Bryan the jock of the school and he’s willing to do anything to get her. Mel, One of Joe’s best friends. Nicole, Aaron and Joe’s cousin, she lives in New York and visits usually just to escape the city life. Paul, The Father of Aaron, Joe and Sara. Pete, Bryan’s best friend or pretends to be. Skyler, Another friend of Bryan Sara, Aaron’s older sister. Toby, Sara’s Husband, he’s a lawyer, so you know what that means, problems Tyler, A friend of Caleb, mostly a younger brother to Caleb Vincent, No one knows much about him, he’s mostly quiet and then, he a dark gothic person. Willow, Aaron’s other best friend Zeek, he’s the one that’s in the background and one of the people that keeps everyone else happy, or at least tries to. And these are, the characters in this tail of ours. Now your probably wondering where this story takes place, right? Well here it is, this story takes place in the small city of Fayetteville, no not the Fayetteville everyone else knows and the one your thinking about, I’m talking about Fayetteville, Pennsylvania. This is a small city located in the middle of Franklin County. It’s close to the famous Chambersburg, yes the same city that was burnt in the civil war, this is where I grew up, well mostly. And for once I’ve always wanted to base a story on it, so this story is about my hometown and some of the people I know, some of the characters have been created from my own imagination, but mostly some of the characters in this story are my real friends during the time period that I lived here. Now let us get this story started, huh? Well it’s not mostly a story it’s mostly my imagination and some of the real things based off my real life. I hope you enjoy it. ~Joseph Negron-Perez; Author Chapter 1 [Cashes; Chambersburg’s High School] Aaron Claxson walked into his home room, he was dead because of the morning, and who wouldn’t be tired of waking up early in the morning to get ready for school and then, coming to school and dealing with it most of your day and all week. As he walked in, he was greeted by his best friend, Damion. “Hey Aaron.” He said. “Hey.” Aaron said walking over to him. Damion was sitting on his desk, their home room teacher was a cool dude and didn’t care what the students did, only if they listened to him first. Aaron and Damion did their little handshake and Aaron took the seat beside him. “So what’s up?” Aaron asked still a little drowsy. “Nothing I was just thinkin maybe we should do something later.” He said. “Like what?” Aaron asked. “Well I don’t know like maybe go to the movies.” Damion said. “Well what do you want to see?” Aaron asked. “Well that new Pirate movie came out what was it called At Worlds End?” Damion asked. “Ok, maybe I’ll have to ask if my brother wants to go along.” Aaron asked. “You have a brother?” “Yea didn’t I tell you about him?” “Um, no.” “Well sorry, his name is Joe, he has lunch with us, I don’t know if you know him, he sits with a group of friends by the windows.” “I’ve seen the group but I haven’t seen him, I don’t think.” “Well I’m gonna ask him then, so then you can come with me and see what all the ruckus is about all the time.” Aaron said. “Ok, I guess I’ll finally get to meet him.” Damion said. The bell rang and Mr. Edger looked like he was ready to speak. The class turned his attention to him. “Well class, I don’t know if you want to know what today’s lunch is but it’s gonna suck I’m telling you this.” He said. A few people in the class laughed lightly. “Well it’s stuffed shells and fish sticks, so if your ready to see what your food looks like after you’ve eaten it I guess don’t get the fish sticks.” He said. The whole class started laughing. “Hey guys, have a good day.” He said. The class went back to talking as they normaly did, not being loud, but talking in a normal tone of voice. “Mr. Edger is so cool.” Damion said. Aaron smirked a little bit, “Aww, Damion has a crush on the teacher.” He said. “Ew, no dude he’s just not my type. I only like the kind that want someone, that’s how I keep someone.” Damion said. “Ok, just don’t let my brother’s best friend hear you, he’s Christian, and he’ll flip.” Aaron said. “Oh, ok I understand.” Damion said. “Hey Kate.” Zeek said. Aaron looked up and most of the guys in the class looked up. Kate Beckinsale, one of the hottest young girls of the school, (Yea I know like Kate Beckinsale would likely be in High School let alone my high school) she was admired by all the girls and all the guys wanted to be with her. Kate looked up, “Hey guys.” She said walking by Aaron and Damion. “Hi Kate.” Damion said like she was a friend. Kate looked at Damion and smiled then looked at Aaron. “Hiya.” He mumbled. She smiled and giggled, and continued to walk to her seat. “Man, hiya?” Damion asked as Aaron turned around and faced him. “Oh, can I be anymore of a loser?” Aaron said smacking his head against the desk. “Well yea, but I think she liked it.” Damion said. “Yea, right.” Aaron said still with his head on the desk. “Well good thing I’m not strait or I think we’d be fighting over her, right?” He asked. “Oh shut up.” Aaron said. Damion laughed. [Cafeteria] Aaron and Damion walked over to Joe’s table insted of getting lunch. “Hiya, squirt.” Aaron said getting his little brother in a head lock. “Hey, Aaron let me go.” Joe said. Aaron let his brother go, “Hey I want you to meet someone finally.” he said. Joe turned around to face his brother. “This is Damion Johnson.” Aaron said. “Hi.” Joe said holding out his hand. “Hi.” Damion responded. They shook hands and looked at each other for a second or two. “Well, I was wondering if you would like to come to the movies with us tonight.” Damion piped up. “Well we were.” Aaron said. “Sure just as long as I don’t have to sit by you the last time you had bad gas.” Joe said. Damion smiled and looked at Aaron. A few of Joe’s friends sitting with him started giggling. “Ha, ha, ha, funny telling everyone that.” Aaron said. “If you want I could tell them more.” Joe said smiling. “Oh, ok deal, you sit with Damion and don’t tell anyone about embarrassing stories about me, ok?” Aaron said. “Ok, deal.” Joe said. “Ok well I’ll see you when I get home, love ya.” Aaron said. “Love ya, too bro.” Joe said. Aaron turned to walk away and noticed that Damion was still looking at his brother. “Damion.” Aaron said. Damion snapped out of his trance, “Oh, um, nice meeting you, I’ll see you tonight.” he said. “You too.” Joe said grinning. Damion smiled at him and then turned to walk away. While walking he looked back over his sholder at Joe. “Dude, what’s wrong with you?” Aaron asked. “Sorry about that.” Damion said. Joe turned back around and looked at Brittany, “I think he was checking me out.” he said. “Well he is hot, I guess he’s single, if he’s not dating your brother.” Brittany said. “Well Aaron isn’t like that, he’s in gaga over this girl, um, Kate Beckinsale. She’s hot don’t get me wrong, but I think he should calm down over her.” Joe said. “So are you gonna enjoy your date with Damion tonight or what?” Mel said, giggling. “Oh shut up, Mel.” Joe said lightly pushing her. “So what do you think, do you want him to come?’ Aaron asked sitting down with this friend. Brenda came over and sat next to Damion. “Hi Damion.” she said. “Hi Brenda.” Damion said, “Well yea I think I’d like him to come, he seems cool.” He said. “Who is?” Brenda asked pushing up her glasses. “Aaron’s little brother.” Damion said. “Where is he?” She asked. “He’s over there.” Aaron said pointing to his brother’s table. “He’s the one with the spiky hair?” She asked. Aaron looked, “No, that’s Garrett, his best friend.” he said. “Oh, then he’s the other one.” Brenda said, she looked at him for a moment, “Yea I guess so he’s got all those people around him and he’s like a small leader, but also it looks like no one’s the alpha male or alpha female.” she said. Damion smirked a little bit, “Brenda your getting a little science class on us.” he said. “Oh, sorry.” She said turning a slight red and looking down at her sandwich. “That’s ok.” Aaron said giggling under his words. “Yea sometimes we got to use that stuff in the real world.” Damion said. She looked up at him, Damion made a funny face at her, she smiled then laughed lightly to herself. “Hey, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile Brenda.” Caleb said sitting down. Along with Caleb Tyler sat down with him. “So what ya’ll talkin bout?” Tyler asked. “Oh nothing.” Damion said. “Oh I didn’t see you there Damion, still behind guys?” Caleb said. Everyone laughed. “Yea, your one to talk Caleb, you just love me too much.” Damion said. “Oh yea, I love you Damion.” Caleb joked around. Everyone laughed harder. Damion then air kissed twords Caleb. “Stop it.” Aaron said. “Well, well, well, look who we have here. A nerd, a faggot, a loser, and two dikes.” Bryan said walking up to the table. Treding behind him were his gang; Bryan (Leader), Pete (Vice Leader), and Skyler (Bouncer), along with a few other guys. The gang laughed at what their leader had said. “Oh get a life Bryan, just leave them alone.” A female voice said from behind. Bryan’s gang and everyone at the table turned to see who it was. It was Willow walking down with a tray in her hand. “Oh it’s Willow, just coming to sit with your loser friends?” Bryan asked harshly. “Well at least I have real friends, unlike you pussies.” She said walking by them. Bryan looked at her and she just ignored him. Willow sat next to Tyler, “Hey Brenda.” She said. “Hi.” Brenda replied softly, that almost no one could hear her. Willow started eating her food. “What did you call me?” Bryan asked her. “Did I talk to fast for you, your little brain didn’t understand me?” She asked. Everyone at the table smirked and looked down. “You little bitch.” Bryan said. “Oh, I’m scared, he’s gonna hurt me, please, help me, help me.” Willow said without expression or tone in her voice. Bryan started thwarts Willow, Caleb jumped up in his way. “Sorry dude but I don’t think so.” he said. “Get out of my way, freak.” Bryan said. “Hey, park it.” Willow said. Everyone looked at her. “Don’t make me tell you twice, sit.” She said Caleb looked at her, then sat down. Bryan walked over to her grinning, “Your one brave little girl you know that.” he said. “Yea well tell that to Mr. Edger who’s right behind you.” Willow said, who still didn’t stop from eating her lunch. Bryan slowly turned around. And just like Willow said Mr. Edger was standing there. “So, do we have a problem here?” he asked. “No, Mr. Edger, I was just coming over here to say thanks on the help on the test, last week.” Bryan said. “Ok, well I guess that was long enough.” Mr. Edger said. Bryan looked at her, then at Mr. Edger. He then walked over to his table along with his gang. “Your welcome.” Mr. Edger said. Everyone smiled at him. “Thank gods that Mr. Edger was there at the nick of time, Willow.” Damion said. “How did you know he was there?” Brenda asked. “Good thing you weir glasses Brenda.” Willow said. Brenda laughed and everyone laughed with her. [At The Claxson’s House] Aaron walked in threw the front door, his dad was standing over the stove trying to make something, he couldn’t even smell what it was. “Dad, what are you trying to make?” Aaron asked him. “Really I don’t know.” He answered. Aaron started to laugh at him, “Well don’t burn down the house.” Aaron said. “Where’s your brother?” Paul asked. “He decided to take the bus he had someone to talk to.” Aaron said. “Well today’s Friday, what are you guys doing tonight?” Paul asked. “We decided to go to the movies, what are you gonna do?” Aaron asked. “I thought that I could go out to the library and work on my paper for the class.” Paul said. “Well what’s the paper on, and why dose the teacher have to do the project that the students have to do?” Aaron asked. “Well first, I want to see how many axially try and do the project and how many copyright their paper.” Paul said. “Ha, that’s smooth dad.” Aaron said getting a bottle of water out of the fridge, “Are you going out to eat too, because I’m not eating that.” He said, looking at the stove. Paul looked at him then at the stove, smoke was coming out of the stove. He quickly opened the oven and looked inside, everything was on fire inside, whatever he was trying to make, was burnt to a crisp. He was trying to put it out with the oven mitt he had on. Aaron reached into the cabinet and pulled out the fire extinguisher, “Dad.” Aaron said as the smoke alarm went off. Paul looked at his son and then grabbed the fire extinguisher out of his son’s hand. Aaron grinned and laughed in his head about his father. The boys loved their father, he was the one that helped rase them as their mother died in a car crash almost 4 years ago. And since their older sister had moved out two years ago, and gotten married they have been just the three of them. “I’ll be upstairs dad.” Aaron said. “That’s ok, I’ve gotten everything under control, OW!” Paul responded while fiddling with the fire extinguisher. Just as the fire went out Joe walked threw the door, “What happened!” He yelled over the smoke detector. “Dad burnt dinner, again.” Aaron said walking by him and up the stairs. Joe rolled his eyes and then yelled, “Dad!” [Later In Aaron’s Room] Aaron walked into his bedroom shirtless, the nice warm shower had revived his long day at school. He didn’t know what he wanted to wear but I guess it didn’t matter I mean it was only his friends and his little brother. He slipped off his towel and put on a pair of boxers and blue jeans. “Aaron, so who’s all gonna be there.” Joe asked in his brother’s doorway. “I don’t know I know Damion’s coming but I think that’s all if not Grace is coming.” Aaron said turning thwarts his brother. “You’ve been working out haven’t you?” Joe asked. Aaron looked up at him, “What?” he asked. “You’ve been working out, aren’t you?” Joe repeated the question. “A little so?” “Your gonna turn into one of those jocks that were picking on you guys, aren’t you?” Joe asked. “Why would I turn into one of those pathetic little things anyway, they have no brains, they only think about sports and the next time they’ll be with a girl.” Aaron said upset. “Well good because no one wants to see you like that.” Joe said. Aaron looked at his brother and then grinned, “I like what your wearing.” Aaron complemented. “Thanks.” Joe was wearing a black t-shirt with a open v-neck, and a pair of blue jeans with black sneakers and a black leather jacket that had two small white stripes down the side of the arms and around his neck was the necklace their father gave them to remember their mother. A sapphire blue sphere with a cool looking silver lining that looked like a leaf with a silver chain. “Mom’s necklace.” Aaron said. “It wasn’t mom’s, it’s ours, she has one for you too, but you never put it on.” Joe said. “Yea but you got the blue one I got the red one.” Aaron said. “Sara, she got the green one, mom’s favorite.” Joe said, he then looked at the ground. Aaron looked up at his brother, he was silently crying, “Oh, Joe, look I’m sorry to bring mom up again, look, I’ll never do it again.” He said walking over and hugging his little brother. Joe didn’t say anything just cried in his brother’s arms. “Shhhh, it’s ok.” Aaron said. “It, it just huts so much, I never really remember her.” Joe said. “It’s ok, it’s ok.” Aaron said. “Boys is everything ok?” Paul asked softly walking down the hall. “Yea dad, I’m fine.” Joe said trying to wipe the tears away from his face. “Joe your crying son, are you ok?” Paul asked. “I’m fine dad, it’s just I was thinking of mom.” Joe responded. “Dad can you talk to him, I have to get ready still?” Aaron asked. “Sure.” Paul said, he took his son’s arm and walked with him down to his room. Aaron sighed and slipped on a white t-shirt. [Later, Outside] Grace pulled up in the car and honked the horn. Aaron looked out the window, he waved and then grabbed his jacket, “Joe, come on!” he yelled. “Coming!” Joe yelled back. He came running down the stairs. Paul got up out of the living room couch holding a book in his hand, “Well boys, enjoy your night out and, please stay out of trouble for my sake.” he said. “Ok dad, what time do you want us to be home?” Aaron asked. “Well curfew is at 11 o’clock around here, so how about that time?” he asked. “Ok, thanks Dad.” Joe and Aaron said in unison as they walked out the door. “See’ya.” Paul yelled as the boys reached the car. Damion watched as they both raced to the car, Aaron was seeing if Joe could win a race against him. Aaron won of corse. “Hey get in already.” Grace yelled joyfully at the two. Aaron opened the door and let his little brother sit in the back, “Sorry I got shotgun.” Aaron said. “Oh, man.” Joe mumbled to himself. Aaron pushed up the seat to let Joe into the back seat. “Hi, Damion.” Joe said. “Joe.” Damion said happily. Joe sat next to him, Aaron put the seat right and sat it back up. “So where are we going?” Joe asked. “Well I was thinking about maybe going to the drive-in and seeing At Worlds End.” Damion said. “Sounds good to me.” Grace said. “So to the drive-in.” Aaron said. Everyone howled as they drove off. “That’s my boys.” Paul said, he then shut the front door. [At The Drive In] Everyone was sitting in the car watching the movie. As the movie ended Joe looked at the pass they had gotten, “Next is that one movie, um 28 Weeks Later.” he said. “Man I’ve been dying to see that.” Damion said. Joe looked over at him and smiled. “Hey Aaron wanna come with me and get some popcorn?” Grace asked. “Sure, Damion take care of Joe will you?” Aaron asked. Damion nodded as the two got out of the car. Grace and Aaron walked slowly over to the snack bar. “So what’s up with you Aaron?” Grace asked. “Well things have been ok, I guess.” Aaron said. “Ok like what?” She asked. “Well, ok, Joe was freaking out because of the necklace my mother had made for each of us.” Aaron explained. Grace listened to Aaron as they continued to walk slowly thwarts the snack bar. He was telling her about the things his mother used to do and everything that was wrong with Joe and his dad, Sara and himself seemed to be the only ones that kind of gotten over the death of their mother. “You know, I hate to tell you this but I’ve lost both my parents, they died in a plain crash, they were travelers, they wanted to see the world. They were going to go to Ghana, to see the beautiful waterfalls and everything there. But the plane went down over the mountains and they’ve never been heard from again.” Grace said. Aaron was quiet for a moment as he looked at her, “I’m sorry.” He said, slightly unsure of what to say. “It’s fine, I was small then, and I hardly remember them anyway, but I’ve seen a picture of them at Egypt, and Russia, Paris, Africa, Chile, Panama, they looked so happy together, I guess that’s ok and maybe things will be better for them if I know that they died together, it’s ok if I don’t know if their alive or not, I know that they loved me though.” Grace said. “Grace, wanna sit down and talk for a while, the movie doesn’t start for a while so, I guess we can?” Aaron asked. “Yea, that’s ok.” She said. As they left, Damion and Joe sat in silence. “So, did you like the movie?” Joe asked breaking the silence. “Yea, Jack was so cool, but who knew Will would become the new captain of the Flying Dutchman?” Damion asked. “Yea, poor Elizabeth, only seeing Will in every 10 years.” Joe said. “Yea.” Damion said. The quietness came over them again. “So, um, have you enjoyed your year at school so far?” Damion asked. “Yea, it’s school so I guess things aren’t that great.” Joe said. Damion grinned and looked out the window. “Hey Damion, can I ask you a question?” Joe asked. “Joe, we’re not in school just ask me.” Damion said. “Oh, right, well how old are you?” Joe asked. “Me, well I’m the same age as your brother, nineteen.” “Well, when’s your birthday?” “September twelfth.” “Hey mine’s the thirteenth how cool is that?” “Awesome, hey I got one, favorite color?” “Blue, yours.” “Blue.” “So our birthdays are close and we like the same color?” Joe asked. Damion nodded, “How old are you?” he asked “Me?” Joe asked. “No, the person in the front seat.” Damion joked. Joe smiled, “Sixteen" he said. “Hey only a three year difference between us.” Damion noted. “And I’ve been living with my grandparents ever since I could remember.” Grace said. “Grace, do you have any records of your parents?” Aaron asked. “No...” she said unsure. Aaron looked at the ground. “No, axially I do, my parents field journals, everywhere they go they right down what they see, I’ve read a few and it feels like I’m axially there with them, you know.” She said. Aaron looked up at her and smiled, “My mom’s necklaces, she gave us, when we wore them the first time and we had seen her lying in the coffin, she looked so peaceful, but then, I couldn’t stop crying, you know that they are in a better place but you can’t tell weather or not things are going to be ok. I went over to Joe, and Sara who were crying as well and we stood by the window, it was a cloudy day, but all of a sudden the sun peaked over a cloud and shined right into the window, our necklaces glowed and shone a rainbow on the window. I took it as a sign to know that everything was going to be ok. That night I remember Joe talked to me for the first time, not like he always dose but he axially talked to me.” Aaron said. “What did he say?” Grace asked. “He said to me strongly, ‘Everything’s going to be ok.’ ” Aaron said. “What did you do?” She asked him. “I hugged him and we both cried each other to sleep on the couch.” Aaron said. “Aaron, your mother made these necklaces herself?” Grace asked. Aaron nodded and then pulled his out of his shirt. Grace looked at it and then looked up at him. “Now I know why that happened to you.” She said. Aaron looked up at her, his swing was awkwardly moving. “My parents have this sketch in their books of Rome, there is a god that they worship, it’s called the goddess Diana or Din. She’s the goddess of Fire, of hope and light, without fire light wouldn’t be here and they worshiped her. That’s what your necklace is supposed to do, help you see the light, in others or yourself.” Grace said. Aaron looked at her closely, “My brother has the one of water, it’s blue, which means Poseidon, showing great strength?” He asked her. Grace nodded. “My sister Sara, she has one that’s green, what dose that mean?” Aaron asked. “Well Green means a lot of things but your mother must have known a lot about Roman Mythology, which means earth, your sister has the God Cronus, protector of earth, he uses it to bloom wonderful things, and food, without him the Romans think that they would have died, he’s the protector of us all, or so they thought.” Grace explained. “So each of us is supposed to fulfill this how?” Aaron asked. “Well I guess your mother knew you well enough to see that inside you.” She answered. Damion and Joe were talking about everything and they wanted to know what was going on with each other. “So I’ve been just hanging out with my friends.” Joe said. “Yea your brother’s been my only person to hang out with, well until now.” Damion said. “Well, that’s good, now that you made a new friend.” Joe said. “Well, I was also wondering if my new friend would tell me if their going out with anyone?” Damion asked. “Well what if your new friend told you, No one?” Joe asked looking away. Damion looked at him and could tell that he was blushing and that he liked him. “Joe?” Damion asked. Joe turned to look at him, “Wa-” he started but got cut off by Damion kissing him. Damion pulled away to see what Joe’s reaction was. He almost jumped him as he let go, so apperently he liked him. (Now before we get more into this story this is not me that I’m talking about, this is a totally different person, and there’s no way I would be like that) Grace looked up at Aaron, “We should hurry the movie look like it’s about to start soon.” Grace said. “Yea.” Aaron said. Grace got up and waited for Aaron, “Let’s get some popcorn now, the line should be short.” She said. Aaron nodded. They walked into the snack bar and who would be working behind the counter but Kate. “Oh no.” Grace mumbled to herself. “What?” Aaron asked walking in behind her. Grace looked away and then up at Aaron, “Um, how about I let you get this, I’ll be in the car.” Grace said. “Grace?” Aaron asked. “No I’m fine, you just get it ok.” Grace said. She pushed past him and walked outside. Aaron turned and looked up at the girl behind the counter, “Um, can I have a large popcorn and two soft pretzels.” Aaron said. Kate turned around, “Ok, oh, hi, Aaron isn’t it?” she asked. Aaron looked at her in surprise. “Um, yea, that’s me.” He said. “Hold on I’ll get that for you.” she said going back to work. Aaron looked around, no one was in there, just him and Kate. “So, you work here?” He asked. ‘Oh smooth, she’s getting you popcorn.’ He thought. “No, I just like to serve people that I don’t know.” She said giggling. Aaron laughed lightly, “That’s a good one.” he said. “So you remember me.” he said. “Well you are in all of my classes, and I’ve noticed that your stair at me in home room.” she said. “Oh, um, you’ve noticed that?” He said. ‘Great now she thinks I’m a freak!’ He thought. “Yea, it’s kinda sweet that you care.” she said, handing him his food. “Thanks.” He said. “That’s three, fifty.” Kate said, “But I’ll guess I’ll see you Monday then.” She said. “Yea, Monday it is.” He said grabbing the stuff off the counter. “Bye.” she said. “Bye.” He said in shock while walking backwards. He almost tripped and she laughed at his little mishap. Grace walked thwarts the car. Damion opened one eye and the lightly pushed Joe off of him. Joe looked at him and Damion pointed to her. Joe slumped back in his seat again. “Man that was close.” Damion said as she approached. Joe smiled at him. Grace got into the car. “Hey where’s Aaron?” Joe asked. “My gosh I finally got him alone with her.” She said. “What are you talking about?” Damion asked. “Well the girl that he likes.” Grace said turning around in the seat to face them. “Kate.” They said in unison. “Ok, creepy, and what were you two doing, it’s hot in here.” She said. “Well the windows are open, aren’t they?’ Damion asked. “Yea but now your in Aaron’s seat.” Joe said. “And I think he’s coming.” Damion said pointing. Grace looked and then opened the door and got out, she walked up to him. Damion looked at Joe they started making out again. “So that’s why you ran off so quickly.” Aaron said. Grace smiled, “Well I figured that, you like her, and if she sees me with you then oh, no there goes your chance.” She said. She turned around and faced the car, and she seen what they were doing. ‘Oh, my god.’ She thought. Aaron smiled at her, “Thanks.” he said. “Your welcome, now lets get back into the car, it’s kinda cold out here.” She said loudly. Damion and Joe must have heard her, so they parted, and sat on their own sides of the car. Grace and Aaron got back into the car. “Why is it so hot, what did you do have a belching contest or did you talk really fast?” Aaron asked. “We talked.” Joe said. “We belched.” Damion said as Joe said his excuse. “Well which one is it?” Aaron asked. They switched the stories. “Ok, I don’t know what’s going on here, and I don’t want you to tell me.” Aaron said. Grace put her head on the steering weel. [Later, At a Restaurant] Damion and Joe sat next to each other the whole ride to the restaurant they wouldn’t stop whispering to each other and giggling. Aaron and Grace sat together and she wasn’t saying much. As they were waiting for their food. Grace stood up, “I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back, Damion could you come with me?” She asked. “No, I’m fine I don’t have to go.” He said. She grabbed his arm, “I’d like you to come with me.” She said. “Ok.” He said standing up. They walked away whispering to each other. “So what have you two been talking about?” Aaron asked Joe as they left. “Who?” Joe asked playing stupid. “Joe, you and Damion, what are you guys been whispering about?” he asked his little brother. “Uh, nothin.” Joe said. “Well whatever it is you guys seem to be pretty close for just meeting each other this morning.” “Oh you know how quick I make friends.” “Yea...” Joe looked away. Damion and Grace stood by a water fountain as they started talking. “Damion what are you doing?” She asked him. “What?” He asked. “You damm well know what was going on, you like Aaron’s brother don’t you?” “No.” She got a mad expression on her face. “Ok, maybe a little bit.” She crossed her arms, and had the same look on her face. “Ok, fine I do. But I mean he’s sweet, he’s not like the other guys I’ve dated.” “But it’s Aaron’s little brother.” “What’s your point?” “It’s Aaron’s little brother, you know your best friend’s little brother.” “Ok.” “Just don’t let Aaron find out ok, I know if he dose he’ll freak on me, ok.” “Joe, you like him don’t you?” Aaron asked. “What, no I deff-.” He started then looked up at his brother and seen that he had crossed his arms and had the same expression on his face that Grace gave Damion. “Oh, fine, yea, I do ok, what are you going to kill me now?” Joe asked. “Aw, my best friend and my brother.” Aaron said. Joe blushed and looked away as the waiter came with the food. “I have a grilled chicken with fries...”He said. “Here.” Joe said. Damion looked up at Grace. “Ok, I won’t tell him, but you should.” Grace said. “Promise me that your lips are sealed?” Damion asked. “I Promise.” She said. Grace and Damion sat down. Joe and Aaron had already started to eat. Damion looked at Aaron, Grace looked at Joe. “So that was a long time, what did you drink Grace?” Aaron asked. “Um, I had a feminine problem, ok?” She said. “Oh, sorry.” Aaron said. Damion and Joe started whispering but having serious faces on. “So what are you guys talking about?” Aaron asked. Damion and Joe looked at him. “It’s ok Damion I know your boyfriend spilt the beans.” Aaron said. Grace looked at Joe, “You little snot booger.” She said. Joe smiled at her and started to laugh. Grace smiled then started to laugh as well. [At Home, Later] Aaron unlocked the door and walked into the living room, he looked at his watch, It was ten thirty, “Hey you know we could’ve stayed out longer, you would have had more fun with Damion.” he said. “Hey, they haven’t left yet.” Joe said looking back. “Dad?” Aaron asked. No answer. “Go and get them.” Aaron said. Joe waved his hand at Grace. Apparently she must have noticed that they were the only one’s in the house. She shut off the car and told Damion to get out as well. Aaron and Joe took off their coats and slung them on the couch. “Hey what’s wrong?” Grace asked walking in. “Come on in, we didn’t have to be home until eleven so you guys can stay. I guess.” Joe said. Damion’s face lit up at those words. Joe smiled at him. “Hey you guys make yourself at home, I’ll get us some drinks.” Aaron said. “Ok.” Grace said. Joe walked up the stairs and down the hall to his room. Grace took her long leather coat off and sat it on the back of the couch. Aaron walked into the kitchen, and seen that their dad had left a note. Boys if you come home early and see this, this means I’m still out now don’t worry I’ll be home soon, but you can have a few friends over, so I’m ok with that. Well I better be going, don’t stay up too late for me. Love you both, Dad Aaron took the note off the fridge and lied it down on the counter, he seen that he had cleaned up his mess that he made trying to cook dinner. Usually Sara cooked for them when she was here, but since she moved out it’s been restaurants and pizza since then. Aaron opened the fridge and grabbed four sodas, he walked out into the living room and noticed that Damion was gone and so was Joe, “Ok, as sweet as that is, it’s still a little disgusting.” he said. Grace looked up from the picture she was holding, “Your mother?” She asked. Aaron walked over to the small table she was at, he put the drinks down and looked at the picture in her hand, “Yea, that was three years ago, a week before the accident. We were up at Raystown.” Aaron said. “She’s beautiful.” Grace said. “Thanks, I really miss her though.” Aaron said. “Yea, it’s hard, but hey, now that I’ve seen her, I can say that you look mostly like her.” She said. “No Grace, did you see Joe standing next to her, he looks almost exactly like her.” Aaron said. “Yea, but look at you guys, a family, a nice peaceful family.” She said. Aaron looked at the picture in her hand, they did look like a family. All of a sudden there was a loud thud from upstairs. “Hey is everything ok up there?!” Aaron yelled up the stairs. Damion popped his head out of the bedroom, “Yea everything’s fine.” He said. He then started laughing and the shut the door. “Oh, gosh.” Aaron said. He turned and looked into the living room. Grace was walking around looking at all the pictures of the Claxson family on the walls and in the places where you could put pictures in stands. “You guys are like a little television family, it’s so weird that all the weird things happen to you, and though you still feel devastated you guys are still the television family.” Grace said. There was a turn of a key on the front door. Aaron unlocked the rest of the door and opened it. In walked Paul. “Hi Dad.” Aaron said. “Hello, Mr. Claxson.” Grace said. “Hi Grace, but call me Paul.” He said. “Ok, you need help with that?” She asked pointing at the grocery bag in his arm. “Oh, no you’re a guest, you don’t need to worry yourself about that, unlike Aaron, son please help me.” He said. Aaron smiled at his dad, Grace giggled at him. He turned his head at her and showed a sign of ‘ugh’ oh his face which made her laugh even more, she walked around the couch as he walked outside. Aaron walked outside and looked at his dad’s car, he piled groceries high in the trunk, and he hated to keep his friend waiting. Grace however kept herself occupied by seeing what the boys were doing upstairs. She knocked on the door of what she thought was Joe’s room. No answer, so she opened the door, it was Aaron’s room. She looked inside but she didn’t touch anything. She looked on the wall and seen the posters he had hanging up, one’ s of Underworld: Evolution. And others of Linkin Park, and Creed, he also had a poster of what she thought was Dungeons & Dragons. She looked on his CD rack and seen that he listened to a lot of people, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Skillit. He also had some soundtracks of some movies that he had on the wall. She sat on his bed and noticed that he was a person that kept everything neat, not messy but not too proper cleaned, She walked over to his desk and seen that he was writing a story. She sat down on the chair and read some of it. She put it down and looked at the other papers on the desk, drawings of people, someone that looked like Damion, one of Grace, one of his brother, and a picture with a drawing attached to it, it was his mother. Grace looked at it and then put it back the way it was. She walked out into the hallway and closed the door, she continued down the hallway, until she heard laughing. She cautioned herself before she opened the door. She opened it to see Damion and Joe on his bed, Damion was lying there face up and Joe was on top of him hugging him kind of, they were talking and laughing. “No way he did that?” Damion asked. “Yea, all over the floor.” Joe said. Damion tried to breathe first then kept laughing. Joe started laughing with him. “Hey guys.” She said walking in. Joe jumped off of Damion, “God, Grace I thought you were my Dad.” He said. “No, but he’s downstairs, so just talk no cuddling.” Grace said. “Ok.” They both said starting to laugh. “Hey what was that thud?” She asked. “Damion falling off the bed.” Joe answered laughing. Damion smiled at her, “I know I’m a dork.” he said. “Yea but you’re my dork.” Joe said kissing him. Damion laughed between the kiss. “Come on guys, lets go downstairs.” Grace said. Joe got up from the side of the bed and Damion flopped over and helped himself up. Grace walked backwards and turned to see Aaron coming up the stairs. “Hey Grace that’s where you went.” Aaron said. She smiled at him. “Come on you guys my dad brought snacks.” Aaron said. At the word snacks Damion and Joe raced downstairs. “I’ll beat ya!” Joe yelled hopping down the stairs. “No fair I got caught on the side of the door.” Damion said. Grace and Aaron laughed at the two and headed downstairs. In the living room Joe and Damion were already each eating a popsicle. Paul was sitting on the recliner beside the two and was watching the television. “Hey dad, can Damion say over?” Joe asked. “Yea, dad, please?” Aaron asked holding on to the railing. “Sure, if that’s ok with his parents, do you need to call them?” Paul asked. “Yea, I’ll do that if I don’t they’ll get worried.” Damion said. “Well I’m gonna go, it was nice seeing you again Mr...Paul.” Grace said. “Grace, you don’t want a fudge pop?” Paul asked. “No thanks, it’s too late for ice cream for me, thanks anyway.” She said. “Well Grace I hope to see you later.” Paul said. “Me too, good-night everyone.” Grace said starting grabbing her coat and heading for the door. “Hey Grace let me walk you out.” Aaron said as Damion passed him into the kitchen. “Ok.” She said opening the door. Damion came back out holding the phone, he waved to Grace as they walked out the door. “Bye Joe, nice meeting you.” She called back before the door closed. “You too, see’ya.” Joe said. Aaron and Grace looked up at the stars in the sky. “Gosh, what a day for you.” Grace said. Aaron looked at her, “So you hear about what happened at lunch.” Aaron said. “Yep, and I also checked out your room, I didn’t know you could wright so well.” Grace said. “You read my story, well, it’s not that good.” He said. “No, your wrong there, the part that I read was really good, what is it about exactly?” She asked him. “Well it’s about this land of mystical creatures, a group of friends, and a hidden treasure inside this land and this group goes and fiends it. One’s a mystic Elf, another is a mystic Wizard. One’s a Rouge, a warrior, and a cleric is involved in all this, they form a party and go and search for all this treasure.” Aaron explained. “Oh really, sounds so cool.” Grace said. “Mages, magic, dragons, wizards, swords, knights.” It’s all so cool to me, but it’s also not real but I still like it though, you should let me read it sometime, when it’s finished.” She said as they approached her car. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, ok Grace, we’re still going to the mall right?” Aaron asked. She nodded, “Wouldn’t miss a shopping trip for the world.” Aaron grinned at her and given her a slight hug. “See’ ya.” Aaron said as she got in her car. Aaron walked over to the door and watched as she got out of sight. ‘A long day, hopefully tomorrow will be better.’ Aaron thought. |