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This is a discussion about male and female energy. |
It's so funny what's happening in the world today. We hear of bombings in practically every city in the world. Violations against women, children, and the environment. Our ozone layer is practically gone. We're drinking acid rain, breathing carbon monoxide, and eating mutated foods. It's a miracle we're still alive. Let's get mystical. In a mystical point of view, we may be able to find some reasons about balancing of energies. Polarity. The negative and the positive. To be more intricate -- the yin and the yang. The yin is the female aspect of the equation; the yang, the male. According to mystics, the moon represents the female and the sun represents the male, which I guess makes sense. Take our calendar for instance. We are using the solar calendar divided into 365 days, 12 months, or 52 weeks. If it were the lunar calendar, we would be basing our time measurements on the phases of the moon -- waning moon, waxing moon, new moon, full moon... Sounds really weird, doesn't it? How about hormones? Testosterone for the male, progesterone for the female. Too much of either in either sex causes physical and chemical changes in the body. Too much testosterone causes women to actually have facial hair. Too much in males actually causes them to become more arrogant and violent. Why do you think there are so many rape cases? On the other hand, too much progesterone causes men to have breasts, and too much in women causes them to feel tired all time, even to the point of sedation. Too much progesterone in a clinically depressed woman could actually prove to be catastrophic. Depression has a tendency to worsen when accompanied by this hormone. How about our world religions? Would we ever see a Catholic priestess? Or even a popess? That is really a very strange-sounding word, isn't it? In Arab territory, men are allowed to have as much as four wives (as well as harems on the side). Women, on the other hand, are subjected to torture or death even if they were raped. They are accused of tempting the men even when they were forced. What a strange world we're living in! It is run by men or to be more accurate, male energy. According to Jung, each of us has the animus (female) and the (anima) male archetypes in our personalities. We each just have more of the other. We seem to manifest these aspects based on our genetic preferences which explains why we experience compassion at the sight of an orphaned kitten and irritability towards an old beggar. Or even a disregard for the environment but making sure that your child is breathing clean air. How about our family laws? Read through those laws and you would see just how "equal" the punishment or sentence is if the one who did the wrong is the woman. There has to be balance to make sure we survive. I keep wondering what the world would be like if it is domineered by female energy. War is a male ideology. It is arrogance in its purest sense, which doesn't really make sense to me at all. I mean, who really goes to war? It is usually the men although we already have female soldiers. Who thinks up of going to war in the first place? I don't think it had ever been a woman, unless she was an Amazonian. The Amazonians only fight when they had too, not because they wanted to conquer the world or anything. Who usually commits the rape, pedophilia, incest, and even more disgustingly, zoophelia? Still the males. Testosterone sure is a dangerous chemical. Unfortunately, we cannot obliterate it completely. It does have its uses. If it's gone, all our men would be sopranos. That's another thing: Back in the Middle Ages, women weren't allowed to sing in church choirs because they were deemed inferior and therefore, not worthy. So they castrated 12-13-year-old boys so their voices won't ever deepen at all and will forever sing in the church choir. I guess being a eunuch was fashionable in those days. See what crazy things men do to prove their superiority? By making eunuchs of themselves. And I guess being relieved of their testicles made their loads a lot lighter to carry. :) Don't get me wrong. I do have a father whom I love very much. I don't have any brothers though, for which I'm grateful and I guess makes me very lucky. Brothers have a tendency to poke around where they're not wanted so I thank heavens I don't have one. And then there's that word: GOD. Why not GODDESS? Why just GOD? I guess I'm being blasphemous when I say that there is a Goddess and a God. There should be balance, remember? Have you heard of the witch hunts? Back in the 17th to the 19th century? If you can count all the women who had died to kill off the so-called "Old Religion" to embrace the "New Religion," which was the Catholic Church, it would have amounted to about five million. And how many Jews were killed because their blood was tainted? Close to six million. Adolf Hitler was what? He was Catholic and he was male, so there you go. And so what happened to "Thou shall not kill"? Shakespeare was deemed the most famous and the greatest of all writers. Someone said that no woman could ever top him. But if you must remember, dear reader, that during his lifetime, women weren't allowed to do much of anything (including singing in choirs and acting in plays). If women had been allowed to write, we probably wouldn't even heard of Shakespear. Know the Bronte sisters? They had to use male pen names so they can be published. If they hadn't done that, we might have been deprived of their masterpieces. J.K. Rowling is a woman, which is a good thing. She is very famous and people go crazy over her work. But her baby is Harry Potter, who happens to be a guy, so I guess I'm not really that happy. But I still envy her, though. Male energy can be a good thing, I guess. It helps us create babies, build those fabulous skyscrappers, and have those computer automation thingamajigs which make our lives fast and easy today. Way too much of it makes us want to get ahead a long way from the others, regardless of the consequences. We mass produce our crops and use pesticides to protect those crops. We use dynamite to kill fish. We graze forest land to produce more livestock. At what expense? Is it even worth it? Those pesticides go to the air, which we breathe. We're not even sure the pesticides are completely removed from the crop produce that we place in our mouths. So we sometimes have the tendency to overcook them, making them lose most of their valuable nutrients. So I guess we're not really eating anything. And then there's the livestock that we eat. They are being mass produced, too, if you must know. They are injected with all these drugs that make them meatier, fatter, and heavier. And when they know they are about to be slaughtered, it is only natural for them to feel fear. And fear causes them to produce certain negative chemicals in their bodies. And we eat those chemicals! And we consume all those drugs! Don't you find it disgusting? We put all those things in our bodies? Even if we cook them thoroughly, those chemicals have been secreted by their bodies, absorbed by their cells. And we eat them, too. The result? High blood pressure, cancer, heart problems, kidney stones, you name it. It's a vicious cycle. Want to know how AIDS came about? One very hungry guy decided that he wanted a monkey for dinner. It just so happens that this particular monkey had the virus. Then the guy decided he wanted to have sex after that dinner. Neat, huh? That's all it took. Now we have a pandemic in our hands and we don't know what to do to stop it. A friend of mine told me to look into the Bible particularly before the Great Flood. She was right. It was amazing how long people actually lived back then. 700 years, 900 years, even 1000 years. After the flood, the human race's lifespan drastically decreased. I mean, think about it. There had been practically no vegetation after the flood. Noah probably made that first animal slaughtering when he offered that goat/sheep (whatever) to God (see, God again and not Goddess!). And what did they eat? Naturally, they had to eat the meat. What else was there? They couldn't very well eat each other, could they? We're all so obsessed about eternal youth and not dying yet we all like our meat. I really just don't get it why people don't get it. Would someone explain that to me, please? But then again, the Bible may have been just be metaphorically describing something. We all know that the Bible had been translated and retranslated time and time again. Of course we all know that men had been the ones who had done the original translations from Hebrew. How can we be sure that Mary Magdalene had been a prostitute? Why was Miriam the only one punished with boils all over her body when both she and Aaron led the Israelites in worshiping that golden calf? And they call God (and not Goddess) a fair God. If my parents ever read this, I 'd probably be disowned. Honestly, I think God is fair. It's those darn translations that probably did it. Who got tempted by the fruit of life? Adam, of course. Okay, they're blaming it on the woman again yet he was the one who allowed himself be seduced. And they say women are weak. Who's the weaker sex now? I'm a very vindictive female, aren't I? I could go on and on. Female genital mulitation, which is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. An unaesthesized, unsanitized, barbaric procedure which involves the removal of the woman's clitoris preventing her from experiencing sexual pleasure as well as making every coital penetration extremely painful. Whoever thought of that crazy idea? It is supposedly meant to prevent women from being lustful and engage in tempestuous sexual relations. But with the man, it's okay! No problem! Let's go back to my original question: I wonder what the world would be like if it is dominated by female energy? I'm sure it can't be pretty. Again, too much of one thing is bad. There should be balance. (TO BE CONTINUED) |