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Here is Chapter Five: Have You Still Not Realized? |
Chapter V “Have You Still Not Realized?” “How long are you planning on keeping him in there Angeline? I think he’s paid for it long enough right? Can we let im’ out already?” Kun asked impatiently as he watched Angeline stare at Ovan through the glass mirror. Ovan sat in a chair with his lulled back against it. Wires connected to a mask around his face hung loosely against his pale skin as puffs of frozen air exited his mouth with every exhale. His right eye had a thick patch over it with wires that mingled with the others that ran freely down his face. His sky blue hair was wet with condensation that the wires gave off every time they blew out the thick puffs of evaporated water from the pressure building inside them. His right arm was bound to the arm of the chair with thick metal clasps that kept it tightly secured. Only the free moving black fingers could be seen from beneath the clasps hanging over the edge of the arm of the chair. Kun watched in awe as the fingers moved freely as if with a will of their own. He had only heard of the legendary Data Gunner’s “black claw” but he had never really seen it. “Damn it. Is that it? That’s the…?” Angeline nodded her consent to him. “Yes, that is the legendary “Dark Claw” that is said to rival the power of the Net Monster himself. A great and terrible power that if left uncontrolled could spell the end of this world.” Kun turned back to look at the fingers’ moving from beneath the clasp. A shiver of fear ran down his spine the likes of which he had never felt before. Here was something that had enough power to level an entire city and the only thing that was restraining it was a little computer system. “Kun.” Snapped out of his daze, Kun looked at Angeline. “Uh…yeah?” She never moved her gaze from Ovan as she continued talking. “What happened out there? We can’t afford that many casualties, you know that.” Kun shook his head and rubbed the back of it. “Honestly, I dunno. By the time I got there, he was already busting caps everywhere. He had no care in the world about anyone else but BladeEdge. The worst of it is that he knew that those bullets weren’t doing worth shit against Edge and he still kept firing. It’s like he lost his mind. What’s worse…Edge was enjoying it. He didn’t give a damn. He just kept letting Ovan fire at im with no remorse or even a blink. It was a truly frightening scene. I’m glad you called us out. I was so scared I couldn’t move.” Angeline nodded her head. “Thankfully there were only a few casualties. It was easy enough to explain to the police. We need to get this situation under control. Borin has lost his mind. Come with me.” “Where’re we goin?” Kun asked confused. Grabbing him around the wrist and pulling him, Angeline turned to look over her shoulder. “We are going to Jaren’s lab to see if we can find some more information on the Dark Data Corrupts. We need to put out this fire while it’s still small enough to snuff out.” The two of them walked the halls in silence until they reached the long forgotten door of Jaren Arlington’s office. Angeline let a silent tear fall down her face as she stared at the door. “There are so many memories in this room. Poor Jaren, I hope we can live to see a world like the one he imagined.” She said, taking a key that was taped to the underside of her clipboard and pressed it into the whole. The door creaked as Kun pushed it open revealing a room that was so dark not even the lighting of the neighboring buildings offered any illumination. Angeline walked over to Jaren’s desk and started thumbing through the papers in his drawers while Kun scanned the room. His eyes fell upon a picture of Jaren and his family and picked it up. “Wow, they really were a pretty family weren’t they Angeline? Which one of these boys is Ovan?” Angeline stopped rummaging through the papers and walked over to Kun. She took the picture from him, looked at it and pointed to a tall, thin dirty blonde headed boy ruffling the hair of a younger brunette boy. “This is Bridge Arlington. He was the oldest son of Jaren and Amberly. He is Ovan.” Kun examined the picture and nearly fell over with shock at what he saw. “No way! That’s Ovan!? He’s smilin’! Ovan doesn’t smile! Is this s’posed to be some sorta joke?!” Angeline lowered her head. “They were a beautiful family. I can’t believe so much happened to such a sweet family.” Seeing that he had said the wrong thing, Kun made an attempt to try and correct his wrongs. “Look uh, they do seem like nice people. What happened exactly besides Ovan’s…you know?” Angeline put the picture back down. “We need to look for some information on Pure Dark Data Corrupts before we do anything else. Look everywhere in here.” Silence once again filled the room as the two searched the room. Kun looked everywhere thoroughly, knocking over a picture of Jaren’s wife, Amberly off of the wall. Behind it was a small disk inside a plastic folder taped to the wall. “Hey Angeline. I think you should have a look at this!” he yelled to Angeline over his shoulder. She dropped what she was doing and went over to him. “What is it? What did you find Kun?” He handed the disk over to her. Upon the shiny exterior there were the words: Data Beasts, written in a bold dark pen. Angeline looked at Kun and then back at the disk. “Let’s go into the training facilities tech lab and look at the contents. Whatever these Data Beasts are, they are what the original CEO wanted from Jaren.” Kun nodded his agreement and the two left the office. In the darkness of his Tomb within the deepest part of the InteraNet, BladeEdge lay floating freely in the cold abyss. His arms rested beside him as he devoured the fragmented data that floated into his tomb. The patches of the disease that covered his body radiated a sickly green and then dulled again. He smiled a sick grin at the ecstasy that this feeling gave him. A Data Fragment Dragon floated over to its master and perched upon his left hand. It buzzed a couple of words and then floated away. BladeEdge’s toothed grin became a full fledged smile. Finally, the door has opened and the way has become clear. Soon, my Eve of Twilights will begin and the rule of man shall end. He stretched his legs beneath him and came to stand on the nothingness. Holding out his clawed hand he opened a tear in the InteraNet and stepped through it. Upon entering the door of the Training Facility’s tech room, Angeline ordered Kun to close and lock the door behind them. She gently pushed the disk they had found into a disk port and watched. An image of Jaren, the late CEO of the CDRA, appeared as a hologram before them. “Greetings.” It began and then fizzled a little. “Ovan, my son, if you are seeing this then it means that I have died before having a chance to explain the situation that is going on in this world. I regret that I have not fully come to understand what is going on but I have found out a great deal that may assist you in finding the one we both love. This world that we live in has come under a dreadful plague as you well know. This new disease is the bi-product of genetic and digital research that myself was once involved in. This disease, know known as Data Corruption Syndrome is the result of the body’s desire to fight off wave mutations of the body’s cells. As the immune system tries to fight it off, the disease itself possesses the white blood cells and turns them against the body itself thus resulting in the sickly green patches that you have seen. This disease often results in one of two things and in some rare occasions, both. The disease is a parasite and thus tries its best not to kill its host but often fails causing the cells to become inflamed an unable to flow correctly. In some cases the foreign virus devours these cells and takes their shape, twisting the body and warping it into something known as a Pure Dark Data Corrupt or PDDC. These beings are no longer human and thus can not be purified only offering one option: termination.” The image fizzled again and then came back. “The next thing I must tell you is in regard to Biology Technologies Inc. BioTech, at its creation, was only meant to try and find new medicines for things like cancer, diabetes and the common cold. All of that changed with the turn of the century and the arrival of the new CEO Thomas Borin. I once worked for him but once I saw his sick desires of creating genetically enhanced ‘super soldiers’ by using the computer as a medium, I immediately withdrew my support and quit. After hearing of the first case of Data Corruption Syndrome I quickly began researching a cure to end the ‘Infected Ones’ pain and suffering and thus gave rise to the Pyralis System. This system in and of itself is an immunity to DCS and its effects but not an ultimate cure. These tiny microbiological robots attach themselves to the infected cells relieving the pain and blocking the spreading by rendering the infected cell benign and unable to cause any further harm. The only flaw is that it will only be able to take effect in the most dangerous of cases. I had no one to test it on so when I heard what happened to you I had to try and help you. I was too late in preventing the full infection of your right arm, my son, but I was able to contain it.” A pause came over the disk as a digitally rendered image of Ovan’s right arm came up. Kun drew back in fear at seeing the real thing. It was purse black aside from thin lines that looked like blood vessels that pulsed a neon green and then dulled again. They looked like the cracks one would see in a volcanic rock after the magma cooled. The wrist of the arm was thin while the claw itself was twice as large as a normal hand. The fingers moved freely as if with a mind of their own. Jaren came back up to continue. “This is the Dark Claw that is now your right arm. As you can see it freely moves as if and by its own free will. By manipulating its design I was able to force it to your will and into the legendary Data Gunner.” Kun and Angeline watched as the digital image transformed into the Data Gunner, the giant weapon that made many fear Ovan avoid him. “This weapon has the capabilities to either purify or destroy a Dark Data Corrupt. It is a weapon of true power and is not to be taken lightly. This is what Thomas wanted from me and is the reason I was killed.” Angeline began crying at the thought that the Data Gunner was the cause of Jaren’s death. Kun gave her a tissue as they continued to watch. “I have explained the basics to you so far my son but now with what little time I have left with you I will explain the most important things to you. The first is about the Data Beast: Pyralis and Mephiles. Together these two have the power to destroy the world without any opposition. The first one, Pyralis, is a canine-like lizard, possessing the head and chest of a wolf but the body of a reptilian. His power lies in the ability to render the most corrupt data immobile and purify those who still have hope. His body is built for speed and endurance, with the capability to run at speeds up to mach four. He too possesses a Data Gunner located in his right arm. The second is Mephiles, a darker beast that resembles a dragon fully and is capable of infecting any technology it touches. The two are extremely dangerous and not to be taken lightly. Their creation is still pure theory but I will explain what I can.” Jaren paused and brought up three dimensional renderings of the two Data Beasts he just described. “This is what we believe Pyralis and Mephiles to look like. This is still speculation due to the fact that neither beast has been seen since their creation. Most scientists believe they were a result of a failed computer game experiment and have been deleted but still others such as myself believe something far greater. Our belief is that these two actually originated in the digital plane itself. We believe that data fragments or ‘ghosts’ in the system came together and formed a mind of their own. Seeing the faults of man, these two Digital Titans ravaged the net, crashing main frames and erasing valuable files. Some dangers back then even went a far as launching nuclear war heads and disabling manual override. Their whereabouts this day and age are unknown. I believe they will resurface as the Digital War comes in the future and bring about cataclysmic events on a world wide scale.” Kun stepped back from the computer image. “What the hell?!! Are you kidding me!? If the damn things are so dangerous, why the damned research?!” Angeline shook her head. “He must have had a good reason Kun. I have heard of those two beasts before. They appeared once in Silicon Valley in Neo-California about ten years ago and almost caused the destruction of almost a million government facilities. It was thought to be Armageddon.” “Tch. Well if you ask me, crap like that needs to be destroyed and left dead.” Kun said in rebuttal. Jaren continued. “The last thing I am sure you have many questions about is the legendary Net Monster that appeared a year ago. Many scientists have speculation as to whom or what it is. I myself have done some research on it and come up nearly empty handed. All I know is that at present, it is the most powerful being in existence in the digital plane. His ability to move between the digital plane and our own makes him next to impossible to track. His body is made up completely of Data Corruption Syndrome. However, the most startling is his form itself. In no case of DCS has any being been able to warp their body into another animal. It is unheard of and still baffles even the best scientists to this day. The only thing that is for certain is that his origins lie in BioTech’s mainframe. He is extremely dangerous and is responsible for the destruction and disappearances of a whole military base in Neo-Londinium. No one has been able to find the bodies of the soldiers that were based at the naval base. Authorities arriving at the scene described it as ghastly. Reports showed that there was no sign of a struggle nor blood or anything. He is very dangerous. Avoid him at all costs. Ovan, no, Bridge, please forgive me for what I had to do. Your encounter with the Net Monster scared me so much; I had to try something to save you. I couldn’t save Amberly, and I couldn’t save Jonathan. Please forgive me and understand…I have always loved you, my son.” The image fizzled and then died, leaving Kun and Angeline in silence. “Damn it!” a soldier’s scream could be heard echoing through the halls of a New Egypt base. Guns echoed in throughout the building coupled with the scrambling feet of frightened civilians trying to escape. “Dammit! I’ve heard of this bastard but I never once thought I’d be trying gun him down!” a frightened soldier yelled to his female captain. “Shut the hell up Nelson! Just focus on firing the damn gun! We have to protect the civilians at all costs!” she said just as a decapitated body of a soldier flew in between them. “Damn it all, just what the hell is this thing anyway??!” As she finished speaking, the barrel of her gun was grabbed in the bloodied, clawed hands of none other than BladeEdge himself. “Dammit…dammit….dammit…” she said as she tried desperately to reload the clip in her gun. Finally the clip slid in and she cocked it and opened fire right in BladeEdge’s face. He let go and back flipped away from the initial shot. He maneuvered his body in different twists and turns to avoid the rest of the bullets fire until just the faint clicking of an empty barrel could be heard. The soldier desperately felt through the clips of her belt to reload only to be stopped by one of BladeEdge’s green wires bursting into her leg and sending her to the ground on her back. “Ugh.” She said and quickly took her leg into her arms in a fetal position. She looked up to see BladeEdge towering above her. Tears immediately came to her eyes out of fear. BladeEdge smiled a wide, bloody smile. Bits of the disease dripped off of his fangs. Poor little girl. Was all he said before falling to his knees and pinning her to the ground with his hands grasping her wrists. “What…are you…? What kind of monster are you?” she said in a trembling voice as she looked up into his burning orange eyes. BladeEdge smiled at her and then grabbed her face and pulled her just above the ground with one hand. Brutally he slammed his fangs into her neck, cracking bones and tendons as his jaws clamped nearly shut. She screamed in agony as her body grew so cold it began to burn, freezing her blood and paralyzing her lungs. After she fell limp, BladeEdge dropped her to the ground and continued to the master computer room. Soldiers stood with guns facing the bolted doors awaiting orders from their commanding officer to fire. “The son of a bitch will never get in here. Those doors are double reinforced steel with iron bolted locks. Where the hell is our backup that we were promised?” Commander Christian Murdock, the son of the previously murdered commander of the Londinium Air Base, stood ready to go head to head with the monster that killed his father. “That’s right you son of a bitch, come and get me. I’m right here.” The soldiers stood in fear as the gun shots from outside the door grew silent followed by an eerie stillness. BladeEdge examined the doors and smirked as he slammed his fist in the grooves and ripping the doors to shreds. The soldiers stood shocked and watched the dust clear. BladeEdge walked through the dust of the crumbling doors and found himself face to face with over fifty soldiers with guns. He smirked and continued walking forward. “Orders sir?!” a grunt asked in fear. Murdock raised his gun. “Blow the son of a bitch out of the water. Open fire!!!” At that order the room was filled with gunfire. Instead of dodging this time, BladeEdge just continued walking forward through the barrage. As he came upon the soldiers first line he grappled with each and everyone of them either biting or killing them each time until only Murdock was the only one left. Murdock smiled and the chance to face off against the very monster that killed his father. “Finally. I have waited for a chance to go head to head with you, bastard. Now, let’s see how much power you truly have!” he said and rushed at BladeEdge. BladeEdge just stood there; his smile was now diminished into an emotionless expression. He had never had his intimidation challenged but this mere Pureblood human had mocked him. He was going to pay. He closed his eyes as Murdock’s fist met with his forehead. “Grrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaggghhhh!!!!” Murdock screamed as the bones in his fist and arm cracked upon impact with BladeEdge’s forehead. He stumbled back and grasped his arm in agonizing pain. BladeEdge walked up behind Murdock and kicked him in the side, sending him reeling across the floor and into a wall. Murdock got to his feet and ran across the floor punching BladeEdge in the stomach, face and even trying to take his legs out from under him. After hitting his knee, BladeEdge got up and shook off the blows he just received. He bore his fangs at Murdock and took a speed that was unmatched by any other, plowing his entire hand through Murdock’s stomach. Murdock gagged. “Wh…wh…what…are you?” he said as BladeEdge ripped his hand from his stomach. BladeEdge, refusing to answer his question, stepped over him and hacked into the data base to download access codes to the global IntraLink. He smirked as the codes flowed into his mind. After the codes finished downloading, BladeEdge walked back over to Murdock and kneeled down to him. Murdock looked up at him with fear in his eyes. A searing pain filled his neck as BladeEdge bit into it. “Fa...Fath…er… I’m…so…so…sorry.” He said and fell lifeless to the floor. BladeEdge snickered and left the room. With these codes, my infiltration into the IntraLink will go undisturbed and this world will know my wrath. After viewing the contents on the disk that she and Kun had found, Angeline found herself walking down the hall of the CDRA towards Ovan’s prison. She found her feet moving faster and faster, the heels of her shoes echoing throughout the emptiness. Jaren’s words hung thickly in her mind. After seconds of thought, she escalated into a sprint towards Ovan to talk to him. She had to. Now that she knew, she had to talk to him. Upon entering the frigid room, Angeline bent over panting. After steadying herself, she looked up at Ovan. Smoke still protruded out of the vents in the mask while the claw freely flowed its jagged fingers beneath its restraints. “Oh Ovan. No, Bridge, I’m so sorry. I had no idea about any of this. I’m so very sorry.” She said and walked up to him to embrace him around the neck. “You must understand I only did this to keep you safe. BladeEdge would’ve killed you Ovan. There were too many people around and many were getting hurt because of your useless fighting. Surely you must’ve known that. I only wanted to protect the other people. Please Bridge, forgive me.” She said sobbing as she held him closer. Kun joined Ryder and Midnight in the cafeteria where they, along with other teams were enjoying the reports of a new shuttle launch. “What the?” one guy said as the screen started to fizzle and then shift to an image of a fanged grin and glowing orange eyes. The figure’s body was outlined in thin green lights that seemed to come from the green lines around his neck. Greetings people of the world. He began telepathically speaking through every monitor of the New Earth. Kun quickly raised himself up from his chair. “What on God’s green Earth? That can’t be what I think it is?” Midnight quickly joined him with a look of shock on his face. “It appeayahs that we may nawt hayuv as much time as we thawt.” Damn. Kun thought to himself and slammed his fist to the table top. BladeEdge continued. For far too long you Purebloods have overlooked the suffering that bubbles beneath your feet. Many of your own people are screaming, kicking and crying out to the deaf ears of you fools who are not indeed personally suffering. You ignore those in pain and dying slowly of a disease that you yourselves have brought to power. You support those who would cause more damage to this pathetic rock you call a home and deliberately put your trust in those who are indeed furthering this crisis. Children are being taken from the streets. You ask yourself why and yet do nothing about it. You refuse to hear their cries for salvation. You turn your backs on your own loved ones and remain silent when you should have stood against your tormentors but yet here you are silent as the grave. I have been standing by for far too long. To those who have suffered beneath these Purebloods, look forward to the Eve of Twilights when the world shall be cleansed of all Pureblood fools and those who have done us wrong. BladeEdge departed the screen leaving it fizzling and full of static. Kun just stood there in shock and awe beside Midnight; the both of them still stared at the computer. The two stared at each other and then back at the screen. “Damn it. What the hell was that all about?” “Honestleh, I dunno. Thyus is the first tiyum I actualleh saw ‘it’”. Midnight said as shocked as Kun. Rupert Borin sat watching the recorded message that BladeEdge just sent to the whole world. He smirked at the ultimatum. “So, you wish to play games. That’s fine with me. In the end it’ll all be the same and you and that wretched Ovan will soon belong to me anyway. Be prepared my precious tool, the war between us will soon come to an end.” Morganna stood at the front of his desk. “Shall I tell him to move Master Borin?” Another smirk made its way across his face. “Yes. It begins now. The battle between BladeEdge’s will and my own has now begun.” Angeline perused through the data on the disk that she and Kun had found earlier that evening. Midnight walked through the door and approached her. “What’s thayat?” he asked upon seeing BladeEdge’s hologram image being displayed. Angeline quickly shut off the disk. “Nothing. What do you want Midnight?” Midnight hmphed. “Now thayat isn’t vereh nyice. I can heyelp wonderin where Ovan might eyund up bein?” Angeline turned away from him. “Ovan is…incapacitated at the moment. He’ll be around later.” She said and departed the room. Midnight smirked. “Of couyus heh iyus.” He said and departed the room to go see Ovan. The door to Ovan’s prison shooted open with a swish as Midnight stepped in with a sadistic smirk. “Haylo Ovan. It hayus beyun a while. I hayuppened to over heyeah bout yaw lil skirmish wyith the Neyut Mawnsta. What coud ya’ll hayuv been thinkin? Ya’ll know, it used to beh a lil betta round hyeah didn’t iyut? Ya’ll actualleh hayud a personaliteh.” He paused and took a thick syringe out of his pocket along with a thick tube. “Fawgyuv meh my frieyund.” He said as he inserted the needle into Ovan’s arm and collected his blood into the tube. “We all hayuve to choose a siyud in the eyund. I choose to be awn the winnin syud.” After those last words, he left the room, leaving Ovan alone in the darkness. After Midnight’s departure, Angeline entered Ovan’s room with an evaluation chart. She started checking Ovan’s vital signs. “I’m so sorry for this. I know you hate to be cooped up like this but you gave me no choice, I had to stop you from hurting any more people. Don’t worry; your time of imprisonment is almost over. I’ll let you out soon, just give me a couple more days.” She said as she looked down at the claw’s fingers moving from beneath its restraint. “It wasn’t always like this was it? I remember your father Bridge. I remember when Jonathan was born. Amberly was so happy with her sons. You were an absolute genius and Jonathan was well on his way to follow in your shoes. When Jaren first came in here and told me you were bit by the Net Monster, I was so scared that you would die on me. We worked hours into the night to ensure you would survive. I can’t explain to you why the Net Monster is so fixated on you. I thought you would know. I have to confess to you, when Jaren came to me and told me he was going to ask Amberly to marry him I was furious and full of jealousy. I was so in love with your father that it hurt to give him up.” She pulled a stool over beside Ovan and sat down. She ran her fingers through his hair as she continued talking. “I remember when you were born Bridge. Your mother was so happy when she held you in her hands. Her smile was so wide that I thought it was almost inhuman. Bridge, please. Please understand that I love you as if you were my own child. I couldn’t do anything to save Jonathan but I can do everything in my power to save you. I will do everything I can. I will make you happy again Bridge. I will try so hard to make your life as normal as possible. Just suffer with me just a little longer.” She said, got up and departed the room. Ovan’s fingers twitched at the end of the arm rest as he opened his eye slowly against the cold. He felt his consciousness coming back into focus but couldn’t move against the restraints. He wanted to train harder in order to defeat BladeEdge and resume his search for his younger brother. “Order, order in this court!” the voice of the head of the United Nations Government rang throughout the filled room to silence the politicians in his presence. “This meeting regarding our resent threat by the notorious Hacker will begin at once! Be seated!” The first to address the speaker was a politician from Neo-France. “It is unthinkable that we of the UN of the New World should bend to a lowly Cyber Terrorist! He must be destroyed or else we of Neo-France shall declare a personal war against him and crush him from existence!” claps erupted from the other members. A female representative from New Austria stood against the Frenchman. “That is utter suicide! We all know what it is capable of! To disturb it could cause catastrophic events that would result in the downfall of the peoples’ trust in this government!” She turned to address the Speaker. “Your honor, I must speak against this man’s claims. Need I remind you of how many people have died at its hands? Two United States Air bases and Neo-Londinium have been attacked; not a soul was found in any of these attack sites. My reports have found that not a sign of a struggle was given or left at these sites. Your honorable Speaker of the House, ladies and gentlemen of the UN, we must not indeed bend to the Hacker’s will but nor should we declare war on him. Let us find out what he wants and why he gives such hostile intentions before we jump into a hasty conclusion.” Before the Frenchman could react, the Speaker’s hand went up for silence. “We shall vote. Military action versus contact appeasement. All residing, vote now. If you are for a course in military action then please press the red button; if you are for appeasement and peaceful engagement then please press the blue button. All neutral parties reconsider the purple button as we are dealing with a choice that could either serve as our salvation or destroy us.” Thirty minutes passed before the votes were counted; three hundred and seventy to one hundred seventy four in agreement for military action. The Speaker lowered his head but had no choice but to agree. “Very well. You have all spoken. Military action shall be brought against this hacker.” To one of his subordinates he added. “Contact the NNASA and all satellite countries to find this monstrosity. We will hunt it down as it has hunted us.” Angeline returned to her office to find that the disk she and Kun had found had disappeared from its resting place in her computer’s CD drive. “No! Where is it?!” she said as she searched frantically for the disk. Kun walked into her office along with Ryder. “Hey Angeline. Whoa. What happened? You takin’ up remodelin’ or somethin’?” Angeline looked up at him from her spot on the floor. “No smart ass. I’m looking for that data disk we found the other day. It appears to have been stolen from us.” Kun’s eyes widened in shock. “What the hell?! Angeline, you do remember what was on that disk right?!” “Of course I do you imbecile! That’s precisely why I’m looking so hard! Now help me look!” she shouted at the two. While the three of them were rummaging through Angeline’s things to find the lost disk Rupert Borin’s image appeared on Angeline’s computer screen. “Oh dear. Are you taking up remodeling Angeline?” he said in his sly sadistic voice. The three of them froze in their tracks. Angeline went to the screen. “What is it that you want you bastard?” she hissed coldly at him. “Oh my,how rude. And here I was just going to have a nice little chat with you. Well, since you were so rude and decided to address me so coldly then I too will lose the formalities. I want you and your ridiculous company to back off. Do you hear me Angeline? Back off. If you persist in monitoring me and spying on my personal records, then I can’t guarantee the safety of any of your facilities or Pure Data Corrupts. Continue your hostile activities towards me and watch as your precious company is torn out from under your feet. Have I made myself clear? You and your pathetic PDCs better leave me the hell alone. You have been warned Angeline.” “Tch. Please Rupert. You know very well you have nothing in your arsenal that can stand against Data Gunner or the Net Monster. You are just blowing smoke; empty, bodiless smoke. I’ll keep opposing you until the day I die. Have I made myself clear Rupert? Your father did no good and neither will you.” Angeline replied with a snotty attitude. Rupert laughed a maniacal laugh. “Very well Angeline. Let it be war. I can do that. We shall see which one of us stays standing after this is over.” He said and disappeared from the screen. Rupert sat smirking in his chair after his chat with Angeline. “They’ve refused to comply Mr. Borin, what shall we do now?” Morganna asked bowing to her boss. “Nothing. Just release my new Pure Dark Data Corrupts on her precious trainees and the city. Are they ready for activation Morganna?” Morganna nodded. “At current we have about ten of them in activation. The rest are still being worked on. Do you wish for the activated ones to mobilize?” Rupert smirked. “Yes. Mobilize my D.A.R.C.S would you Morganna? Let’s see how Angeline reacts to those.” Morganna bowed to him and departed the room. The clip clop of a coated man and woman cuddling in the night could be heard in the cold night air. He stroked her hair while she hugged him close. Out of the darkness six red dots are accompanied by a low growl. The two turned to look towards their new guest only to be devoured with only a scream. A bird like creature emerged from the darkness with the arm of the man dangling from its jaws. It raised its head and let out a dreadful groaning sound that echoed through the night. Kun sprinted down the halls of the CDRA to the Operating Room where Angeline stood with Midnight and Ryder. He stopped next to Ryder panting at his lost breath. “What the hell is goin on here?! The sirens are going nuts in the city! People are in a friggin’ panic! Angeline, what the hell is going on?!” Angeline turned to address them. Brent sat at the monitor. “Alright, at about sixteen hundred hours we were sent a satellite feed picturing this creature.” She paused and allowed the monitor to come up and display the new Pure Dark Data Corrupt. “Already, about four people have been killed and another twelve infected. I have sent teams out to deal with them but they have yet to return. I want the three of you to go out and deal with these new threats.” Midnight stepped forward. “Withawt Ovan? I dunno Angeline. Thayut might be outta aw hayunds.” Kun hmphed. “We don’t always need to count on Ovan. We can deal with these bullies. C’mon!” he said and the three of them ran out of the room. Panic erupted in the streets as police and military officers fought their very best in order to fight against the D.A.R.C.S. Kun rammed his car into one of the PDDCs causing it to release a screaming woman to the ground. “Yeah! Go me!” Midnight ran up one of their backs kicked it in the face. “Calm dayown son. We ain’t outta thiyus yayut” Ryder grappled with the third one. It grabbed her by the wrist and threw her against Kun. Kun recovered quickly. “Damn it. What are these? We can’t even put a dent in em.” Ryder used her hands to push herself back onto her feet. “Damn them!” Midnight shortly flew towards them only to rotate himself on his hand and catch on his feet. “Thiyus may be hawdeh thayun we thawyt.” All of them froze when Rupert Borin appeared on the large television screens around the city. “People of the World. Fear not, I have the key to all of your salvations. These new threats that plague you shall not have their way around here as long as I am present. My company has the ability to cure what ails you and banish these monsters for ever.” “Tch. What a friggin liar.” Kun said as he dusted himself off. In the darkness of his tomb, BladeEdge sat watching Borin’s broadcast from a hacked satellite feed. A growl emerged from deep within his throat as he remembered this man’s father. “Foo….l…ish…mort…al.” he said as he watched Rupert spill lie after lie on the screen. He then smirks at the facile promises Rupert seemed to be making. Promises that his body couldn’t keep. A Data Dragon landed on his shoulder and buzzed. I think it is time that Mr.Borin’s offspring had a little heart to heart talk. He said, opened a portal to BioTech’s computers and stepped through. Borin watched from his top floor office as the people began to flock his company’s doors down below his feet. He smirked as he saw his visitor’s reflection in the glass of the window. “Ah, so here you are at last. It’s good to finally meet you Net Monster.” He paused and turned to look at BladeEdge. “Or should I call you BladeEdge? It’s your choice.” BladeEdge’s expression never changed from a serious and hateful glare. “Well, aren’t you going to speak? Or is everything you say going to be fragmented? Come on now, speak up. After all, you will soon be kissing my feet and calling me Master.” BladeEdge lost it and in less than two seconds was face to face with Rupert Borin. He grabbed him by the neck and raised him off of the floor with one hand. He bore his teeth in rage and let a low growl echo from his throat. I am here to erase the source of the lies and deceptions that are being fed to this world. You Mr. Borin and your father. “Now, now.” Borin said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun which he pointed at BladeEdge’s forehead. “No need to be rash about this.” Although he would normally put up a barrier to protect against guns, BladeEdge flipped backwards to avoid being shot by Borin. A second shot sent him to his knee as it gracefully raked the flesh. BladeEdge struggled to stand against the blood that was falling from his wound. Rupert walked around Edge as he kept losing his ground and falling again. He grabbed Edge by his hair and sent him skidding across the ground and into the wall. Another shot collided with BladeEdge’s shoulder sending him another wave of throughout his body. “Don’t you like it? This was made from the very immunity that resides in Data Gunner’s blood. Nice isn’t it? Now, if you have indeed forgotten, it was my company that gave you the power you possess now.” He grabbed BladeEdge by the glowing wires around his neck and pulled it up into a painful position. “Do I need to remind you of who exactly gave you life? Do I…BladeEdge? I made you and I can unmake you.” BladeEdge’s eyes grew wide as he remembered the day of his birth. “Activate the Mephiles Chip. Let’s see the resurrection of the legendary Data Beast!” the voice of Thomas Borin echoes throughout a room full of scientists and businessman. Jonathan’s eyes open as the shocks of pain are sent through are sent through his body. Images of his online character flash through his mind causing his body to warp and mutate into a twisted version of the maned wolf. With inhuman strength he breaks the restraints that hold him fast to the table and raises up to look at his newly clawed hands. He raises his head and lets out a gruesome howl that echoes in the room. Thomas Borin begins to approach him uttering calming words trying to quell his rage. Anger flows across his face as he uses his new found power to destroy the entire facility. He kneels down to the ground and utters one word: BladeEdge. BladeEdge’s eyes began glowing a fearsome burnt orange as he tried to break free from Rupert’s grasp. You may have created me but you have no control over me. I stand alone! He said as he grabbed Rupert around the neck. Rupert took this time to press a button on his cufflink on his right hand. BladeEdge watched as a door opened in the corner of the office, releasing puffs of ice cold smoke followed by a huge black beast. Edge adjusted his ears to hear the growls from the creature. His eyes widened as the creature leapt from the darkness and grabbed him in its massive jowls. The piercing of the creature’s fangs in his sides and stomach caused his wounds to burn. Despite the great pain, BladeEdge used all his strength to force the creature’s mouth open releasing him and letting him fall to the floor. “Do you like it BladeEdge? It’s known as a Gabriel Hound and it has the Pyralis system in its saliva just like Ovan has in his body. Do you like that BladeEdge?” Rupert said with a sadistic laugh. “Sick him my beautiful Pure Dark Data Corrupt!” With those commands, the Gabriel Hound leapt over Borin and onto BladeEdge, knocking the two of them out of the giant window and into the storming night. BladeEdge caught his feet on the wall and started running down the side of the building followed by the free falling Gabriel Hound. The Hound uses the force of its body to bring the two of them down to the ground with a huge crash. BladeEdge took the opportunity of the creature’s temporary coma to regain his composure. He body now bled pools of his infected blood from his newly opened wounds. The Hound rose to its feet and now stood towering over BladeEdge. It roared in his face. BladeEdge growled in return. The two stood in a stare down in the falling rain. The Hound took a flying leap into BladeEdge who dug his toe nails into the ground and blocked the beast’s tackle. The raking of the creature’s second pair of nails against his flesh brought a roar from his lips followed by the clasping of his fangs in the beast’s soft hide. The Hound began to force BladeEdge backwards in the mud. Using its second pair of arms it grabbed BladeEdge’s midriff and pushed him to the ground. BladeEdge back flipped away from its jaws and clawed it in the face causing it to roar in pain. He released the green wires around his wrists and neck to form his circular blades. He spun them rapidly causing fragments of Data to fly off in different directions. The Hound began running at him in attempt to pin him again. BladeEdge’s eyes radiated a burning gold and orange. Come and get me you wretched monstrosity. He said and hurled the blades just as the Gabriel Hound leapt into the air. In the silence that followed the Gabriel Hound lay slain in the mud. BladeEdge de-formed his blades and looked down at his foe. Borin…Rupert…Borin…this fight…is far from over. He said and limped away just as the cops began arriving at the scene. In the frozen prison Ovan sat by himself in the dark still unable to move. A buzzing noise from the computer announced BladeEdge’s arrival. The security system deactivated allowing him to approach. He walked up to Ovan with blood dripping from his wounds from his fight with the Gabriel Hound. He stared down at his brother, releasing a low growl of anger at Angeline’s audacity. Gently he touched Ovan’s face with his claws and then the mark on his neck. Ovan, have you still not realized? Have you still not realized why you are still alive? Kill me Ovan. Grow stronger and kill me. All will become clear…all of it. He said and departed from the room. After his guest’s departure, Ovan’s eye shot open as he began to break free of his prison. He stood dripping with the condensation of the room. He made his way to the computer table and took his guns. His claw moved freely until he covered it. “BladeEdge. I will…kill you.” He said and exited the room with a new found will to hunt. |